The Death of Walter Scott

Not "Sir" Walter Scott. This black guy.
Not “Sir” Walter Scott. This black guy.

In this case, I will say that it genuinely does look like this White police officer in North Charleston, SC murdered an unarmed black man. He was charged with murder after the video below surfaced on the internet.

Perhaps there is more to this story, as there was in the cases of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, but I doubt it. Whatever the case, the justice system seems to be working fine, and everyone should wait for more information to come to light before jumping to conclusions, playing Nancy Grace on the internet, or burning down cities.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “You’re not my friend either, as far as I know. So, what?”

    So, I don’t go around pretending I have the right to chain you up for nonoviolent actions and evading punishment for nonviolent actions, and I’m not going to shoot you in the back unless you go out of your way to give me extra special reason to.

    The same can not be said for cops.

    Do not fool yourself by letting the “white guy shoots black guy” model govern your perspective. Cops aren’t white. Cops are blue. They do not have any loyalty to you whatsoever, most certainly not race loyalty. They can and will shoot you in the back just about as easily as they will shoot a black guy, and there have been repeated occasions when they have done exactly that to white guys. Erik Scott and Sal Culosi, to name just two. It doesn’t get the same publicity because white guys don’t have the grievance industry foghorn on their side, but it absolutely happens, and it happens a lot.

    Ignore the true pattern at your peril.

  2. “So, I don’t go around pretending I have the right to chain you up for nonoviolent actions and evading punishment for nonviolent actions, and I’m not going to shoot you in the back unless you go out of your way to give me extra special reason to.”

    I couldn’t care less what you go around pretending to do or not to do. I don’t even know who you are, and I have no idea whether you’ll shoot me in the back for any reason whatsoever–or for no reason whatsoever.

  3. Fr John,

    Stonelifter and I “parted” on good terms. I bowed off of this site awhile ago, because I did not want my Views on Jews to cause anymore conflict with any-one on Hunter’s site. I loved The Daily Stormer, because the content was fun and free-wheeling. The Twitter troll campaigns were wonderful.

    Something’ happened with Anglin though. I don’t know him personally. He wigged out over Crimson Tide’s radio interviews (and I do NOT disagree with anything she said! I heard nothing off base, nor “femi-Nazi” blah blah blah), and started this faux “Medievalism” lunacy. I don’t know what his issues with women are – but some of his claque obviously loathe women – and probably should simply accept their own homosexual natures (I am referring to Boing). They slur married men, who have produced WHITE CHILDREN, as “beta-fags”, and all sorts of other retarded CHILDISH names.

    I have found it’s better to walk away fast, when that type of lunacy bubbles forth. Why would you expect me to stick around, when it’s been made abundantly clear that “no girls allowed” in the DS “treehouse”? I mean – why? I am not into being abused.

    FYI – ANY White women that do show up in “WN” circles and sites are generally treated like dirt. Most women walk away immediately, or eventually give up.

    Hunter, by the by, as always been more than civil towards me, and every poster that behaves in even a semi-civil fashion. I began re-posting on this site due to specific and general interests in the topic at hand. I’ve always considered Hunter to be a natural historian and innate scholar. Sadly, Anglin’s shocking lack of knowledge of actual factual history dismayed me, and sent me running, more than the moronic regular Commentors that are left in the DS. I want to deal with people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. I’m all about practical reality.

    Which brings me to the White Men “Reigning and Ruling” thing. FR John – send me a memo when ya do it, mm-kay? Cause I see White men pretty thoroughly dispossessed from power. I have already stated that the “Women willingingly giving up their rights” is a non-starter – as well as a mind-bogglingly STUUUUUUPIIIIID PR stance. Sorry to be rude – by I’m BORED with the clumsiness and down-right social ineptitude of “formal” alleged White Nationalists. The social tone-deafness of “the (non) Movement” is an absolute embarrassment. So frankly, my dear, bugger off ’til you are wielding actual power. Stuff a sock in it. Go away kid, ya bother me.


  4. “You seem to have a problem, sir. Would you like to discuss it?”

    Be specific.

  5. Fr. John – I just regaled a few associates of mine, who are present, with my little exchange. A healthy White man, whom I respect, admire, and WOULD FOLLOW, replied that “If White men want power, they must be willing to pay the Iron Price. When enough White men are willing to pay the Iron Price – White men will regain power”.

