NY Times: Pedophilia, a Disorder, Not a Crime

Impeccable timing!

The NY Times reveals the next frontier in “equal rights” in the USA: pedophiles are people too!

CAMDEN, N.J. — THINK back to your first childhood crush. Maybe it was a classmate or a friend next door. Most likely, through school and into adulthood, your affections continued to focus on others in your approximate age group. But imagine if they did not.

By some estimates, 1 percent of the male population continues, long after puberty, to find themselves attracted to prepubescent children. These people are living with pedophilia, a sexual attraction to prepubescents that often constitutes a mental illness. Unfortunately, our laws are failing them and, consequently, ignoring opportunities to prevent child abuse. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It won’t stop until we stop it. A spiritual revival would be the easiest way. Unfortunately, you couldn’t recreate one anatomical spine from all the backbones in all the churches in America today. If we don’t get right spiritually, we won’t recover (hint: We won’t recover). Our last best hope is some type of split / disunion / secession movement that creates a home for people who are no longer blind to both the causes of this slide to depravity as well as the effects of it. There are more of us every day. Unfortunately, there are more of “them” too…

  2. It’s a disturbing title and it’s a disturbing article.

    Attraction to prepubescent children ought to mean that you kill yourself. Or that society should execute you.

    It’s a genetic fuck up.

  3. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Mohammad would be proud!’

    As well as a large segment of Catholic priests.

    Not quite. Priests are statistically less likely to engage in the disorder than the general male population.

  4. Sam, pedophilia is not a part of the Catholic faith. The priest who have done it are sinning against the faith. In Islam, it is part of the religion and culture.

  5. Unfortunately, our laws are failing them and, consequently, ignoring opportunities to prevent child abuse.

    Our laws are also failing people who enjoy unjustifiable homicide. BTW, isn’t all pedophilia child abuse?

    Otherwise, it’ll be at the Supreme Court by 2035. Social justice, civil rights, democracy, equality, unionism and libertarianism will demand that we legalize it. The conservatives of 2035 will be upset when it happens, but they’ll otherwise be too busy trying to convince people that gay marriage was a conservative triumph and it was their idea all along.

  6. Wait a second, if Pedophilia is a mental illness (which it is), then why shouldn’t homosexuality be considered a mental illness as well?

  7. “The author’s name is Margo Kaplan. Gee! I can’t imagine what tribe she’s from.”

    And she writes in the JewYork Times. In France too, Jewish intellectuals have been leading efforts to allow sex between children and adults (see here, for example). It seems that incest also plays an important role in Jewish family life. At least, Jewish authors write a lot about it.

  8. Sam:
    ‘Mohammad would be proud!’

    As well as a large segment of Catholic priests.”
    coming here to divide Christians and support Muslims? Another Jew troll

  9. This professor is dead wrong about how to deal with child predators. The most just, expedient way to deal with child predators is complete confinement. There is no way to treat them, and even if their is, why risk it? If anything, locking the perverts up, is humane, in comparison to some more intrusive, permanent ways perverts could be altered, by for example chemical and physical castration.

    Professor Kaplan, in my view, is mentally ill. Look at her Curriculum Vitae, and you see that she has a morbid fascination with the infectious, the mentally ill, and all things sexual. She sees degenerates of society, and equates justice as “helping these people.” What any sane justice policy means, is protecting the normal people from the degenerates. Professor Kaplan is allowed to pontificate on these sordid issues from the confines of her academic profession. She does so without any fear of job loss. Rutgers will suffer no consequences as a result of her opinions. She is allowed to spew this vile filth with impunity. This should tell you just how dire the situation in academia really is and how out of touch with reality academics are. She’s also in a position to teach tomorrows generation of attorneys and judges and thereby, to some extent form beliefs and opinions in our legal system.

    Professor Kaplan shares common traits with many liberals who espouse these radical positions: 1) tenured/academia sheltered, meaning she can take lunatic, fringe positions without any fear of economic or professional reprisal (something unheard of on the so called “right wing”); 2) little if any real world, authentic experience in dealing with the ones she “helps”; 3) she will not in any way be personally effected by the policies she seeks to implement. Do you think any private criminal defense attorneys who regularly represent crim-sex offenders truly believe that these perverts are capable of being “rehabilitated”? Nope. Only some whacked out law professor could seriously take such a ridiculous position.

