GOP Arguments Against Amnesty

District of Corruption

Here’s the current state of the GOP: the most effective argument on Capitol Hill against amnesty right now is that Republicans should wait until after the fall election when they have retaken the Senate by suckering conservatives into voting for them one last time before they turn on and rape their own base.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rand Paul warns Texas could turn blue

    “We won’t all agree on it,” he said. “But I’ll tell you, what I will say and what I’ll continue to say, and it’s not an exact policy prescription … but if you want to work and you want a job and you want to be part of America, we’ll find a place for you.”

    There was some quiet applause in the massive hotel ballroom, in which hundreds of Republicans — a mix of high-dollar donors, activists and state officials — were gathered. But Paul remarked that the response was “kind of tepid.”

  2. The second lamest argument that the all of a sudden scared Stupid Party has is that “we can’t trust Obama to enforce the law.”

    First off, duh.

    Second, Jeff Sessions poured cold water all over that by rightly stating that even if we could trust Obama and even if he did enforce existing immigration law and whatever enforcement provisions come out of a new bill, that the bill overall is still bad for native born white Americans and their economic and social prospects.

  3. When are you folks going to lead the charge for secession? I thought this is what the South was best at? No offense, but if we all KNOW the RINOS are schmucks, why aren’t y’all working to secede?

  4. ‘Respectable conservatives’ opposed the recent referendum effort (which narrowly passed with 50.3% of the vote) led by nationalists in Switzerland to impose immigration caps in a country where foreigners already make up a quarter of the population.

    Great news. Anti-immigration sentiment is sweeping the European continent, even if the immigrants are from fellow European countries. Contrast that with the US, where the leadership of the ‘conservative’ party not only wants to legalize countless millions of illegal aliens, but also triple legal immigration.

    Here’s a map showing how each of the cantons voted:

    Click on the “Re-introduction of immigrant quotas” bar. You can hover over the individual cantons for a detailed breakdown of the vote.

    Just like every other Swiss referendum on immigration issues, this one shows a major divide between German- and French-speaking Switzerland. All 6 French-majority cantons voted no to the SVP’s anti-immigration initiative, while 13.5 of the 16 German cantons voted yes (there are 13 full cantons and 6 half-cantons in German-speaking Switzerland).

    The single Italian-speaking canton, Ticino, also voted yes. In fact with 68.2% voting yes, Ticino is the most anti-immigration canton of them all, at least in this referendum. Ticino almost always votes with German-speaking Switzerland on these issues, so the fundamental divide in Swiss society isn’t between Latins and Germanics, but between Germans and Italians on one hand, and French on the other.

    The German-speaking cantons that voted no were, not surprisingly, home to the two biggest cities: Zurich and the half-canton of Basel City. Somewhat more surprising is that the small canton of Zug also voted no. Zug is the richest canton in the country because it’s a tax haven. In Switzerland that’s like being a tax haven within a tax haven. There are a lot of rich foreigners living there, which probably swayed the vote.

    This is yet another great advertisement for the virtues of direct democracy. The entire political establishment, with the exception of the SVP, were against this initiative, as were the media, the universities, the churches, the NGOs & etc. But the ordinary Swiss people were for it and in the end they prevailed, barely.


    The Republican Party must embrace more legal immigration.

    Unfortunately, like many of the major debates in Washington, immigration has become a stalemate-where both sides are imprisoned by their own rhetoric or attachment to sacred cows that prevent the possibility of a balanced solution.

    Immigration Reform will not occur until Conservative Republicans, like myself, become part of the solution. I am here today to begin that conversation.

  6. “suckering conservatives into voting for them one last time before they turn on and rape their own base.”


    The base doesn’t deserve to keep “their country” anyway, as I found out recently when I argued with them on Human Events and Breitbart. One guy was complaining about how California has been lost to the Mexicans and that White people are discriminated against. I concurred with his comment and added that that’s why immigration policy should maintain a majority White population. I also said that conservative policies and principles only appeal to White people.

