Cuckservatives: The Vulgarians Are Coming

By Hunter Wallace

I’m afraid Trump has lost the Wall Street Journal with his comments about raising taxes:

“And so forth and so on—a parade of semi-sophisticated theories that act as bathroom deodorizer to mask the stench of this candidacy. Mr. Trump is a loudmouth vulgarian appealing to quieter vulgarians. These vulgarians comprise a significant percentage of the GOP base. The leader isn’t the problem. The people are. It takes the demos to make the demagogue.

There will be other opportunities to write about the radical affinities and moralizing conceits of Democrats and liberals. For now let’s speak plainly about what the Trump ascendancy says about the potential future of the Republican Party and the conservative movement.

It says that we may soon have a conservative movement in which the American creed of “give us your tired, your poor” could yield to the Trumpian creed that America must not become a “dumping ground” to poor immigrants from Latin America, as if these millions of hardworking and God-fearing people are a specimen of garbage.

It says that a party that carries on about the importance of e pluribus unum and rails against the identity politics of assorted minorities is increasingly tempted to indulge the paranoid (and losing) identity politics of a dwindling white majority. …”

Et tu, Kudlow?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bret: you are a bad person if you disagree with me. Oh, and you are a bad person for engaging in White identity politics and opposing the replacement of your people with “hard-working, God-fearing” mestizos.

  2. “Give us your tired, your poor” is our creed? The words of a Jewish anarcho-communist?

    This is the most disgusting attack yet from the cucks. They despise us “vulgarians” that much? Find your votes amongst the illegals and Somalis. Go to hell, Republican Party. You’ve scammed us for far too long. Now your mask has dropped.

  3. William H McCarty
    ‘This is the most disgusting attack yet from the cucks. They despise us “vulgarians” that much? Find your votes amongst the illegals and Somalis. Go to hell, Republican Party. You’ve scammed us for far too long. Now your mask has dropped.’

    Consider the source, William. Attacks will intensify.

    Stephens was born in New York City, the son of Xenia and Charles J. Stephens, a former vice president of General Products, a chemical company in Mexico. His parents were both secular Jews.

    Bret Louis Stephens (born November 21, 1973) is an American journalist who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2013. He works for The Wall Street Journal as the foreign-affairs columnist and the deputy editorial page editor, responsible for the editorial pages of the Journal’s European and Asian editions. From 2002 to 2004, he was editor in chief of the Jerusalem Post.

  4. Thanks again, Sam.

    I find that credo business in that piece above highly offensive. Our national credo would not come from Jefferson, Madison or Washington but from an early Zionist poet?

    Then came your explanation… I get it now.

  5. One of my least favorite open borders fundamentalists is the reptilian Jewess Tamar Jacoby, who yes worked/works for the Wall Street journal supposedly as some free market oriented Conservative.

    She used to be a straight out Liberal Leftist marxist at the New School for Social Research – but that gig wasn’t paying enough or she just didn’t have a big enough audience for open Liberal Leftist marxism, so she walks across the street and makes just a few minor adjustments to become respectable Conservative Club for Growth open borders murderess.

    None of these terrible liars ever seem to have any problems finding jobs. As for us….

  6. Jewish?

    Every fucking time.

    And look at the sinecures he’s racked up!

    The US has badly let whites down here. The Good Old Schul network is choking the life out of the Anglo here.

  7. LOL. They are in such a panic mode.

    They thought they had killed it but it has come back to life. That wing of the Republican party that they thought they destroyed so many years ago – like something out of the walking dead has come back to life and is hungry.

  8. Another cuck nest reveals its contempt for White and normal, who “comprise a significant percentage of the GOP base”. Did they really expect us to back a candidate of their choice post Trump? They are wringing their hands in frustration over losing control of GOP.

    Like all anti-Whites, cucks never discuss the issues we raise but always resort to name calling, banning and extortion.


