Ain’t That America: Presbyterians Embrace Gay Marriage


In the United States, it is important to understand that what is called “Christianity” has long been nothing more than Americanism dressed up with a cross and a Jesus mascot. “Christianity” is always getting a new facelift to correspond to the latest fads in America’s dominant secular popular culture.

“The top legislative body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted by large margins to recognize same-sex marriage as Christian in the church constitution, adding language that marriage can be the union of “two people,” not just “a man and a woman.”

The amendment approved Thursday by the Presbyterian General Assembly requires approval from a majority of the 172 regional presbyteries, which will vote on the change over the next year. But in a separate policy change that takes effect at the end of this week’s meeting, delegates voted to allow ministers to preside at gay weddings in states where the unions are legal and local congregational leaders approve. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia recognize same-sex marriage. …”

Note: The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-comprehensive immigration reform, and anti-racist. As early as 1999, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announced it was committed to “spiritually confronting the idolatry and ideology of White supremacy and White privilege.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No this is not America. And it is not Presbyterianism. The Presbyterians have some remnants of the holy faith to which they should be holding – not following the anti-Christs off the whack-o end of the spectrum of ‘the Christianities’.

    One faith. One Lord. One baptism. One shephard. One flock. One Church – extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

    It would be better for the Presbyterians to suffer our Lord’s judgement, beginning with the House of God, (war, famine and the persecution of the Church) with us than accomodating the Jews in this disgusting betrayal.

    Hail Christ the King.
    Immaculate Heart of Mary, ora pro nobis

  2. ‘extra ecclesiam nulla salus’:

    There you go again. Do you agree with this or not, Lynda?

    ‘One shephard. One flock’:

    Is the one shepherd Christ only, or is it ‘Peter’ (Antichrist) in-the-stead, and does the flock belong to Christ ONLY, or to ROME? Tell us now. Southern White Christians who suppose you could maintain your liberty in a religiously diverse future ethnostate, pay close attention.

  3. Failed experiment in Southern ‘religious diversity’: Jefferson Davis and his administration.

  4. Reports that I’m getting from up in West Virginia tell of a near riot a couple of weeks ago at a big United Methodist get together. It sounds like someone besides church ladies showed up for the confab, and much rebuking occurred. People are pissed off, even Methodists who don’t usually use bad language are pissed off. The Presbyterians can’t be too far behind.

  5. Mosin, ease off on Lynda. While you and she may have differences, her tone in this post was purely irenic. Not confrontational.

    You need to ‘read the signs,’ as it were.

    As to this post, J. Gresham Machen has been proven a prophet, as well as a saint.
    Ora pro nobis, and all Scotsman everywhere.

    Babylon the Great has fallen…. and continues to fall.

  6. Yes, I know she’s a Traditional, not a modern, and that’s very good. BUT if she believes all those Christians who WON’T assent to Roman supremacy are lost….

    I’m not championing Protestantism either.

  7. Very good description Hunter. Political Correctness is the state religion, parading under the guise of “Christianity”, libertarianism, “anti-racism”, et al.

  8. Mosin, there is no such thing as ‘the Christianities’.

    Scripture, Tradition and the Council of Chalcedon unequivocably state that our Lord committed His Church to Peter. The ante-Nicene Fathers affirm this. The Council of Chalcedon affirms that “custody of the Vine” belongs to the successors of Peter – whose Chair was established in Jerusalem, Antioch and Rome.

    The fact that the Chair is now overturned in Rome and usurped by the enemies of Christ and the Church working ruin from within (as clearly forseen by the Apostle Jude) is a cross for the Church and a sign for you.

    Bible readers and pontificators, like you, Mosin, just want to have your own private interpretation of the sacred scriptures. There is no such thing as ‘private interpretation’. The sacred texts were written within and for the Covenant. They admit of no private interpretation. You want to talk about your private version of ‘the Christianities’ but you do not want to belong to the Covenant. You admit of no authority outside your own opinions. And you have a lot of personal ideas about the sacred texts that you throw around on this messageboard.

    I regard you as a heretic and an anti-Catholic bigot. Period.