    If we’re going to have a sane criminal justice system, two things have got to go: 1) laughable concepts of “restorative justice” (advocated by Kaplan) and 2) application of “disparate impact theory” in the criminal justice system.

  10. Reynauld says:

    ‘Mohammad would be proud!’

    ‘As well as a large segment of Catholic priests.”
    coming here to divide Christians and support Muslims? Another Jew troll’

    The RCC has been rocked with innumerable scandals concerning pedo priests. Parishes all over the country are going bankrupt because of judgments made against fag priests.

    I am not a muslim supporter and certainly not a jew as everyone knows who has read my posts.

    But you would rather lie and deflect criticism from the pedo priests because you have no integrity.

  11. Lib Fail, confining pedo’s isn’t the solution, executing them is the only solution. They can’t be rehabilitated, so, it’s a waste of time and money to keep them alive.
    Sam, I know two women who were molested by Protestant pedophiles. One of them was a minister. Why are you defecting criticism from Prot Peds, Sam? I’ve never seen you go after them.

  12. Hmm, as far as the title, it’s hard to see how OD could disagree, unless they want to start accumulating a list of thoughtcrimes to compete with the Left.

    At minimum, finding children attractive in itself is not harmful to anyone. But beyond that, once we accept that homosexuality and transsexualism go against human nature and are perversions… how could that same understanding of human nature not vindicate child marriage, which was common in the Occident through the 19th century? If we’re talking opposite sexes, women are very fertile in their teen years, so it is very much natural they should marry and have sex then. Even in prepubescent years, they were formerly married, and the unions were viewed as consummated when they had sex. If a man should find little girls especially attractive, and pledge his troth to stay beside a child bride all his life (in her adult years, he may find her less attractive, but hardly be the first man to cool to his bride’s looks as she ages!), how can any rational objection be lodged against it, from Christianity or nature?

    Feminism and individualism have plagued the West, uniquely, for the past 200 years: just about the same period child marriage was criminalizes. Child marriage continues to flourish in traditional regions–Muslim, Hindu, and, yes, Christian–outside the West, and even in developed Japan attraction to children is nearly mainstream via lolicon culture, while the cultural Marxists remain at bay. I ask, and please do try to think about it, Who are the crazy ones? Us or them?

  13. “The RCC has been rocked with innumerable scandals concerning pedo priests. ”

    Thousands of rabbis (jews)have been indicted and convicted, but you wont hear a word about it.

    Bryan Singer of hollyjew (director of X-men) is pedophile as well, many witnesses came forth to confirm this. Quite a famous man, yet you never heard about it.

    Actually the Catholic pedo scandals are few and far between, it is the jew media that magnifies it a thousandfold.

    You have been jewed.

  14. Sam, making unfounded allegations based on a stereotype that has been repeatedly proven to be false is the work of a troll or someone too lazy to actually make the slightest effort to look into an allegation. Catholic priests do not commit child abuse at rates any higher than Protestant clergy. A simple Google search will bring up numerable articles pointing that out. Stop dividing Christians.


  15. Here we go – again.

    Try to push this “intellectual” tripe to a “victim” of one of the perverted people who exhibit and practice this so-called “disorder” and my guess is they’ll viscerally disagree. Moreover, there is a statistical correlation between later emergent homosexuality and being a victim of pedophilia that cannot be challenged. The D.S.M. formerly listed homosexuality as a psychological disorder and no longer does, therefore it is my belief that this article by Ms. Kaplan is an attempt to “normalize” this deviancy, further destroying what little remains of the moral fiber or this country and the “West” in general.

    Evil never rests.

    And Golly Gee Williker’s, I almost let it slip my mind. In one of the volumes of The Talmud it is clearly stated to its “religious” followers that pedophilia is quite acceptable to its adherents and that such acts can performed on children as young as three years old. I’ve read it. (See: The Socino Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, available on-line) By the way, The Talmud is not Islamic for anyone confused over the issue. To the contrary, it is the “Law” of those who rule over us and the one same forced the demographic disaster on the West that is destroying us all. “Those guys.” “Them.”

