Live Thread: White Man March 2.0 (Worldwide – April 19)


I guess we will see what happens …


That’s an excellent choice of a location for a demonstration:


Note: This is rather confusing … is it on, or is it off? Listening to this now, Double-Crossed In The Fight for White Rights. This is the Rodney Martin & Sebastian Ronin podcast that Kyle Hunt is referring to.

Update: The Modesto Bee is reporting that Easter eggs filled with a “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide!” message were distributed in Oakdale. has written an article trying to link the White Man March to Glenn Miller.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “There is a giant leap between noise and information.” – Sebastian Ronin
    The HW viewpoint is that “The core problem here is being passive, disorganized, and marginalized in obscure corners of the internet.”
    “Are the native peoples of Europe permitted to have dreams? The dream, for example, of preserving the dwindling number of jobs in their countries for their own kin? Unemployment in Spain is at 26 percent. … We may be headed for a humanitarian crack-up.” – John Derbyshire
    The Confederate armies fought to protect family, race, heritage, and tradition (the meaning of states’ rights and white supremacy). IMHO the goal should be to provide an infrastructure to serve as a rallying point and lifeline for the crack-up of what the cultural Marxists have wrought. The information is that people of European descent are being duped, dispossessed and exterminated. Everything else is noise. When the money system finally crashes, the information will be very loud. Aim the youth in the direction of family, race, heritage and tradition.

  2. The problem isn’t that he’s having a march. The problem is he’s having a “worldwide” march when he’s only got folks in Kentucky. Name it by whatever city they’re in, “White Man March in ‘cities name'”, but don’t say “worldwide” unless you actually have people marching in other parts of the world. There’s no shame in a small march, but don’t make it out to be something it isn’t. False sense of grandeur, and what not. That’s where the ridicule is coming from. However, I’m not personally trying to ridicule. I actually think the marches have been turning out quite well. It’s just, the “worldwide” part is pretty ridiculous.

  3. They should tie it is with tax day etc, so that non-racial activists can dovetail.

    Permanent signs are better that hit and miss sign holders. Has a territorial impact on the psyche.

  4. The problem isn’t that he’s having a march. The problem is he’s having a “worldwide” march when he’s only got folks in Kentucky.

    I tend to agree with this analysis when it comes to just about all aspects of pro-White politics and networking. The real power is in local structuring and a step-by-step process to get to regional organizing and beyond. The whole worldwide and even national crap begins to work against itself as an organizational and propaganda tool when it looks like a hodgepodge of various Whiteness and views. Some don’t see it that way, but I do.

    I’m not really a conservative. I’m not a Southern Nationalist. I don’t think I’ve ever referred to myself as a White Nationalist. But there is a distinct kind of attraction to me when it comes to something that is more local. I could maybe be convinced(or convince myself) to support certain aspects of a “conservative” group if it hit me a little closer to home, so to speak, and wasn’t trying to pass itself off as some universal, monolithic voice that it wasn’t. The same with White Nationalism, Southern Nationalism, etc.

    Seriously, what good is a worldwide march when local groups might only get a handful of people, and then my activism gets juxtaposed with the” activism” of some clown who decided to show up in his Nazi regalia or Klan robe?

  5. Kyle Hunt got a ton of publicity last time in March.

    Unfortunately, it looks like the WNs immediately began tearing into him, refused to participate and help him publicize the next event, so he just said “fuck this” and quit in frustration.

    Rounder’s shooting spree has also overshadowed everything he is doing.

  6. This was a good idea.

    Instead of rampage shootings and quarreling on the internet, how much publicity could the WN movement get by distributing these easter eggs all across America?

  7. I love it! Anti-Whites helping to spread the White Genocide message like chamber pots helping to spread the secession message.

  8. Here’s why I am impressed: all it took was 1 WN distributing these Easter eggs to generate local publicity for the White Man March. It didn’t take 50 SNs traveling to Tallahassee to get noticed.

    Why can’t WNs be moved to do a simple task that is so blindingly obvious and low risk and which reaps such a large return on their time? Why not do something like distributing Easter eggs instead of complaining on the internet all day?

  9. Just read the Salon article.

    Kyle could turn down the Hitler rhetoric. When interviewed throw the stuff back in their faces.

    There was some allusion to this in the part about the Jews starting the Atlantic slave trade.

    I also think it’s worth abstractly discussing Equality as a smokescreen for Ethnic supremacy by blacks n whatnot.

    AH discussions are a media trap.

  10. Fine for discussions among war buffs, poison for General press.

    New Englanders should emphasize the displacement of WASPs and possibly even Irish at this point. Appealing to a generalized “white” in those sorts of interviews won’t help much. Keep that for the march.

  11. Why did that Kyle fellow agree to that interview?

    I’d tell the journalist to “fuck off” or he gets no story unless there are green M&M’s and some other outlandish riders.

  12. HW: “Why can’t WNs be moved to do a simple task that is so blindingly obvious and low risk and which reaps such a large return on their time? Why not do something like distributing Easter eggs instead of complaining on the internet all day?”

    Poor leadership?

  13. A post of support for all activists and Kyle. To think that those on our own side have attacked him and the excellent work that everyone has done. The White Genocide propaganda has really good physiological basis and I think there are many that don’t want to understand it because it is alien to them.

    The media are tools of our repression. We need to ignore it, less and less of the general public are listening to it. The likes of Sebastian Ronin are those from the past who believe that the media will present us in a neutral fashion if we are squeakily clean enough.

    To succeed we cannot be reactionaries. We plow ahead, no more manoeuvrings and ass licking our enemies in the hope they will be kind enough to give us a platform. We have the message, we have good quality propaganda and we will be ‘guerrilla’ in how we spread the message.

  14. “HW: “Why can’t WNs be moved to do a simple task that is so blindingly obvious and low risk and which reaps such a large return on their time? Why not do something like distributing Easter eggs instead of complaining on the internet all day?”

    Poor leadership?”

    This has nothing to do with leadership. People concentrate too much on others and not on themselves. People simplify history into personalities. ‘Great Leaders’ only get into their position through great followers. You will only truly recognize great leaders once they are no longer with us.

    Spreading the message is leaderless resistance and it is better that way so our enemies are unable to carry out character assassinations to discredit the message.

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