  9. ‘custody of the Vine belongs to the successors of Peter – whose Chair was established in Jerusalem, Antioch and Rome’:

    You might as well say Rome ONLY, since (according to tradition) Peter ended with his ‘Throne’ in Rome — and you might as well admit, since it is so obvious, that not only Mosin but ALL those who refuse to submit to ‘Peter’ are lost according to your heresy.

    ‘You, Mosin, just want to have your own private interpretation of the sacred scriptures’:

    White Christian Southerners, learn from this Protestant-damning Roman propagandist! Her international cult would require your assent to its misinterpretations and harmful additions to Holy Scripture, or at least punish any public dissent, if they gain power — and they won’t want you clinging to and reading Bibles any longer, lest you should ‘interpret privately’.

    Babylon hasn’t fallen yet, and the world is amazed how its deadly wounds are constantly healed.

  10. I think Matthew 7:21-23 are the appropriate verses for this development. Also, the PCUSA is pro-gun control.

  11. The American Empire’s churches are enemies of our people. They play a major role in brainwashing our people into submissive liberalism with a “Jesus” twist. They are about as far from true Christianity as you can get. I’ve known this since 2001. Honestly even before I became “awakened” I knew the Church was nothing more than a social club in modern times. I knew it was more about your job, cloths, sports, and other Americon things they like to talk about. My wife and I hold our own Bible Study here at home on Sunday mornings. Catholic and Protestant churches are equally as liberal. However the so called “conservative” evangelical Churches are just as bad. They refuse to discuss politics in the Church and do nothing but surrender our nation and people to the hands of the New World Order. They play a massive role in keeping our fellow Christians out of the fight by telling them it’s the “End of Time” and you can’t do anything about it. What a shame. The Church was the center of the community in the old days. Now it’s a building of neutralized Americon Sheeple marching to the beat of the liberals drum. It’s our duty as Southern Patriots to form our own independent churches even as House Churches. Also look for small rural churches we can join and become the majority (change them into true Christian Patriot churches). Deo Vindice !

  12. Does every discussion of American religious degradation on here have to end in interdenominational mudslinging? Just stop, please :S

  13. ‘our duty as Southern Patriots to form our own independent churches even as House Churches. Also look for small rural churches’:

    Good comment, Brian Pace. It is a good aspiration to be neither Papist nor Protestant and to be fully ethnic, kinist, and locally independent, and as rural and agrarian as possible, and above all: to be entirely Biblical and orthodox, maintaining sound doctrine in practice as well as theory, always recognising this life is a short walk from cradle to grave and that we’re looking for ‘the better country’ in the FINAL end.

  14. Holly says:
    June 21, 2014 at 6:56 pm
    Does every discussion of American religious degradation on here have to end in interdenominational mudslinging? Just stop, please :S”

    JR responds:

    These types of comments violate OD comment guidelines strictly prohibiting such hobby horse sectarian squabbling. Hunter has been away from OD for a few weeks after the birth of his son, so he hasn’t moderated these abusive comments.

  15. How come the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) has endorsed abortion, homosexual marriage equality, amnesty for illegals, including mass amnesty for third world Muslims but the church hasn’t formally accepted Satanists?

    Does the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) still discriminate against open Satanist Devil worshippers?

    Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) seems to have taken Satan’s whole program but denied the Dark Lord his honor.

    What gives?

  16. Holly says:
    June 21, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    Does every discussion of American religious degradation on here have to end in interdenominational mudslinging? Just stop, please :S
    Amen Holly..certain people on here turn every discussion into a Protestant versus Rome tirade (and vice versa). Hope Hunter gets back soon and puts an end to this’s gotten way out of hand.

    • I also don’t understand the interdenominational arguing because all of these arguments invariably reveal that all American denominations are compromised by Americanism.

  17. Whites generally like to live in spiritually well-settled communities, so we can get to work doing cool stuff like inventing, building, growing stuff and wasting time when we can, instead of arguing about angels on heads of pins. So we left it to monks and priests and things to deal with that, as we allowed that if someone had to deal with it (and someone had to, or we’d surely lose the world to the Jews), it might as well be people who dedicated their entire lives to it.

    This unsettled spiritual garbage is nonsense. It’s like being stuck in the mud. Mosin, you’re the consummate Jew. You worship nothing but yourself. Get the fuck out of here.

