Get your popcorn.
Check out this partial list of ongoing current beefs:
Greg Johnson vs. Daily Stormer
Greg Johnson vs. Richard Spencer
Alternative Right vs. Daily Stormer
Alex Linder vs. Jared Taylor
Alex Linder vs. Greg Johnson
Ramzpaul vs. Robert Ransdell
Daily Stormer vs. Ramzpaul
Greg Johnson vs. Matt Parrott
Bob Whitaker vs. Stormfront
Alex Linder vs. Bob Whitaker
Sebastian Ronin vs. Countless People
My Picks For Most Intense Beef
Hadding vs. Harold Covington
Will Williams vs. Harold Covington
Axis Sally vs. Harold Covington
Sad. Very Sad!!!
The easier list to compile would have been who isn’t fighting whom.
But this kind of thing has been going on in the WN movement or whatever name it had before then since before I was born, I’d be willing to bet.
I’m surprised nobody has tried to start a beef with me personally.
It seems that most of these beefs are not even generated by events. They start when one or the other just decides to pick on the other over some small ‘form over substance’ matter. If Daily Stormer’s form is too intense for you then just don’t go to that site, no need to bother the guy.
I didn’t know Johnson is beefing with Spencer. That’s too bad really. All criticism should be aimed without, not within, except in egregious cases.
Hold the phone.
Where do all these people find the time to have beefs with each other?
I would imagine that a lot of these people are of working age. Even before this, I’ve always had the sneaking feeling that the WN movement is full of people who must be allergic to gainful employment.
Beefs seems to come with the territory.
I posted this because I noticed that even more beefs than usual seem to be going on right now.
I always thought Johnson and Spencer were more or less in the same camp. My take is that Johnson is a lunatic with all his European, nihilistic, Hegelian, existentialist, and neo-Nietzschean authors he promotes and publishes but for all that there is quite a bit of good info to be gleaned from his site. After all even the inestimable David Hume believed all ethical “beliefs” bubbled up from the sub-conscious mind. Spencer is just an ex semi-respectable paleocon trying to wriggle in to the extremely limited far right hind monetary tit.
Sally (mostly) and Howard is old and boring.
Williams v. Covington is like 30 years old or something. Nobody even know who these people are anymore. If it weren’t for the fact that the SPLC keeps them on their silly “most dangerous” list the average Nazi teen wouldn’t even be able to find out about them.
Linder’s site and all of the huge Stormfront apparatus is nothing but a bunch of super-annuated Hitler Youth. I would estimate from the comment section that the average IQ is in the range of 90 or so.
Ramzpaul is the most sane man out there nowadays plus he is funny because of it.
I have a couple of enemies. Thanks to Hunter Wallace for deleting many of my “back atcha comments”.
The Internet enables purely negative obsessions.
“I’m surprised nobody has tried to start a beef with me personally.”
Closely question “Fr.” John or Mosin about their religious beliefs.
John de Nugent vs. David Duke
John de Nugent vs. Henrik Holappa
The falling out between Johnson and Spencer seems to be due to being on opposite sides of the Ukraine vs. Russia debate.
The WN movement is filled with many seriously damaged, broken people. Not even mentioning those who are crazy-for-pay for the FBI.????
I don’t agree with Greg Johnson on many issues, but his assessment of Richard Spencer and the recent fiasco is spot on.
As far as all of the other soap opera feuds go, everyone knows(or should know) that Alex Linder is either a deep cover Hal Turner style operative or he is simply a grumpy sociopath who lost touch with reality a long time ago — possibly a mild form of Dissociative Identity Disorder. And most people already know that Stormfront(this also includes VNN and Daily Stormer) is a do-nothing watering hole where immature and insecure fetishists and control freaks hang out because you can be anything you want to be on the Internet. You, too, can donate now and be part of something….. bigger than yourself? exciting? real? special? Oh hell! Just donate, ’cause we got bills to pay.
Crazy and unbalanced people seek out other crazy and unbalanced people. You don’t need a PhD in Sociology to figure this stuff out. In this kind of environment, I would be more surprised if there wasn’t the continuous soap opera drama going on.
Of all the people and entities listed, I can honestly say that, even though I don’t agree with him on many points, Greg Johnson is the only one I would extend an invitation to if I happened to be putting into motion a new group or organization.