    Click on the authors curriculum vitae for some clarity regarding the creature who penned the piece: http://camlaw.rutgers.edu/directory/mbk69/

  16. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Lib Fail, confining pedo’s isn’t the solution, executing them is the only solution. They can’t be rehabilitated, so, it’s a waste of time and money to keep them alive.’

    If you think the RCC has a shortage op priests now… just wait until your solution gets implemented.

    Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Sam, I know two women who were molested by Protestant pedophiles. One of them was a minister. Why are you defecting criticism from Prot Peds, Sam? I’ve never seen you go after them.’

    You have a very selective memory. I have condemned all of those snakes regardless of which nest they reside.

    However, when Protestant churches discover wolves preying upon the sheep they are dealt with unlike the policy of the RCC which is to cover up the abuses, misdeeds and crimes and send the fag priests to other churches where they engage in the same activity over and over again.

    You Catholic apologists are enablers.

  17. Harold, good comeback to Sam’s idiotic tripe. He’s always ranting about the Church over this, the mass murders we supposedly committed in converting the heathens, and so on. He’s a disillusioned Ex-Christian who has worked himself up into a state of perpetual anger about the evils of religion. Yet, as you have pointed out, he is willing to make unfounded allegations based on a false stereotype. So, who’s doing wrong now, Sam?

  18. It’s always them. “Comedians Sarah Silverman, Howard Stern, and Elon Gold have all mocked those who had any objections to pedophilia. These scumbags are clebrated now. Howard Stern was a serious candidate to replace Leno at CBS snd made over $100 million last year. And, we all know it’s getting worse. People are just silently suffering with the glorification of these.people. After Joan Rivers died, one might have thought Rabelais, Moliere, or to contemporize it someone genuinely funny like Jackie Gleason had died, not some crass, witless, self-loathing neurotic.Whatneeds to happen before good, decent.people rise up?

  19. “It’s just kids. Kids don’t even remember. That’s why I don’t know what this fuss with Woody Allen is all.about. So what if he schtupped his little two year old daughter. The tot probably enjoyed it.” – Howard Stern

  20. @ the mass murders we supposedly committed in converting the heathens, and so on.

    You really should not deny Genocide. It makes you look very very bad. Many onlookers may agree with some things they hear here, but will never ally themselves with that kind of comment or commentary. “Heathens” is anything that’s not exactly like you, after all, and many more people know real history than you think do.

  21. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘He’s always ranting about the Church over this, the mass murders we supposedly committed in converting the heathens, and so on. ‘

    Supposedly? Says Torquemada’s biggest fan.

    Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘ Yet, as you have pointed out, he is willing to make unfounded allegations based on a false stereotype. So, who’s doing wrong now, Sam?’

    Unfounded? False stereotypes?


    What planet are you living on?

    I was just listening to Mark Belling’s radio show and not more than fifteen minutes ago he made the statement that he believes a large segment of Catholic priests are queer. He said gay. Anyone here from Wi. listening to the show today?

    The discussion was about how homosexuality has been promoted and tolerated over the past several years.

    He is Catholic by the way and has devoted much time over the years to the shocking pedo-priests scandals.

    He said when he was young homosexuality was condemned as a mortal sin. Now, it is never talked about in church.

    Unlike you, he never attempts to sweep the dirt under the rug.

    Stephen, let’s not forget what the head of your cult said recently.

    On Gay Priests, Pope Francis Asks, ‘Who Am I to Judge?’ … In that context, brief remarks by Pope Francis suggesting that he would not judge priests for their sexual orientation.

    Oh, brother!

    You know, upon rereading the quote it certainly could be argued that he is making an admission about himself.

    In other words, a thief would be hard pressed to judge another thief.

    I find it interesting that people who wave placards around condemning businesses that hire illegals and displace Whites, will at the same time keep silent when it comes to the Catholic church which is hell-bent on flooding this country with third world Catholics.

    Priests, Bishops, nuns they are all on board with the agenda set by the commie Pope who is working feverishly to make sure the USA, Italy and all Euro countries welcome hordes of negroes, many who are muslims into their countries.

    One blurb from the Vicar of Christ on a given weekend sets to naught all the hard work and inroads gained by people fighting the good fight.

    If you want to make a big splash, why don’t you and your Catholic buddies protest the the anti -White policies of your church?

    Of course you will not dare to, but you will fill the collection plates so that they will be able to continue their onslaught against us.