    So – are you willing? Why not?

    What’s your excuse today?

  6. I watched the Cop Cam video . It changes nothing.

    Scott was totally stupid for just running away. That sort of thing simply triggers a prey response. That’s like a rabbit running from a hawk. However, Slager had no reason to shoot him in the back.


  7. “Women’s Liberation” was another front, on the War against Christendom, by the Cultural Marxists. Setting men and women against each other, and disrupting the Natural Order – it was one of many tactics created specifically to destroy White Christian nations, and has been “wildly successful”.

    For the record – I want White men to assume their natural role as rulers. But ya have to DO it.

    • HAC’s podcast was hilarious.

      At the beginning of the show, his co-host used a robotic sounding anonymizer to disguise his real voice. HAC did go on point out though that men today are a pale shadow of their ancestors.

  8. @Denise 11:54 PM

    It’s good to see you commenting often, Denise, and I am sorry that the mental midgets and insecure “men” caused you to leave DS, as I too thought the site had great potential at first, and truly enjoyed my time writing there. Your assessments on the situation are, without going into detail, correct as any I have ever seen.

    That being said, I’m thankful to now have the honor of writing here, and have a nice little project in the works that I think both you and others will find a breath of fresh air.

  9. Mr. Philadelphia:
    Simply that you seem to be trying very hard to ignore on-topic points relevant to the events in question in order to a better obstreperous asshole. I’m not sure why you’d do that, but I’m perfectly willing to pretend to listen while you expound on whatever-it-is.

    In the meantime, on the off-chance you are actually honest, and therefore incredibly stupid, I will spell out precisely what my argument is:
    1) There is a certain tendency (visible in this comment thread) to say “he’s black, it doesn’t matter”.
    2) There is also a tendency (visible, although to a lesser extent, in this comment thread) to say “Cops deal with blacks all the time, they know to despise them, it’s ok if they shoot them, they’re on our side”.
    3) There’s also a tendency (again, somewhat visible in this thread) to say “Cops might shoot black guys for whatever reason, but whites don’t have to worry”.
    4) Cops in the real world have absolutely no sympathy for white nationalists, and often will go out of their way to nail such people, because they make for easy targets.
    5) Cops in the real world certainly do shoot white guys for whatever reason or sometimes no reason at all. They may have fewer opportunities to do so, due to white tendencies toward obeying the law, but that’s not to the cops’ credit.
    6) Put these points together, and you get the conclusion that a large number of people in this thread and/or otherwise observing this event are lying desperately to themselves, and making it far likelier that they’re going to get themselve in trouble by having the habit of thinking of cops as being “on our side” when they really shouldn’t.
    7) If you are aware of someone sympathetic to your goals who is fooling themselves into an incredibly stupid and avoidable mistake, it’s only fair to do something, however little, to help them avoid it.

    I thought I summed all this up adequately in saying “Cops are not your friends”. Apparently I overestimated the intelligence of at least one thread participant, who took it as an excuse to pick some sort of fight over nothing at all.

    Unless … are you a cop, Mr. Philadelphia? Because that would explain a lot.

  10. Mr Marcus! Thank you for your very kind words. I a delighted to learn that your witty, cogent, and insightful prose will grace the pages of the Occidental Dissent I look forward to reading all and everything regarding the subjects on which you opine. I will inform my cohorts, who will be extremely pleased to learn of your contributions to this worth forum!

    The Daily Stormer – I truly pray that Mr Anglin may yet “right the cart”. I wish him well. We all have endured strange times…

    Thanks, again for the notification. Sliante!

  11. “I thought I summed all this up adequately in saying ‘Cops are not your friends.'”

    Well, you didn’t. You haven’t said anything at all.

    “Cops in the real world certainly do shoot white guys for whatever reason or sometimes no reason at all.”

    Really? That’s troubling. Please list the names of the victims; so far, you’ve alleged two, out of how many millions of white persons who’ve lived in the U.S. since 1776?

    Either you value civilization, or you don’t. If you do, you value police. You’re not my friend. You’re just a white punk, like the many white punks who gratuitously challenge the dignity of other whites on streets in this country every day, as I’ve had ample opportunity to observe in my sixty-one years. Oddly enough, gratuitous challenge to dignity never comes from blacks or Asians–not as far as I’ve observed. It’s a white thing.

