About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Pity you couldn’t get closer for a view of those signs. I couldn’t figure out what their actual cause was. I thought at first they were chanting “Pro-gay, go away”, which was something I could get behind, but when I got closer they were holding signs saying “Richmond stands united against racism”. Since I considered myself the only genuine racist in town up to that point, I couldn’t argue with that one, either.

    The saddest, funniest and most telling sign, though, was one held by an apparently White man, saying “Hip hop is my cultural heritage”. They’re actually proud of their cultural bankruptcy.

    Here’s my heritage: Europe Awakening.

  2. ‘Both peaceful demonstrations brought out dozens of people’:

    The media slightly inflated the antifa number, but in either case, these are very small numbers. Demonstrations that we’ve been in have brought out both sides in the hundreds. I was involved in a similar (but local, we keep it local to save energy) encounter just over a week ago, where the local antifa crowd was larger but was also outnumbered by the local conservatives.

    I understand the liberal ‘antifa’ have a great deal of fun with their antics, even when they don’t receive compensation (typical pay might be about $35 a day) or free transportation. Some of the smaller ‘antifa’ groups are like religious cults and gladly do it for free, for status.

  3. ‘They’re actually proud of their cultural bankruptcy’:

    They’re all ‘proud globalist race traitors’.

    BTW, what happened to PGRT, and Lampholder and Spelunkstein?

  4. Mosin, where do you live to engage in this activism?

    Brad’s southern drawl reminds me of how out of place it was for him, and all pro-Whites who don’t come from the northeast, to opine on white-jewish-black dynamics and relations up here.

  5. Hip Hop is my Cultural Heritage

    This reminds me of the meme that “Jazz is the only American musical form.”
    I never realized that there was an agenda with that idea. Appalling, a retard repeating words, like a schizophrenic, that’s culture?

  6. Hunter,

    Did I hear you say at the beginning that Long Live Dixie was with you? It’d be fun to have a drink with him, as he’s the only SN here on OD who truly understands the Yankee Question (i.e., what should be done with the legion of White Americans from the North who worship at the feet of non-whites and who infect every place they move to with their genetic and cultural poison?)

  7. Dan, yes, I was there. Maybe we’ll bump into each other at one of these things in the future and have a couple of beers over discussion of the Yankee Question. I didn’t have a chance to stay afterwards this time because I had to get back on the road for a 6+ hour drive.

    Hunter, apparently communists have difficulty counting past twelve.

  8. Dan, the Yankee question really is: why do southern and midwestern whites feel they can opine on the northeast at all? You are in a distinguished group of liars and tools who have propagated jewish lies which not only directly kill and maim Whites in the northeast, but also in your own ‘territories.’

    Why can’t you and Brad and Kyle Rodgers and whoever else butt out? What licenses you to speak on what goes on in the northeast?

    Last for now, Kyle Hunt and his cohorts have succeeded in finally forcing White Rights into the mainstream media (Matt Heimbach and friends have done their part as well…). Kyle accomplished this by groking love for his people, not hatred for southerners/yankees, or gays, or feminists, or whatever scapegoated white group the jews and their tools (meaning people like you) evoke to divide us.

    I was looking for Penn Station in NYC at one point in my mid-30’s, not *too* long ago, when I asked a white guy riding a bike that dragged a carriage carrying two drunken southern men, for specific directions. The two drunk assholes, whom I did not address, ordered me to come sit on their laps while they guffawed and patted their thighs.

    The 20-something white guy just looked down and laughed neurotically, as did another white courier on a bike in the same bike lane. A middle aged white guy got a pained look on his face and directed me towards the station.

    We all were shocked and scandalized at the idea that two men would speak to a woman that way. I had done nothing, was not dressed provocatively nor had I so much as looked at them. I did consider karate chopping one’s knee, but…

    Anyway, when Brad and company decided to demand that the lesbians make sandwiches for them, I was reminded of the hubris of southern men to speak to women in such an entitled fashion.

    Yeah, I get Brad and Co. were trying to be funny. And succeeded, I suppose, in some dimension. But the question then becomes: who was heckling who?