  18. I knew the Presbyterians were cooked 15 years ago when they dropped the Christmas carol God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen from their officially supported hymn books on the grounds that the lyrics were “sexist.”

  19. “I wonder how big of a schism this is going to cause.”

    There has already got to be at least a dozen sects calling themselves “Presbyterian” right now.

  20. I have all but ceased reading the comments here because of the religious banter that consumes the discussions.

  21. @more of the same: “Political correctness is the state religion …” Yes, there is no more separation of church and state. Jews use blacks and other non-whites and also Muslims and other anti-Christians to destroy the White West and undermine Christianity in general. If Jews can eliminate Whites and Christians, they believe they can manipulate the Orientals and maintain technological supremacy over other non-whites. Jews and blacks are eager to destroy White southerners.
    “12. The reason why you try to keep blacks from progressing is out of fear for our revenge.”
    “Christian girls in Egypt are being kidnapped, raped, made to convert …”
    “Save the Planet. Kill Yourself! Save the Planet. Kill Yourself!” Weird Scion

  22. Hunter: “This is also true of Odinism and atheism.”

    One big difference: Odin didn’t concern himself with saving the souls of Bantus, Australoids and Hottentots, a bit of doctrine (spiritual equality) without which the peaceful invasion of our home- and diaspora lands would not be possible. Whatever its faults, the organic religion of Our sacred people regards alien others as spiritual non-entities.

  23. “This is the essence of Americanism.” – Palmetto

    And that’s the problem.

    “the so called “conservative” evangelical Churches are just as bad. They refuse to discuss politics in the Church and do nothing but surrender our nation and people to the hands of the New World Order. They play a massive role in keeping our fellow Christians out of the fight by telling them it’s the “End of Time” and you can’t do anything about it. What a shame. The Church was the center of the community in the old days. Now it’s a building of neutralized Americon Sheeple marching to the beat of the liberals drum.” – Pace

    Because of the heresy of egalitarianism, Churchianity now has over 250,000 competing ‘denominations,’ all because sinful White Men will not, or cannot see that there can only be, there must only be, ONE Church. All others are counterfeits, no matter how ‘orthodox’ or ‘good’ they might be (pick your superlative adjective).

    This article clearly shows that the egalitarian heresy is tied, inexorably, to the Multicultural heresy, for the ‘enemies of Christ’ (note, I didn’t say “jews”.. but I could have) have ‘just as much right’ as yet one more ‘equal’ group to be included in the ‘melting pot’ as the Sons of the Covenant. And that is why it (egalitarianism – all of it) is a Heresy.

    “Does every discussion of American religious degradation on here have to end in interdenominational mudslinging? Just stop, please” – Holly

    Because you are a woman, Holly, your natural predisposition is to avoid conflict. As a man, I can tell you, we RELISH it. It’s part of our genetic hard-wiring. And that is another problem with the American ‘experiment.’ As long as we had patriarchal, confessional, creedal Christianity (of whatever stripe, I am being generous, now) we could contain the egalitarian Dragon. But, once we admitted that the Negro was ‘equal’ to the White, women began to agitate for THEIR [supposed] ‘ontological equality.’

    From Seneca Falls to teh Great Dragon, Hitlery, we now see how ‘Democracy’ (the rule of the mob; what the Ancient Greeks feared above all) devours everything in its path, for the lie of ‘egalitarianism.’

    “‘our duty as Southern Patriots to form our own independent churches even as House Churches.”- Mosin, quoting another

    This is the reason, Mosin, Lynda calls you a heretic. The FRAGMENTATION of Christendom is what you are advocating, not its union! And, as long as the heresy of egalitarianism includes the great Ego Error of ‘Me, the Bible, and Jezzzzzusss,’ it’s totally against all of Scripture. For your fear of Lynda’s ‘Romanism’ is actually a fear of having to SUBMIT to your Superiors (what the WCF, since we’re talking about Presbyterians, here!) considers ANYONE put OVER another.

    Your comments after Lynda quoted this verse: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation,” [ II Pet. 1:20] merely corroborate her p.o.v. that you are neither a Christian, nor a student of the Scriptures. You are merely a scalawag rabblerouser, USING Christianity to foment discord. Which is a sin, frankly.

