Jews Must Give Up Whiteness To Fight Racism

By Hunter Wallace

Read the whole thing.

“My answer to her, and my answer for all American Jews during these Days of Awe, is that finding our true Jewish identity can begin by questioning our whiteness.”

Well, this is a new one to me. I was under the impression that Jews have been trying to weaken and undermine White America for decades now. Did this rabbi fail to get the memo or something? What exactly would change here?

Note: Tim Wise wrote the book on embracing whiteness in order to undermine whiteness.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jews – or at least all the main Jewish hate groups like the ADL and SPLC -are for all practical purposes anti-white so it doesn’t actually matter if they are genetically white, half-white or non-white (they’re technically half-white imo).

    The political reality is they need to publicly reclassify themselves as non-white to lead the non-white coalition in the end game.

    Whether it works or not is a different matter.

  2. There shouldn’t be any non-whites in the universities our ancestors built for our people. It is not for the non-white world to come and lay their eggs in our nest.

    Either way the university system is doomed. It will not survive the first government that prosecutes it for engaging in politics while taking tax deductible donations. Say good night anti-white professors!

  3. Might be a good time to juxtapose the ramblings of a Jewish Supremacist with a succinct statement of White Survival:

    Whites must put aside petty differences on social and economic issues and work together to fight the anti-Whites, in whatever flavor, shape or package they wrap themselves.

  4. Jack Ryan – there are NO “good Jews”. Merely dormant ones.

    Let’s discuss the prayer Jews recite, many times, on the eve of Yom Kippur, The Highest of their High Holy Satanic Days. The Kol Nidre
    “All vows, obligations, oaths, anathemas, whether called ‘konam,’ ‘konas,’ or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement unto the next, (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.”

    Think about that.

    • You know, it’s possible to make arguments supporting your position without discrediting yourself as being a bigoted moron. Look at Jack Ryan. I may disagree with his conclusions, but by avoiding your tack he poses credible positions. Do you think someone who asserts they criticize Israel without any regard to it being a Jewish nation will convince anyone of their sincerity if they are also a Holocaust Denier?

      An interesting suggestion made by Mr. Ryan is the possibility of Jewish voters becoming more Republican. For the past few decades (let’s just focus on a short period of time) it has been very tough for a Republican presidential candidate to get more than 25% of the Jewish vote (which also brings financial support from Jewish voters). That has been on the verge of change for a few reasons. The reasons include Obama’s unpopularity amongst many Jews, the Republican Party’s strong support for Israel and, and this one is interesting, the increasing importance to Israel of support from American evangelical, fundamentalist & conservative Protestant denominations.

      The last group has arguably become a stronger supporter of Israel than the American Jewish community! The reason I disagree with Jack Ryan about any political linking of Jews & Blacks is the strong support of Israel from White religious Protestants, and the substantial anti-Israel (and antisemitic) views in the Black community. This is becoming more & more known amongst Jews.

  5. Having lived in heavily “lib” Jewish places for 3/4 of my life, I pretty much “know the score”, know what’s going on here.

    One point to always remember:

    The Jews are like all people only more so.

    The same forces that move Gentile, non Jewish Whites to take strongly anti White, pro Black criminal, pro non White immigration positions, these are similar forces at work here with Jews once again claiming that they aren’t on the White side, instead they should be the elite leaders attacking White privilege, promoting, leading things like BlackLivesMatter, being the financiers and advisers to Obama and new Obamas, new Larazas even taking the side of pushy Muslim invaders.

    Why did Harry Truman, LBJ, Ted Kennedy, Jane Fonda, Newt Gingrich, George Will, Rand Paul do these anti White crusades? Similar forces are at work here with elite American Jews.

    The Jews always tend to try to fit in with whomever they happened to be around at the time. Thus in Washington DC, elite Jews are close to lots of Blacks, thus they put the word out that they are the most pro Black, pro Obama, anti Southern racist group ever.

    If Jews are around White Texans, or White Southerners they aren’t going to be doing much of this – it has to be an area that’s gone majority Black like Memphis, thus the appearance of Rep. Steve Cohen.

    If Jews find themselves around lots of non White Hispanics, Jews will make immigration reform, amnesty one of their main concerns. Former New York Liberal, Pro Israel Congressman Steven Solarz (Syrian Jew) used to be on Ted Koppel Nightline all the time pushing for anti White South African sanctions and all sorts of things associated with Leftist mobs in the Philippines.

    But when his NYC district went majority Hispanic, Solarz tried to keep his Congressional seat by changing his name to “Steven Solares”.

    Jews will do that all the time, change their sir name to try to blend in with the host population. Examples include the German Jewish Communist revolutionary terrorist Leon Trotsky, original name was Lev Davidovich Bronshtein. Another example is the liberal political commentator, sometime comedian Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart, original name was jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, or the Jewish gangster Dutch Schultz original name Arthur Simon Flegenheimer. Now other anti White Whites are doing the same thing, changing their name to better position themselves for wealth and power by leading the anti White forces, even though they are White.

    Current NYC anti White mayor Bill de Blasio (born Warren Wilhelm, Jr. Italians have a reputation in New York City of being tough, plus there are still more Italians in New York than Germans, so an Italian sounding name is better than German and it’s the Grachiite move of the wealthy elite White guy being the champion of the non White masses, Wilheim went even a bit further married a Black Lesbian and had Black children like Obama.

    OK, my point is it’s not just the Jews playing these games, doing these deceptions to maintain or increase their social political and economic power by looking to lead anti White forces. Others do it. But, Jews have been at this game a lot longer and are very skilled at all these moves. Jews will be dominating, and intimidating both sides in the fixed Presidential election.

  6. “You know, it’s possible to make arguments supporting your position without discrediting yourself as being a bigoted moron.”

    I appreciate your concern for my dignity. Now, die.

  7. Warspite
    ‘Do you think someone who asserts they criticize Israel without any regard to it being a Jewish nation will convince anyone of their sincerity if they are also a Holocaust Denier?’

    Muh Holocaust!

    • Yeah, Alberta, all those GD liars back then. The thousands of American troops who were witnesses, including Eisenhower and Patton. And even though Patton was quite an antisemite he was horrified.

      Your dislike & jealousy of Jews should not be inconsistent with acknowledging the (about) 5.75 Jews killed by Nazi Germany & various helpers. Would you also deny the over 500,000 Armenians killed by the Ottomans in 1915? How about the efforts of ISUS to eradicate Christianity in the Near & Middle East.