    Insanity gone to seed!

  22. Sam, you loud mouthed hypocrite…why won’t you condemn the Protestant churches pushing for amnesty for illegals?

    The above Episcopal church also officially has queer bishops..
    So peddle your ignorant crap elsewhere.

  23. Reynauld says:

    ‘Go back to handling your snakes Sam’

    The only snakes being handled are named Reynauld and Stephen.

    ‘Sam, you loud mouthed hypocrite…why won’t you condemn the Protestant churches pushing for amnesty for illegals?’

    I have blasted every church group in many, many posts for treacherous positions on illegals, queers and race mixing, you dullard.

    Why haven’t YOU condemned your bishops, homo-priests, commie nuns and the policies of YOUR retarded pope?

    Once again, being a brainwashed cultist you cannot refute anything I have written, nor do you have the common decency to acknowledge much less denounce the anti-White activities of the Vatican.

  24. I’m not going to even bother troll…it’s apparent your object is to divide and set whites against one another..you and your ilk can’t help but turn every post into a long winded theological rant….do you stay awake at nights obsession over this stuff? And nobody has blasted the Catholic hierarchy more than myself over their leftist policies…You should go back to the synagogue and do the same. I thought Hunter was going to moderate this stuff but you guys keep the same old tiresome crap going.

  25. Hunter Wallace says:
    October 8, 2014 at 2:03 am
    ‘Good point.
    I should clamp down on the comments. Somehow every discussion here becomes a theological argument.’

    It was Stephen who brought religion into this thread. I merely expanded upon it.

    He isn’t bothered by religious discussions as long as he and his fellow cultists go unchallenged and dominate the dialogue.

    The hideous barbaric religious beliefs and practices of mulsims are well known, but jewish religious parasites/predators have their many sexual scandals and sexual practices quashed by the controlled press.

    Ah yes, the peoples of the book all claiming Abraham as their father.

    Perverts, ruthless killers, thieves, sexual weirdos and tyrants in all camps..

    Abraham must have been a whack job.

  26. Somehow every discussion here becomes a theological argument’:

    Perhaps ‘theology’ keeps cropping up because the Gospel is really true and is always relevant to every issue of life. Not out of place on a ‘Southern’ blog either, if the Bible Belt runs through there. Sacred Harp singing in Alabama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nQscYwKG5E

  27. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘Every discussion tends to get sidetracked into the same unrelated religious tangents. It has been a problem for a long time now.’

    One option would be to ban religious discussions entirely to avoid the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth of the doctors of divinity who close their ears and cry – Blasphemy! Heretic!

    Most people do not wish to have their religious apple carts upended so it may be prudent to climb down from our hobby horses.

    However, I would like to pose a question to the advanced theologians here.

    Where was God when these 3 altruistic, naive, good- hearted nuns were raped, beaten and decapitated by the barbaric, beastly negroes they ministered to in Afreaka.

    I guess Jesus, Mother Mary and myriads of angles were too busy or disinterested to lend assistance.

    Actually, I know the answer to the question so don’t try to befuddle me with religious tripe.

    Stay the hell away from Niggers! Don’t feed them, clothe them, or fraternize with them unless you harbor a death wish! Sooner or later, one way or another they will kill you.

    Wednesday, Oct 8th 2014


    Two nuns decapitated and a third also murdered after all three elderly women are raped at African convent
    Lucia Pulici, 75, Olga Raschietti, 82, and Bernardetta Boggia, 79, killed
    They had been at Roman Catholic convent in Kamenge, Burundi, for 7 years
    Two were found ‘partially decapitated’ and raped in their dorm on Sunday
    The nun who found them and raised the alarm was also found dead later

    Three elderly Italian nuns were raped and beaten before two were decapitated and another murdered in a convent in Burundi.
    The bodies of Bernardetta Boggia, 79, Lucia Pulici, 75, and Olga Raschietti, 82, were found in their dormitory in Kamenge, north of the capital of Bujumbura.

    Ms Pulici had been celebrate her 76th birthday on Monday.
    The third nun, Ms Boggia, found the pair and raised the alarm.
    But early on Monday morning other missionaries heard suspicious noises and rushed to find Ms Boggia also dead in her room.