  12. Worth reading, especially the last three paragraphs.

    Robert Ramsdell : Big picture here needs to be the main concern for nationalists and the White citizenry.
    Big picture the story here is the fact that the media is seeking to make law enforcement’s interaction with Blacks a matter of doing anything in their power not to offend or incite Blacks in their treatment of Black criminals. They want to make this officer here an example, they want to send a message to White police that protecting themselves or other citizens (especially Whites) from violent Black criminals is going to be seized upon by the Jewish media and their cohorts in government as police brutality, harassment, a civil rights violation, etc.

    Most in law enforcement are not motivated by doing the right thing or ideology, they do whatever they are told to do to keep their paycheck and their career intact. It gets a little dicey here as the establishment employs them to maintain order and civility and many thousands of times daily Blacks adversely affect those things in hundreds of places in this country, so up to now they have recognized a need to at least try to maintain some semblance of law and order with regard to our resident simians.

    Well now it is being impressed upon them that Blacks are to get a pass, are to be understood as being “disadvantaged” or having been the victims of “past injustice” so they are to be dealt with by using kid gloves…..if at all.

    I suspect that we will start to see the latter more and more in America, as this continues we will start to see police just simply stop trying to enforce the law when it comes to Black criminals. They will not announce this as being the case, they will simply and in a subtle manner just stop getting to the point where they come to blows or gunfire with Blacks.

    So then we get to the point where the Jews in the media are pushing us, to where the police are of no assistance against the violent and savage behavior of the average Negro criminal. Of course we will continue to pay them, but they will serve as nothing more than mall cops, more than they already are, just observe and report, take no action to stop a crime in progress and/or subdue a Negro criminal.

    And if this ends up proving to play out in reality, what does that mean for the rights of the average White citizen in taking it upon himself to defend himself and his family from Black criminals? The police are going to in time end up serving as an entity that does not protect Whites from Black criminals but instead determines whether or not a White person is a criminal for having defended himself, if the police are not permitted the ability to protect themselves, do you think most of them will grant us the right?

    And of course the Jew media, if permitted to continue doing so, will press on for the prosecution of people who are doing the job the police gave up for fear of being “racist”, that being maintaining order and civility.

    The rotten, lying, hypocritical, EVIL Jew media runs this country, it has got to be fully acknowledged before anything can be done to fix the damage they have caused.

    Again it is not the case of one officer and one Black criminal that should be the focus here, it is the fact that the Jews in the media are well on their way to neutralizing our police departments, this is something on which Rockwell warned was a common tactic of the Communists in any country.

    Just a short comment on the specific case here, sorry but I see more wrong in the fact that we permit these Blacks to wonder by the millions in this country who do nothing more than run up rap sheets and illegitimate children than the fact that there are some police out there who are trigger happy and who abuse their power, and I say this as someone who has had their rights trampled on by police just a few months ago. Put the police aside, the bigger problem is we tolerate a race of people in our midst who time and again show themselves to be unfit for Western civilization, and the only thing even their apologists can counter with is that a drop off in standards must be made to accommodate the average Black in America.

    We can work through any issue with police abusing their power, that will not threaten our civilization or race’s survival. Blacks remaining in White lands will see our civilization and culture coming out looking like something out of Africa, and police corruption and brutality will only become infinitely worse as is evidenced in Black Africa.

  13. I and cohorts listened to Covington’s podcast. The commentary was top notch, and very funny. Witty, even.

    Maybe men will listen to other men. Maybe not…

    Back to this Dread Scott story – ZOG is using to go full tilt South Africa.

    Prepare ye, boys and girls.

  14. “I watched the Cop Cam video . It changes nothing.”

    I’d say it changes quite a bit, Denise. In comments on the internet over the past few days, I’ve seen, I think, all kinds of nonsense: “The cop was probably lying about the tail light” or whatever; “The cop shot him because he was too lazy to give chase.” What we see, in the dashcam footage, is a policeman who’s politely conducting a traffic stop.

    “Scott was totally stupid for just running away.”

    No, he wasn’t “stupid,” Denise. He was breaking the law.

    “That sort of thing simply triggers a prey response. That’s like a rabbit running from a hawk.”

    If I want to read pop psychologizing, I’ll go to a liberal website. When Scott ran from the car, what should Slager have done, other than give chase?

