Cuckservatives: Are Republicans For Freedom or White Identity Politics?

By Hunter Wallace

H/T @Cuckfederate

Mainstream American conservatives are falling down the rabbit hole of European-style White identity politics, and that’s bad, because of muh freedom:

“Now that we have had time to observe the Donald Trump phenomenon, there is enough evidence to make a clear assessment of what it represents. The rise of Trump is an epic expression of frustration with the American political system, and it is a natural outgrowth of frustrations with America’s changing demographics; the hollowing out of white working class values and culture, as Charles Murray has documented extensively; and what life is like when governed by the administrative state, where the president increasingly acts as a unilateral executive and elected representatives consistently ignore the people’s priorities. …”

Oh, the horror!

“Trump’s brand of Jacksonian populism is perfectly tailored for this sentiment. He would throw the Constitution and the rule of law to the winds in pursuit of an aggressive promise of unilateral change – and they are fine with that. What we are hearing now from the Trump-supporting right is akin to the Roman people’s call for the dissolution of the Senate: the demand to install a strong horse, the outsider who will fix all things, the powerful man who promises he will, at long last, get things done for the people.”

If Trump won the election, hurled Congress and the Supreme Court into the Potomoc, and jettisoned “the democratic process,” it would be the equivalent of winning the lottery! Unfortunately, I doubt we will be that lucky.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Birthright citizenship for illegals is classic legislating from the bench by judicial activists(and quite recent as well). How can republicans support that and claim to be anything but whores?

  2. Apologies for O/T. You may or may not be aware that the Michigan Bar Association has rescinded a short-story award they had given to Kyle Bristow for Post-Conviction Relief, abolished the short-story competition(!), and groveled.

  3. The Constitution, fatally flawed from the outset, has already been jettisoned by the elite.

    An American Putin would be welcomed by the silent majority.

  4. “An American Putin would be welcomed by the silent majority.”

    Putin just granted a black boxer citizenship. What is he thinking?

    The problem is not too much democracy, its that there is none. Judges elected to life and accountable to no one and politicians taking bribes from antonymous billionaires.

    If the people were able to vote to block or reverse laws that are not in their interest, none of the lunacy that’s occurred since the 1950s would have happened.

  5. RichardBird: Putin’s entire record? A black boxer gets citizenship? You’re putting those on equal weight?

    Putin recently had a record 90+% approval rating despite the economic aftershocks of the Jewish economic war on Russia. Putinism is not necessarily contrary to the popular will, as the US Constitution often is.

  6. Folk Democracy yes,Multiracial Democracy no! Despite what the lunatic left might think when I envision a future white Ethno-State it is not some Fascist like nation based on the leadership principle. Instead I envision something like a greater Switzerland, albeit more white and racially conscious, whereby the citizenry have the right of recall and referendum as they do under the Swiss Constitution. In such a State the racial community shall be the nucleus of Folk Democracy and the franchise must be earned, not granted at birth. Said franchise must also be a progressive franchise in which some people may earn more votes than others based on achievements and service. ( Shades of Robert Heinlein)And finally a more peaceful nation which, unlike the U.S., is not constantly engaged in wars to make the world safe for globalism (or Zionism) Perhaps said nation may even join BRICS as an alternative to the IMF and the CFR and the FRS. Imagine what Russia would do if we were to grant them a lease on one of our coastal seas.They are always looking for warm water ports and the fact is the Confederacy lost their war because they had no international allies and the Americans won their revolution because they did. Ethno-Statism on the part of whites must think in terms of international support. Luckily America has just about managed to alienate most of the nations in the world with a foreign policy conducted like a drunken redneck that goes from bar to bar (or in the case of the U.S. from nation to nation) seeking whom he can humiliate and dominate. Always somebody less powerful,of course.

  7. “What we are hearing now from the Trump-supporting right is akin to the Roman people’s call for the dissolution of the Senate: the demand to install a strong horse, the outsider who will fix all things, the powerful man who promises he will, at long last, get things done for the people.”

    Flaps down! Speed brake set! Nose up! Throttles to zero!

    Dissolve the Senate? No, but repair the goddamned thing! And no, last I looked, we are discussing a presidential candidate and NOT Caesar Augustus, sheesh! We already GOT an emperor! Or has anyone noticed this besides me?

  8. Afterthought // August 21, 2015 at 9:13 pm //
    “RichardBird: Putin’s entire record? A black boxer gets citizenship? You’re putting those on equal weight?”

    If I was dictator of Russia I would not give a black boxer citizenship, so he could sleep with 100s of Russian women. Not if I cared cared about the consequences of such things.