      It’s fine with me if you want to assert the Holocaust never occurred. It marginalizes you and renders you ineffective. A real man asserts his beliefs without surrounding them with inane falsehoods. But you go & keep it up, Fraulein.

  8. The kikes murdered Patton because he was planning to return to America and tell Americans we were on the wrong side.

    Eisenheber was a Kike. And yes – it’s ALL lies.

    Now make good and jump in an oven. Oven dodger.

    • If “it’s all lies”, why the oven-dodger remark? Btw, I never heard “oven-dodger” before. It’s quite clever.

      Eisenhower was Jewish? Who knew! Lots of Jews out there in rural Kansas, right? You know, Nixon kept Israel floating in ’73 via a 24 hr/day airlift of supplies & vital mechanical parts. Was he also Jewish? Bush 2 was our most pro-Israel president. A Jew, or just a religious Protestant? How about Truman recognising Israel against the wishes of his State Dept. Another Hebrew? Given his wife’s antisemitism that might be a hard sell.

      Kennedy? An Irish Catholic Jew with a soft on Nazis dad? LBJ? Come on, even a screwball like you would not suggest that one. Forget Ford, but how about Jimmy Carter? A self-loathing Jew hiding his Hebraic past with a cloak of antisemitism? How clever.

      Skipping up to Barry O, I really don’t see him as Jewish. I’ve heard a member of an antisemitic (or at least anti-OT) Black church, and I’ve heard Muslim, but Jewish? Nope, never heard that one for Barry.

      Are you one of those nimrods who thinks Obama was born in East Africa? Do you need a reasonable explanation about Obama’s birth-related issues? I think I could help you out.

      My apologies. Patton killed by Jews? Never heard that one. Though he was the most capable American military commander in Europe, Patton was a political nut. Ever talk to anyone who served in Europe during WWII? The idea of telling soldiers to fight the Soviets after about 4 yrs of propaganda on the Russki’s being our friends/allies would have been rejected out of hand.

      Patton was a rather open antisemite, yet there is no doubt regarding his comments on the Holocaust. How do you reconcile that?

  9. I would be interested in reading comments on four subjects:

    1. The visit of the Pope to the US. Particularly the fawning treatment by the media of any comments by the Pope seeming to fit within the standard “liberal agenda”. Is the Pope to be admired, or should we even pay attention? After all, most American Catholics ignore half the direction out of the Vatican;

    2. There are anywhere between 5 and almost 8 million Jews in the US, depending on how one counts. Right now there are maybe 3m Muslims of Arab, African or Asian (e.g., Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.) origin. In the event the population of Muslims in America grows to equal or surpass Jews, do you foresee any changes in the role of Jews in the US?

    3. Should the population of Muslims haling from the above nations reach or exceed 6 or 7 million (becoming 2% of the population), do you think there will be significant changes in US culture/society? For example, local observance of Muslim holidays, exceptions to certain city codes or even state statutes, changes in popular culture. Will assimilation occur?

    4. Do you think the American liberal elites (e.g., Hollywood, Media, Dem leadership, etc.) will recognize the threat of Islam to liberal, Enlightenment era beliefs (freedom of religion, gender equality) before it is too late to stop the negative influences? For example, the recognition of problems associated with Muslim immigration before it reaches 2%-3% of US population?

    I am interested in learning what you guys think about the above. If all you can do is come up with some anti-Jewish idiocy, move on. Serious issues deserve more than Illuminati or Freemason conspiracy answers. I can get those thoughts at the Main Office in the Denver Airport. ????????

  10. Warkike,

    Serious academic work has been done by Prof. Kevin MacDonald on the role of kikes in gentile societies. Read his masterpiece, “The Culture of Critique”

    Prof MacDonald writes at The Occidental Observer

    I don’t know about illuminati and stuff like that, but many rabbis over the centuries confirmed the jewish roots of freemasonry.
    Google is your friend.

    On muslims: jews and muslims have been partners in crime for centuries. Who opened the gates of Constantinople, Grenada, etc to the islamic invaders?

    Jews are behind the ongoing invasion of Europe, and constantly promote miscegenation as a way to get rid of White.
    Why are your elites doing that?
    Because once you’ve reduced a society into a multicultural mess, it’d be very difficult for a majority to emerge and expel your sorry, demonic asses once again.

    I think the cosmopolitan, affluent jews will pull the plug on israel.
    They have no interest in a state of their own: they prefer to navigate through the ruins of other societies they corrupted, like the rats they are.

    • To what are you referring? Are you conflating the Ottomans trying to kill off the Armenians & the Holocaust in WWII?

      Do you believe the genocide regarding the Armenians in 1915, or was that also a hoax? Ditto the killing of up to 900,000 in Rwanda when Bill C. was president? (Wish someone would ask Hillary about that!)

  11. Warkike,

    Serious academic work has been done by Prof. Kevin MacDonald on the role of kikes in gentile societies. Read his masterpiece, “The Culture of Critique”

    Prof MacDonald writes at theoccidentalobserver dot net

    I don’t know about illuminati and stuff like that, but many rabbis over the centuries confirmed the jewish roots of freemasonry.
    Google is your friend.

    On muslims: jews and muslims have been partners in crime for centuries. Who opened the gates of Constantinople, Grenada, etc to the islamic invaders?

    Jews are behind the ongoing invasion of Europe, and constantly promote miscegenation as a way to get rid of White.
    Why are your elites doing that?
    Because once you’ve reduced a society into a multicultural mess, it’d be very difficult for a majority to emerge and expel your sorry, demonic asses once again.

    I think the cosmopolitan, affluent jews will pull the plug on israel.
    They have no interest in a state of their own: they prefer to navigate through the ruins of other societies they corrupted, like the rats they are.

  12. Warspite // September 26, 2015 at 8:43 am

    Sure I would be happy to discuss some of the issues, questions you raise. I/we do write about Jewish issues/problems here at Occidental Dissent. I/we try to be fair and not obsess about this subject or any subject. I/We are honest in admitting that our people’s problems are mostly self inflicted and we can’t blame everything bad on the Jews, not when we have a Whiter than White Catholic in Name Only Pope now doing a Nelson Mandela type propaganda crusade to merge all remaining White nations with untold billions of 3rd world, non White, even Muslim poor/terrorists etc.

