2013: Year In Review


OD in 2013 can be summed up as “the offline year”:


Marriage – In 2013, I met my future wife at the CofCC conference, and we got married in late October in Missouri.

First Child – In 2013, my wife and I learned that our first child will be born early next June. A few days ago, we learned through an ultrasound that it will be our first born son. Needless to say, this development was by far the most significant thing that happened all year. The impact of marriage and the pregnancy has forced me to change the amount of time that I can spend online.

Friends – A year ago, I brought in New Year’s 2013 with Jack Ryan in downtown Nashville. We met up again at the Murfreesboro protest in October and later again that month when Jack came to our wedding in St. Charles. Kyle Rogers and William Rome were also at my wedding. This is another example of how relationships that were formed online have migrated offline into the real world.

ConferencesThe 2013 CofCC and League of the South conferences in June proved to be unusually fruitful this year. The relationships that were formed there was a turning point that completely altered the trajectory of this website.

Activism – Without question, OD in 2013 will be remembered chiefly for our activism across the South:

– In August, we protested Mayor Paul Bridges and “Southern Demographic Displacement” in Uvalda and Vidalia, GA.

– In October, we protested the US State Department’s refugee resettlement policy and Tyson Foods’ hiring of illegal aliens in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, TN. Jack Ryan even put up a billboard on I-24 which attacked Tyson CEO Donnie Smith.

– In November, we protested Gov. Nathan Deal over his executive order which authorized the removal of the Tom Watson statue from its prominent place at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta, GA.

– In December, we protested Sen. Lindsey Graham in Greer and Traveler’s Rest, SC over his support for amnesty and Southern Demographic Displacement.

Looking back on 2013, I can say that I got married and advanced the White race by producing a child. After our annual conferences in June, we set out with the purpose of changing the image and direction of the ‘movement’ in the South. We followed through on that project through the rest of the year.

Note: There will be various changes here in 2014. I will talk more about that tomorrow. In the meantime, Happy New Year!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Very solid, positive, successful year. I was honored to have worked with Hunter Wallace and his growing family. Every single Southern person I met affiliated with the League of the South was a charming, nice Southern gent or lady, nice, but principled and tough. Midwesterners like Stephen Dalton and me were warmly welcomed.

    I have so many great memories of 2013. One of my favorite was after Murfreesboro Hunter and Renee were staying with me in Nashville, preparing to go to St. Louis MO and prepare for their wedding, marriage. Hunter was nervous, contemplating a lifetime of lost freedom and then…

    Hunter can’t find his wallet. We look everywhere, bad vibes, fingers pointed, is the wedding going to be called off? Am I going to be blamed for theft?

    Some Black lady in East Nashville somehow gets Hunter’s phone number from his wallet that he dropped on a late cig purchase run, she calls to return the contents (the cash was gone, but otherwise everything else was returned).

    How great is the South, where even the rougher, poorest Black areas of a Southern City has, nice, honest, helpful folks who will do what is right?

    God bless all the good people in the South and OD’s readers. Let’s make 2014 even better.

  2. I want to give a shout out here to Stephen Dalton who attended our Uvalda/Vidalia and Murfreesboro/Shelbyville protests.

    While I don’t want to spoil what I have planned for next year, I will go ahead and say that we need to focus on creating more local networks, and this can be done anywhere, North or South, East or West.

    In the Eastern Lower South (AL, MS, GA, FL, SC, NC, TN), we have already built such a network and it is growing at an impressive clip. There’s no reason why this can’t be done, say, in a place like Illinois.

  3. Dan: We want 5 more children after this one. To replace ourselves 3 times. I’m only 23, so we have plenty more time.

  4. I’m glad 2013 was a great year for you and I hope 2014 brings you and your wife even more happiness. As a child of African immigrants to the U.S. I’m definitely not your target demographic, but I enjoy this blog, support the cause, and hope that you find time to continue blogging. Happy new year!

  5. A great year. I am very encouraged by everything.

    I like the idea of regional and local networks. I have said this all along. I think a Great Lakes or Midwestern Network, a Northeast/New England Nework, etc. would be wonderful. I would be willing to help out the effort and participate in the activism if it were a serious, professional effort. OD readers, let’s make it happen.

  6. 2013 was a successful year for me only in that I survived it and was able to stay upright and on two feet. After the debacle that was 2012, especially the latter part, I thought I was in for a really awful 2013 when it started. If I would have known at the start of 2013 that my favorite uncle would die during the summer, I would have bet on me losing my marbles tee totally.

    Yet, here I am, still compos mentis, and my professional life is back on track. I get the feeling that 2014 will be one of the best years of my life. All I know is that it’s going to be a busy 2014, and that from early January to about mid-May, I’ll all but be living in Jefferson City, and then after that comes primary election season, then after that the state fair, then the general election season, then the rubber chicken circuit of Christmas parties next December. I am certain that 2014 will tell the tale on whether I have a real future in my new line of work (a weird hybrid of lobbying and public relations) or whether it’ll be just one of many jobs I’ve had so far.

    I now get the perhaps naive feeling that no matter how bad things get, all I need to do is figure out some way to get upright and stay standing on both feet, and everything will work out at least okay.

  7. Congrats to you both. Thanks for all you do.

    I promise to attend a OD event this year & introduce myself.

    In preparation for the coming times I’m adopting a new online username that represents the past & my future.

    The Swamp Fox
    (formerly know as Lex in MS)

  8. Happy New Year! Are you still planning to publish your first book (of many, I hope)? I would like to signed copy, please. Since we’ve known each other for 10 years or so, I think I deserve it!

  9. I look forward to meeting some Florida comrades in person this year! Hopefully we can meet up at Bern’s Steakhouse or something. I think I have had enough “internet” activism and pseudo characters like Mjodr.

  10. From what I read about this Kramer guy, my guess is people would be stupid to meet up with him. Considering I am one of Mjodr’s roommates and a member of a pro-White charity with him, I know he isn’t a “pseudo-character”… his real name is out there. But of course a troll would state otherwise. People should beware meeting him at Bern’s Steakhouse or anywhere else he decides to take you. If you choose to go, you need to choose the location.

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