    He responded by calling me a Not-See, as did his Patriotard buddies. Mind you, this guy and all his buddies fricking hate the GOP establishment and are gung ho for the Tea Party, Ted Cruz, and the Constitution. They recognize that anti-white discrimination is rampant. But the minute I suggested something as banal as maintaining a majority-White population, the typical libtard accusations started flying.

    Maybe I’m just naive, but this was an alarming experience. It’s one thing when white conservatives are of the Rand Paul “lets invite the world in” variety. Those people are WILO’s (whites in looks only) just like their libtard cousins on Media Matters, HuffPo, etc. But I’m talking about whites who FREELY CONDEMN the transformation of California into Mexifornia and who call out anti-white discrimination and hatred. If those whites fail a simple Rorschach test such as supporting a White majority population, then they don’t deserve the outreach or sympathy of anyone with a pro-White philosophy. Apparently white conservatives in this country will refuse to stand up for their race even if they recognize that it is under attack. Talk about a classic example of “all bark and no bite!”

    Let “their country” burn. I’m grabbing the pop corn and watching with glee.

  7. Libtard/neo-con scum like Rand Paul are the reason Texas and many other states are turning Brown and lurching leftward. More collectivist votes for the demicans, more cheap labor for the repukes to sweat. The State of Idaho – that’s right, Idaho – is now >10% mexican. The Jews, and their hired servants like Rand Paul, intend to drown the Whites in a Rising Tide of Color. As for the ’14 election, with or w/o legalization of the mextizos, I expect a record low turnout…quite possibly the Dead Elephants are counting their chickens before they hatch. You can help: next first Tuesday in November, skip the polling place. Go to the gun store.

  8. Fr John, secession is off the table while the economy is still functioning.

    The economy is the number one political issue. Period. Race interests aren’t even a blip on the radar next to the economy. If the economy is bad, and you can convince people that your plan will fix the economy, people will flock to you.

    I think a fairly solid case can be made that by separating ourselves from the Blue State coalition, not only will we be better off, but you will see the Blue States turn into Haiti, while the Red States turn into a near utopia, like the Nordic nations were before immigration ruined them.

    When will the economy take a dive? Who knows. One cannot exclude 2014, however.

  9. Dan Poole says:
    February 10, 2014 at 2:30 am
    “The base doesn’t deserve to keep “their country” anyway, as I found out recently when I argued with them on Human Events and Breitbart. One guy was complaining about how California has been lost to the Mexicans and that White people are discriminated against. I concurred with his comment and added that that’s why immigration policy should maintain a majority White population. I also said that conservative policies and principles only appeal to White people.

    He responded by calling me a Not-See, as did his Patriotard buddies. Mind you, this guy and all his buddies fricking hate the GOP establishment and are gung ho for the Tea Party, Ted Cruz, and the Constitution. They recognize that anti-white discrimination is rampant. But the minute I suggested something as banal as maintaining a majority-White population, the typical libtard accusations started flying. ”

    Just call him an anti-White.

    Politics is just schoolyard bullying/name calling and the best name callers win.

  10. The Jews have a lock on power as long as they out spend in the primaries. That’s there secret weapon. (Also I believe strongly blackmail) If you go against them they spend around 2 mil and throw you out in the primary. Counter weapon would be to attack in the primaries with home made posters. Jewish spending last time I heard was 60% in the Dems and 50% of the Reps total spending. They are in some ways a one issue group. More immigration. If they can keep it up we’re doomed short of outright armed revolution. The primaries are the key. Only the hard core vote in the primaries. There was a guy called Hillard in Alabama. I threw that bastard out in the primaries. he lost by a very few WHITE votes that they had jerry mandered into a black district. The new black (only so much can be done) Representative maybe is not perfect but he tries not to stir up the Whites. He knows how he got there.

  11. Sellout Avenger,

    Eventually, that’s what I did. But since I’m a nerdy intellectual, I wanted to exhaust my wordy arguments first just to see if there was any getting through to this guy.

  12. “Immigration Reform will not occur until Conservative Republicans, like myself, become part of the solution.”