    Are you hicks so dumb you don’t get that they put lesbians down there to oppose you precisely because the perception is that women are victimized by the southern patriarchal slaveholding white man? Are ‘y’all’ going to deny that black men grope and verbally sexually abuse white women in DC (I was a chronic target years ago and hear reports from women up here that it’s gotten way worse) as a function of being south of The Line (meaning Mason-Dixon)? Black men have never done that to me in NYC.

    How many times will you fall into the trap? Duck Dynasty got GLAAD, OD, CofCC and SNN or whatever are greeted by white antifa dykes…were there any before your protest? I took a trip to UVA about six years ago to visit a friend and noticed how many pro-lesbian and ‘queer’ women posters adorned the doors of the English and other humanities’ faculty members. Interestingly, the posters often featured a blonde white girl at the center of these victim of the week women. Problem is, that blonde girl really is the symbol of the real victims of the Diversity Cult – us.

    If I thought the southerners and I guess midwesterners could actually break the zionist juggernaut that is the Jew World Order, I’d just shut up and leave, knowing that some place between the northeast and Europe, maybe the northwest, etc., would have a chance at freedom once the centralized EUSSA had been weakened.

    Kyle H. attracted international attention and was the first pro-White to garner some modicum of balanced and even slightly positive media coverage (I’ll look for an MSM article I saw written by a white *non-jewish* woman to prove this) that actually struck a tolerant chord when reporting on the White Man March. Heimbach got some in that vein but none from the MSM, only adjunct outlets.

    Two people who didn’t ground their critiques in being anti any group within their race. Kyle calls out the jews with no apologies or compromises. Both simply expressed love for their own people.

    Which includes women. Southern and midwestern whites need to learn to respect our space up here, both in terms of the Jewish Reality (as opposed to ‘Question’) and in terms of getting their southern and jewish ‘gentlemen’s’ attitudes away from our women.

    This video of Brad specifically will be spun to prove that southern men talk down to women. The ignorant patriarchal dicks heckled the dykes, it will be said.

    Just makes our work harder, as men like Kyle H. struggle to prove that to be a proud white man does not equate to being a violent, entitled oppressor.

    Leave pouting about to women to Waylon Jennings, huh? And Dan, your hatred of yankees is so unearned that I hesitate to even group you with the southerners. Go jump in one of your stinky ‘great’ lakes while we make some real waves…in the Atlantic and in the White World.

  9. ETA: if the Duke lacrosse players hadn’t been engaging in such obviously disrespectful behaviors towards women generally, the entire anti-white male witch hunt that followed would never have happened.

    It’s not that our white men aren’t assholes in their own right, or that they never hire strippers or heckle or express entitlement. It’s just that we don’t make an institution of these vices.

  10. Disclaimer: I do not purport to speak on the personal behalf of Kyle Hunt or any organized group of northeastern pro-Whites, although I happen to know for certain that most undeclared defiant whites up here would agree with me.

  11. . . . why do southern and midwestern whites feel they can opine on the northeast at all?

    What I’d like to know is, why do Yankees feel a need to come to Dixie and rally against Southern freedom? Why does a guy driving by with Connecticut tags feel justified in making an obscene gesture at Southerners in their own land – and then to drive by against and do the same thing a second time?

    If you wonder why Southerners don’t like the Northeast, then I suggest you look to the Northeast’s longstanding tradition of interfering in Southern politics.

    The sandwich comments were obviously a joke and would not have been said to any real women. Those “women” jumping around like monkeys are not real women.

  12. ” if the Duke lacrosse players hadn’t been engaging in such obviously disrespectful behaviors towards women generally, the entire anti-white male witch hunt that followed would never have happened.”

    You are overwhelming proof that women should never, ever been given the right to vote.

  13. Spelunker probably doesn’t want to be seen in public standing with those particular homos. Doubt he’ll admit to it though.

  14. I like to compare the Knox Trial to the Duke Lacrosse case.

    In both cases unsuspecting whites get near psychotic niggers and are raked through the coals. Avoid the groid!