It got to the point last night where I closed a thread and started deleting all comments that touched upon religion.
Jim Giles vs A. Linder
Jack Ryan vs 911 Truthers
J.Marr vs BUGSters
B.Whitaker vs Anyone naming jews
Stonelifter vs Denise and most Yankees
Apuleius vs All Yankees
Chris 313 vs John and White folks who don’t live in Detroit
Fr. John vs Anyone not up to snuff on the Filoque
Stephen vs Everything Mosin writes on any given subject
Catholitards vs Sam
I’m not interested in getting involved with any of the beefs above.
Why do you think there are so many of them though? The WN movement is supposed to be about White solidarity.
“Get your popcorn.”
The debate is both funny and intellectually interesting. Great points are made all around. You won’t find that kind of political analysis in the jewspapers.
About Robert Ransdell (With Jews, you lose!), it’s important to remember who started the attacks. It wasn’t him. He has been doing great work, very useful to the White cause, and has come under attack from Ramzpaul and Colin Liddell.
The Ukrainian conflict has caused quite a stir amongst WN’s with people taking sides. I think the movement should focus on working together and leave the squabbles for when we’ve won back our countries, while respecting each others’ personnel politics and religion in the meantime. No enemy to the Right.
Brad, it was not the Ukraine vs. Russia issue that was the final straw. I was still willing to do a podcast with Richard and John Morgan even after being banned from commenting on Alt Right over Ukraine and Russia because (1) I thought and think that there are more important issues that unite us, and (2) I thought that Richard is basically being dominated by Nina Nogoodnik, his Russian-Georgian wife, on that issue, which means that, although he is weak, he might eventually be brought around to a sounder position.
The final straw for me was Richard’s disastrous mishandling of the Budapest conference. When a foreign government tells you that your conference is banned and that the police will take the necessary steps to make sure it does not take place, you do not vow defiance, for two reasons.
1. It is not your country. For nationalists, that should mean something. The “ugly-American” stereotype arises from the deep-seated American assumption that we incarnate the universal rights-bearing agent, and the rest of the world should capitulate at the sight of our passports and dollars. It was an ugly-American douchebag move to go on with the conference. And it is an ugly-American move to grieve the ban to the European Union.
2. Spencer put everyone associated with the event at risk of arrest and deportation. He put his cosponsors, Arktos, at risk of being deported from their homes in Hungary. He also put attendees at risk of antifa violence, because although the police did not break up the little rump conference that took place, they were not protecting it either. I know of at least four people who were arrested and expelled from Hungary. Other arrests might have come in time. And there could have been many more if about half the attendees had not cancelled.
Beyond that, Spencer did not level with people about the risks and actually lied about it when I blew the whistle. At that point, I realized that I had been wrong to dismiss his reputation for causal dishonesty and for using and discarding people. That was the last straw.
Richard’s decision to have the NPI conference in Hungary in the first place strikes me as less a case of being an ugly American than a logical outgrowth of his own cosmopolitan “Imperium Europa” version of White Nationalism.
In other news, UKIP now has its first member of the UK Parliament (they have numerous members in the European Parliament).
Which way is the wind blowing?
“Hunter Wallace says:
October 10, 2014 at 12:06 am
I’m not interested in getting involved with any of the beefs above.
Why do you think there are so many of them though? The WN movement is supposed to be about White solidarity.”
Come on Hunter. If you were WN, would you like to be associated with people like Alex Linder? I’m pretty sure most in the “WN movement”, wouldn’t either.
I didn’t include the beef above that Alex Linder has with me. That was a legacy of my years in the WN movement.
Greg Johnson,
So Richard Spencer has a Russian sphere wife influencing him….
I gave a tennis lesson yesterday to a Russian gal that is a virtual twin of Maria Sharapova – tall, blond, thin and very leggy.
And yes, she most definitely could “influence” me.
Maybe she’s working with Putin and the KGB. If interogated by her using some French perfume – yeah, I would talk. I would completely renounce the US Constitution, Declaration of Indepedence (idiot Masonic nonsense about universal equality of mankind).
What can I say?
I’m a straight White guy – not much attracted to the likes of Hillary, Elena Kagin and Ruth Bader Ginzberg.
Looks like I’m coming to Tennessee next week. U Southern Good Ol Boys better defend your women folk! All’s fair in love and war!