    Here are some of my/our OD articles on the Jewish question:

    In my opinion, the best writer on these subjects in our alternative Right, race realist world is the British ex patriot John Derbyshire. He along with another British ex – pat Peter Brimelow (formerly a senior editor at National Review) have the perspective of knowing the British Empire and the safe, all White British/English country itself fell and is in ruin and they see the same things happening here in the USA.

    John Derbyshire’s interview on the Jewish cultural blog, magazine Jewcy is in my opinion the best source on this subject.

    Here are some of our/my OD articles on the Jewish subject:

  13. LBJ was a Crypto. He was a Kike. Jews infested TX for EVER. And if you can’t SEE in in “LadyKike’s” hose nose – you are blind.

    Attaturk was a Donmeh Hebe. Jews accomplished a nearly 100% successful genocide of Christian Armenians. The Armenian Genocide was a trial run for what the Spawn of Satan did to Russia.

    Jews are devils from Hell.

  14. Eva – Jews are racial mongrels. I’m not surprised that the RabbiKike is a fellator. Jew are twice as like to be a sexual sickos as are Humans.

  15. Denise some of these comments are crossing OD lines.

    LBJ was the classic lower class White “Truckler” – he was a back slapping Texan in Texas, never did anything anti White, pro Black criminal, nothing Washington Post New York Jewish until he became immersed in the Washington DC., New York East coast Lib, media world.

    The Truckler goes with the flow for his own personal wealth, fame and social status – dismissed as a hick from the sticks he cultivates the “Powers that be” in elite media, academia – which then as now tend to be very heavily Jewish, anti White, anti Southern.

    If the Path to Power for LBJ was through populist, pro Southern White politics, LBJ would have done that.

  16. Warspite writes:

    “Eisenhower was Jewish? Who knew! Lots of Jews out”

    I respond

    Yes U are correct . There were very few Jewish people in rural Kansas. Ike was most definitely not Jewish and the comment viated OD ‘s comment guidelines prohibiting making wild conspiracy theory kook comments .

    • Jack, I want to thank you for your courtesy. I am going to review the articles, as well as the recommendation I received about Professor MacDonald. It does your “cause” little good when it is discredited by foolishness from people who believe Ike was Jewish, the Holocaust did not happen, the Jews worked with Attaturk (who, true enough, may have had a Jewish ancestor) to kill off Armenians, etc.

      I will read everything with an open mind, though I doubt it will convince me. The problem for me is why this Jewish control and largesse skipped over me, my wife, our respective families, etc. When one is on the inside claims about Jewish world rule seems ludicrous. I cannot even get my town’s commission to follow proper procedure!

      No question there is a Jewish elite in places like NYC & the West Coast. But I think entree to “elite” in the US (unlike the UK) requires one thing: money. Those of us struggling in middle-classdom look upon theories about Jewish control as bonkers. The only people I have met who exercise control do so by virtue of $$. This includes elected officials who gain and hold positions through financial support.

      I think I can see how frustration leads to antisemitism. The Democratic Party continually pushes policies that are disdainful of those religious, or who believe America to be special or unique. When you look at the Democratic Party you see an enormous percentage of money coming from Jews, who make up a small percentage of the electorate. If I did not like the Dem Party and had little contact with Jews I could definitely see how one could draw some very negative inferences about Jewish control of politics.

      In response to people that feel this way (and I think the amount of $$ Jews give to the Dem Party absurd), as well as to certain traditional thought about the Jewish community, I can only emphasize how the Jewish community is far from monolithic. Very Religious Jews actually vote Republican, due to this groups opposition to social issues such as abortion. More and more Jews are becoming cognizant of the relationship between Israel and American “evangelicals”. Jews who travel to Israel from the US never fail to be struck by the number of (Protestant) Christians visiting Israel. These facts are filtering down through the Jewish community and will have an effect. Just what effect, I’m not sure. And one must take into account Barry Obama. I have never heard so many Jews so distrustful of a Democratic president (of course, as I like to point out to these folks, 70%+ of Jewish voters went for Obama).

      I will look at the materials you have suggested, and thank you again for your courtesy.

  17. Ike’s Jew genes comes from his Daddy’s side. His West Point Military Academy graduating class yearbook, published in 1915, Eisenhower is identified as a “terrible Swedish Jew.”

    Are FACTS in violation of OD’s guidelines?

  18. Warkike,
    you’re clearly a JIDF operative.
    The template is always the same: open minded (ah!) kike approaches WN site X (where X is, say, Daily Stormer/The Right Stuff/Occidental Dissent/you name it) and tries to convince the readership that not all jews are bad: “You see, it’s only our powerful&affluent elite!”
    Nice try, though.

    • I don’t even know what the JIDF might be. I’ve heard of the JDL, but I’m not affiliated. Never even met anyone who was a member. As for the JDL, maybe they’re on to something less than half the time. Too much of a left wing organization for my taste.

      I’m sorry to tell you I don’t belong to any Jewish organizations. My dad was a beatnik & was not too wild about organized religion. I did, however, minor in Theology (Church History) in college so have a pretty decent handle on the NT. I’m pretty decent with the OT as well, though I’m far more interested in History than religion.

      Just because I don’t fit your stereotype of Jews shouldn’t cause you to fall to pieces and toss out wild accusations. You might need to re-examine some of your previously unchallenged beliefs, but that’s a good thing. There is really nothing in your belief system that precludes acknowledging the Holocaust, or accepting that most Jews are not wealthy & powerful. Even if I adhered to your ideas I hope I would be intelligent enough to understand no successful conspiracy goes beyond a core “elite”. One could say the same about revolutions. The fact 99% of American Jews are not “in” on the conspiracy you see should not really change your fundamental belief. 1% of American Jews is about 60,000. Plenty to run anything you seem to think exists. It would also explain why I am unaware of the whole thing.

      When you have the opportunity you will need to let me in on where the Catholic Church fits in. It seems like a much more successful state within a state than “Jews”.

  19. I wish U all the best Warspike

    I m not anti Semite some of my best friends are/were Jews…

    That said American Jews tend to suck at politics really bad on immigration.

    Midwestern White farmers tend to be better at Flamingo dancing than American Jews are on immigration politics ????

