Years ago, I warned that the American Left’s agenda of cultural genocide was absolutely no different than ISIS or the Taliban in its ferocity, and now we are seeing an unprecedented attack on all monuments and symbols of Southern and Confederate heritage.
When the Tom Watson statue was removed from the Georgia State Capitol in 2013, I made a point to travel to Atlanta to stand against it. At the time, I said that I would be back when they came for the other monuments on the Capitol grounds. Last August, I traveled to Ole Miss when Confederate Drive was renamed because I felt it was important to do so. If I had not made other plans, I would have been in Union Springs this weekend to protest the assault on Confederate graves.
This must be what it felt like to witness the Bolshevik Revolution in Lenin’s Russia or the Cultural Revolution in Mao Zedong’s China. An ugly spectacle is unfolding across the South as craven Republican politicians acquiesce to radical demands and venerable and historic monuments come under sustained attack because of the crazed actions of a lone fanatic. Not content to dump buckets of ice on the heads, hordes of vandals who look like extras from Mad Max: Fury Road are burning Confederate flags. The mobs which burned down Baltimore and Ferguson are gathering in our streets to plot their next move.
There are too many new developments to track. Walmart, Amazon, E-Bay, and Sears are outlawing Confederate merchandise. Mainstream conservative websites like Breitbart and National Review have condemned the Confederate flag. Don’t bother contacting your Republican representatives. None of those cowards will be of any assistance to you. Let’s hope this doesn’t escalate into violence against the White community.
While it would be just a publicity stunt, albeit a serious one, perhaps the LOS should file charges against the United States with the United Nations’ Office of Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide. And while the League is at it, it should also file with the relevant UN committee on decolonization, noting our conquered status and the continuing denial of our right to independence.
The South’s enemies have been waiting a long time for an excuse to stage a final, all-out push against any manifestation of Southern culture and heritage. Well, that murderer has finally given them what they wanted. Never have I felt like such a stranger on my own land.
Over the past few days, I have been reading and re-reading Donald Davidson’s great poem, “Lee in the Mountains”. It speaks directly to us in our current predicament. Every Southerner ought to read it. I believe there is a recording on youtube of Davidson reading the poem himself.
I have money but live ~1,000 miles from Dixie. How can I most effectively help? Donations to CSV, LOS, CCC, or some other organization?
Yes, please donate to OD, CofCC, League of the South, etc.
Thanks, Hunter. In particular, which group is most active in preserving and protecting the South’s monuments?
It used to be the SCV, but I don’t believe their heart is still in the fight. Look up the Alabama Flaggers.
Time for the ‘respectable’ conservatives to jump into the debate
The Dishonorable Confederate Battle Flag
Don Black: The stampede the past three days over a flag is remarkable. But the purpose is to demoralize our people by eliminating every last vestige of White culture. “That flag is part of our dark past and should be confined to a museum”…”just like all White people.”
New Orleans-area authorities have joined the cultural genocide. Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Mary Landrieu’s brother, has started the process for removing a rather large statue of Robert E. Lee that has stood in an area locally known as “Lee Circle” since 1884.
Jarvis DeBerry, a transplant from outside of Louisiana and the South, and also a black columnist for the local paper, writes about it here. DeBerry is agitating for every confederate monument in New Orleans to come down in addition to the Lee memorial.
I think it’s worthwhile to note a bit of the larger context in passing. Jarvis DeBerry is paid to occupy his locally influential media platform by Advanced Publications (25,000 employees and US revenue about 8b).
Wikipedia notes the following about Advance Publications:
Advance Publications, Inc., is an American media company owned by the descendants of S.I. Newhouse Sr., Donald Newhouse and S.I. Newhouse, Jr… As of October 2014, it was ranked as the 44th largest private company in the United States according to Forbes.[3] Crain’s ranked Advance Publications the 4th largest private company in the NY area in 2012. In addition to holding publishing and communication assets, Advance serves as the holding company for the family’s 31% stake in cable entertainment company Discovery Communications.[4]
Solomon Neuhaus was born in a tenement on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the eldest of eight children born to Jewish immigrants.[2] His father, Meier Neuhaus, was an immigrant from Vitebsk, Belarus; and his mother, Rose (née Arenfeldt), was from Austria-Hungary.[3][4] Meier Neuhaus would later Americanize his name to Meyer Newhouse.[3]
[Samuel Irving Newhouse, J] is the son of Mitzi (Nee Epstein) and Samuel Irving Newhouse, Sr., the founder of Advance Publications. His grandson, S. I. Newhouse IV, appeared in the documentary Born Rich. Newhouse attended the Horace Mann School in New York City. He has an estimated net worth of $9.5 billion, and he was ranked the 46th richest American by Forbes magazine in 2014.[1]
Preachin’ to the choir, I know.
The Times-Picayune has been a Jew run mouthpiece for years
I think I could respect these demands on some level if they were coming from local blacks with roots in this area who actually lived Jim Crow and not on the payroll of Jews.
As most people can suspect, removal of the CBF from the SC grounds is only the beginning
Matt Bevin calls for removal of Jefferson Davis statue from Kentucky
Admittedly they have power, but they have horrible optics, they look like thugs. Their rhetoric inspires fear not love, they are the unlovely people, and they are the kind of people you want for political opposition.
