Comeback Nationalist of the Year – Jamie Kelso

Year 2014 is very young and in Chicago – very cold. But, the new year has brought some good news:

I am very pleased to award Jamie Kelso as American nationalist comeback player of the new year!

It takes a big man to admit that he was wrong. Jamie Kelso is that kind of good, big man. I received this very kind note from Mr. Kelso conceding the fact that Rand Paul has gone full anti White renegade and he richly deserved Amren’s traitor of the year award:

Mr. Kelso writes:

“Happy New Year JR,

Thanks for your PM. It’s my fault for not having kept up on the sad turn of Rand Paul’s pronouncements. I’ve been up to my eyeballs with the two little ones at home. You are correct that Rand has gone so far into White guilt syndrome that he does deserve a Renegade of the Year award. Well done to Jared Taylor on the write-up with which he presented the award.

I’m going to update our website to reflect the demise of Rand and delete the section devoted to his more hopeful era. If Ron shows no willingness to break with Rand on Rand’s pandering to political correctness, our hopeful thoughts on Ron will have to dim just as much.

Happy New Year JR, Jamie”

Jack Ryan comments:

This very positive development confirms my belief that our activism does bring positive results. We should stick to our principles, present truths in a clear and fair manner, support people who take our side and oppose those who attack us or worse… betray us.

And though I am down on most forms of Judeo Christianity these days, I like the Christian concept of welcoming back reformed sinners, even reformed race denying, open borders immigration sinners.

Let’s get out in the world and spread the gospel of kindness for our kind – that good Southerners will achieve freedom and independence in the South and other places in this rough world.

“2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”


  1. If Ron shows no willingness to break with Rand on Rand’s pandering to political correctness, our hopeful thoughts on Ron will have to dim just as much.

    If? Where do you think Rand learned it from?

    But the good news is that now that Jamie Kelso and WNN have seen the light, I can: (1) Start reading WNN again, and (2) The Paul cult and the libertardian cult have just about no followers left here in the WN-EN-RR-HBD community.

    But this also means I owe Jack Ryan an apology, because I thought he was being quixotic in dwelling over Kelso’s/WNN’s intransigence.

  2. Apology accepted Mr. Countenanc.

    I feel very possitive on my activism (sadly) noting Rand Paul and Ron Paul’s cowardly betrayal of our people, yes their “treason” and I felt that I should also “out” some of the enablers of Rand Paul and Ron Paul.

    But, I always tried very hard to be fair and not cruel and not overly “personal”. I have never damned Jamie Kelso and I don’t even damn Rand Paul or Ron Paul – if they come back to our side and honestly work for the legitimate rights of our people, yeah, I ‘ll forgive most/all of their sins.

    Harry Truman did this, when he left Washington DC and moved back to Independence MO. Truman strongly opposed Martin Luther King Jr. though the media never mentions this. Same with lots of people, like Chicago reporter/columnist Mike Royko – Royko really blasted Jessie Jackson Jr.

  3. JR

    Truman’s life after the Presidency is definitely ignored for the sake of PC. However, we have to analyze his life for what he did while he was President, and on racial issues, it was mostly bad.

  4. Countenance writes:

    “But the good news is that now that Jamie Kelso and WNN have seen the light, I can: (1) Start reading WNN again, and (2) The Paul cult and the libertardian cult have just about no followers left here in the WN-EN-RR-HBD community.”

    JR responds:

    I am very pleased and supportive of mr. Kelso’s actions. That said, there are other problems with besides the Ron and Rand Paul Libertarian cult. The Forum section reeks of the old Spotlight magazine, obsessed with weird views of historical, political events of the past. They still have forums presenting The Obama birth certificate conspiracy and of course 9/11/01 Conspiracy theory loon stuff.

    The past is history.
    The future a mystery
    But, the present is a gift

  5. @ Jamie Kelso, who wrote: ‘If Ron shows no willingness to break with Rand on Rand’s pandering to political correctness, our hopeful thoughts on Ron will have to dim just as much’

    Jamie, you still make the same subtle distinction that I do — and it’s clear that you still agree we followed the right course in the 2012 election cycle.

    Re: ‘obsessed with weird views of historical, political events of the past (…such as…) 9/11/01 conspiracy theory loon stuff’:

    I won’t call that ‘hobby horse riding’ because we know there really there is no such thing! You just feel very strongly about ‘Pauls’ and ‘libertardians’, and ‘conspiracy theories’. Of course your terms ‘weird’, loon’, ‘insane’, etc. apply as well to me, and any other commenters on OD who STILL have not ‘repented’. I have not repented and instead I look forward to repentance by those supported the Neoconservatives, against Ron Paul, especially in the beginning — and I also hope for a thorough change of heart in those who effectively support our enemies by denouncing and obfuscating about many so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ that truly are legitimate lines of inquiry.

    Thanks for not deleting this comment but letting it stand, in the OD tradition of manly dialogue.

  6. Very sorry to report that Www. Jamie Kelso has not broken with the Rand Paul, Ron Paul race denying Libertarian cult. I had a terrible phone conversation with Mr. Kelso, he ‘s a true believer , thinks Rand Paul should, will win the Republican Presiential nomination , win the Presidential election as a libertarian, economic Conservative – then RP will supposedly abolish the Federal ReserveBank,appoint strict Constitutionalist Supreme Court justices, abolish all welfare programs etc.

    Kelso now lives in 98% White Grand Forks North Dakota.

    Whites in 98% White North Dakota can live in race denying Libertarian fantasy worlds. Just the same as liberal Whites in all white Vermont or 1970s Sweden can mouth race denying leftist nonsense praising the African national congress, Robert Mugabe, the Sandinistas. I have idiot politically correct, Leftist relatives securing tenure in academia . Their insane political talk, talk used to drive me crazy. But, now I don’t take these things seriously.

    It’s the same with Jamie Kelso and the R&R libertarian cult. Kelso is a good guy, I wish him and his young family all the best.

    But, he and his kind aren’t allowed to talk politics around us.

    Their guy just got given the boobie prize as White traitor of the year. It doesn’t faze them.

    John McCain, George W Bush, Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham and Jerry Sandusky all had their enablers, convinced that “their guy” was really on our side. They were wrong. It doesn’t mean they were bad people, just bad at politics.

    We wish Jamie Kelso and all of the folks in Grand Forks North Dakota all the best.

    We just refuse to listen to their political nonsense. Jamie Kelso and and Rand Paul ain’t going to get elected President on a race denying, open borders immigration libertarian loon program. Neither is a threat to win the NBA slam dunk competition.

    Are they bad people?


    Just not our leaders.

    We move on.

  7. Jack, that was already obvious to me when I commented here, three days ago, : ‘Jamie, you still make the same subtle distinction that I do — and it’s clear you still agree we followed the right course in the 2012 election cycle’.

    We’re not members of any ‘libertarian loon club’, if there is any such thing. We’re just not members of YOUR URBAN NEOCON ANTI-PAUL CLUB.

    I always had reservations about Rand, even when he was being praised here on OD (look up my comments if you doubt) and I understood the limitations of Ron while I actively supported his candidacy (through the primary season) for all the good reasons I’ve explained many times before.

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