Jews Must Give Up Whiteness To Fight Racism

By Hunter Wallace

Read the whole thing.

“My answer to her, and my answer for all American Jews during these Days of Awe, is that finding our true Jewish identity can begin by questioning our whiteness.”

Well, this is a new one to me. I was under the impression that Jews have been trying to weaken and undermine White America for decades now. Did this rabbi fail to get the memo or something? What exactly would change here?

Note: Tim Wise wrote the book on embracing whiteness in order to undermine whiteness.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Your question is premised upon your belief being Jewish is a race, which is idiotic.”

    You yourself deem that to be idiotic, an attack, and this is why. You stated before that Jews can be any race. That is true but no matter who a Jew mixes with Jewish genes will be present be the spouse black, white, hispanic, asian or any other race of people. Everyone is familiar with the expression of Jewish genes. Plenty of Jewish Celebrities show them off. Jewish people themselves are a race. There is no way to dispute that fact. There are unique genes that you will only find in racial Jews. Converting is rare and is the result of a gentile wishing to marry a Jew for the overwhelming majority. The small percentage such as Sammy Davis Jr who just convert off the street would have married into the Jewish race in time as he immersed himself more and more in Judaism. Judaism itself is completely foreign to every civilization that has accepted Jews. Any other tenet of a religious faith only has to walk into a synagogue to see the degree. And whether Jewish people are a race or not does not have any bearing on what is acceptable to type about in the comment section. OD believes in a free comment section from what I have seen that does not hinge on what a minority group finds acceptable to talk about.

  2. Jay
    ‘There are unique genes that you will only find in racial Jews. Converting is rare and is the result of a gentile wishing to marry a Jew for the overwhelming majority. The small percentage such as Sammy Davis Jr who just convert off the street would have married into the Jewish race in time as he immersed himself more and more in Judaism. Judaism itself is completely foreign to every civilization that has accepted Jews. Any other tenet of a religious faith only has to walk into a synagogue to see the degree.’

    The racial component is so obvious.

    Sammy Davis was a convert. If he had rejected Judaism later in life would he still be considered a jew?

    Of course not.

    If Meir Kahane, Jackie Mason, Rodney Dangerfield, Milton Berle, George Burns, Sheldon Adelson, Larry David, Groucho Marx, Sara Silverman and Don Rickles all said they have become atheists, who would say they are not jews anymore?

    No one.

    Except for the disinformation specialists assigned to infiltrate web sites.

  3. Warspite’s comments in this thread are classic jewish tactics on pro European-American sites. Act like some regular middle-class jew who isn’t politically active, and doesn’t even know the IJDF is! But just by coincidence, he shows up in a thread where some influential Jew says something that makes Jews look bad. Fills the comment section, trying to sound so moderate and just wants to understand. He tells us he will read Kevin MacDonald, but later on tells us MacDonalds books “have been ripped apart on historical terms”.(Jewish fanatics have tried to do that, but have failed. He knew about MacDonalds books all along, by the way.)

    He sets himself as a just a regular joe jew who has no power, who isn’t political, and even concedes a few points. But here’s the end game. Warspite writes “I hope the OD people will consider purging itself of those who have demonstrated virulent and irriational hatred towards Jews.” And there it is. That’s what all of his commenting on this thread is all about. Warspite is trying to get European-Americans who aren’t acceptable to jews banned from this site. And the way he’s trying to convince Hunter is by saying that if O.D. wants to be taken seriously as a web site, the site will have to ban all the people that Jews don’t like. See, that’s the only way that O.D. will be taken seriously and have respectability, says the TOTALLY NONPOLITICAL Jew.(He’s just a regular guy, honest!) This type of strategy was used when leftist tried to get Voxday to denounce Roosh. Voxday wrote about this at his site.

    Jack Ryan falling for this strategy is sad. Haven’t you been at this long enough to understand this type of tatic Jack?

  4. “ Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies [sic] that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.”
    —Barbara Lerner Spectre, IBA-News, 2010.

    Does this anger you as much as it angers me?

  5. William H McCarty
    ‘Does this anger you as much as it angers me?’

    Yes, but she is just one of many.

    Official Working for the Swedish Government: “There Is No Native Swedish Culture.”

    This brave woman, who is just such a counter culture rebel is trying to convince Swedes – yet again – that there isn’t such a thing such as a “native Swedish culture.”

    This courageous woman, Ingrid Lomfors, who just happens to be Jewish, has not only been educated in Jerusalem at the Hebrew University. She’s also been trained at the Hebrew collage in Boston. She is the general secretary at the Jewish Synagogue / Jewish Community in Stockholm, Sweden.

    Currently she is the head of the “Forum for living history” in Sweden.(snip)

    Comment: Exactly, so relax! The invasion you’re seeing now into Europe is nothing new, I mean during the Migration Age there wasn’t any real consequences due to it anyway. It’s all just so very normal and you should embrace it goy. I think it’s great these state puppets and propagandists have to continue to reassure us that everything is fine, once some topics heat up a bit too much.


    Comment: Oh yeah and also most of us alive today are a consequence of rape, somewhere down the line of our ancestors. So obviously every practice that has been a prominent feature of our past must naturally be a good thing and it most be brought back again, right Ingrid? So by that logic let’s also bring back human sacrifice and slavery (although some of that still goes on in non-European countries).