White Nationalism is a dysfunctional mess. Skin head trash and tatted up crystal-meth addicts. I’d say Linder is probably a federal informant; he has never set well me me.
Why invite a Russian chauvinist and American White Nationalists to Hungary to discuss European problems? Why did Richard think a Russian and some Americans pontificating on European issues in Hungary would be a swell idea?
Shouldn’t Richard start with what’s close to home and leave Europe to Europeans?
IMO, it is just an application of the Project Septentrion/Eurosiberia that Greg used to write about. I understand there has been a lot of talk at Radix by Roman Bernard about deemphasizing ethnicity and “petty nationalism” in favor of creating a cosmopolitan, race-based White Empire that would include all White countries.
I don’t agree with any of that stuff, but I don’t see any reason to fight with Spencer about it either. I’m not indifferent to what is going on in Europe. I’m still for racial and cultural preservation in the Occident as a whole. I just see it as a task best left up to local ethnonationalists.
I doubt I agree with Greg Johnson much, but his analysis of Spencer and the Budapest fiasco is spot-on. It was a juvenile stunt that brings no credit to WNs. Sorry, we are not all Richard Spencer now.
Brad, I don’t think the “Imperium Europa” idea had much to do with the choice of Budapest. There are many great cities in Europe. Budapest was chosen because it is the home of two people in Arktos, which is one of the co-sponsors, and it is best to organize a conference where you have people on the ground.
International conferences are a good thing, even if one does not hold to the “Imperium Europa” ideology. They provide an opportunity to meet nationalists from other countries, share ideas, network, and even launch collaborations.
In retrospect, it was a mistake for three foreign-based entities (NPI-Radix–US; Motpol–Sweden; and Arktos–UK) to organize an event in Hungary without finding Hungarian co-sponsors, or a Hungarian umbrella or front organization. The fact that only one Hungarian showed up to the final event speaks volumes. Working within the framework of an existing Hungarian institution might have made the ban less likely, and it would have made defying the ban seem less like a foreign invasion. This is definitely something to take to heart for future events in Europe.
Another thing to take into account is not to look like a Russian propaganda outlet in a country that suffered two Soviet invasions and 44 years of Soviet-sponsored tyranny within living memory. The Russian angle is the most plausible account for why this conference was shut down: NPI and Radix are obvious Russian propaganda organs; Dugin, the chief speaker, is an ideologue of Russian chauvinism and an apologist for Stalin; Manuel Ochsenreiter, another speaker, parrots the Kremlin line on Ukraine; Arktos, one of the co-sponsors, is one of Dugin’s publishers; Jobbik, which was also associated with the conference, is pro-Russian. And Spencer didn’t get all the Russian propaganda on the program that he wanted.
Hungarian president Viktor Orban would not have needed any outside pressure to have banned such a congress once it came to his attention. Patriotic Hungarians despise Russia, and playing the anti-Russia card highlights one area in which Jobbik, his chief rival to the Right, is out of touch with the Hungarian people.
I was under the impression that Orban is pro-Russia:
See also here:
Given what occurred in Budapest, I think it is in extreme bad taste to accuse Richard Spencer of being an “ugly American.” What, are we also to conclude that Jared Taylor behaved like an “ugly American”? Say what one will of Spencer and his occasionally over-the-top Russophilia, yet I have never seen him attempting to foster divisions on the right as some appear to be doing.
From what I have read, it is obvious that Orban’s decision to suppress the conference had little to do with the choice of speakers (e.g., Dugin), but was a result of his capitulating to socialist parliamentarians and Hungarian “civil rights” groups.
The entire impetus behind the NPI conference was a noble and visionary one, and I can only commend Richard Spencer for trying to see it through.
It’s a shame the conference was shutdown.
I’ve been told the idea was to put together a European version of the Amren conference. That’s not a bad idea. I’m also not surprised, particularly in light of Amren’s experience, that it ended the way that it did in light of Europe’s crazy laws.
Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, Colin Liddell, and many other familiar names were over in Budapest primarily for one reason: they were enjoying a FREE European vacation paid for with all the thousands of dollars that a great many suckers donated to them and their websites. If they say otherwise they’re liars. That’s because they don’t want you to know the truth: that White Nationalism has become a money-driven racket. Like David Duke (before he went to prison involving donation-money fraud) these WN carnival barkers see themselves as an international, jet-setting elite. To foster that impression, they more and more want to cast themselves against an exotic, foreign backdrop, so as to further and further distance themselves from the garden-variety white nationalist they secretly have utter contempt for.
