Stepfather of Ralph Weems IV Speaks Out On Anti-White Media Bias


The Blaze has an important update on the West Point story:

“As his stepson remains in a medically induced coma following a vicious parking lot beating, Barry Reynolds told TheBlaze doctors have said there’s a “possibility” he may be forced to live out his days in a vegetative state. That’s why, he said, it’s frustrating to read news reports indicating that his stepson is in “fair condition,” because the surgeon maintains his situation is still “critical.”

Reynolds also alleged that the media would be much more interested in getting to the truth of the story if the races were switched.

Ralph Weems IV, a former U.S. Marine and Iraq War veteran, was savagely beaten outside of a Huddle House in West Point, Mississippi, following some sort of altercation with a group of black men who had “gotten themselves into a frenzy” over the Ferguson shooting, Reynolds said. …”

If the races were reversed, West Point would be a national story. There’s no evidence racial slurs were used in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, MO or the Trayvon Martin case in Sanford, FL, and plenty of evidence that Brown and Martin initiated those violent confrontations, but none of that matters to the mainstream media which has a fixed anti-White narrative whenever it wants to have a “conversation about race”:

“Though Weems’ story has received some national attention, Reynolds said “one painful truth” about news coverage in the U.S. is black-on-white violence doesn’t receive the same amount of coverage as white-on-black violence.

“This story would be everywhere if you just take it and flip it 180 degrees. The same story, word for word, except change the colors around,” he told TheBlaze. …”

Note: Do you think the SPLC will ever hold a vigil for Ralph Weems IV? That’s about as likely as Carter Strange’s name appearing on the Civil Rights Memorial.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He was a US Marine. He should have done better in this street fight. Be prepared , train in non gun fighting. Walk with a solid walking stick. Have good boots, kick in good places.

    Very sad to read these terrible stories of White men getting beaten, crippled in street attacks.

    • A mob of feral negroes attacking a man cannot accurately be described as a street fight.

      It is more like predatory beasts attacking prey.

      • Still, he would have done much better carrying a gym bag, ball and glove and a $12 Target metal T Ball bat. Too many of our people are gun focused and don’t employ other very effective non gun self defense weapons .

    • Javy is this really a serious comment? Let me see how well you do if I sucker punch you. But I guess Marines should be able to tell when that is going to happen huh?

      • Hunter, we have a troll here”Long Live Dixie”. He apparently is able to attend some League of the South events and not cause trouble. But, his Internet comments are consistently trolling. I don’t think banning him is the thing to do. Better to just send him to some other place.

  2. Any white man who fights for the System deserves to have his legs blown off. This is the country this moron fought for, a country that holds as its highest ideal the extermination of his culture and people. It’s only fitting that a mercenary for genocide gets a little blowback. I have no sympathy for him.

    • If you can’t bring yourself to show sympathy for this man, then you should remain silent. Most decent people will find your comment highly offensive.

      • I agree.

        I don’t think our boys ought to be fighting for the empire either, but I an’t going to say they ought to have their legs blown off.

      • A little ironic considering that most “decent” people sit on the sidelines and neither lift a finger to make things right nor raise their voice to any great degree for fear of being labeled a racist. You find that apathy and inaction highly offensive as well, right? Yes, this was a tragedy, but was he a racially aware White man or was he just another anti-racist who refused to believe the realities of race? It makes a big, big difference.

    • Can we ban this idiot JohntheSecond? A regular, solid White Southerner just got jumped by savage Nis and beaten nearly to death and this idiot JohntheSecond thinks that’s all good and well.

      Hey Pal – take a hike, going hang out and play somewhere else, go play in traffic. Go play with your friends. Maybe you don’t have any friends, so go play with yourself.

      The bouncer is showing you to the door .

    • Any white man who fights for the System deserves to have his legs blown off.

      You are a walking, talking PR disaster. A Southern man was jumped by 20 hate-filled blacks who were whipped into an anti-white frenzy by the US government and the Leftist media and here you come along saying that he deserved it – and more!