  20. Warspite
    ‘It does your “cause” little good when it is discredited by foolishness from people who believe Ike was Jewish, the Holocaust did not happen, the Jews worked with Attaturk (who, true enough, may have had a Jewish ancestor) to kill off Armenians, etc.’

    Ike very well could have had jew ancestry.

    The holocaust did not happen.

    World War happened. Millions of people died

    No proof or evidence jews were gassed to death, then cremated.

    Biggest freaking lie of modern times.

    Brilliant, courageous researchers, scholars have been imprisoned for questioning the kosherized version.


    People have differing views on every subject imaginable about historical events ONLY those challenging the official narrative are SILENCED.

    However, proven liars, frauds and deceitful phonies such as Elie Wiesel and totally discredited hoax survivors are revered.


    Even Ike who wrote ‘Crusade in Europe’ never said a thing about gas chambers.

    Amazon: Five-star General Dwight D. Eisenhower was arguably the single most important military figure of World War II. For many historians, his memoirs of this eventful period of U.S. history have become the single most important record of the war. Crusade in Europe tells the complete story of the war as Eisenhower planned and lived it. Through his eyes, the enormous scope and drama of the war?strategy, battles, moments of fateful decision?become fully illuminated in all their fateful glory.’

    Churchill wrote volumes- nothing about holocaust. Same with De Gaulle.

  21. Actions speak louder than words. Eisenhower was essentially a nobody, in terms of experience and demonstrable ability, when he was placed in charge of The Rothschild’s War Part II. He wrote that he HATED Germans, and his Operation Keehaul insured the death of thousands of Russians, sent back to die in the gulags of the Jewviet Union. So did his absolutely psychotic evil war crime, of allowing the CONFIRMED JEW Morgenthau to MURDER German soldiers AND civilians, AFTER THE WAR ENDED, by placing them in an open field to die of dehydration, starvation, and exposure.

    Who DOES that?

    • I’m not going to bother with Sam’s trash, if he wants he can read about the primary sources for the Holocaust (good thing those Germans were so into keeping records!). The subject of how & why attitudes, including those of Jews, changed on even talking about the Holocaust after the period starting with the Eichman trial and climaxing with the Six Days War is quite interesting.

      Denise, who is really off the sanity scale deserves a quick response:

      1) Eisenhower was a nobody, etc. Eisenhower was hardly a nobody, he was just chosen over more senior people such as Marshal. Was it a good choice? As time goes on it looks increasingly like no one else could have done better on an overall (military & diplomatic) basis;

      2) Eisenhower hated Germans. I don’t know if this is true, but having led Allied forces in Europe & toured a death camp or two I’m sympathetic to his feeling some hostility towards Germans;

      3) The repatriation of Russians was agreed to at Yalta. The US (and Brits) were either hoodwinked or stupid when they agreed to repatriate Russians who had left Russia way before WWII. This led to some absurd and tragic situations. The matter is further complicated by it sometimes being hard to sympathize with certain groups that decided to fight with the Germans. For example, I understand how poorly the Cossack groups were often treated by Stalin, but when the Nazi’s occupied the Ukraine it did not exactly turn out to be a liberation. Note that with repatriations the efficiency of the Allies shipping people back to Russia deteriorated as did our relations with the Soviets;

      4) Your references to Morgenthau are silly. Yes, Morgenthau proposed reducing Germany to a simple agrarian country. But FDR ended up fully rejected that plan. The deaths you refer to are real but involve the expulsion of Germans from countries throughout Europe. Present estimates are that up to 1m people may have died in this process. The Jew’s fault? Come on. There has been some very recent work done on this subject and the truth is most Allied leaders did not seem to care about what happened to these refugees. The Allies were concerned how it would “look” if resources were being expended to help these refugees. Makes one appreciate how MacArthur managed to stave off famine in Japan by insisting and somehow getting emergency supplies flown in.

      Anything else of value? Probably not. The “Jewviet” thing is stupid in light of the treatment of Jews by the USSR. Any reference to Rothschild is also dumb given Nazi seizure of Rothschild property in Austria. The Rothschilds stand out as a symbol, but in terms of international banking they were hardly preeminent. Given your leanings I’m sure you are aware Jewish bankers only had one seat at the table during the talks founding the US federal reserve.

  22. Jack, anyone who fails to see the corrosive effects of rampant multi-culturalism + uncontrolled immigration is an ass. During the “Melting Pot” era immigrants to the US were expected to confirm and assimilate. Now it seems there is pressure for Americans to conform to the language and cultural norms of immigrants. The stupidity goes to the extent of cities refusing to turn illegal immigrants over to the Feds. In fact, we cannot even use the term illegal immigrant anymore. I find all this insane and offensive. Hell, there are people born and raised in South Florida who have a Hispanic accent!

    Further, and I don’t know if you will agree with this, I don’t place all the blame on Democrats. The Dems want the voters, but wealthy Republicans love the cheap labor! It’s a pretty absurd situation when the Hospitality business would collapse from a labor shortage if all illegal immigrants were deported.

    • Hey, Denise. My family came to the US in 1849. Fought on both sides of the Civil War. How about YOU get out of my country? Go back to Albania. I’m sure you can get a good deal on a townhome in Tirana. Or maybe a Greek island. I hear there are opportunities on Lesbos. You’d be near Turkey, so you could make some Euros sneaking Muslim refugees into Europe.

  23. My family has been here for EVER. MY family literally BUILT the USA. I am of Welsh/English/Irish ancestry – like the FOUNDERS. This is MY country. Created BY my Race- FOR MY RACE.

    Jews are NOTHING but deceivers, looters, destroyers, and PARASITES.

    WarKIKE is an emblematic example of this. He leeches onto a White Site, pleads the Porr Widdle Pois-se-kuted JOO routine, insults other LONG TIME members (before I entered into the fray), continues to insult REAL posters, denies ANY Jew malfeasance, whines, gets nasty, and basically Kikes out.

    Whatta JEW!

    Expulsion 110 is right around the corner. Go, now WhineKike. Go. NOW.

  24. Warspite
    ‘I’m not going to bother with Sam’s trash, if he wants he can read about the primary sources for the Holocaust’

    What trash? Like Ike, Churchill and DeGaulle?

    Oh, but wait! Let’s get testimony from a primary source, okay.

    People would still believe all this regurgitated BS if not for the internet.

    Ernst Zundel was sent to prison for questioning spurious accounts of holohoaxers like Arnold Friedman.