    “Putin recently had a record 90+% approval rating”

    The Communist party in North Korea has 100% approval rating. Question this statistic in North Korea and you will not be seen again.

  9. Bouregarde // August 21, 2015 at 9:24 pm //
    “Dissolve the Senate? No, but repair the goddamned thing! And no, last I looked, we are discussing a presidential candidate and NOT Caesar Augustus, sheesh! We already GOT an emperor! Or has anyone noticed this besides me?”

    Some don’t see the difference between far right and pro white. They think they’re the same thing. Supporting right no matter what, is why we’ve had cuckservatism for all these years. Right is not necessarily pro white. Right can be anti-white too.

  10. To answer the question posed:

    The Republican Party is for the same things favored by the Democrats except for 1) more wars 2) no abortion 3) lower taxes (maybe) and 4) more Stasi 2.0 surveillance. For freedom or white identity? Ha!!

  11. Some don’t see the difference between far right and pro white. They think they’re the same thing.

    Have no fear, many of us do understand the difference.

  12. I think I’ve just found a live stream from the Mobile rally. Trump is talking and talking. No excitement.

  13. Its about not being second class citizens in America, and not being talked down to by the establishment.

  14. Marc–I guess you’ve presented that quote, about the “gene thing,” in an attempt to persuade me Trump has said something interesting, valuable, bold, or whatever there in Mobile. Fine–maybe he has; but during the five or so minutes that I watched him, he was a complete drag. I think the Trump thing is over.

  15. Trump biggest applause line – and the only time that this lifetime liberal Democrat wasn’t lie’ing about his own open borders/free trade politics – came when he pledged allegiance to Israel. The “crowd” (not 40,000, maybe 15,000) of dumbass White Christian Zionists just ate it up. Pitiful. The guy’s a carny barker. A complete fraud, sent out by the Wall Street Jews to keep the Whites participating in the System…while the System grinds them to a powder

  16. Actually, his praise for Israel received a hushed hurrah. The biggest responses were at his assaulting PC and calling out the incompetence of DC.

  17. Marc–If something I said gave you the pleasure of laughing your ass off, or whatever it is that LMAO stands for, then wonderful. I’m glad I’ve brought a little sunshine into your life. Now, what is it that you think I don’t get? I followed your link and saw something about One Million Something or Other over the past month–something like that. I’m talking about right now. From what I saw of Trump’s monster rally in Mobile, it wasn’t much of a monster. I think he’s crested.

  18. His main focus was on how our leaders have negotiated away our jobs and businesses. Our politicians are dumb and beholden to big money donors. He will make deals that benefit us because he knows how it’s done and his track record proves it.

    Said most of the media are dishonest. (Something tells me they won’t appreciate that remark.)

    I didn’t notice a teleprompter or notes. Impressive speaking ability if he winged it off the cuff.

    Can be funny.

    Except for the Fat Albert preacher and suited up grade school niglets at the beginning of the event I saw only one negro in the stands and a cop or two as security.

    Not one confederate flag. What was the deal? Some lame out of place songs except for the Alabama tune.

  19. “I thought you might look further into that thread, you know, to find out what the Trump thing is all about.”

    You were mistaken. If you have something to say, make it simple for me. I really don’t follow politics. What is it you think I’m missing? Your terse posts are opaque–to me, to whom you seem to be directing them. At this point, I can’t even tell whether you’re agreeing with me or disagreeing with me. I haven’t any idea of the significance you attach to the item you linked second, down on the page you originally linked. I saw something about “peaked.”

  20. “I saw something about “peaked.””

    It’s a joke, John. It’s making fun of the insiders who’ve been saying that he’s finished, crested, kaput, over with, ever since T got into the race. While his popularity with the people continues to increase. They can’t stand him because they don’t control him.

    Oh, 42,000 attendees in Mobile, AL ain’t exactly a death knell.

    In all seriousness, I assumed that you’ve posted at OD for a long time because of an interest in politics. If not, fine. If so, I encourage you to check out what the Trumpites have to say about why they love him. Ya have to have a sense of humor though.

  21. Marc, I can believe declarations of Trump’s having peaked have been made throughout the past month or whatever, while he’s been gaining momentum. If you’ll check the comments in “Can Donald Trump Unite the ‘Far Right’?” which our host, Hunter Wallace, posted here, at Occidental Dissent, just the other day–August 18–you’ll see that I have not been among the persons making such declarations. On that day–just three days ago–I said I thought Trump was just getting started. Now, as I say, I think he’s finished. Should I turn out to be wrong about that, great; but during the few minutes I saw of his Mobile appearance, I thought, “It was fun while it lasted.” I am interested in the subjects Mr. Wallace discusses here, at Occidental Dissent; but no, electoral politics are outside my understanding. Maybe you’re right that 42,000 attended the Mobile rally; but from the news articles I’ve read, I gather the stadium wasn’t full.