    • You fools do realize that you’re on a secessionist web site, don’t you? That there must be a pretty good reason for wanting to secede from the country you were born into, that the system must be pretty rotten to want to do that. Why in the hell would you fight for an empire that has driven you to desire succession? Why would you fight for a system that openly gloats about the genocide through colonialism it is waging against your people? A system that, in the not-so-long run, is to whites what Nazi Germany was to Jews and Poles. You peoples’ problem is simple – you think you still have a country. You don’t, or at least soon won’t. And as life becomes nastier and nastier for you and your children as a hated minority in the country built by your ancestors you’ll come to understand the connection between anti-white beatings and murders in the street and foolish white people voluntarily supporting the system that sponsors it. For some of you I hope you personally come to understand it. “Legs blown off” is provocative, and was meant to be, but the real problem with it is perhaps it is a little premature. Your children will come around (while they’re cursing you) or they’ll be slaves, one or the other.

      • Spare us the rant. No one is suggesting that our people should fight for the Yankee Empire. Quite the opposite, in fact. However, it does not follow from that that Southern veterans of the US military deserve to be severely maimed by black savages after leaving the US military.

        • Yeah, these are still our people, and they can still serve our cause (if their legs aren’t blown off, that is).

          We should definitely not blame anyone who joined before Obama or even the young ones who recently joined without knowing the politics. We should try to convert these people, our people, not run them off. We need them, just as much as they need us.

        • The Yankee Empire? Isn’t that the exact same entity that this Southern veteran was working for? While I wouldn’t go so far as to say White soldiers deserve to be blown up, I’m not so mindlessly devoted to stroking the egos of the general public that I pretend to deny that an indifferent or even racially aware White person who is under direct control of a very anti-White government is still nothing but a proxy of that government. You trying to separate the two looks like nothing more than a desperate attempt to draw lines of distinction that just aren’t there, or maybe a really poor attempt at what you perceive as good Public Relations. You mentioned PR, but I highly doubt you have any kind of sophisticated understanding of PR beyond feigning disgust and indignation at what you believe will force the general public into action.

          If this guy was pro-White or racially aware, then I see this as a direct attack on White society and further proof that White America is being specifically targeted. I’ve got sympathy and empathy coming out of my pores in that case. If, however, this guy was just another politically correct, anti-racist dolt who happened to get a taste of true diversity of the black variety, then I’m at least a little grateful that it wasn’t a pro-White person getting nearly beaten to death.

          • I see, so when a Southerner is attacked by a mob of anti-white blacks, before we can make an issue of it we must –

            1) Determine if he ever served in the US military.
            2) Determine his political worldview.

            Anything else to add to that list? How about a DNA test to confirm that he isn’t 1/256 Indian?

          • 1) I don’t really care if he served in the military, I care if he is pro-White.

            2) I don’t care about some benign political worldview or his views on trivial social issues, I care if he is pro-White.

            Since you asked, do you want to take a DNA test?

            Why do you keep trying to pretend you are drawing lines of distinction by saying Yankee this or Southern that? Would it have mattered to you had this guy been from Ohio or North Dakota or Wyoming or Maine or Alaska? No? Okay, so why go out of your way to make it a central point?

            You can blindly support whomever you like. You can type out all of this sympathy and disgust until your hands cramp and you pass out from the excitement. In the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter. But quit trying to pretend you are some PR guru who is going to influence the general public by being just another simpatico voyeur who lives vicariously through all of their pain and suffering. Do you only care about these people when they are suffering, just so you can use their stories to further an agenda? That’s the impression I get. My standards are little higher. If they are White and pro-White, then I support them in whatever capacity I can. If they describe themselves as anti-White, anti-racist or just generally against the notion of pro-White people, then they can go to hell. I don’t do bullshit very well, and I guarantee you would know exactly where you stand with me within the first ten minutes of being around me.