Remember David Duke in his early years? Humble, glad-handing with the common people in the South, that kind of thing? Then flash-forward to him on the ski slopes of Austria years later, cruising around the exotic Riviera, roaming the Ukraine as if he were Hitler’s personal adjutant, von Ribbentrop. Where do all of you think he got the money to do that?
Open your eyes, for Christ’s sake! See this Budapest “conference” for the vanity project that it is!
None of these individuals are accomplishing a damn thing, other than running some shitty little blog, writing a few articles, and, in the case of Johnson particularly, occasionally vomiting up a piece of obnoxious trash like The Homo & The Negro that nobody but a faggot would want to read anyway.
Think about it: had these individuals intended some serious, let’s-all-sit-down-to-business white nationalist activities, would they have been arrested in a….BAR?
As I’ve long stated (and backed up with documentation) the white nationalist movement, and all those involved in it, are nothing but a pretentious, vain, money-grubbing bunch of cybernet looters. And anyone who donates to them are fools and suckers.
So wake up, everybody – see these people for what they really are…
Con artists!
As an ethnonationalist, I consider my field of activities limited to my own country, Dixie. Beyond that, I sympathize with the plight of Whites abroad, especially in southern Africa, but it is incumbent upon, say, Hungarians to bail Hungary out of the ditch of liberal democracy.
As I see it, the problem with the “Imperium Europa” idea is that it a species of universalism that causes White Nationalists to dissipate their energies over an enormous geographic area. Beyond sympathizing with our counterparts abroad, there’s nothing much we can do about their situation. The best thing we can do to help them is focusing on getting marginally more powerful and organized in our own countries.
The movement in the US is a wreck. I think we are better off trying to do what we can here. I don’t see why so much time has been invested in arguing over a place as remote and irrelevant to life here as who has sovereignty over Crimea, Russia or Ukraine.
I’ve got to get on the road tomorrow and drive 11 hours to St. Louis! It’s impractical for us to operate in Dixie as a whole, much less on the scale of North America, or the entire Occident.
That said, I was dismayed that the conference was shutdown, but not surprised. I had a lot of friends who traveled over there. I’m glad to see that at least some of the fun and fellowship was salvaged.
As I understand it, Jared Taylor arrived in Budapest before the ban, but when it was made clear to him that the Hungarians did not want him to go forward, doing so was an ugly-American move. Again, what does the ugly-American idea mean if not the assumption that we are citizens of the world, and foreigners should submit themselves to our standards and accommodate our needs?
From the perspective of the White Empire, Hungary would be just as logical as a field of action as British Columbia, Florida, or Tasmania.
@Forbidden Planet
Ease up chief, how much could any of these guys possibly be making off of this? And besides, they need to live too, at the very least they are serving an interested demographic. I highly doubt Greg Johnson or anyone else that you mentioned is living high on the hog. What do you expect them to do anyway. serve you french fries? Would that prove something to you boss? Where are your results?
Watch out in StL Brother!
I’m bringing the SN flag to #Ferguson.
I have nothing but respect for you dude, but wouldn’t it be a better idea for this sphere to observe the old advice of Bambi’s mother (if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all)?
I understand it is hard, what with everyone directing their cannons on each other and trying to make names for themselves by calling each other pussies and all, but still, it would be better no?
“The homo and the negro”?
Did you write that in jest, or did Johnson really expend his time to explore that fetid subject?
I believe that was James O’Meara.
Question Diversity says:
I’m surprised nobody has tried to start a beef with me personally.
You’re an easy-going guy. You haven’t banned me yet
White nationalists are anti-social snobs. White nationalists are not crazy, but they are not tactful either. White nationalists just think they are better than everybody else to the point of being anti-social. Petty flaws and disagreements are provocation for the end of friendships and working relationships in the white nationalist movement. White nationalists have a tendency to see people as either being absolutely evil, stupid, or both. This not a constructive way to build an effective political movement.
White nationalists need to learn to be more tactful and accepting of people’s frailties. I often hear the joke that liberals hate human beings, yet love humanity. Well white nationalists love supermen, but not real men. Real people suck.