  15. As always, there were lots of people who said that they were going to show up in Richmond who weren’t there. We went into the event wondering if the people on Stormfront and VNN were going to come, but we didn’t meet anyone but Ron there.

  16. In the future, whenever we encounter “antifa” at our demonstrations (like in Murfreesboro and Richmond) we are going to have someone assigned to film every stupid thing they say and do, and we going to cut up the footage and use it to make YouTube videos for everyone can see the freak show.

  17. The boy who was with the homos holding the Anti-Fascist Action banner was clearly embarrassed at being seen in public with them. Unfortunately, my smartphone abruptly ran out of storage space and it wasn’t captured on film.

  18. My friend Dan told me there was an entertaining discussion on here tonight and so I stopped by. After reading everything all I have to say is this:

    Rudel says to NYYankees: “You are overwhelming proof that women should never, ever been given the right to vote.”

    I couldn’t agree more.

  19. Well Brad, I can tell you as a White person I am currently feeling embarrassed to be seen…here. Not that anybody’s watching.

    LLD, keep your LBJ crypto-zionist anti-white and sexist s*** out of our country. He was known to abuse Ladybird, or didn’t you know? He and good ‘ole southern boy Slick Willie were such pleasant contributions from your political culture.

    Another scenario, Wisconsin and M Street, Georgetown, 1995: some crazed (truly, not according to southern or pro-White standards) radical feminista dyke is womyning some table at the busy intersection, pointing out to passers-by how violent porn winds up being to women (mostly White let’s remember). I hang and chat with her for just a few minutes and call out to a couple women who take interest.

    Within seconds a huge 6’3’+ black psychopath man is up in my face, literally shoving his into mine. Only an inch or two separates us as he leans over me, telling me he is going to shove his “18 inches” into me, over and over. I basically lose it, and give in to temporary insane giggling as I crouch down to save myself. But within my line of sight, and hearing, are a number of southern men passing by within feet of this hideous scene. I can hear their drawls, as several had ambled by making snide remarks about us and women and the violence of porn. It’s all a hysterical joke to them, and when the monster *they* created is quite literally on the verge of raping me not a one of them stops.

    It took some kind of mediterranean european man to stop and stand next to the table. Without a word the black animal retreats.

    Tell me again about how we should keep out of *your* business. DC is in The South. Had I known that I would never have attended college there.

    Get your southern planter ways out of ours, the ‘pedestalization’ of women and the wanton destruction of the middle class won’t pass as ‘decency’ up here.

    Yup, you keep saying we’re butting our nose into your business but it’s Kyle Rodgers, Earl Holt and on here Brad Griffin who have taken liberties with our women, and our men, who suffer under the yoke of jewish tyranny. Keep their yid lies out of our homeland, and keep your negroes with you too.

    I hope those guys you were expecting from SF and VNN read this. Southern men hate yankee white women with a passion. They literally laugh when Negroes try to rape an innocent tall fair aryan woman right in front of everyone.

    WN’s steer clear of these homo-hustling hucksters. The real fight is against the jew, not some annoying lesbian who’s been paid to pull the easy stereotype out of southern men.

    The southerners will make fools and slaves out of all of us. Mark my words.

    Rudel, you must be drunk.

  20. Oh Courtney why don’t you go nag that idiot on Amren ‘Formerly Known as White Plight’ that you’re not a ‘feminist’ about twelve more times…

    Or lecture to a girl in Las Vegas who bonked the shit out of some black who attacked her that ‘her boyfriend should have handled it.’ Isn’t the north not your business?

    Pullease…I’ll repeat: Get your southern wanna-be jew decadence out of our country.

  21. Or, how’s this oldie from your repertoire, Miss Courtney…wasn’t it you who suggested taking a photo op of you and ‘some attractive young women’ with the judeophile in chief, Taylor, for ‘PR’ purposes…

    Hee haw…the world laughs as we become a gorilla harem. Keep leading the way, crackers. The rest of the White world won’t be there.