    “However, Slager had no reason to shoot him in the back.”

    We still don’t know what happened between Scott’s run from the car and Scott’s bolting from Slager in the bystander video. As I said in a comment in this thread yesterday, that video’s initial section–before the camera comes into proper position, just before Scott bolts–seems to show Scott and Slager wrestling on the ground. If you want to see that discussed, go to the one-minute mark of the following “frame-by-frame analysis” at CNN:

    In the past hour or so, I’ve seen one or two interviews with the young fellow who filmed the shooting. He said he’d seen Scott and Slager on the ground (“on the floor,” I think he said, in at least one of the interviews); but in my opinion, he was not at all clear about what he’d seen. The interviewers seemed incapable of formulating questions that would clarify that.

    I’ve also seen a news article in which someone from SLED, the South Carolina law enforcement agency that’s handling the investigation, said that there had been questions early on about the account of the shooting and that the bystander video had confirmed everything the SLED investigators had been thinking. Apart from a vague reference to “number of shots in the back,” or something like that, there was nothing specific in that report.

    In a Today Show interview, Feidin Santana, the bystander who took the video, was asked about a moment in which Slager, the policeman, seems to look at him, right after the shooting. Santana seemed to be saying that, yes, Slager had looked at him; but again, Santana was not at all clear. I also got the impression that the officers at the shooting scene had said something to Santana and, maybe, had seen he had a camera going; but again, very unclear.

    I find this very disturbing. All kinds of unclear information, an impression that the bystander video was some sort of miraculous find that revealed the truth–even though it seems Slager and other officers might have known of the existence of the bystander video all along.


    Nope. Many things are unclear.

  15. I have known cops, Mr B. They HATE it when any-one runs. They assume that the person just did something very very very naughty. They HATE runners, of any stripe. Running means that must give chase….

    Scott simply nigged out. “A ngr’s gonna ng”. Yes, Slager was very polite, and nothing was amiss – until Scott bolted. Yes – there is a “missing link” section, in events as they transpired. But Slager apparently had no knowledge of Scott’s motivations. Why did he bolt?

    Yes he Slager still shot Scott point blank in the back. Scott was running away. Slater was obviously un-injured.

    Slager shot Scott point blank in the back Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom BOOM.

    Perception is reality.

    This is going to be used to go full South Africa.

    What do we do about it?

  16. “This is going to be used to go full South Africa.”

    On this–the politics-to-come–I won’t say you’re incorrect, Denise.

    Thanks for the podcast link.

  17. I don’t take direction from Covington. So unless I want a laugh or to hear some good tunes, I don’t bother with him. He’s the genius who said ‘the greeks have nothing to do with us.’ Golden Dawn absolutely has something to do with us – if you want a white Europe and some part of America to ever get out from under Jews & Co.

    The question remains: how on earth are we failing to make Christina Eilman a household name when Trayvon, Michael, Eric and now Walter have been burned onto our collective consciousness?

    Christina was quite literally abducted by Chicago black cops and taken out of O’Hare Airport’s precinct into some inner city jail for two days, denied access to any calls from her parents (who were trying desperately to reach her from California) and then ‘set free’ without the use of her cell phone and only one hour of dusklight right next to a condemned building full of groids. She barely lasted that long. Cops at every single juncture were deemed responsible by the Illinois Supreme Court, yet ‘pro-whites’ can’t be bothered conveying her and our truth to our own people.

    I mean, WTF? These people want to know about a ‘cop conspiracy?’ What are we waiting for?

    Finally, I’m still waiting to hear why 1-2 bullets in Scott’s back constitute ‘excessive force,’ both on an abstract plane and in the context of Slager’s experience, which in NJ – even the southern part – probably requires more fast twitch thinking than most other states and areas in the country. The densest population of warring tribes, races and classes doesn’t often afford one the leisure of playing Hamlet.

    I’d wager Autumn Pasquale’s parents might be curious, too.

  18. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:

    ‘Nope. Many things are unclear.’

    Also, the matter of the car. The negro said he was going to buy the car. No insurance. No proof of ownership. Just a BS story? Did he steal it? A hijack? What was in it? Was he high?

    Was the black dude recording the event just really a passerby or did he have anything to do with Scott previously?

    The cop didn’t seem to be upset initially. Did he turn psycho just because a garden variety negro took off running? Possibly, but I doubt it. Happens all the time. Standard operating procedure.