    Friedman says he knew people were being sent to the gas chambers, but there wasn’t much he and his fellow inmates could do.

    He claims you could tell whether Ukrainians or Poles, or fat or skinny people were being burned in the ovens by the color of the smoke! If blue flames shot out of the top of the chimney, it was a Hungarian jew, and if green flames shot out of the chimney it was a Polish jew!

    Arnold even testified to having witnessed the color-coded chimney flames at the 1985 trial of Ernst Zundel in Canada. Upon cross-examination, however, he confessed that he did not actually see this, but was only told these things by others.

    Arnold blames God, saying “I think God should have asked us for forgiveness, because we weren’t there by choice.”

    • Oy! Eisenhower not only wrote about the camps, he issued special orders about as many American soldiers as possible seeing the sights personally. Churchill I don’t know about, though he was no antisemite. DeGaulle I also don’t know about. His interest was more in covering up French cooperation in transporting Jews to concentration camps.

      One thing you need to understand was the liquidation of Jews as a German war aim. It was even a part of Hitler’s last document. Only by comprehending killing off Jews as a war aim does something like diverting resources badly needed on both the Eastern and Western Fronts to concentration and death camps.

      Regarding Denise’s forbears’ contributions to America, I’m iffy. Yes, someone had to run bait shops outside of Lafayette, La., and work at the bowling alley just outside the city limits in Gaffney, S.C., but I think the US would have been ok without that help.

  25. The Civil War? More Jew EVIL. The War was fomented by the Zhid devils because Southern cotton production was cutting into the Uber Devil Jew Rothschild Egyptian profits. The South had to be crushed, and crushed it has been, and still is being SMASHED. Southern identity, as well as White identity and EXISTENCE in general is UNDER ATTACK courtesy of der ewige Jude. JEWS ran the slave trade, and are still blaming Whites.

    Germany, England, the USA – all White Nations which have been insane enough to treat Jews beautifully. The results – they can’t work hard enough or fast enough to slaughter us all. Whites are slandered, demonized, dispossessed and persecuted. We are blamed for Jew EVIL – and the Tribe is ramping up the attacks.

    Jews are the Oldest Enemy of Humanity, and are THE AUTHORS of White Genocide. The world is waking up. A Reckoning is long over due, and it’s COMING……………..

  26. Eissenhower was NOBEDY – and as a leader – he was a DISASTER for Humanity. He did what his co-ethnic DEVILS wanted though – murder million of White Humans. Germans WERE LEFT in open air fields to DIE painfully AFTER the War ended. It’s verifiable FACT. You rotten KIKE. Lies are all your Tribe knows. Murder, treachery – ye ARE of your Father the DEVIL. He was a murderer from the beginning.

    Screw YOU JOO. Every word I’ve written can be verified. EVERY single syllable. Go jump in an oven tonight.

  27. Warkike, do you have any of these books in your hoax library?

    Yet Another Writer Has Admitted Faking Her Holocaust Memoir
    The long, strange history of made-up Shoah stories

    By Adam Kirsch

    This week, a Massachusetts court ordered Misha Defonseca, author of the fraudulent memoir Misha: A Memoir of the Holocaust Years, to repay her publisher some $22 million. The news made headlines because of the staggering amount of money involved: The author and her publisher had been embroiled in a series of court battles over royalties for years (though it seems unlikely that even a successful and widely translated book like Misha could possibly have brought in millions).

    But without the huge sums at stake, it’s unlikely that the case would have come back into the news. For the odd fact is that writing a fake Holocaust memoir has become, by now, a dog-bites-man story. Misha Defonseca is just the latest example of a genre that also includes Herman Rosenblat, author of the Oprah-endorsed Angel at the Fence—whose fraud was first exposed by The New Republic—and Benjamin Wilkomirski, author of Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood.

    Each of these books was popular and celebrated, before knowledgeable readers began to raise questions about their incredible details. In the end, each author had to retract his or her creation. Defonseca, it turned out, did not actually survive the Holocaust by taking shelter among a pack of wolves; indeed, she was not even Jewish, but a Belgian Catholic who spent the war years going to school. Rosenblat did not survive Buchenwald thanks to a girl who threw apples and bread to him over the camp fence—and then, years later, became his wife. And Wilkomirski, far from spending the war years in concentration camps in Poland, was actually a Swiss native named Bruno Grosjean, whose childhood was spent in a Swiss orphanage.

    If the fake Holocaust memoir is by now a genre of its own, the godfather of that genre would have to be Jerzy Kosinski, whose novel The Painted Bird, published in 1965, was one of the first Holocaust stories to be first celebrated and then attacked as fictional.

    • I didn’t know anyone who thought the Belgian’s story was true, other than Oprah. But there’s a greater question. Should we now believe the book was false, or should we reject that contention because it is being made in the New Republic? It is, after all, liberal & usually populated by Jewish writers and editors.

      I feel sorry for those of you so bitter and unbalanced to curse, write stupid things, and contend Jewish people are a race. One minute Jews are insulted for their role in the OT, the next most Jews are phonies descended from medieval Khazars. Most of you sound like Alfred Rosenberg, and even the Nazi’s thought he was boring.

      In a way it’s good most of you exist. If your movement was made up of individuals like Jack Ryan you could actually get somewhere. Other than Mr. Ryan you folks have no ability to support your positions with reasoned arguments and civil language. Maybe your belief that Jews are smarter than Gentiles (does that include Asians?) has you intimidated? Btw- anyone who thinks Jews are all smarter than Gentiles needs to meet more Jews!

      More than anything else, you should be ashamed so many of your arguments parrot those of groups who most hate America. Your thinking parallels that of the 19 Muslims involved in 9/11, which ought to cause you pause.

  28. Warspite
    ‘Eisenhower not only wrote about the camps, he issued special orders about as many American soldiers as possible seeing the sights personally.’

    No one claims Ike was not aware of camps … duh.

    Typical jew obfuscation.

    What did he say about jew soap, lamp shades, gassed jews etc? Nothing, because it was non-existent.

    I wish Hunter would devote a special section to this topic somewhere on this site.

    The Youtube links disproving crematoria claims and gassed to death jews would be lengthy.

    by Robert Faurisson

    On the subject of the Nazi gas chambers, Jean-Marie Le Pen recently stated: “If you take a thousand-page book on the Second World War, the concentration camps occupy two pages and the gas chambers ten or fifteen lines, and that’s called a detail.”

