US Supreme Court Denies Gay Marriage Appeals

After striking down the Defense of Marriage Act in the Windsor decision, the 5-4 “conservative” majority on the US Supreme Court has decided not to wade into the issue of federal judges striking down state bans on gay marriage:

“WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court refused to get involved in the national debate over same-sex marriage Monday, leaving intact lower court rulings that will legalize the practice in 11 additional states.

The unexpected decision by the justices, announced without further explanation, immediately affects five states in which federal appeals courts had struck down bans against gay marriage: Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Utah…”

Let us never again hear the argument that we can “reform the system” by voting for Republicans or that we must hold our nose and vote for the likes of John McCain in order to get “conservatives” on the Supreme Court.

Among other things, the “conservative” majority on the US Supreme Court in Washington has sanctioned miscegenation, abortion, affirmative action, sodomy, open borders, and now gay marriage. It is part of the problem, not the solution.

The solution is DISUNION.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And yet Republicans will use this issue to convince people to elect them with the promise that they will appoint judges who will reverse these rulings just as they have done with Roe v Wade and abortion. And like Roe v Wade, they will use this campaign issue to get themselves elected without any intention on following through with their promises.

    Although secession is the ultimate solution, a stop gap measure to address these activist rulings is nullification. Is their any intention for any group like the LoS to start a “nullify gay marriage” billboard campaign?

    • No.

      Nullification is a waste of time. It is a token gesture. If we are serious about freeing ourselves from Washington, disunion is the only solution. The GOP has nullified all kinds of things that we still endure on account of the Union.

  2. People wont secede over legalism -“Does or does not the US Supreme Court have the the jurisdiction over State rights” -or something like that.

    The letter of the Law doesn’t amount to shit, if you dont ave the power to enforce it.

    Also, most of these issues are wedge issues. They are devised to divide.

    People can debate over abortion , euthanasia, capital punishment indefinitely. There are so many techical details you can argue about, that one wonders, whether this whole charade a carefully constructed distraction or not…

    One more thing: real political action doesn’t come from organizing conferences, secede billboards and photo-ops in front oú Confederate monuments.

    It comes from Party, Organization, Leadership, Program.

    If Southerners fail to achieve these, nothing, absolutely nothing of political significance will ever come out of this.

    • In order to have any of those things, there has to be a real world resistance movment, not anonymous people venting on the internet. Nothing will come of this unless millions of other people decide to stand up and start getting organized.

  3. Hunter,

    Secession will not happen tomorrow but nullification can. All the states have to do is to ignore the rulings.

    • The states have already nullified all kinds of things.

      In the 1960s, the states nullified the civil rights laws. Nullification is essentially resistance as a token gesture. It is a way of saying we are going to resist without being serious about it.

      We are really serious.

  4. Secession is broad spectrum nullification.

    Stop voting in US government elections, they’re a foreign occupying power, your vote merely gives them your stamp approving their illegitimate actions.

  5. This leaves intact the bigger question: Why is the government in the business of marriage in the first place? It has no business here, whatsoever.

  6. In the late 1980thies down here in Eastern Europe everybody wanted something. East and West Germany wanted to unite, Czechs and Slovaks wanted to secede, Baltic states demanded independence, some regions told large autonomy would be fine, kazakhs were minority in their own country and wanted their homeland and culture back. Kazakhstan was 1989 only 37% kazakhs, today 63% and rising. So reversing mass immigration is possible. Everybody wanted something.

    But finally everybody understood that marxism, leftism, liberalism or whatever you call this lunacy is so totalitarian that to get something or anything we need to bring down the entire system.
    I,m sorry to troll your discussion, but my experience 16 years as proud USSR citizen teached me, that if marxism, leftism remains alive, you don,t get not a single square inch on Earth. Grass root movements are important but only complete collapse of cultural marxism gives you chance to do whatever you want, secession, unification, mass immigration or mass deportation, public school private schools, integration, segregation.

    We here in EU have the same problem, people don,t understand that it is impossible to be independent until EU exists. Most notorious example was in Austria when Jörg Haider won election and latest news is Hungary where the pro white conference was cancelled. Until the communist monster exists, it will crush every secession, independence or whatever resistance. Victor Orban is pretty pro white and Jobbik is courageous but EU still found the way to fear them both.

    So secession from communism is impossible. You must take down all system and after that you are free to decide, what next , secession or something else. And we here in Europe too.

  7. Something that may have happened as a result of this decision is that states that don’t do fake marriages themselves will have to recognize the fake marriages that degenerate states allow. Meaning that fake marriage has been de facto nationally legalized because all Adam and Steve or Carpet Muncher and Dildo have to do is go to one of the degenerate states and get married there. In the context of St. Louis, that simply means crossing the river eastward.

  8. MyMinOnGeorgia

    Trying to cast social issues in the mold of some form of libertarian ideology gets us nowhere fast. Opposition to the civil rights movement in our parents’ generation tried to do that, and in fact Jared Taylor did that in his early days of AR: Trying to say that all we want is the lack of state coercion. That mentality failed for three reasons: (1) It only confuses people (2) It allows our enemies to co-opt us (3) The enemy forces aren’t fooled by it.