    Perhaps that’s why you and all the state sponsored feminists in Sweden, don’t speak up for your fellow women when they are getting raped, You can continue to ignore the rape epidemic in Sweden, Germany and in other European countries, but due to the recent invasion the numbers are now going to grow so fast, exponentially, that even you won’t be able to stick your head in the sand any more. Thanks so much for helping to keep the lid on about this.

    Here is the best one of her three:


    Comment: Bah! Where do you even begin? Is this a HISTORIAN? Tells you how much they know about the culture of the country that they hate so much. We covered this aspect in the video we did on the housing crisis in Sweden due to the invasion. In that video we also focus on this common quackademic statement that there is no culture in Sweden.

    We have, according to some finds, 40 000 years of history in Northern Europe. Even if it was only 20 000 years, would that somehow be less impressive? It’s been proven that Scandinavians were the FIRST Europeans. To denigrate and try to erase our history, culture and achievements is frankly something only a myopic kosher certified historian like Ingrid could not only do, but also get away with. Thank you for revealing yourself and making your hatred of us so obvious.

  6. It’s amazing, but, having read through much of Miss Denise’s commentary, from the last week, it occurred to me that I misst something in my youth; that, as I ran from my biscuits and red-eye gravy to grab my backpack and join my friends walking to school, I was mightier than they, this being that I was a Jew, and they were not, and that, as a matter of course, I would, one day, rule over them.

  7. Junius Daniel
    ‘…as I ran from my biscuits and red-eye gravy to grab my backpack and join my friends walking to school, I was mightier than they, this being that I was a Jew, and they were not, and that, as a matter of course, I would, one day, rule over them.’

    Jewnius attempts to distract us with a steaming plate of SKR garnished with cornpone.

  8. Sam- I know- even as we cite the malevolent, nay psychotic behavior and utterances of Jewry, no matter how hateful, venous, destructive, untrue, and genocidal – their Tribe members mock us.

    This is why People, all over the world, and all over time, HATE Jews.

  9. Thanks to Babwa Spectre and her fellow rats. Only the beginning.

    German kids beaten up by Muslim migrants – The ugly reality for our children

  10. Warspite
    Are there educated people who actually come to an objective conclusion there was no Holocaust? Meaning, the intentional, state-directed effort during WWII that led to the extermination of between 5.6m-5.9m Jews?’

    Must see video! David Cole in his expose reveals the lies, distortions, bogus

  11. Rabbi Fagele wants us to take in more refugees. Standard jew drivel about strangers in the land, etc. Silent about Israel’s refusal to do the same. Hypocrite kike.

    As Republicans Reject Syrian Refugees, US Jewish Community Responds With Solidarity, Support

    That is just what some Republicans want to do, however. Most of the nation’s governors said they would not accept Syrian refugees in their states, despite President Barack Obama’s plan to take in 10,000 Syrians next year. Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have said the U.S. should accept Christian refugees, but not Muslim ones.

    “Those kinds of comments are shameful and disgusting,” Rabbi Gil Steinlauf of the Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. said. “The problem is not with Islam; it is with extremist people, it is with hateful people, that’s the problem.”

    Steinlauf said his congregants have closely followed the Syrian refugee crisis and most of them believe that Jews have a responsibility to help other communities in need.

    “We must not forget our values as a Jewish people, things that we learn from tradition and from our historical memory,” he said. “That includes the charge that comes from the Torah that we were once strangers in Egypt, and we must think of refugees that are homeless and displaced. We have been a people in exile and were wandering for milennia. Justice for those who are homeless overrides other factors.”

  12. ‘Rabbi: Jews are not White, only Jewish’

    Mr. Griffin, concerning this, the differing perspectives can be muddling.

    First of all, I never heard anyone from my daddy’s family talk this, even remotely. Secondly, they all thought of themselves as ‘white’.

    Hell, before I started surfing political blogs, I had never heard of Jews not being considered white.

    I’ve noticet, however, that poles can touch, and it just may be that this rabbi, and any Jew who thinks like him, has more in common with White Nationalists, in his thinking about himself, than could be believed.

  13. Junius Daniel
    ‘…as I ran from my biscuits and red-eye gravy to grab my backpack and join my friends walking to school, I was mightier than they, this being that I was a Jew, and they were not, and that, as a matter of course, I would, one day, rule over them.’

    Jewnius attempts to distract us with a steaming plate of SKR garnished with cornpone.’

    Sam, please do not forget the deep fried okrey and pan-fried chicken livers. It just would not be a true distraction, without them!

  14. ‘Rabbi Fagele wants us to take in more refugees. Standard jew drivel about strangers in the land, etc. Silent about Israel’s refusal to do the same. Hypocrite kike.’

    Sir, it may well be that this rabbi is being damnably hypocritical.

    It, also, may not be

    Sam, I don’t know if you know this, but, many Jews, here in this country, consider themselves American – NOT Israeli. Some, even, are so leftist, that they are rather antogonistick towards Israel, this, they say, on account on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and Arabs.

    One such fellow was a brother of a friend of mine, who, ironically, wound up eating his words, literally, as he perisht in that flight that went down in Pennsylvania, on 9/11

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