    Could be he thought Scott definitely tried to kill him in the struggle.

    Could have tripped the officer’s wire.

    Just wondering.

  19. Not so fast, pretty boy:

    This is where the men separate from the boys. Jared Taylor has quite personally embarrassed my people on several occasions, far far worse than Michael Slager’s kneejerk overreaction ever could. Time to climb down from the ivory tower fantasy world race realists cultivate.

    I’ll take a bunch of brawling ruffneck aussies any day over Taylor’s pansies. Just a quick perusal of Reclaim Australia’s photojournal should reveal to any sober judge just exactly who the embarrassment is.

    I’m for Reclaiming America, starting with ‘race realism’ which has gotten whites NOWHERE.

  20. Here’s a start Denise, copied from Amren:

    “paul kersey Chip Carver • 4 hours ago
    By fleeing, this criminal black endangered every citizen as well as the officer. The officer was polite and professional during the stop. If he had not stopped this black using force the black criminal could have carjacked a citizen in order to escape or god knows what. I feel that the officer protected the community. There is an indigogo fund for the officer and I am sending 20 dollars to help support his legal costs and I hope others do so as well. Blacks are out of control and I am tired of their crime and violence. I am thankful to this officer and if I was on a jury I would vote not guilty.”

    Also not far from Slager’s hometown is Middletown, NJ, where blonde blue eyed Kerri Dalton was stabbed to near-death twelve times in Bed and Bath in winter 2013. The perp was a black man who liked to torch cats for fun. He had been lurking around the Pet Smart that very day. The cops were waiting to arrest him until they could find the corpses. I guess Taylor’s ilk could care less whether Kerri joined them or not…

    In Baltimore, just an hour away from Medford and a year after Kerri narrowly escaped death, Kim Leto wasn’t so lucky. Just months after two young black males robbed her apartment downtown, they decided they’d forgotten something – how fun it is to torture and kill a blonde white woman.

    If Michael Slager erred on the side of caution in defense of the innocent of our society, I as a fair white woman can’t blame him.

  21. So I’ve been wondering how close the nearest highway was to Slager’s standoff with Scott. In this video things go okay in terms of the blonde white woman surviving a black man’s sense that the law does not apply to him (notice he steals her car at knifepoint in the middle of the day in a populated area):

    But who’s to say what a maniacal Scott may have done after eluding Slager. What if he came upon such a scene and the white woman fought? What if there had been a baby in the car? Kerri Dalton’s baby lay right next to her in Bed and Bath as no one noticed her bleeding to death. She even had to call 911 herself.

  22. I add on the above after watching the dash cam video from the beginning of Slager’s encounter with Scott, when he’d pulled over the car and begun processing Scott’s whole situation. It’s perfectly reasonable to have assumed that once Scott so determinedly abandoned his vehicle to save himself that he’d likely try to steal someone else’s to cement his escape.

  23. As usual, Taylor is right.

    Blacks attempt to twist reality to fit their narrative. Trayvon was a good boy who was just at the store buying Skittles. Michael Brown was just an aspiring college student with his hands in the air. Eric Garner couldn’t breathe, not because of his poor health condition, but because of police brutality.

    It was inevitable that at some point after a hundred Sharpton race hoaxes that one day the media would find a black man who was a legitimate victim. This incident may or may not turn out to be that case.

    Regardless, we should look at each incident on a case by case basis, and try to discern the truth without twisting the facts to fit a political narrative. Reality is more complex than a simple story of good vs. evil.

  24. Sundry Yappings by Whigger & Mamzer Nutsionalist Tards who have no real experience with being seriously beaten by ZOG piglice nor have any real Revolutionary principles

    Gotta love Whigger (& Mamzer) Nutsionalist tards who have never been seriously beaten up while handcuffed by piglice — twice, with the second time having five front teeth knocked out, while being taken to a maximum security NutHouse to be “softened up” to accept a public pretender so to be tried for a life sentence of child molestation based upon what a pig said that a “the_rapist” said after she got my retarded grandson after three months or so.