    Don’t bother. You will never be allowed to be part of the solution. Adelson has that all locked up, bought and paid for. I guess Wallace, after BS’ing it about secession, WN and how political parties don’t work, is back to the same old tripe that he once claimed – correctly – would not work. Get ready for failure friends. Anyone yet considered emigrating?

    “The Republican Party must embrace more legal immigration.”

    The Republican Party must NOT embrace more legal immigration. Those legal immigrants also just happen to vote democrat, empowering those who want more immigration – among other things. And considering that legal immigration is more than twice illegal immigration in any one year, it’s even worse. The end result of such thinking? Whites are worse off because 1) more (and increasing numbers under some of these proposals) immigrants flood the job market creating downward pressure on wages and 2) non-white immigrants overwhelmingly block-vote against white ethnic interests, regardless of origin or ethnicity.

    “Fr John, secession is off the table while the economy is still functioning.”

    So, it’s South Africa then? Because that’s your future with the “let’s reform the GOP and delude ourselves into thinking that will work because it worked so beautifully in the 1990s” strategy. By the time any progress is made with the GOP, the country will be long dead. And there won’t be any progress, by the way. Do you really think you have the same say in how that party is run compared to billionaires like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers, both open borders nuts, or the hundreds of American CEOs who signed a letter supporting amnesty?

    Already, Obama got just 38% of the white vote and still won. There simply aren’t enough whites capable of making a difference at this point. Soon, there won’t even be enough whites to win most Southern states.

    What you see with the GOP amnesty push is nothing more than sharks circling a sinking ship; they’re just trying to get as much carrion for themselves as possible – every man for himself – as this thing goes down.

    “I think a fairly solid case can be made that by separating ourselves from the Blue State coalition, not only will we be better off, but you will see the Blue States turn into Haiti while the Red States turn into a near utopia, like the Nordic nations ”

    No such case can be made. And the fact that someone thinks it can just shows how stupid Southerners are. First, large sections of many Red States are already like Haiti. Second, those immigrants that blue states like so much (and will get more of due to immigrant block-voting for democrats) will flood those Red States; it’s already happening. Watch Georgia and North Carolina both go blue in the next general election as proof – along with once Southern Florida and Virginia. Third, the federal government will be indefinitely controlled by those blue states; they will never permit the red states to take any action which would result in a racial partition under the existing political structure.

    “When will the economy take a dive? Who knows. One cannot exclude 2014, however.”

    If you are depending on a doomsday economic crash to save yourselves, you should just give up now. I hear that Australia is a nice country.

    “The economy is the number one political issue. Period. Race interests aren’t even a blip on the radar next to the economy.”

    The two issues are very related. Republicans are empowered by big business to outsource American jobs because the voters are too afraid to point out that doing so is bad for white Americans. Furthermore, do you really think the best way to win an argument is to avoid having one? If you are under the impression that you can sneak in good legislation by playing the game, you’ve lost it. You might as well vote for Rand Paul. When republicans ran everything, the nation was still getting amnesty proposals from the likes of the Bush clan. Southerns, however, might be more receptive to such an argument. Hence, a real effort at secession might work if done properly. Who cares what anyone in Vermont thinks about it.

    My only conclusion from reading this collection of moronic nonsense is that Wallace and his readers must have heard that the Swiss made some progress in limiting immigration and thought to themselves “yeah, let’s do that here, too” (or maybe this is just an example of sheep following a shepard).

    Unfortunately, that vote in Switzerland was a national referendum. No such process exists in the United States. Hence, no real progress can ever be made on that front using existing methods of voting. In America, you vote GOP, they then sellout – old story. Further, Europeans are natives to Europe, so ethnic preservation is on the forefront; they have a stronger sense of self. America is a proposition nation, so it is less of an issue; Americans have no common identity or sense of self. Considering just those handful of factors, I don’t see how you replicate the European formula within the existing US political structure.