    The notion, LLD, that you think the europeans would ally with you is another southern delusion. Sure, you’ll get the jew shill Le Peu, but the northern europeans won’t make a deal with your hatred of the middle class. You’ll be just a bunch of dispossessed sharecroppers in their Jew World Order. A southern revolution is really just deep fried roshashana.

    But Courtney sure looked pretty.

  22. “Or, how’s this oldie from your repertoire, Miss Courtney…wasn’t it you who suggested taking a photo op of you and ‘some attractive young women’ with the judeophile in chief, Taylor, for ‘PR’ purposes…”

    That was meant to be a joke NYYankees. I wrote that under the article Derbyshire put up called “The Babes of American Renaissance”. He wrote that article to show how inviting that conference is to outsiders. I put that comment up just to add to it.

    Who are you on Amren by the way?

  23. NYYankee, your latest remarks on this post confirms the opinion I stated about you on another post just minutes ago. You have a very big streak of paranoia.

  24. NYYankees, that is the weirdest rant I have read on this blog to date. You clearly have some issues.

  25. NYYankees,

    “Dan, the Yankee question really is: why do southern and midwestern whites feel they can opine on the northeast at all?”

    So now its Southerners AND Midwesterners (like myself) who can’t say a negative word about the Northeast, while at the same time you come on here and trash Southerners (and their Faith) with impunity? That’s exactly the kind of meddling and hypocrisy that is standard operating procedure with Northern white Amurrikans – particularly Northeasterners like you. It’s no wonder Southerners revile you and don’t want to make ANY “alliance” with you. Northeasterners have this genetic compulsion to spread their filthy anti-white, anti-Christian ideology everywhere in this country. Doesn’t matter if they’re Anglo Saxons or white ethnics – the former surrendered everything, and the later have been siding with blacks and YKW ever since they immigrated here.

    “You are in a distinguished group of liars and tools who have propagated jewish lies which not only directly kill and maim Whites in the northeast, but also in your own ‘territories.’

    1. I march to the beat of my own drum, and I call shit like I see it. If I’m wrong, I’ll admit it.

    2. I am disgusted and repulsed by the behavior of my fellow Yankees. Their history is defined by race treason and the bastardization followed by the purging of Christianity – the Faith of our race for the last 1000 years at least. You would have all whites live under an atheist government ala the Soviet Union. Who’s propagating what, exactly?

    3. To be brutally honest, if Russia and/or Iran nuked the Northeast tomorrow, the only thing that would worry me is if the fallout reaches all the way out here. As I said on Radix the other day, a filtering of our race is in order. There is NOTHING more evil than a legion of demented, blood thirsty race traitors. We Whites are indeed our own worst enemy.

    “Kyle accomplished this by groking love for his people, not hatred for southerners/yankees, or gays, or feminists, or whatever scapegoated white group the jews and their tools (meaning people like you) evoke to divide us.”

    White solidarity has been dead in the U.S. since 1830 and dead worldwide since 1915


    “Anyway, when Brad and company decided to demand that the lesbians make sandwiches for them, I was reminded of the hubris of southern men to speak to women in such an entitled fashion.”

    The fact that you took their jokes so seriously says a lot about how you really feel about gender relations. You’re the kind of white woman that Roger Devlin and Keith Alexander should be targeting (instead of going after white women in general like they often do).

    “Yeah, I get Brad and Co. were trying to be funny. And succeeded, I suppose, in some dimension. But the question then becomes: who was heckling who?”

    Holy shit, how uptight and snobby can you be? Fraternities at Northern universities make jokes like that all the time, and its always harpy feminists who wine about it the most. If the shoe fits…

    “Are you hicks so dumb you don’t get that they put lesbians down there to oppose you precisely because the perception is that women are victimized by the southern patriarchal slaveholding white man?”

    It makes sense that you would side with the likes of Kat McNeal. She’s Irish, you’re Irish. There is no white ethnic group more reliably anti-white than the Irish. They are the most vicious attack dogs the media’s got. (I’m 20% Irish myself, so yes, i have the right to talk)

    “Southern and midwestern whites need to learn to respect our space up here”

    So one hand you come on her every day and beg like a starving dog for “unity” between white Northerners and Southerners, and on the other hand you demand that Southerners (and Midwesterners, who are still Yankees) leave the Northeast alone? Audacity of hope indeed! There is no end to Northeast hypocrisy and contradictions. You claim you want unity just like Ab Lincoln did, when you really want to oppress and destroy all Whites don’t share your egalitarian values.