    And yes, I’ve seen a nigger get tased by one Captain Richard Leavens in the Newton County Jail for no good reason. Tasers work best against skinny muscular niggers, and not fat niggers like Nigger Walter Scott, because niggerfat doesn’t transmit an electrical voltage as well as musculature. Fat niggers who haven’t succumbed yet to Type 2 diabedes are the most likely to take the electrode ends without getting much more of a shock than jello and leave the wires trailing behind like Moby Dickless. A skinny or muscular fit young nigger like the one who helped kill one of the ho’s for selling another gang’s crack can really be far more messed up by tasers than fat older niggers. Which is as it should be.

    Anyways, if it wasn’t for ZOG piglice why us Whites would be running shit like itz 1867 Arkansas or 1937 Germany, dealing with niggers and jews as we see fit with the lax “supervision” of people who would let us run wild. In fact, the Klan used to be run with the local White authorities telling their Uncle Toms to keep their bucks in line — or else.

    Right now, for instance, I’m working on appealing to the Eighth Circus Kort the [d]ruling of a federal district kort jewdge that an incompetent and crooked attorney has “absolute immunity” from litigation for while being a “guardian ad litem” for my brother to keep my mother in South Dakota and to keep on embezzling her estate and not having to bring her back to Missouri to determine her competence and thus end his embezzlement or to simply go ahead and kill her — which he did.

    Likewise, the same crooked judge who bought and sold my grandchildren, sent me illegally to the NutHouse for torture and doping up, and recently violated Missouri law by refusal to be kicked aside in probate for past crimes and appointing said crooked lawyer and the Circuit Kort judge over them all — have absolute immunity for even declaratory and injunctive relief — or even being investigated.

    So lets stop yapping about what “the law” says. The law is whatever those in power say it is — nothing more. Thus the solution to piglice brutality is MORE piglice brutality, but with your side using it to exterminate in a racial, religious and class civil war the ancient regime and anyone who supports it. I have scant interest in putting Swillery, Dumbya, and Dickless Cheney in the Gertrude Stein Lesbian Work/Re-edjewmacation & Death Camp for however long they and theyz’ spawn last. Itz nothing to me how long it takes for some pig or regime criminal to confess and the opportunities for valuable medical experimentation can be priceless. When there is no law, then let power be the sole criterion. In physics power is the rate by which work — moving a force a distance — is done. In polytricks power is the measure by which compliance is assured by the use or the threat of violence, i.e. terrorism.

    What is the Christian Israelite Revolutionary Biblical solution to regime criminality? Simple. Make one cumplaint. Then another to the People. Then time to go all Judges Chapters 19-21 and I Kings Chapter 21 and II Kings Chapters 9, 10 & 11 on theyz’ ass. The Tribe of Benjamin let these Amorite Canaanite jew faggots try to get some Levitical man-pussy, then the Judean concubine had to stand and deliver and was killed by the jewboys and Benjamite whigger perverts. The Tribal Elders of Benjamin refused to deliver the booty-kike criminals, and so a civil war was declared which led to the entire Benjamite tribe treated like Canaanites were supposed to be treated with everything breathing exterminated, including the underage virgin whiggress pussy. Then there had to be some more killing to set thangs sorta rightish. Even 450 years after the fact King Saul’s “innocent” sons and grandsons were executed by David after YHWH starved to death thousands in a famine because Saul used his power as king to jewdically murder some Amorite Gibeonites, who like jews were wont to do insisted on sticking around the surviving Benjamites.

    There is no downside when piglice kills niggers. There is even less of a downside when niggers kill piglice. They all need to die along with anyone siding with them. The saving of the Whigger Race will not be hastened by crypto-andre-niggers giving us sum Daily $permer. Or someone who married the bosses’ daughter holding up a sign. Rather it will be decided by letting Nature take itz course and letting the Devil take itz own.

    There is a significant mental change when the White man tastes his own blood or swallows his own teeth when it is done by piglice. A mental change takes place to where you want nothing more than to send screaming to hell not only the regime criminals but their entire family — and anyone who sides with them as well. There is no such thing as “innocents” or “guilt” in a civil war. Only sides. And the ends of racial survival justifies any and all means to detect and dispose of those who would see your line go extinct.

    By the way, April 9th was the 150th anusvershitty of the loss of Civil War II by Southron gentlemen who wouldn’t go all medieval or Mad Max on Dishonest Ape Lincoon, our First Melungeon President and the 11th Anniversary of my own personal Civil War II, when my grandchildren were stolen and bought and sold like cattle and I vowed an oath to YHWH that I’ll tirelessly work to send any and every regime criminal and any whigger herd animal and their entire bloodline screaming to hell.