    Decades from now, Asian historians will write of the failure of the United States. It will go something like this:

    “Americans of European descent, possessed lower IQs than those dispossessing them – namely Jews – and were, therefore, unable to resist the immigrant onslaught. Desperate to turn the tide while not being subjected to public persecution, some concocted ridiculous schemes like the Tea Party. Others simply wanted to save as much as they could for themselves, personally. The modern term “libertarian” embodies that effort. Through time, it has been translated from English into what is often heard in Beijing politics as “vulture.”

    All of those efforts were in vain, however. The center cannot hold. More immigrants arrived, aided by deluded republican conservatives and “vultures.”

    As the nation’s non-Caucasian population swelled, the United States became a one-party state. Immigrants of all sorts – legal and illegal – block-voted democrat. No longer accountable to the white electorate, the democrat-dominated political system became progressively more incompetent. Encouraged by the new electorate the Chosen had designed, the government hurdled from one ethnically-inspired fiscal disaster to the next (closing racial gaps in education, finances, etc.), each time unable to publicly acknowledge the cause of the failure. They were, therefore, unable to prevent the next – housing crises, debt crises, job crises, food stamp crises, outsourcing, etc….an endless cycle.

    Despite enormous sums of money devoted to closing genetically-determined racial gaps, they remained. Desperate to maintain the state’s egalitarian religion, native whites were blamed. Excuses were made (lack of funding despite very high funding levels), witch trials were conducted (George Zimmerman), new phrases were created to keep up the illusion (white privilege), and a police state was constructed to put down dissent (NDAA, NSA, ADL, SPLC, etc.).

    Drunk with power and motivated to spread the religion of egalitarianism, the elite unwisely challenged both a rising China and a resentful Russia in unnecessary and expensive military and political conflicts. The electorate, especially the minority white-Caucasian part of it, resisted at first. Having little power to affect change, however, many elements embraced such efforts. Republicans Mike Rodgers and Newt Gingrich became celebrated “patriots” for championing liberal-progressive statism overseas and at home.

    During the great reformation of 2044, China defeated the United States in the Taiwan Straight. Backed with the threat of nuclear force by Beijing, a crashing US economy, enormous debt obligations, and a domestic insurgency after so many white casualties (80%), the elite backed down and the US ceased to be a superpower.

    Next week, we’ll expand on some of the subjects mentioned in today’s lecture. Why would white-Caucasians continue to join a military and die in overwhelmingly disproportionate numbers for a county that hated and oppressed them? What role did the genetics of intelligence play in the American Collapse and how have Beijing’s efforts to encourage genetic engineering assured that his will never happen here? Why was the one chance for salvation, secession, passed up? Were low Southern cognitive abilities to blame? We’ll also talk about the creation of the American police state and modern famine-relief efforts in North America.”

    —Dr. Jing Xao, Shanghai University 2051. Translated into English from Mandarin, the global language.

  13. Keep the pressure on your reps in congress. Giving 11 – 30 million (nobody knows for sure) criminal lawbreakers legalization pure insanity. Plus, they could sponsor their relatives; that would bring the total up to about 50 million aliens in our midst. Of course, these new citizens will vote for the vile democrats and their socialist giveaways. Most of them will be unskilled, uneducated, low IQ etc. Stop this outrageous bill now. Don’t sit on the sidelines.You are not wasting your time. The American people don’t want this bill. You have to do all you can do to stem the third world assault:
    – Contact your 2 US Senators and rep in congress.
    – after biz hours, leave a message on your DC rep’s voicemail. All US Senators have multiple offices so it would be a good idea to hit all of the. Remember, be civil and don’t threaten
    – go to NUMBERSUSA then go to the take action button. You will be able to send faxes to your 2 US Senators and congressional for free. (I also gave a $50 donation).
    – use Business Reply envelopes to state your opposition to America’s insane immigration policies and the proposed amnesty. Don’t give the parties any money.
    – join an immigration group like FAIR. Strength thru numbers!
    – go to the RNC & DNC sites to email them.
    – Use the media: call a talk radio program; write a letter to your local paper. If the media outlet is liberal, then talk about economic impact of massive third world immigration.
    – text everybody in your cell phone queue now.

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