    “This video of Brad specifically will be spun to prove that southern men talk down to women. The ignorant patriarchal dicks heckled the dykes, it will be said.”

    Meanwhile, you’ll never ever be accused of a Naziwhowantstokill6millionjews. I mean, who does that, right?

    “And Dan, your hatred of yankees is so unearned that I hesitate to even group you with the southerners.”

    I live with them. I know what they are like. GTFO

    “Go jump in one of your stinky ‘great’ lakes while we make some real waves…in the Atlantic and in the White World.”

    My response:


    I’ve got nothing further to add.

  26. “Rudel, you must be drunk.”

    Actually not today, but reading your incoherent rant blaming Southern men both for the existence of NY Jews and having some nigger say rude things to you certainly brings your sobriety into question.

  27. @NYYankees

    “Leave pouting about to women to Waylon Jennings”

    When it comes to pouting misogyny I much prefer The Rolling Stones:

  28. Tom Wolfe, being wise about the human condition and the male psyche, put an amusing scene dealing with a gay rights protest in My Name is Charlotte Simmons (Farrar, Strauss, Giroux 2004). In one scene, an important male character, a liberal Jew, decides to show solidarity with the gays by attending the” Stand Up Straight for Gay Day!” protest. His job is to hold a sign that if memory serves says something to the effect of “Queers are Here!” The setting is a university campus. All the guy can think about even though he supports gay rights in the abstract is getting the hell out of there before any cute girls see him holding a sign that says Queers!

    Can’t prove it, but I have a feeling that’s how Spelunker looks at it. Just as he almost certainly does not live in an enriched neighborhood, he ain’t gonna be seen in public with a bunch of Queers and dykes.

  29. Thanks Mosin, and great job here Spelunker. I have returned. Seems like these two groups of protesters deserve each other. Remember I’m a Christian and I take into account the opinion of the majority of non-whites who oppose gay marriage, so I would never be interested in attending pro-gay protests. I also despise hip hop. Preserving white music is one of the few areas where I am in support of WN and related movements.

  30. Interesting thing was she blamed two passersby for a crazy black guy threatening her.
    Two men with twangy accents.

    Someone in need of a white knight I guess?

  31. PGRT, I know. I was simply wondering why you hadn’t commented. I don’t consider you the same as them (those pro-abomination rights liberal ‘antifa’). Spelunkstein (who might have joined them) and Lampholder I consider much closer. ‘White music preservation’ counts in your favour, depending on how you define ‘white music’ (not including those Talmudic and Negroid ‘pop’, Hollywood and Broadway hits that Rudel enjoys) — so how do you define it? I wonder also how you define ‘Christianity’ — as Roman universalism or as ‘heretical’ (so Dalton calls it) national ethnic kinism?

  32. Actually, that group was bigger, earlier. More men in it, too.

    When I arrived before 9 a.m., there was no sign of our group. I saw a group around a table on the Capitol grounds, but the rainbow flag gave me a clue. The place was crawling with cops – Capitol police, state, even three mounted. We chatted to some of them. Apparently the protesters had a permit, and exclusive right to protest on the grounds from 9 to 10 a.m. Once the cops identified us as the opposition, they wouldn’t let us enter.

    At ten, they moved to the sidewalk, a block away from where our group was, but I guess for all except the hardcore crazies the party was about over by then.

  33. That’s interesting.

    We always hold our events at around 10 AM. I’m sure that Shane wanted our people to start gathering at 9:00 AM because we had people driving in and an hour of leeway gave them more time to show up. He was late getting there himself from Maryland.

  34. “those Talmudic and Negroid ‘pop’, Hollywood and Broadway hits that Rudel enjoys”

    Just where in this do you find any reference whatsoever to the Talmud?

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