    He might have brought up some even harder hitting and more precise arguments, and referred to Eisenhower, Churchill, de Gaulle, Elie Wiesel, René Rémond, Daniel Goldhagen, and even the text of the Nuremberg Tribunal judgment.

    Eisenhower, Churchill, de Gaulle
    Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill’s The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found.

    Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a “genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war.

  29. “Yes, someone had to run bait shops outside of Lafayette, La., and work at the bowling alley just outside the city limits in Gaffney, S.C. ….”

    Dazzling Jew satire.

  30. My ancestors literally built towns and roads. They grew food, and pulled energy from the Earth itself.

    America, and the world, would be FAR better off with out a hideous Race of, lying, treacherous, murderous devils, destroying every place they infest.

  31. Sam – your information is terrific – but the Jew Vermin is not interested in factual reality. Truth rolls off the scaly hide of a Jew like fire dances around their Father Satan’s tail.

    • I’m guessing people like Denise speak out of hate or envy rather than an interest in Neo-Platonic theology. Therefore, I have to in all seriousness ask a question. Are there educated people who actually come to an objective conclusion there was no Holocaust? Meaning, the intentional, state-directed effort during WWII that led to the extermination of between 5.6m-5.9m Jews?

      The same less than half-dozen names of Holocaust deniers have been tossed around for years. The Engineering professor at Northwestern was being bandied about when I was in Grad School over 30 yrs ago. The proof and testimony of the Holocaust is voluminous, and includes people who carried out the killings (more people were executed by bullets than gas chambers), witnessed the killings, discovered the camps, hundreds of historians of all political stripes, thousands of articles, contemporaneous film & descriptions (incl by antisemites such as Patton), etc., etc. No trial has ever been able to establish the Holocaust did not exist, including the case involving Deborah Lipinsky in the UK.

      I think the American soldiers who stumbled upon the concentration camps would be ashamed that 70 yrs later alleged Americans were denying the existence of the Holocaust, the mass killing of Roma, Armenian genocide in 1915 and who knows what else. Attempting to construct a reasoned argument critical of Jews or Jewish influence in no way requires Holocaust denial. All being a Holocaust denier makes you is stupid and ignorant of history. Why would anyone ever take something said by such a person seriously?

  32. People like speak of love for the truth, and hatred of lies and evil. You are so Jew, that you cannot appreciate just how Jews you ARE, Jew.

    “…no trial proved…” Hahaha!! Classic JEW.

    We’re waiting for actual forensic evidence, Zhid.

  33. Pinchas Goldschmidt, Swiss Chief Rabbi (Pharisee) of Moscow, on the Muslim Invasion of Europe: “We [Jews] are fighting together with our Muslim brothers. … They are our natural allies.”

    “There is a clash of civilizations [between “secular Post-Christian Europe” and Muslim refugees], and we, the Jews are in the middle of this clash of civilisations. . . . Yes! Yes! Yes! We see ourselves together – fighting together! – with our Muslim brothers, who want a free Europe, who want a peaceful Europe, who want to integrate like our forefathers integrated into Western Europe a hundred and two hundred years ago. And they are our natural allies.”

    Pharisee Pinchas Goldschmidt held counsel with the heads of the main EU institutions, Jerzy Buzek (President European Parliament 2009-2012; former Polish PM), José Manuel Barroso (President European Commission 2004-2014; former Portuguese PM) and Herman Van Rompuy (President European Council 2009-2014; former Belgian PM) at the “Gathering of Religious Leaders”, in Brussels, May 2011

    • Denise:

      First of all, you take what this Rabbi says out of context. Second, what you fail to realise is that within the Jewish community there exists severe conflict between the secular and those who regard themselves as religious. I would no more walk around looking like some refugee from a 19th Century Polish ghetto than the guys on this site would be “de-circumcised”. Jews like this Rabbi are Useful Idiots, so burned by their experience with Christian Europe they are willing to ally with Mohammedans. Muslims who will turn around and kill them as soon as they are no longer needed (see, Medina).

      Should I apologize for this nut? No more so than a Catholic American should apologise for an aberrant Bishop in Africa or South America. Forget the “aberrant”, what about American Catholics and the Pope? Are Catholics in the US responsible for an anti-capitalist message that includes an inability to establish a personal relationship with Christ except via the Church?

      I sort of get y’alls’ over the top antisemitism, or at least I think I do. What I fail to comprehend are the incredible inconsistencies of belief. For example, along with illegal immigration comes tens of millions of Roman Catholics. We were founded as a Protestant nation anchored in the educated aspects of the Enlightenment. Even though maybe 10% of the incoming Catholics free themselves of the Vatican’s chains, most do not. The Irish Catholic, Italian Catholic, etc., history in the US is clearly being overwhelmed by an Hispanic Catholic tradition. But from you guys I see and hear nothing.

      In addition, the Muslim minority in the US is growing fast & there is pressure to take more. These are folks who, except for Turks, have absolutely no history of Church/State separation. They want to build minarets, have prayer times called out, and have their traditions held co-equal with American law & tradition (e.g., recent efforts re Eid in Jersey City). I regard nothing more threatening to America as a woman in a burqa, but from you guys I hear nada!

      There are maybe 18m Jews in the world (a long way down from once up to 10% of the Roman Empire!). 6 m in the US, 6m in Israel, 6m elsewhere. If all 6m “elsewhere” came to the US, the 12m Jews would represent perhaps 4% of US population. Those numbers are a joke compared to 20m illegal immigrants, and the potential flow of both Catholic and Muslim immigrants. Having travelled to Europe frequently, I find your blind eye towards Islam rather amazing. Where were you guys on 9/11? Clearly not watching Arabs dancing in the streets, tossing candy to children, or the indifference of Mexicans to our plight.

      You can play your games about 9/11 being a Mossad mission (because Israel does soooo many suicide missions), Jews getting emails not to show up for work, etc., etc., but to me it looks like you can only focus on one thing at a time. And it’s the stuff to which you seem oblivious that represents the clear and present danger.

  34. Warspite,

    With the exception of some obsessed folks in the comments section (and we have worked very hard to clean up the comments under the OD comment guidelines.), you will not find a lot of Jew obsessed folks here blaming all our problems on the Jews or spreading wild, impossible Anti Semitic Jewish conspiracy theories.