  22. “Putin recently had a record 90+% approval rating”-
    The Communist party in North Korea has 100% approval rating”

    And you idiotically put these two disparate statements together, why?

    Because you think in some backwater, “Amurrica, right or wrong” knee-jerk, that Russia is still communist, and that they are the ‘Enemy’ and we represent the ‘free world’?!?!?!?!?


    Russia is now the ‘godly nation’ and the USSA is now the ‘evil empire.’
    Just read some of the columns over at Soul of the East, or Mat Rodina’s blogspot site.
    They’ll disabuse you of the fallacy of America as a moral beacon, if fag marriage, and O’ Bummer haven’t already.

  23. Fr. John+ // August 22, 2015 at 3:29 am //

    “Putin recently had a record 90+% approval rating”-
    The Communist party in North Korea has 100% approval rating”

    And you idiotically put these two disparate statements together, why?”

    They are both dictatorships. Popularity surveys are meaningless in Dictatorships. A 10 year old would understand me.

    “Russia is now the ‘godly nation’ and the USSA is now the ‘evil empire.’”

    Thank goodness Putin is a right wing Christian conservative just like the Republican Party. He’s conserving godly values of dictatorship and negro worship. 🙂

  24. Speaking of acceptable identity politics Dreher all but admitted his stances are paycheck related in the latest TAC. Murkans have traded civilization for a set of sad stories and got the Congo in return, yeah Murka

  25. The US has been under martial law since Lincoln. He was our Caesar. This fact is glossed over and hidden from the people. The Executive Branch runs the General Government. Every child from the time of birth is taught that the President can do whatever he wants. There was no outcry and Congress did nothing when Bush Jr declared war himself. It was glossed over. Obama still holding office is further proof that he and above him the Zionists, is where the authority rests.

  26. All that’s needed to shut the Supreme court up is a 50% vote in the House and Senate. They decide on “what” the Supreme court can rule on.

    “…In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”

    “…with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…” The important part. The earlier part declares what powers they have but it ends with control of these functions by Congress. Congress could tell them to butt out of any Homosexual marriage rulings. They could tell them to butt out of any cases that concern the 14th amendment unless it pertained to slaves or Indians to which the amendment was addressing the situation of. They could do that with with lots of stuff they keep ramming down our throats. The Courts could be stuck with only deciding water rights cases between States if they push too hard to SJW the Constitution to death.

    We need to not let them get away with proclaiming the 14th amendment means anything at all in relation to illegal aliens.

  27. John Bonaccorsi,

    ‘I think the Trump thing is over.’

    John, If polls are an indication, his Alabama rally was more of a success than a failure. Certainly has not peaked.


    According to a just-released PPP poll, Donald Trump is dominating the early primary state of New Hampshire. Incredibly, Trump beats his second place GOP rival, Ohio Governor John Kasich, by more than 3 times the support, 35% to 11%.

    Here’s the full rundown, which shows Walker, Rubio, and Bush in serious trouble.

    Trump 35%

    Kasich 11%

    Fiorina 10%

    Bush/Walker 7%

    Carson 6%

    Christie/Cruz/Rubio 4%

    Since their last poll, Cruz has dropped -10 points, Paul lost -8, and Walker has completely cratered with a stunning -17 point drop. Walker, who was in first place with 24% support, is now tied for 4th place and sitting at just 7%.
    Trump’s 35% showing again proves that his ceiling of support continues to climb. The media a Republican Establishment had openly hoped the billionaire businessman would get stuck below 25%.

  28. New Hampshire North Easterners are not Southerners you might be thinking. True. Let’s check out this Monmouth University SC Poll

    A Monmouth University poll out Tuesday finds Donald Trump leading among South Carolina Republicans with 30% support, followed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 15%. No other candidates register in double digits.

    South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has sparred repeatedly with Trump in recent weeks, is well behind at 4%.

    Reacting on Twitter to the latest survey showing his strong standing in the 2016 race, Trump wasn’t exactly magnanimous — not that you’d expect anything less.

    Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump
    Congrats @LindseyGrahamSC. You just got 4 points in your home state of SC—far better than zero nationally. You’re only 26 pts behind me.
    8:49 AM – 25 Aug 2015

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