    ‘It is very difficult to know the reason behind the killing, but nothing can justify it,’ Father Mario said.
    Evidence showed that two of the Roman Catholic nuns had been raped before they were killed, police spokesman Hermenegilde Harimenshi said.
    The Vatican said Pope Francis was ‘greatly saddened’ by the killings of the women, who had worked at the African convent for years. Ms Boggia had been there since the 1970s.

  28. “It was Stephen who brought religion into this thread.” No Sam, I merely mentioned Islam’s founder lust for children. You were the one who started a hateful tirade about the Catholic Church. Sam, grow up. Get over your bitterness about past religious experiences. All you’re doing is eating yourself alive. I’ve been there, and it isn’t pretty.

  29. “However, when Protestant churches discover wolves preying upon the sheep they are dealt with unlike the policy of the RCC which is to cover up the abuses”

    99% of the priests are removed from pastoral positions forever.

    You bullshit argument (without evidence, of course) is the pathetic rehash of some protestant ideological attack on priesthood. You are transparent as fuck.

    ” I have condemned all of those snakes regardless of which nest they reside.”

    When? Where? Provide an example!

    “Torquemada’s biggest fan”

    The Spanish and the Portuguese fought and bled for every inch of the Iberian Peinsula during the Reconquista. A lotta jews and muzzies pretended (as always) to convert to Christianity to retain their influence. The Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition was created specifically to uproot this evil, and they did a splendid job. They cast out the marannos (=”pigs” -jews) and the moriscos (moors).

    The Inquisition was a very good thing, too bad that we don’t have this today.

    Priests, Bishops, nuns they are all on board with the agenda set by the commie Pope who is working feverishly to make sure the USA, Italy and all Euro countries welcome hordes of negroes, many who are muslims into their countries.

    so are they

    Every major church is corrupted in this respect. As opposed to you, some of us have the brainwave to see this through. Actually, the Scriptures are talking about this, regarding the end times.

    The greatest menace to the White race is not the Vatican, no matter what nonsense you spout. The greatest menace is the jews. Jews are the poison that has been weakening white society since at least a century.

    Eerybody who deflects blame from the jews, or failing to mention that they are public enemy No.1, is serving their cause, doing their bidding. If one isn’t constantly exposing them, they remain hidden behind the scene.

    Why are you doing this, Sam? Why do you help the jews?

    Why do you sow discord?

  30. Mosin probably didn’t notice what looks like an Asian wife and mixed baby of the song leader in that Baptist southern church video. Old-time music, new-time morality.

  31. Once a jew has made such a statement as this person you can look for it to US law in the near future plus expect school and college courses in the subject to be taught. No child’s butt to be left behind. I think that was Bush’s thing …. no wait.

  32. EL, what you say is mostly true. The Jews are a menace, but so are the Muslims. Both of these groups have been age-old enemies of Christianity and the people of European decent. Sometimes, in spite of their mutual dislike of each other, they have teamed up to fight us. Yet some people, like Sam and Mosin, think the Catholic Church is the boogyman. Duh oh, who built the civilization we came from, and who defended that culture for centuries? As to why Sam does this, he’s an embittered Ex-Christian, and he, in his bitterness, has read a lot of Anti-Catholic, Anti-Christian propaganda that has reenforced his bitterness.

  33. Sam, Christians have always given up their lives for the faith. Didn’t you ever read the Biblical accounts of martyrdom, and any of the accounts of them in the Post-Biblical period? God never promised us that being Christians would be easy, and all of those nuns knew of the possibility of martyrdom. They had more courage in their death than you have had in your entire life, so quit your unmanly whining about us Catholics, and get a life, Sam.

  34. European Light says:

    ‘The Inquisition was a very good thing, too bad that we don’t have this today.’

    Of course you would think so. What twisted measures do you espouse? Various tortures such as the rack or burning people alive at the stake? WWJD?

    European Light says: ‘You bullshit argument (without evidence, of course) is the pathetic rehash of some protestant ideological attack on priesthood. You are transparent as fuck.’

    How about this for starters?