    “Yeah, the last thing we need to do is argue amongst ourselves.” – Logan

    The problem with this attitude, Mr. Smith, is that unless and until Americans repudiate the fallacy that ‘you are my equal,’ (or ‘I am anyone else’s equal,’ just to be fair) we WILL have arguments, because most of you folks ‘don’t know your place.’

    As a Cleric, an Academic, and a Gerontes, I speak this as fairly, honestly, and objectively as I can.

    Most Americans emotionally are the equivalent of a 15-year old adolescent, with its attendant ego, cultural/religious/historical myopia, and naiveté all jumbled together in a potent mix, that has long resulted in Europe, Russia, and the civilized world wondering: How did such an INFANTILE people come to be entrusted with leadership in the West, when they are so IMMATURE?!

    “I also don’t understand the interdenominational arguing because all of these arguments invariably reveal that all American denominations are compromised by Americanism.” – HW

    And so, we come full circle. We desire the patriarchal, white, European Christian ‘Supremacist Culture’ we all see in Rockwell paintings, hear in Copland’s music, and dance to in Agnes de Mille’s Rodeo. We want the rugged individualism of Zane Grey, the philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie, the culinary aplomb of Julia Child, while forgetting that each of these people saw themselves as BETTER THAN THE PEOPLE AROUND THEM.

    In short, a ‘Natural Aristocracy.’ Of birth, of letters, of breeding, of culture… but an aristocracy, nevertheless.

    And that is what is most despised in post-1960’s Marxist dominated America- the Republic that once was, with the possibility of RISING to that aristocracy, and knowing that some will NEVER get there, and that the latter are the far more numerous group out there!

    We are willing to put the ‘N’ word back to that pre-1960 caste, but few of y’all here, are willing to have YOUR inflated, blog-derived personas ‘put in your place’ by your betters.

    And that ‘atomistic individualism’ is what is killing the USA. And the Jews (yes, HW, I am finally mentioning them) knowing that they are ONTOLOGICALLY as far above we [sic] ‘goyim’ as God is above them (so THEY say) can augur for ‘equality’ – because they know it’s a convenient FICTION to ‘become the head, and not the tail,’ while we sit here (and on other fora) worrying about ‘online arguments.’

    There are a few posters here, who, even cantankerous, have some measure of that ‘inbred aristocracy.’ But we shrink back (all of us do, at one time or another) because realizing our own Greatness, somehow seems ‘un-American.’

    One of the benefits of becoming a certain age, is the ability to claim curmudgeonliness. I do claim it now, and all the young ‘whippersnappers’ out there, are just puking babes, in comparison to some of us. (remember 313Chris? – LOLOL)

    We fear what the folks over at Daily Stormer realize- that a Leader who is as racially aware as an ex-Austrian Painter, is needed to free us from this torpor. But we will have to think collectively, and racially, and no longer hold to this heretical ‘Atomistic Individualism’ that suffuses all American culture, to win the battle.

    Which is why I believe the USA is doomed, and it is from Europe- those stodgy, aristocratic, overweeing Frogs, Krauts, John Bulls, and Mussolinis, that the salvation of the White race, and Christendom is to come… if they can free themselves from their talmudic captivity.

    At home, those same ‘Masters’ have used our own ideology to imprison us in a Matrix of individuality. Which, I think, is a far more difficult cell to extricate one’s self from…

  24. Or, to put it another way, here is Cambria’s comment from this week’s post:

    “Our Lord prefers a few over many when His people go into battle against the heathen. Gideon was told to cut his army down to a chosen few before he led them into battle against the Midianites. We few, we Christian Europeans, should cut our numbers as well, because “Christians” of the new age are on the side of the liberals. It doesn’t matter whether it is a Roman Catholic clergyman who views the Church documents as interpreted by the Pope as God’s truth, or whether it is a Protestant clergyman who views the Bible as interpreted by him as God’s truth. Both men view reason, unconnected to the source of all true wisdom, the human heart, as the final arbiter of revelation. ”


    “It is not only the secular utopians who are possessed by the spirit of Robespierre, the ardent opponent of capital punishment who killed thousands in the name of “the people,” it is also the Christian utopians such as John Paul II and Francis Schaeffer, who are possessed with a demonic utopian spirit. In order to build their perfect Christian world, they are willing to jettison the European people. But how can we live if we contemn our origins, the people who taught us to love and cherish the living God? And what type of intellectualized monster calmly stands by while his own people are slaughtered in the name of an abstract god who shares center stage with the abstract negro gods? Certainly not a Christian European.”

