Ain’t That America: Chairman of Theology Department at Fordham University Marries His Gay Boyfriend

A photo of the happy couple

By Hunter Wallace

H/T Rod Dreher

Fordham University is a Jesuit college in the Bronx:

“Patrick Anthony Bergquist and J. Patrick Hornbeck II were married Saturday in Manhattan. The Rev. Matthew J. Moretz performed the ceremony at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, where he is an associate rector. …

Dr. Hornbeck, 33, is the chairman of the theology department and an associate professor of medieval and reformation history at Fordham University in the Bronx. He graduated from Georgetown and received a doctoral degree in theology from Oxford University. …”

Rather than changing the world through Christian witness, it is increasingly clear that the world is changing Christianity in the United States. Americanism is cannibalizing Christianity … and spitting out this.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I thought the New York Times didn’t cover weddings? Obviously this wedding proves that homosexuality is ok with the institutional Roman Catholic Church & the Jesuits, and it has already been OK with the Episcopalians who gave their blessing to it a few weeks ago.(Leaving it up to the individual Episcopal priest)

    As I’ve pointed out before the United Methodists, Baptists, and some Lutherans and some Presbyterians are still holding the line.

    I’m hoping that you will cover the false claims of that Horne woman down in South Carolina who swayed the debate on the Confederate Flag by claiming to be a “descendant” of Jefferson Davis. It’s possible she may be a distant relative of Davis, but, not a descendant. Even the claim of being a distant relative would be questionable from what little I know.

    I doubt that Mike Hill puts much faith in genealogy, most Southern historians don’t.

  2. “Americanism is cannibalizing Christianity … and spitting out this.” This is an important observation. Part of the problem is “”… the combination of liturgy, social liberalism, and community and global outreach …” (which some see as the attraction or solution). Episcopal Agnostic: Why Episcopalian?
    The Episcopalians have replaced Christianity by a social club with Christian ceremonies, a PC action program, and an agnostic toleration. The Episcopalian outreach is a destructive reach that destroys White peoples and White cultures, in N. America, Europe, and Australia and everywhere White people exist. Give to Muslims, Hindus, and blacks and tax Whites to do it.

  3. There are many traditional Roman Catholics who are also holding the line on sodomite marriage. The sodomite underground has infiltrated every Christian denomination. They are, in my opinion, the probable source for the liberalism that has weakened and destroyed the historic mainline churches in America. It seems more than a coincidence that all this social justice crap seems to be pushed by people who always come out as queer, or are already known as queer.

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