    It’s the same thing on marriage: Your prescription gets us to the exact same undesirable ending point that the current paradigm is taking us, for all practical and de facto purposes.

  9. QD, I don’t disagree with your point. I just hope that, whether disunion occurs, or American transformation occurs (I know, I know, fat chance), We rethink the role of government in our lives.

  10. “””…Jeff says:
    October 6, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    Secession will not happen tomorrow but nullification can. All the states have to do is to ignore the rulings….””

    Yeah and the next day Army will be on the streets. Are you sure that system is so rotten that the Army will ignore the orders similar to 1991 USSR saving coup etat?

    We suceeded because of dissidents remained silent until they reached highest points in the Army and everywhere else and came out at the most critical point. So elected hidden pro whites are highly important. Empire can collapse only inside, never outside.

  11. It ‘s long since past time for some populist Southern governor and solid White Southern legislatures to simply tell Federal judges to take a hike, state laws on marriage will be determined by the Southern People and marriage laws will be for man and wife as they have for the first 2014 years of Christian civilization.

    When was the last time our people burned some enemy in effigy?

    Our people need to get away from just guns, guns, guns and start burning things.

  12. The Roman Catholics & JEWS on the Supreme Court think the Marriage Feast at Cana was a homosexual orgy.

  13. Earl, if the RC’s on the Court “think the Marriage Feast at Cana was a homosexual orgy”, they’re Catholic’s in name only.

  14. I’m listening now to the WRVA afternoon host, Jeff Katz (member of the tribe), and this supposed conservative is mocking those of us opposed to this crap.

  15. Why is the government in the business of marriage in the first place? It has no business here, whatsoever.

    Completely wrong. Marriage is governance, as is inhibition of predation and deterrence of invasion. What has no business in marriage is religion.

  16. In order to have any of those things, there has to be a real world resistance movement, not anonymous people venting on the internet. Nothing will come of this unless millions of other people decide to stand up and start getting organized.

    I agree. The question is: how would this new seceded (“disunited”) South be any different? In what specific ways? Along which economic-, and political principles would this state be organized? What is to be done with the total jew-infested media? How would you deal with the porn industry and the constant sexualization of American public life and culture?

    I’m especially interested in your responses in regards to media and porn.

  17. “The Roman Catholics & JEWS on the Supreme Court think the Marriage Feast at Cana was a homosexual orgy.”
    Earl always has to open his mouth and remove all doubt.
    See Dr. Samuel Johnson for reference.

  18. “Secession is broad spectrum nullification.”

    No. Nullification is a recognized form of veto from within the system.

    Secession is an exit from the system.

  19. “Earl, if the RC’s on the Court “think the Marriage Feast at Cana was a homosexual orgy”, they’re Catholic’s in name only.”- S. Dalton

    The RC’s have been ‘CINO’s’ since, oh, about 1958. (I’m being VERY charitable here. I actually believe the date of their apostasy to be AD 1100) But that’s not the main point, believe me or no….

    But it IS that which burdens my heart, believe it or not. People thinking that they stand a chance in hell (or getting out of it) by looking to Rome, or the Supremes, or the EU, for ‘salvation’ when the written record, clearly noted (in the Book of JUDGES- he who has eyes to see, let him note) Chapter 17:6, and 21:25:

    “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”

    I’m reading a book that is most enlightening, right now: “Hitler’s Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs” by Richard Tedor. One of the comments of the author in the very first chapter, is that Liberalism destroyed Europe, and the Communists came in, to take over, because no one (until Adolf) offered a valid, European-derived model of state, jurisprudence, law, and finance, that neither veered toward making the unworthy filthy rich, or led the mob to anarchic demagoguery.

    Which is exactly what we have, again, today, forever……

    We cannot,must not let the current model stand. A representative republic can only work if there is a moral, enlightened, and literate populace. Today, we have very little of any of those categories. That is why Ben Franklin said, (as the legend goes) “If you can keep it.” We have not kept it. We sold it to the highest bidder, and for what?

    A mess of multicultural potage.

  20. “”..Logan Smith says:
    October 6, 2014 at 11:22 pm
    How are we supposed to topple the system?…””

    Same way as left and jews. Infiltrate. I became the member of the communist youth as soon as i got 14. My classmates too and older folk rushed into communist party and finally outnumbered the real communists.

    Today too I and my friends are inside system, spreading hate racism homophobia, making all EU “human” rights efforts into laughing stock , derailed the faggot marriage, hate speech law and of course the mass immigration.

    Do like jew. One traitor inside system makes more damage than enemy army. It,s dirty but works. Open fight is glorious but Russian Czar tried, Hitler tried, 1956 Hungarians tried, 1968 Czechs tried and lot of other tried but result was and is all the same.

    White genocide stops when the white nationalists grab all institutions back from the left. And it can,t make openly. Infiltrate yourself, infiltrate your friends everywhere, most importantly in the politics. Like left and jews once did. Eastern Europe is 99% white so it works.

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