            There are thousands and thousands and thousands of White people who are brutally assaulted, maimed and crippled, raped, and killed by blacks and browns every single year. This man’s story is nothing new or unique. Maybe if more White people in the past would have had higher racial standards and a set of balls not glued to their computer chairs, and made it a point to only support White people who are pro-White, then maybe Mr. Weems wouldn’t have been in a position to have been beaten within an inch of his life.

            If race matters, then those who push for pro-White standards and those who are welcoming to pro-White views matter the most.

          • 1) I don’t really care if he served in the military, I care if he is pro-White.

            2) I don’t care about some benign political worldview or his views on trivial social issues, I care if he is pro-White.

            As I already said, I’m a nationalist and therefore I support my people. Lacking any evidence that he was a communist or that he otherwise actively worked against his own people, then I support Weems.

            Since you asked, do you want to take a DNA test?

            I already have.

            Would it have mattered to you had this guy been from Ohio or North Dakota or Wyoming or Maine or Alaska? No?

            Actually, yes. Let’s say he was like Maggie Daniels – the Ohioan who was recently murdered in Charlotte – then the case would still be one of black anti-white hatred and would be relevant for those reasons, but it would be of somewhat less concern to me than a case of a Southerner being targeted.

            But quit trying to pretend you are some PR guru who is going to influence the general public by being just another simpatico voyeur who lives vicariously through all of their pain and suffering.

            PR guru? I mentioned PR once. I’m not losing sleep over this case, however I’m also not so retarded as to actually side with Weems’s black attackers like JohnTheSecond has. A Southerner was targeted because of his race. The idea of rejecting him because he might have not been pro-white is idiocy, especially considering that his father has made a pro-white comment.

            Nationalists who support their people will end up getting the support of their people. Nationalists who reject their people will remain on the fringes with the white nationalists. Can you name a single successful nationalist organisation that doesn’t support its people? I can’t.

            By your standards, we should barely be mentioning any black-on-white crimes because few of the victims are sufficiently pro-white.

            This man’s story is nothing new or unique.

            Did I say it was new or unique? The interesting things in this case are 1) Weems was specifically targeted for his race 2) there has been almost a complete media blackout and 3) Weems’s attackers were whipped into an anti-white frenzy by the media and US government.

  3. The worthies in West Point MS. are really playing this down, its their big week end with festivals in town so they want to promote them ( think money grubbers) instead of warning the locals of the danger from savage attacks.

  4. You are trolling. That ‘s the problem – being argumentative and contrarian just for the sake of insulting good people.

    By all accounts you do fine at real League of the South events, that ‘s good, so please concentrate on that or something else that you are good at.

    It is not helpful to hang out on racial realist blogs like Amren or here and just spread negativity ie (“I hate the French , hate the Russians, hate Midwestern Whites, hate Latter Day Saints , everybody accept White Southerners are pussies and won’t fight etc)

    We have some very solid, hard working Midwestern activist here Like Steven D. French nationalists are the most successful of any nationalists in Western Europe or the UK, we should support our kinsmen the a French and learn from their successes. Same applies with Russia. Russia is solidly in the White, Nationalist side.

    So please just go hang out some other places and stop spreading hostility, negativity, insulting good, successful activists.

    • Golden Dawn has the most successful nationalist party. After that, comes the Swedes. The french are in bed with the very people who islamicized them. They are something of a joke, really.

  5. LLD – the League of the South has very successful street demonstrations because they have strict rules, codes of conduct regarding proper dress, signs and what to do and not do. LS activists are strongly discouraged from getting in to shouting matches with Antifas, mouthing off to the press, let alone insulting the LS leaders, organizers.

    Jack Ryan is the #2 writer here at Occidental Dissent, he’s an intelligent, hard working writer, activist, financial contributor. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN with a BA in history, including solid Southern American history. He has an excellent record of political activism in Tennessee including sponsoring an effective billboard advertising campaign supporting LS protests against Tyson Foods’ use of low wage Somalian Muslim Bantu laborers in middle Tennessee.