  25. And about that ‘Aristocracy of the Spirit,’ it seems Cam touched on that, as well!

    “And if you’re a white person and do not believe that the white South Africans and the white Southerners, being Christian, did not nobly adhere to the code of chivalry when dealing with the lesser breeds without the law, I want to know why you don’t believe in their nobility.

    Why would you believe the worst about your own people? I think I’ve lived long enough in Liberaldom to answer that question. It is because of intellectual pride.

    The liberals want to believe that they are better than the antique Europeans. And since they can’t match them in courage, fidelity to the cross of Christ, or charity toward their fellow men, they, the liberals, call their own cowardice ‘enlightenment,’ their apostasy becomes the new, purer Christianity, and their lack of charity towards their own people is considered virtuous to the highest degree, because one must, if he loves the negro, hate the white man with his whole heart, mind, and soul.”

    So, even if you are a ‘conservative’ or a ‘race realist’ if you aren’t tied to that ONE hearth, that ONE faith, ONCE delivered, you are a LIBERAL. As Cambria so eloquently put is. You may be a liberal of the HEAD, but that will soon transmit itself to one’s heart. And that, above all else, must be guarded, for we are told to “…guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” [ Prov. 4:23]

  26. The ultra-religious kooks are really not all too different than the hardcore atheists who make religion/anti-religion the center of their universe. If religious and non-religious enlightenment is supposed to be an oasis of knowledge and spiritual growth, then why do I walk away from both groups feeling dirty and full of negativity for everyone else who doesn’t hold the exact same views that I do? It’s not really about race, nation or family to these people. It’s about control and trying to put themselves into a position of authority and leadership without being able to provide some kind of positive benefit to others. The stench of selfish mania is so rancid that I can—in some odd empathetic way—see why an average White person might find pro-White politics and people just too crazy and chaotic to be worth all of the trouble.

    Please shut the fuck up about religion and do like Thomas Jefferson did by keeping your religion and spirituality a more private matter instead of the disgusting form of Americana we see today, where you have to put everything in neon and inundate my senses with your pathetic, self-serving marketing ploys. That way you you don’t make enemies 24/7 and ruin things for everyone else.


    The Very Racist Heretic Extraordinaire

  27. This didn’t start with the Presbyterians or with America.

    Read Acts 10:

    10:11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:
    10:12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.
    10:13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.
    10:14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.
    10:15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.

    Christianity has been revoking the ancient laws for millenia.

    Later in the same chapter:

    10:28 And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.
    10:29 Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me?
    10:30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, (10:30) “Behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing.”
    If you see a man in bright clothing, it’s an angel!
    10:31 And said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God.
    10:32 Send therefore to Joppa, and call hither Simon, whose surname is Peter; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea side: who, when he cometh, shall speak unto thee.
    10:33 Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.
    10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: (10:34) “God is no respecter of persons.”
    Does God respect anyone?
    10:35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
    10:36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)

    As Hume would say, “what is legal on Thursday, on Friday becomes an abomination.”

  28. The Roman Catholic posters have ruined the comment section here. Instead of focusing on how the save European caucasian people, they are constantly promoting their version of christianity, and attacking European Caucasian non-roman catholics. There is a Roman Catholic commentator at ozconservative who says that English anglos(who are germanic) aren’t european.

  29. Celestial Seasoning is a rude, vulgar pagan, and Christophobe. He knows as well as I, that he wouldn’t have been allowed in Calvinist New England, nor Anglican Virginia, yet claims to be an ‘Amurrican.’

    He’s also of the ilk of Chris313, who will not give up his idol of self, no matter how cogent the argument, q.e.d. So, yes, he’s the fully self-actualized atomistic tool of the PTB, just as I pointed out earlier today.