    Yes, we do have very real problems with powerful individual Jewish people like Sheldon Adelson and Mark Zuckerberg or the Leftist Lesbian Harvard Law supreme court justice Elena Kagan and the Wicked Witch of the West twin Ruth Bader Ginzberg. The SPLC, ADL, Washington Post – lots and lots of very hostile folks with some a lot of Jewish backgrounds.

    But it’s a waste of time and accomplishes nothing to go on and on about the Jews as there are so many other people, groups, forces working to insult, hurt or even replace us. Look at this terrible Rolling Stone Magazine cover boy Pope doing a Mandela style propaganda tour here.

    We’ve written extensively about the traitors on the White Conservative Right – fools and traitors like the rancher Cliven Burdy who just LOVES hard working illegal aliens, thinks they are Spanish. Or how Ronald Reagan himself, senile old Reagan wasted his second term fighting our kinsmen the Russians in Afghanistan arming the nastiest Mountain Muslim Jihadists – how stupid was that.

    Then there are the Rand Paul’s and Mike Huckabees trying to put some Libertarian loon spin or JEEEEEEEESUS LOVES all the poor brown people in Central America and some minor adjustment in free market economics or a return to American Baptist Family Values will make everything all right.

    So yes, lots of powerful Jewish people and Jewish groups really hate our people, hate Southerners, hate traditional White America.

    But, the right question to ask is:

    Who is on our side?

    We are finding kindred souls, doing the best that we can.

    YEs, we do look at Israel and see all of the positive things Israel does – like build effective border walls, deport illegals use their military the IDF to defend their nation instead of doing impossible nonsense things like trying to make the world safe for American style democracy everywhere, launching anti White foreign wars.

    I would suggest you try to live a positive life, do what you can in your own networks of people including networks of Jewish people and try to get Jewish people to lighten up a bit a lot on the hatred of White Americans, White Southerners. Some Jewish people like comedian Jackie Mason speak out against the abuse of White Protestants and also speak out against bad Black crime. Jews in New York City voted in Guiliani over Dinkins and work to end Black criminal anarchy, mob rule. After the Black riots, Rodney King riots in LA, the LA Jewish community got rid of Black mayor Tom Bradley. There hasn’t been a Black riot or any looting in LA in 25 years.

    We still get lots and lots of anti Southern, anti White movies coming out of Jewish Hollywood. #(@*#@ like the Weinstein Brothers opening “D Jango Unchained” on Christmas Day. Or then there is the book/movie “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer” where Confederate Whites aren’t even human, they were supposedly vampires who need to be impaled by wooded stakes and have their heads cut off. These anti Southern White movies are as bad as anything the National Socialists put out. We have the worst hard core porn seemingly everywhere at the same time the ADL and all the Left, Black, LaRasa are trying to push through EU/Canadian style hate speech, thought crime laws that make it a Federal crime to say homosexual marriage equality is wrong. OK, so we’re in a rough spot, but we try to stress the positive here on OD and simply work to increase the number and quality of Southern people and kindred supporters doing positive things, living positive lives. Anywhere, please read the John Derbyshire interview on Jewcy – I think it is the best take on White Gentile Jewish matters now. Derbyshire has done it all, including getting purged for simply stating the realities of Black crime in “The Talk”. Take care.

    • Jack:

      I must compliment you on your writing. Powerful, well-reasoned & persuasive.

      As previously noted, I am reading through the articles & sources you cited. Right now I’m fixin’ to listen to a lecture where Prof MacDonald from out in California explains some of his work in Evolutionary Biology.

      Generally speaking, I agree with your sentiments. Nutty “Jews control the world” obsessions are a waste of time. I’m hoping the increasing interaction between Jews and religious Protestants will pay off by opening up Jewish voters to the social issues concerning the latter.

      I think the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell was outrageous and an infringement by government in Religion. I resent stupid analogies between gays and Blacks. The color of one’s skin should not be analogized to a class of persons defined by where they put their penises and such. There is not a legitimate religion in the world, maybe in history, that allowed homosexual marriage. I also agree about Kagan. I’d go even farther by suggesting a Lesbian who is not “out of the closet” should not have participated in Obergefell. (Do you remember during Kagan’s confirmation hearing when the dug up the guy from the only hetero date she ever had?!?).

      You’re right on about Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She is incredibly far to the left. Had she been a conservative equally far to the right she never would have been considered for the Su Ct.

      Being born and mostly living in the South, I agree with your assessment of typing White Southerners as either stupid or extreme racists out of 1964. I represents a NE & West Coast elitism they generally don’t deserve. In fact, in “another life” in the past I got into an argument with one of the head honchos of HBO over its programming. He/She was bragging about one of their shows and I finally pointed out that, believe it or not, there are people who find the characterization of women as sluts bragging about their many sexual exploits as offensive. It would have degenerated into severe unpleasantness had not the honcho finally ascribed my opinion to too many degrees from Southern schools. I still remembered how shocked the person was at my remark about there not being universal adoration for the show and its four lead female characters. (Nice restaurant, though).

      The Jews like Adelson or Zuckerberg who think they have something to say about running America because they are wealthy, and can therefore buy politicians, are dangerous. But so are the Gentiles who do the same. Like you, I want the rich egomaniacs & their money out of politics. Jews in Hollywood that continually lampoon White Southerners need to get with it. It’s insulting and “it was profitable” sounds pretty immoral to me.

      On the prevalence of money in politics, I have to admit Trump being wealthy is allowing him to talk about “little” issues like immigration in a manner different from the other mannequins. It’s really amusing to see the media stumped at Trump having a relatively large core of supporters despite the media’s efforts to ruin him.

      I find your comments about people like Huckabee very perceptive, and your suggestion about the key question of, “who is with us”, to be thought-provoking. While some of the loons may be virulently antisemitic, I can see the possibility of a good number of Jews coming to realize they have far more in common with you than they believe. Look at how American Jews will almost always line up to support Israel about its immigration (and demographic) problems and building a [real] wall. Why? Because, they will say, Israel needs it. I’ve got news for these same Jews: We also need a wall. We also have an immigration and demographic problem. These Jews need to be educated that most of what Jews have achieved in America is because of White Protestants. And that these Jews are descended from people who came to this nation legally.