    In my last column, I looked at the possibility of two impossible things — impossible things in the sense used by Alice and the Red Queen — happening in the already turbulent 2016 presidential cycle. Here I’ll look at another: the possibility that the partisan division lines that have endured with little change for two decades might suddenly shift and change

  10. Identity politics will bite these fools in the back side. One day a candidate will promise his base that “they won’t hurt you with the racist word anymore.” See Yugoslavia

  11. HW

    Read that NR article closely, and it totally borks the ZOMG GREAT HISPANIC VOTER TIDAL WAVE LOL~!!!!!1 paranoia and all the donor-driven political pseudo-science and conventional wis-dumb built around it.

  12. The GOP candidate did not get the most votes in 5 of the last 6 elections. That’s a losing record. How we view Trump will be conditioned by 1) whether or not he wins, and 2) what he does in office. Those are open questions at the moment. What is closed is Conservative Inc: the movement spawned in the collapse of WASP America in the aftermath of the JFK assassination. It was probably viable up until the Shia uprising in 2004 which doomed the Iraq war to failure. Since then we have seen the rise of a populist right in various waves: info warriors, Ron Paul, the tea party, and now Trump. This is not confined to the US but is happening across the white world as the trauma of WWII is forgotten. Cycles of history are working for us now.


    “Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration has sparked his surge in the polls. But it is his economic critique of the GOP, and his attack on the financial corruption of the Republican donor class and leadership, that is a mortal threat to the party.

    Over the weekend, Byron York reported on Donald Trump’s efforts to form a “comprehensive” plan on tax reform. He has signaled an interest in raising taxes on the richest Americans, and he has set his targets on the carried-interest loophole favored by hedge fund managers. He has said repeatedly that hedge funds pay too little in taxes, and that he himself is willing to pay a larger share to “make America great again.” Trump has essentially said that his preference is for middle-class tax cuts. …”

  14. “It says that we may soon have a conservative movement in which the American creed of “give us your tired, your poor” could yield to the Trumpian creed that America must not become a “dumping ground” to poor immigrants from Latin America, as if these millions of hardworking and God-fearing people are a specimen of garbage.”

    Emma Lazarus was a god-damn Jew, and that ridiculous poem has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to do with Historic America. And if Trumps ‘vulgarians’ wan to make cultic Roman Catholi-schism illegals deported, then Praise the Lord, and pass the Ammunition! I’d rather a bunch of White Protestant Bible believers who know what morality and decency is, than ANY type of Hispanic maxi-midget uglifying this nation.

    Go to HELL, Stephens you godless bastard. Trump is the future of America. WE WILL BURY YOU.
    Deo Volente.

  15. It’s the darnedest thing about these cuckservatives. The people they despise the most are exactly those they need to vote for them if they are to have the slightest chance at winning. The people to whom they cater hate them and would never vote for them. Color them useless and about to go extinct.

    So, who is stupid, exactly?

  16. The fact that Mr. Stephens is Jewish isn’t hard at all to deduce. The Jews have been at war with ALL WHITE PEOPLES since about 33 AD or around the time of the first Gentiles being baptized into Christ. Our ancestors quickly became Christian and soon our communities through God’s blessings through Christ prospered. This war has ebbed and flowed.

    The Reformation was the greatest thing that ever happened to Jewry because for the first time we divided and fought ourselves to the death. They sent one of their own John Cohen, named John Calvin among us and put forward the poisonous doctrine of Calvinism which was put forward to cause Christendom to self destruct. Consequently countries and states which were Calvinistic soon burned themselves out because of Calvinisms ridiculous notions and became Secular. Netherlands was Calvinist, parts of Western Germany was as well as New England. Scotland was an exception for various reasons.

    Calvinists later dreamed up the idea of Dual Covenant Theology which says that the Jews are forever God’s children and nothing they do will ever be wrong, a complete lie.

    Don’t agree with everything here, but there is DEFINATELY evidence that the Reformation was Jewish Infiltrated very early on and used to THEIR advantage to discredit and destroy the Gospel. It has been successful.

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