    Wally, you show your ignorance, in that I am not a Roman, at all- neither layman, nor cleric. So, your comment is utterly pointless.

  30. The new American family.

    Fag Congressman Marries His Gay Lover

    New York congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, who is a faggot, this week married his “partner” of 22 years, Randy Gene Florke. And they did it at a church.
    From the gay mag the Advocate:
    Representative Maloney, 47, and Florke, 51, have already been together 22 years, but decided to tie the knot in December after their 11-year-old daughter Essie asked Santa to make her dads get married. All three of their children — including 24-year-old Reinel and 13-year-old Daley — were in attendance.
    Maloney is New York’s first out gay member of Congress and now one of only two Congress people married to a person of the same sex.
    Several notables tweeted out congratulations, including New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a champion of marriage equality in the state. (snip)

    Because who could vote against something so novel, interesting and emotionally stimulating as a man who is married to another man and has adopted black children?

  31. The Roman Catholic posters have ruined the comment section here

    Don’t sell them short. They generally ruin everything, not just this comment section.

  32. Celestial Seasoning is a rude, vulgar pagan, and Christophobe.

    Thank you! I thank you and my Shadow thanks you…

    “I imagine a far finer and more comprehensive task for [psychoanalysis] than alliance with an ethical fraternity. I think we must give it time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were – a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.”

    —Carl Jung

  33. “Wally says:
    June 22, 2014 at 9:27 pm

    The Roman Catholic posters have ruined the comment section here. Instead of focusing on how the save European caucasian people, they are constantly promoting their version of christianity, and attacking European Caucasian non-roman catholics. There is a Roman Catholic commentator at ozconservative who says that English anglos(who are germanic) aren’t european.”

    Now if that ain’t the pot calling the kettle black…looks more like the other way around
    As if Mosin, Earl Butz and a couple of others aren’t constantly on anti-catholic tirades instead of focusing on saving the European people. Frankly it’s getting tiresome from whatever side.

  34. Official governmental validation and sanctioning of sodomite behavior has always led to the downfall of that nation. Our military is about to discover that.

    Ever was it thus….

  35. Transgender priest to preach at National Cathedral

    WASHINGTON (AP) — An openly transgender Episcopal priest is set to preach at Washington National Cathedral.

    The Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge, the Episcopal chaplain at Boston University, will be a guest preacher on Sunday. He’ll be the first openly transgender priest to preach from Canterbury Pulpit at the cathedral.

    The Right Rev. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, will preside at the service. It’s part of the cathedral’s celebration of LGBT pride month.

    The service will also include readings and prayers from members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

    The Very Rev. Gary Hall, dean of the cathedral, says he hopes Partridge’s appearance “will send a symbolic message in support of greater equality for the transgender community.”

  36. Hunter. Have you seen this article from David Duke’s website:”Victory! Presbyerian Church Votes Israeli Disvestment!
    JUNE 20, 2014 AT 8:17 PM
    Staff — Victory! After a long drawn out fight we heard from friends at the Presbyterian Church national meeting who told us that they were victorious and in an amazing move, the Church voted to divest from companies doing business in the brutally occupied West Bank.
    They were especially pleased because of the Jewish efforts to derail the effort by pointing out that a major subject of the paper of the Church used used the term that Dr. David Duke has popularized all over the world: Jewish Supremacism, which encapsulates the Zionist and Jewish racist reality in both Palestine and around the world.
    “The tried to threaten the voters by saying that “David Duke” supports this policy and that the Church will get a bad name by supporting something that Dr.Duke has been tied to in the media,” Said Melissa Anderson who was there with close friends who voted on the divestment. “But, people are just not listening to the Jewish racist threats anymore, they are starting to stand up for real justice.”
    Dr. David Duke, currently on a lecture tour, was reached for and he made this official comment.
    ‘Israel is based not only on ethnic supremacism, but on massive terrorism and ethnic cleansing.
    All people who know anything about Palestine know this, but the Jewish supremacist media in America and the Jewish dominated government of this country won’t speak the obvious truth.
    Israel makes it illegal for a non-Jew to marry a Jew.
    –Any European nation that would forbid Gentiles from marrying Jews would be demonized as racist.
    **How does Israel get away with it?
    Israel has massive, segregated, Jews only settlements on stolen Palestinian Land,
    –Any nation in Europe or the Americas that built apartments or settlements where only Jews were allowed would face universal condemnation.
    **How does Israel get away with it?
    Because through ethnic racism and tribalism they discriminate against Gentiles and take over media and other institutions.
    Their racist power over the media and government is why Israel can get away with it all.
    But people can stand up.
    Bravo to the Presbyterian Church for standing up to Jewish racism and supremacism!
    The world is waking up to Jewish supremacism!”