The script can be flipped, and I see it is in part since I see word “genocide” being used, well that is a good start.
“Let’s hope this doesn’t escalate into violence against the White community.”
Hunter, violence against our kith and kin is already ongoing and our submission and eventual extermination is the final outcome. Better that this comes to a head sooner rather than later while the demographic situation remains favorable to us. Simply stated, our enemies HATE us and wish our total subjugation and destruction. If you think things are bad now, just wait until we become a minority engulfed in a sea of mud-colored people. I shudder at the thought!
The key is getting the average Southerner, who cares not much for politicks, to see this – to move from complaints to resolute non-violent political action.
Mr Wallace & all, let me try to inject just a glimmer of a silver lining to our situation: the people passing by these small bands of flag bearers who may have wondered “What’s up with that?” Now, at least some of them may wonder what these demonstrators knew that they didn’t. That they must have seen it coming & so now, they’ll be a little more vigilant for the next steps in America’s demise. For whatever that’s worth. God Willing, secession just got quite a bit of publicity that we didn’t expect.
It’s sad & not so surprising, but a good thing that the mask has come off of our “lawmakers” & governors for everyone to see. I agree that the republican party is vastly unworthy of our support, but there is also much support for the South from the conservative community (FR) & freedom lovers on other, non politically focused forums (ZH). On the other hand, certain leftist forums (d_u) have been seething, almost obsessively, with hatred for the South now more than a year. Probably longer than that.
(Please pardon my absence. We have been mired in personal matters nearly 2 years & no telling how long that will last. Congratulations to you & Miss Renee on your marriage & the birth of y’all’s adorable boy. May you have many more children & much happiness! And regards to Mr Cushman, too.)
To all, hold fast. Our ancestors have been here before. If casualties had been winnings, we beat the hell out of them & 150 years later, our love for home burns strong. With God’s Help, the South may soon(er) be free.
God Bless,
There next step is to massively flood the South with Mexicans, Arabs and blacks. I read that Nashville has the largest growing immigrant population in the U.S.. That is simply amazing. How long before Texas is majority Mestizo?
Just curious: what do they do with these statues and flags when they are removed from public lands? Are they destroyed?
Admittedly they have power, but they have horrible optics, they look like thugs. Their rhetoric inspires fear not love, they are the unlovely people, and they are the kind of people you want for political opposition.
The script can be flipped, and I see it is in part since I see word “genocide” being used, well that is a good start
I noticed in that NY Times article by that Jew Cohen emphasized how the white genocide meme has taken off. The hard work of the people who spread white genocide has clearly paid off.
One problem for Cohen, the SPLC and other side in general is that they can’t attack us without revealing what they most fear. If one looks at the NY times article, it’s pretty clear that what they fear most based on the points they decided to emphasize is the spreading of the genocide meme and a potential coalescing of international white racial consciousness. That’s reason enough to spread the meme and work toward as much international cooperation as possible across all strands of the white-oriented right.
Whites must all move to a predesignated area of the United States, take it over through sheer numbers, vote to secede from the Union and start our own country. The United States is already destroyed by the Zionists. I suggest the East coast from Florida up to North Carolina and inward as far as Tennessee. The United States is broke. The Zionists want a population reduction. This will be accomplished through starvation and disease after the race war.
“This must be what it felt like to witness the Bolshevik Revolution in Lenin’s Russia…”
Yup. And the same AshkeNAZI race was behind it then, as it is now.
And the USSA is now fully Judaized, clearly.
CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) – The Board of Visitors at the Citadel voted Tuesday night to remove the Confederate Naval Jack from its chapel on campus.
The vote was 9-3 in favor of removing the flag from Summerall Chapel.
A Citadel spokesperson says the school needs the General Assembly’s permission to remove the flag.
According to Citadel officials, the flag was presented to the military college in 1939. The removal of the flag will be done in accordance with the Heritage Act, the spokesperson said.
Citadel President Lt. Gen. John Rosa released this statement.
“The Board of Visitors and I believe now is the right time to move the flag from a place of worship to an appropriate location. We pride ourselves on our core values of honor, duty and respect. Moving the Naval Jack to another location is consistent with these values and is a model to all of the principled leadership we seek to instill in our cadets and students. It also promotes unity on our campus, in our community and across our state during this time of healing.”
Thanks, Hunter. Donated to $50 to OD, SCV, and LoS. Will give more as it becomes available. I hope others here begin to put their money where their mouths are.
Please keep up the boots on the ground activism. I may be in Georgia this fall to partake.
I appreciate it. I’m going to take a look at the vandalism in Forest Park while I am in St. Louis.
Johnny Cash? I think we need to hear the original, with lead vocal by another Arkansan (Levon Helm):
Or if you prefer it live, on stage:
PS Since we’re on a Southern theme, here’s Levon singing Harlan Howard’s “Watermelon Time in Georgia” …
Salute from the City of Brotherly Love, through which your Celtic forebears passed en route to the Great Appalachian Valley.
Violence Against Whites | Is diversity worth dying for?