    I’m not an Israelite Man who intends to be foresworn. Not that there is any chance of that. I need not worry about building anything. Let the survivors worry about that shit. All I need to do is go with the flow of History and help enable the rising tide of lawlessness and violence and bloodshed leading to the inevitable conclusion of this last and final Mighty Evil Empire.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

  25. People – I am talking about “PR”.

    Public Relations.

    Perception is reality.

    Our Racial Enemies work these issues like an experienced jeweler, carving a fine diamond.

    We SUCK at PR.

    Liberty – we know about Racial Reality. Our Enemies don’t CARE about REALITY. This is all about White Genocide.

    We don’t own all the TV stations,

    I’m talking about What People Think They See.

    They see a man being gunned down in the back by a cop. Period.

    They are being taught to “SEE” Innocent Black Angel as Proxy for ALL Black Angels – cause Blacks are All Angels – Being Gunned Down By White Debbil.

    This is all PR, and White Genocide Management.

    Thanks for that info about young White Mother being slaughtered in the Middleton Bed Bath and Beyond parking lot. Crikey – I used to shop THERE, when I lived there, Never-the-less – I can use that info.

  26. Itz Power that matters, I don’t care what jew say. Itz Power that matters, in the jew ass oy vey.

    But I’m still going through it. A decade ago my future was destroyed when my grandchildren were taken and I got three and a half years of doping and torture. Now I’m fighting over the same crooked judge enabling my own brother to get away with killing our mother and embezzling her estate.

    The only thing that matters is power. Nothing else. A new Eden can be made but only if every single serpent is exterminated along with serpent enablers.

    I was disgusted with you last October when you let “Thomas Paine” call me a child molester without letting me know who it was and where it lived. And thanks to the $PLC I found out the idiot-dentity of Jack Ryan / Wile E. Hibernigger.

    I’m glad Denise is back. And that “Fr. John” is getting on everyone’s last nerve. The mamzer tard interfered with my whispering campaign against the Chicago Sephardic jew Eli jewseph Stalin Kutz-Putz-November James (no relation to Jessie) four years ago.

    And cooncerning Andre-the-Nigger the Phillipino sex-tourist, along with Tony Young / Sven Longshanks / Sven Pakishanks (take a look at “Sven’s” picture on the Daily $permer and see a paki wog with the snout of a kike camel) are going ass-to-mouth with Bill Finck, another jew pig that spent 12.5 years in a federal prison for murdering a Puerto-Rican sneak thief named Arnauldo Ortega in the Jersey City jail. If Denise or Crimson Tide could have impersonated an underage Imelda Marcos then they might still be welcome on the Daily $permer, even if not inducted in the Roehmist Rump-Rangers Corps[e].

    Anyone who runs a pub[l]ic forum or blog is running a Tard Corral. There is a tard corral for every taste. Want to be an Ayn Rand jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS? There is a tard corral place for you as long as you name every jew except for the one that bleeds out the ass that runs it. There are many for mamzers and mongrels pretending to be whigger. There is Finckelsheenie dot cum for “No Devil”See-Eye Dentist jewboys. There is really big one for making sure that David Duck and Milton Munster Don Black don’t have to work that hoovers up all the geezer-gelt and whiggaz-mites. If you refuse to name the jew because there is nothing but them around then there is AmurriKwan RenASSance. If you are a CreaTard and want to worship some really smart guy who got $400,000 in Order loot and ran an Elohim City for CreaTards and then croaked off and was made to give it to a lout, then you can go with WhiggerSwill Welass the ZOGbot and get a self-admitted chomo to go too. Or go with the NARRGers who won’t say why Pierce didn’t give it to his brother or to Billy Roper if he wanted it to exist past hisself.

    Then there are all sorts of blogs for them who are really really smart and shit. Or think they is. They jewsually don’t let me run wild on theyz’ tard corrals though.

    Is there any plan out there? Nope. I myself am merely swimming around like a “Governor” trying to get some stray scraps of whigger or mamzer flesh to feed the ZOGling zombies in the Apocrapyse. Near as I can tell I’m the only one with some intent, even though wholly malicious.

    Yup. Tard corralling. That’s all you are doing Brad. That’s all any of us really do.