    Wiki: BishopAccountability.org, an “online archive established by lay Catholics,” reports that over 3,000 “civil lawsuits have been filed against the church” in the United States,[13] some of these cases have resulted in multi-million dollar settlements with many claimants. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas paid $30.9 million in 1998 to twelve victims of one priest ($44.7 million in present-day terms).[14][15] In July 2003 the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville paid $25.7 million to “settle child sexual-abuse allegations made in 240 lawsuits naming 34 priests and other church workers.”[14] In 2003, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston settled a large case for $85 million with 552 alleged victims.[16]
    In 2004, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange settled nearly 90 cases for $100 million.[17] In April 2007 the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon agreed to a $75 million settlement with 177 claimants and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle agreed to a $48 million settlement with more than 160 victims.[18] In July 2007 the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles reached a $660 million agreement with more than 500 alleged victims, in December 2006, the archdiocese had a settlement of 45 lawsuits for $60 million.[19][20] In September 2007, the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego reached a $198.1 million “agreement with 144 childhood sexual abuse victims.”[21]
    In July 2008 the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Denver agreed “to pay $5.5 million to settle 18 claims of childhood sexual abuse.”[22] The Associated Press estimated the total from settlements of sex abuse cases from 1950–2007 to be more than $2 billion.[20] BishopAccountability reports that figure reached more than $3 billion in 2012.[13][23] Addressing “a flood of abuse claims” five dioceses (Tucson, Arizona; Spokane, Washington; Portland, Oregon.; Davenport, Iowa, and San Diego) got bankruptcy protection.[20] Eight Catholic dioceses have declared bankruptcy due to sex abuse cases from 2004–2011.[24]
    As it became clear that there was truth to many of the allegations and that there was a pattern of cover-ups in a number of large dioceses across the United States, the issue became a nationwide scandal, creating a crisis for the Catholic Church in the United States. Allegations in the United States also encouraged victims in other nations to come forward, rapidly creating a global crisis for the Church. Over many decades, priests and lay members of religious orders in the Roman Catholic Church had sexually abused children on a scale such that the accusations reached into the thousands.[25] A major aggravating factor was the actions of Catholic bishops to keep these crimes secret and to reassign the accused to other parishes in positions where they had continued unsupervised contact with youth.

    State by state database. Absolutely staggering.


  35. European Light says:

    ‘Actually the Catholic pedo scandals are few and far between, it is the jew media that magnifies it a thousandfold.’

    Few and far between, huh? Seriously? Good Lord!

    Captain John Charity Spring MA says:

    ‘Priests are statistically less likely to engage in the disorder than the general male population.’

    The general male population where? Sodom, San Francisco?

    European Light says:

    ‘99% of the priests are removed from pastoral positions forever.’

    In most cases after being discovered they were removed from that particular church and moved to another where they commit more sexual crimes and are subsequently shunted off to fleece more sheep at yet another church.

    All hidden from the public and permitted to continue repeatedly.

    Most people don’t realize that these snakes still devour huge amounts cash and benefits from church coffers. They should be in jail, wouldn’t decent people agree?


    For an abusive priest, retirement income came with a premium

    They called him the Polka Padre. Later, they called him the Polka Predator.

    For decades, the Rev. Robert Kapoun charmed parishioners with his accordion at “polka masses” across Minnesota. Privately, he took young boys to saunas, rectories and a secluded cabin in Cold Spring and sexually assaulted them, according to court testimony.

    Parents complained but leaders at the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis did little to stop him.

    Kapoun remained in ministry until 1996, the year a lawsuit brought by Dale Scheffler, one of his victims, went to trial. It was the biggest clergy sex abuse case in Minnesota history. Over 10 days in a packed Hennepin County courtroom, jurors watched in shock as a parade of top church leaders defended and minimized their inaction. Former Archbishop John Roach claimed memory loss, while Kapoun, then 57, claimed that God had cured him of his sexual interest in young boys.

    An MPR News investigation found that a year after the trial, the archdiocese allowed Kapoun to retire early and sent him funds beyond his pension pay that totaled about $160,000 by 2012. The money was classified as “medical retirement.” Those retirement payments — $957.50 every month — came in addition to regular pension checks of $1,510.50.

    In an interview recently with MPR News, Kapoun dismissed questions about money. The priest said that he rarely sees anyone from the archdiocese and that he suffers from migraines and spinal pain. He splits his time between his half-million dollar lakefront property in Cold Spring and a second home in Florida. “I’m very happy,” said Kapoun,

    Yeah sure, he’s very happy! A den of thieves and perverts.