Hunter, these spats at least have the virtue of being over substantive issues. A lot of the nastiness could, in theory, be avoided, but it’s more a case of the stakes being so high (at least in people’s minds) that causes the acrimony rather than personal pettiness. In contrast, the Phora vs Fade the Butcher was pettiness all the way, as was H. Wallace vs G. Johnson circa 2010.
Spite may feel good, but it doesn’t make you look good. Fact is, Spencer came out of the supposed ‘fiasco’ looking golden. Learn to lose gracefully every now and then.
An actual “Imperium” is a bridge way too far, you’d think. But some degree of pan-European outlook is essential for two reasons:
(1) In order to overcome the lingering national hatreds, especially considering ethnonationalism’s tendency to revive and exacerbate them.
(2) A considerable amount of cross-border cooperation is going to be required for Europe to deal with its racial problems.
And a third reason could be that it helps win support from European immigrants to European countries, who have a tendency to undermine that country’s nationalism (eg Poles in England undermining English/British nationalism; or closer to home for you, the efforts of southern and eastern European immigrants to undermine American white nationalism in the early days, and Southern nationalism still). But if they realize their own stake in the nationalist debate they might see things differently.
Ramzpaul pointed out an inconsistency about the affair in Hungary. The year before, the World Jewish Congress met in that country to discuss what is good for Jews. They were not harassed, nor run out of the country, nor banned from traveling to Europe for several years afterwards.
This kind of thing is only done to Whites. A double standard like that should be pointed out.
Tyranny of words
How about a somewhat impartial American Pro-White Council that can be used to give equal time and equal weight to the voices of the various conflicts? The various parties can elect an appointed mediator. Obviously there will be people and entities that are just too full of shit or too self-centered and self-serving to be given a voice, but at least some of the more practical and sane voices can be salvaged and put to good use instead of bickering and wasting precious time and resources on The Movement that never seems to move.
As a pro-White person who is sick of the pathetic state of White America, I have to ask other supposed pro-Whites a serious question: Why perpetuate the drama if you aren’t going to make a genuine effort to resolve, squash, or at least strip away all of the pettiness and find a proper outlet for these voices by delegating power appropriately? It seems that the Intelligentsia(wannabes or not) is content with cannibalization while those who find solace in practical applications and real world maneuvering sit on the sidelines waiting for these “intellectuals” to either put up or just shut the fuck up. One major rule of building(whether it’s building an organization, group or team) is to have a good idea where everything goes and know your place and the proper role you can play in the whole process. People either don’t know or don’t want to accept their roles.
Thanks Sam for reminding me that I was a main enemy of the 9-11-01 TRUTHERS. Also the. Ron Paul and Ran Paul. Libertarian Comstitutionalist , never say die true believers – yeah, I was and am completely at odds with these loons.
But, since I pretty much won these battles by KO, there. Hasn’t been much fighting of late, not after American Renaissance elected Rand Paul as White traitor of the year for 2013.
Forbidden Planet is just a sad, pale parody of Ward Kendall.
We also need to not “lose it” over little stuff, like some conference being shut down, a hotel reservation cancelled, some activists being hassled.
Nobody was beaten, raped or killed in Hungary – same applies to all Amren Conferences.
The worst I get are nut cases, loons, loners, losers finding fault with my brilliant articles.
The best advice I can give folks for these problems is to get better female companionship – take up a whiter form of partner dancing, like the Texas two step. It works for me.
The opposition is always going to try to shutdown our conferences and hotel reservations. We learned through experience in Shelbyville not to invite that kind of harassment by anti-fa slacktivists.
Brad, as I hear it, your advice is to think globally (about whites) and act locally. That is sound, honest, and authentic: we have stronger attachments to our families, friends, and local communities than to wider communities and identities. A strong national identification is a stretch for most people, and pan-civilizational unity, much less global citizenship, are nebulous abstractions to virtually everyone, and when they are used, they are more often an expression of alienation from one’s more proximate familial, local, and national identity than of any real felt connection with something wider.
However, there are advantages to some of us maintaining European and race-wide contacts. There are philosophical, political, strategic, and tactical principles that are universally applicable to our cause. In the world of ideas, there is nothing odd about an American speaking at the London forum about an Italian philosopher, Vico, to an audience that was primarily English but also Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Polish — and those are just the ones I met.