    The situation is hopeless but not serious.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

  27. So allowing a black men to continue battering the public, as personified by the cop, and flagrantly defying the law is ‘right?’

    No, australian men who included some holding signs reading ‘Our women are equal’ are right. They got hundreds and hundreds of people out defending their people in a short time while all Taylor has accomplished is running a daycare for race fantasists from which no one ever graduates.

  28. I see it as the cops are Blue. White cops can’t be depended upon to see us as Whites and the large majority are certainly not White nationalist. In this case it looks like he just shot the guy in cold blood. We’ll have to wait and see but it doesn’t look good.

    I saw a video where a couple of cops in New Mexico shot a homeless guy camping in the desert for no reason and another in I think Washington where they shot a guy in the back for whittling on a piece of wood. The cop said stop but the guy was deaf and didn’t hear him. The police have gotten far too trigger happy.

    I don’t like or support Blacks but if the cops can go around shooting Blacks whenever they feel like it they will do the same to Whites. There was a White student at Auburn university that was shot the other day that was naked.

    I worked with a guy who used to be a cop and he said that there seemed to be two different types of people that were cops. Those that wanted to help people and those that craved power over people. I think we have to many of the power trip type. I have heard that the Jews are in charge of most police training. If so now they’re treating us as Palestinians.

  29. Sam J, the white student who was high and innocent was shot by a black cop, I’m almost positive, wasn’t it some months back? But we weren’t stalked by that story all over the media, were we? Mind you, this was an innocent teen on a college campus where young people and especially men are known to engage in goofball risk behaviors with drugs and alcohol.

    I think it best to see the cops as neutral to start out, with a strong sense of the people pulling the strings behind their badges.

    I just don’t get how you figure Slager’s blood was so ‘cold.’ He’d been chasing a man with an arrest warrant out on him who had tried to disarm and potentially kill him or someone else. So cold just isn’t making sense to me.

  30. I don’t like their ideology (very pro-zionist) but Conservative Treehouse does an excellent job of fleshing out Bonaccorsi’s letter above, in terms of lies and distortions being spun, who’s behind it, and the exact specs on the scene:

    There was a 1 minute 45 second lapse between Scott fleeing from the car and the point at which the bystander video starts, during which there was a more intense fight than we’ve been led to believe, it seems. Also interesting is that there had been a passenger in the vehicle.

    Even if Scott hadn’t intended (not that there was any way to know) to carjack someone, if he’d met up with the passenger somehow he’d likely have posed a major threat to other drivers if the cops chased him.

  31. Now they’re saying there was no arrest warrant out for Scott, in spite of him owing around $8,000 in child support payments:

    So why was he running from having to go to jail again (he’d been jailed in the past for not paying) if the cop himself wasn’t going to have to act on any warrant and instead just content himself to issuing tickets for the tail light or lack of documents?


    Now it’s twice that amount that Scott owed. And he allegedly admitted to Slager that he didn’t have insurance, which could have resulted in his license being suspended – and in Slager being compelled to arrest him. Most insurance companies have a 20 day grace period but Scott supposedly had just bought the car.

    If this was the context in which Slager chased and wound up shooting, fatally, Scott then I’d have to shift my interpretation of Slager’s actions. The larger context in which this is being argued remains the same lynch mob mentality, but the exact specifics wouldn’t fit them as well. Chasing someone for whom there is a warrant out can be very different than chasing and killing someone who, for all Slager could know then, just didn’t have insurance and didn’t feel like being arrested.

    A lot will still hinge, though, on the conveniently uncaptured physical fight that went on between the two men.

  33. Liberty – are you in OZ?

    OZ is a different place than the JewSA.

    I’m only interested in dealing w/ events, as they are, on the ground.

    We aren’t going to “win” this one, in JewSA, by “taking the cop’s side”.

    We are NOT AT the “White, or wrong” place YET. Oh – oh it’s coming…..another Negro will commit another outrage. Every-one will forget about this. Scott’s family has apparently told Sharpton et al to PISS OFF. That’s a Good Thing. We need to roll with this one. Old Lady Jared Taylor’s take is the way to go.

    I don’t trust any cops at all. Period. Even one’s I know personally. They on on ZOG’s payroll. Period.

    Please drop the conspiracy stuff, and let this one ride. Your “take” is not helping at all. Thanks.

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