    OD has comment guidelines including strict prohibitions against launching personal flame wars.

    OD, the LS, the Political Cesspool , Vdare, Amren and other race realist, immigration restrictionist blogs and organizations are growing, having success because they cultivate intelligent, practical, successful people, carefully avoiding the negative media stereotype of “ignorant, RACIST HATERS” who enjoy ranting and raving how much they hate… Yankees, Catholics, Latter Day Saints, the French, Russians, Germans, any White person with an education etc.

    OK, this isn’t complicated. Just stop trolling. Stop being negative, contrarian, stop hating on perfectly good White Indo European people.

    My God, this ignorant, negativity had much of the American Conservative Right wasting the 1980s fighting…. The Russians! Arming Mountain Muslim Jihadist scum in Afghanistan!


  6. I don’t know the details of his service in the US Marines, however I find it stupid and impractical to condemn every Southerner who made the mistake of joining the US military. Most simply enlist, serve their time, and get out. If we write them all off, then we are writing off millions of Southerners (and in the cases of many of us, we’re writing off our own fathers and grandfathers). These people can come our way as Southern nationalism becomes a growing force. Their experience will be much needed in a SHTF scenario.

    One thing I find interesting in this discussion with you is the huge contrast between your attitude towards Weems and the attitude of blacks towards Michael Brown. The ‘black community’ supports Brown unconditionally. It doesn’t matter to them that he was a thug and a gang member who had just robbed a convenience store and hit an officer in the face. All that matters to them is that he was black and he was in a conflict with a white. Now, I’m not saying that we should support our people who are thugs and criminals, but I am saying that there is a tendency among many racialists (particularly white nationalists) to find some reason to not stand in solidarity with one of our people.

    • The ‘black community’ supports Brown unconditionally. It doesn’t matter to them that he was a thug and a gang member who had just robbed a convenience store and hit an officer in the face.

      Those are really two different issues.

      Is there even a fraction of a fraction of a chance that this Michael Brown was anything but typical when it came to being anti-White and pro-black? It’s kind of easy to throw caution to the wind and blindly embrace someone when you already know that their views on race are going to be perfectly aligned with yours.

      Now, just for comparison, how many Reginald Denny types of “time for healing” moments have you personally witnessed? Do you have a plan for getting back all of that valuable empathy and sympathy the second a White victim makes statements that he doesn’t support or want the support of racists?

      • Do you have a plan for getting back all of that valuable empathy and sympathy the second a White victim makes statements that he doesn’t support or want the support of racists?

        I wouldn’t be a nationalist if I didn’t instinctively favour my own people without having to check their ideological background. Folk before ideology is the hallmark of a nationalist.

        Let’s look to Europe’s successful nationalists for an example of how to do things. Do you think Golden Dawn interviews the Greeks who are raped by immigrants to determine which party they voted for before they make an issue of it? No, of course not. They yell “A Pakistani raped one of our women” from the rooftops.

        Maybe this fellow Weems would be receptive to nationalism and maybe he wouldn’t. But he is one of my people and he nearly lost his life in conflict with an alien people who hate my people. That is what matters to me.

        If it’s any consolation to you, Weems’s father seems to have some racial common sense.

  7. . . . imaginary boundaries of Yankees vs Southerners.

    I see that your quarrel is really with Southern nationalism. I find it odd that so many anti-Southern types post at a blog that says ‘pro-South’ at the top. Denying that Southerners are a distinct people is probably the most fundamentally anti-Southern position someone can take. Since your cause is incompatible with mine, I see no reason to continue to justify my position to you.

  8. Looks like Jared needs some “security”. If Faireycon or Maliek Shabazz went to speaking engagements alone they would be dragged out of the building too.
    Intellect is nice, but, seldom a substitute for muscle.

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