Richard Spencer is gilded, Silver, not golden. It rubs off with the slightest handling, leaving an ugly, hard to remove stain. Ask anyone who has been screwed by him.
I understand where Hunter is coming from. I’ve been observing and participating in conservative movements for the last thirty years. The infighting has always been bad, especially in the racial, WN wing. That’s why I stayed away from this stuff for years. A movement that is more interested in fighting, than fighting for a goal, isn’t going to go nowhere. SN has a chance to go somewhere because the up and coming leaders, like Hunter, understand the sectarian infighting that has undermined the WN movements, has to go by the wayside, if we’re going to succeed. We need to take the focus off of personalities, and remember to zero in on real world possibilities and goals.
Stephen and Jack,
Neither of you are from the South. We get along fine though because we know each other in real life and work together on a regular basis.
I’m convinced WN is like this, a low trust/low social capital movement plagued by vicious infighting, because it so anonymous and so reliant on the internet which is abused as an end in itself.
That’s right.
Generally speaking, there’s nowhere near the amount of vicious infighting in the SN movement. I’m not going to fight with people like Matt Heimbach or Cushman because they are my friends. We know each other in real life and work together on a regular basis.
Why the hell should one back down in the face of the mere announcement of government pressure? If that’s your attitude you’ve already lost. Yes Spencer took a risk but at the end of the day he achieved two things:
1) The conference did happen and by all accounts a good time was had by those who got through.
2) He showed by his imprisonment that nationalism truly is a dissident movement and gave an example of being willing to personally sacrifice for one’s beliefs. If nationalism is going to get anywhere, we’re going to need a lot more of that.
That doesn’t mean one should whine about the persecution (one should expect it). It doesn’t mean one can’t have constructive criticism. But people need support not snark on such occasions.
If that’s the case, then every Tom, Dick & Harry who wants to claim to be a genius strategist or leader only has to get arrested to further his agenda. Why keep sponsors and supporters in the dark by ignoring something that very well could put them in the same crosshairs that you know will be put on you? I do believe that was the point Greg Johnson was making. There’s nothing intelligent or valuable with that kind of manipulation going on. Why lure people thousands of miles away to another country for the same kind of drama you could get a few hundred miles away if you really wanted to?
If you already know that there is a better than average chance that you will be targeted and arrested, then why intentionally include others and make them look like nothing more extras in a really bad docudrama? Could it be that a Richard Spencer getting arrested and deported might look better with a backdrop of “shocked and outraged” supporters than it would with him being arrested with hardly anyone there?
The more I see of Spencer and Taylor type activism, the more I see through the thin veil of Racialist Nationalism that they supposedly represent.
Yeah rub it in Hunter, I’m not a true Son of the South…
But, I am a graduate of one of The Best, most Southern Universities in the South – Vanderbilt University in the great state of Tennessee. I lived in Tennessee after grad school, led the populist, patriotic Southern resistance to the first Bush Sr. Neo Con war in Iraq.
I was also credit with running the mostly negative political campaign in Davidson County Tennessee history , in the 1991 Juvenile Court Clerk’s race. And of course, I was very proud to assist in the LoS demonstrations in Middle Tennessee against Tyson Foods bringing in Muslim Somalian Bantu low wage workers for Tyson Food processing plants in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville TN.
Tennessee is a great place and I feel I have earned the right to do activism there. After all, originally all Southerners’ families were in Britain.
That doesn’t mean it’s not something you can build on. Look at the environmentalist movement. You have people rending their garments over the fate of geographical features in parts of the world they’ll never even visit, and that, all told, won’t ever have any real impact on them (or in some cases, on anyone). So successful have they been that even people who think (hardcore) environmentalists are insane are forced to treat their claims respectfully.
As for Spencer, I know nothing about him. I was referring only to this one episode.
It’s not as if people who know each other in real life never have spats. Get real.
There’s also the other side of the equation: the internet enables coordination between people who’d kill each other if they were in the same room. It’s silly to pooh-pooh it.
Worked for Rosa Parks didn’t it?
How about being more relative with an example that gives better insight into this specific kind of pompous, egotistical activism…… has the globetrotting and cries of persecution while being arrested or deported worked for David Duke after all these years?
Re: Silver
It has been a night and day difference from my years in WN.