  36. @Sam

    1) multiple lawsuits (by multiple persons) can be filed agains the same priest
    2) similarly, multiple victims can be abused by the same person.
    (These 2 facts may illuminate the large number of civil suits and victims.)

    Of course, the same can be said of protestants, or any other denomination. Furthermore, the ultimate abusers are jews.

    A short list of rabbis indicted, as of 2009:


    A very good article by Reverend Pike:

    “(…)Rosenberg includes 971 postings about real or alleged child abuse in the Orthodox community.”

    Take note, Sam, that this is from a community (jews) that are of 2% of the US population. Compare the ratio.

    Why dont we hear about these on TV, radio, newspapers, Sam?


    It’s ok, Bro. This battle has to be fought.

  37. @Sam

    It is a singular case, Sam, that you quoted extensively. I ask once again: why arent jewish cases all over the National News? why isn’t there a state-by-stete database about the jew predators?


    I agree, all abusers should be in jail. I personally think they should be hanged, if they’re found guilty. Catholics, Protestants, Jews, doesn’t matter, for all the world to see. That should have educational value.

  38. Stephen E Dalton: “The Jews are a menace, but so are the Muslims.”

    And so are the Blacks and Mexicans. The only way you can stop more of them from coming is by getting rid of the Jews in the government and the media. If you would like to deport the third-world invaders, you cannot catch a few of them in the street and put them on a plane bound for the third-world. If you try to do so, ZOG will have you arrested. You have to take back the government first. Then, the non-Jewish government will take care of deporting the invaders.

  39. Armour, you’re correct about having to remove Jews from government positions. However, we will have to ferret out the secret Jews as well. Many Jews and Muslims do not live openly as Jews and Muslims. So, it’s going to be a long hard slog to remove these folks from their offices.

  40. ‘some people, like Sam and Mosin’:

    Just can’t stop needling, can you? I haven’t even mentioned Romanism on this thread or on this blog recently, but since you keep asking for it, here is one of the best Robert E. Lee quotations:

    ‘We already have more than enough of Romanism in this country’ — and at that time, the South and especially the North were OVERWHELMINGLY NON-Romanist. Lee had the correct view.

  41. European Light says:

    ‘Take note, Sam, that this is from a community (jews) that are of 2% of the US population. Compare the ratio.
    Why dont we hear about these on TV, radio, newspapers, Sam?’

    Are you insane?

    You are comparing perverted jew sleazeballs to your group of PERVERTED sleazeballs
    for what reason?

    Am I supposed to feel sorry for those fag priests because their crimes were discovered and your church authorities were not able to sweep the dirt under the rug – as efficiently and stealthily as jews do?

    Oh, I feel so sorry for those degenerate priests and bishops who tried their best to cover up many decades of crimes by church predators, but were not as successful as hideous jews who pull media strings.

    So, both groups are riddled with filthy, nasty, wretched, rotten, despicable vermin.

    I already know that.

    In spite of your BS the priest scandals are ubiquitous. Can’t you see that? The numbers are astronomical. Can you imagine how many cases went totally unreported by fearful kids and teens??

    Decent Catholics who are disgusted with the church have left it and many more continue to leave it by droves!

    The church is hemorrhageing cash and White people.

    My wife went to a Catholic mass with her aunt recently as a favor. Only people there were a few old white haired folks which will be dead soon.

    That is why the bishops, the vatican and pope are at the forefront of the crusade to open our borders and flood us with third world Catholic beaners.

    They are in collusion with the lefties and jews in our government implementing this massive influx which will DESTROY us but refill their empty church pews with Juanitas and never ending shitloads of brown babies.

    Our taxes are stolen from us even now to care for the thousands upon thousands of spics crossing the border in a non-stop train of wetbacks.

    The wetbacks in turn are often sheltered by Catholic churches which receive tons of money from the government and offerings from the new parishioners.

    What a deal! Rat bastard traitors!

  42. Sam…did you have a catholic priest suck your dick when you were a child? You are so hate filled for some reason…totally over the top..you seem to have real psychological issues…
    HUNTER,,,can we have some some MODERATION? These assholes like Sam just wont give up on perverting this site!!!

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