  37. This is actually a coup. The leftist took over the Presbyterian gov. once and were pushed back. They have done so again. Since they’re leftist they will wait forever……. to take power through political maneuvering. The Presbyterians need to take over the assembly again and dismember the whole thing.

  38. Michael Weaver, jewish supremacism is sort of a redundancy. Judaism is the belief that jews are supreme. There is no such thing as jewish that’s not supremacist.

  39. NYYankees, just to clarify what you said, “supremacy” in political context means ruling over others. The Supreme Court isn’t so-called because it’s “better” than the other courts. It can be used descriptively (X rules over Y) or prescriptively (X should rule over Y). Calling us “White supremacists”, even those who think that White people are “better” in every wise than every other race, is like saying that a man wants a divorce because he wants to dominate and rule over his wife.

  40. ‘This is the reason, Mosin, why Lynda calls you a heretic. The FRAGMENTATION of Christendom is what you are advocating, not its union! (…) For your fear of Lynda’s Romanism is actually a fear of having to SUBMIT to your Superiors (…) Your comments after Lynda quoted this verse: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation,” [ II Pet. 1:20] merely corroborate her p.o.v. that you are neither a Christian, nor a student of the Scriptures. You are merely a scalawag rabblerouser, USING Christianity to foment discord’:

    Lynda who propagandises constantly for heresy (Romanism) here says she ‘regards’ ME as a heretic? Well, that label is a badge of honour coming from such a REAL heretic — and we don’t ‘fear having to submit’ to ‘superiors’, but simply refuse for conscience sake to submit to the corrupt, false religious dictators produced by a systemically corrupt, false religious system that aspires to rule the world. I wish many more would awaken and take this stand. In regard to Lynda’s proof text about ‘no private interpretation’, my reply did not contradict Scripture but placed ‘private interpretation’ in quotation marks! I wasn’t advocating private interpretation, in the sense of the Scripture, but remarking about Papist restriction of Bible ownership and Bible study by the non-‘religious’.

    ‘White Men will not, or cannot see that there can only be, there must only be, ONE Church. All others are counterfeits, no matter how orthodox or good they might be’:

    Are you also directing us back to Rome, after all, Fr John? We do confess one Lord (NOT another one ‘in His stead’), one Church (that is His body, which is NOT a human, denominational organisation), one Faith, one Baptism (triple immersion in our practice) — and yes, we DO ‘oppose the union of Christendom’, the captivity of control and corruption of faithful, orthodox churches under a worldwide human organisation. If that makes us ‘counterfeits’ and ‘scalawags’, we are not ashamed of the labels. Learn that ‘fragmentation’ is the lesson of the story of the Tower of Babel: that some kinds of ‘fragmentation’ are good and right when they ‘check and balance’ and frustrate the intentions of carnal authority.

  41. ‘your fear of Lynda’s Romanism is actually a fear of having to SUBMIT to your Superiors’:

    We don’t fear it. We understand and oppose it. ‘Superiors’ indeed. ‘Bigot’ is a badge of honour.

  42. Yes. Even ‘scalawag rabblerouser’ is a badge of honour, in this case. Not nearly enough ‘rabble’ have roused yet.

  43. The false ‘churches’/denominations are priest unions organised entirely to provide comfortable careers and pensions for the seminary professors, bishops and pastors, who would never disturb their communities and supporting ‘laity’, and rock their comfortable boats, risking losing their jobs and pensions, by preaching hard and taking practical action against sin. E.g., it took only one ‘renegade’ minister to shut down a ‘go-go’ stage and house of fornication starting up in this town by publicly picketing it all alone.

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