      I’m hoping Jews are starting to open their eyes because of Obama. But, talk is cheap and let’s see what Jews do at the voting booth. You, Mr. Ryan, need to keep up your excellent work. (And I will def check out the John Derbyshire interview)

  35. Ryan and Warkike – you can BLATHER as much as you want – but the OVER ARCHING pattern, over thousands of years, when parasitic JEWS infest Human social orders, and are not checked, or expelled, is the fundamental malicious destruction of the Host – for NO REASON.

    There is NO exception to this HISTORICAL FACT.

    None. Not once.

    War kike spend all his time justifying the actions of Jewry. It’s a classic defense. That Rabbi? I took NOTHING “out of context”. Attitudes like THAT make Humans HATE you.

    I’m all about WHAT IS HAPPENING. In 3D world. Screw and KILL all “ideology”. The only thing that matters is reality on the ground.

    Jews, via treachery, and mono maniacal RACISM, have achieved power over all formerly White lands. JEW are THE force behind Open Borders, in the West – and the Muslim invasion is the OUTCOME of planned Jewish goal of the genocide of the White Race. ANY White that has sounded the alarm, to real effect, is CRUSHED. Destroyed. Even murdered.

    Foolish Germans have completely accepted the UTTER LIE of the Holohoax. (And I’m still WAITING for FORENSIC EVIDENCE. The Jew scams are debunked by the second these days) They’ve accepting the JEW SA Paid for invasion of racial alien Muslims with over arms “because the Holocaust”. Now – the REALITY is hitting them hard. ALL the forces of ZOG will now be on their necks, to stop any protest, or self-protection.

    This is happening every. The Jew SA is getting thousands of Sand Niggers seeded every where in the country. Cause the Negroes and Mestizoes aren’t working fast enough.

    Ryan – do you think your obsequious genuflection will spare you? You know better. You won’t be spared. You’ll find out.

    You can blather all you want – but reality is the only thing that MATTERS.

  36. On television tonight– “Auschwitz: Hitler’s Final Solution” marathon. A confluence of the 70th anniversary, the Iran deal and (maybe) another shakedown of Germany with a new round of reparations demands?

    The only negative portrayals of Jews (identified as such) you’ll ever see coming out of Hollywood or tv will be shows on Meyer Lansky and other early Jewish gangsters. Plenty of shows about corrupt and hypocritical Christian ministers and pedophile priests ( “Law and Order” seemed to specialize in that) but nothing at all about Judaism and pedophile rabbis. A woman named Kohan from the show “Orange is the New Black” says that whenever she sees a sacred cow she wants to “tip it over.” An example– a nun giving a Lewinsky. But you’ll never, ever see “sacred cows” like the holocaust or MLK being lampooned. I am sick of the constant propaganda. And enough of the “Judeo-Christian heritage” garbage.

    • I’m sorry you object to “Judeo-Christian”, but until you form your own church excluding the OT (and Apocrypha), you’re going to need to come to terms with it. There was at least one notable early church heresy that “read out” the OT from Christianiity. In addition, I find that skipping over the OT, except for Psalms & Proverbs, is not unusual amongst some Black congregations. Obama belonged to one.

      I agree with the spirit of your remaining points. I don’t need every movie about the Holocaust to be nominated for a bunch of academy awards. Schindler’s List should suffice for 10-20 yrs.

      The treatment of Jews is not entirely as you recite (e.g., Straight Out of Compton”), but there is definitely a reluctance to show Jews as criminals. Even though Blacks and Hispanics seem to largely populate prisons, the fear of showing Black & Hispanic (esp. Black) criminals is obvious. Ditto Muslims as terrorists (in Law & Order it seems most terrorists are middle class White people-?)

      What’s worse than going back to the neighborhood where your parents or grandparents (or oneself!) grew up and find it a crime-ridden area where you can’t even walk around? Let’s face it, when that happens 9 times out of 10 the area is Black. But that’s just reality, so it can be ignored in popular culture.

      Since you’re obviously up on this, let me give you two real life examples. On different occasions I mentioned in a conversation how Rosa Parks did not get tired of standing, she was a planned test case, and; about MLK cheating on his wife all the time. For the first I was called a racist while in a professional office. For noting MLK was always stepping out on his wife, hardly a secret, I was challenged to a fight. The deeeb that challenged me later explained he knew what I said was true but had to do something because other Black people were around.

      Good thing I didn’t bring up the plagiarism in MLK’s thesis (which is locked up & not available to the public), or how pathetic that he’s called “Doctor”. Please, “Doctor” my tush.

  37. Oh – Ryan – no. There hasn’t ben a Negro looting because the Jews have prevented this. There are only Mestizos now. Jews. Chinese. And Mestizo Untermenschen in the City of Once Anglos.

  38. WarKike found my wee blog, and posted this comment regarding my last post on the amusing story out of Chicago, this past week. A Chicago TV station offered Yom Kippur greetings, and used the classic “Jude” Yellow Star badge, from the Third Reich, used to identify Jews to Humans. Much hilarity ensued.

    Kikespite inquired:

    “Just out of curiousity, you do realize the “last supper” was a Passover service & meal? Does this mean Passover is in, or out of your pantheon of religious holidays?

    Presuming your translation of Hebrew prayers is correct, I don’t see your big problem. Most of present Jewish tradition seems rooted during the Babylonian Captivity. Why should I be surprised about prayers from the Ancient or Classical world? Look at the competition. Zoroasterinism, polytheistic beliefs in Greece, Egypt and the Near East. It’s amazing the Jews were able to preserve monotheism!

    I’m wondering. You know the story in the Bible about the Amalekites? What is your view of that?”

    1) The Christ was not a blood Jew. And the Last Supper was no longer “Passover”. The Last Supper was the Last Supper. when the Christ challenged the Jew Power structure. He, of course, was murdered, as per Jewsual.

    2) What’s so splendid about monotheism? That just indicates a very narrow, strictured POV. Meh. Not impressed.

    3) I know what “Amalek” represents to the Jew Collective. JEWS ARE AMALEK. However, in the fundamental, essential, rock bottom Jew essence of being – Jews blame Humans for their own crimes. Jews blame others for their own evil. Jews CREATE their enemies.

    Jews ARE Amalek.

    You can follow me – but your comments will not ever be published on my blog. Because I don’t WANT to.

  39. Marcin’ Lootin’ Coon was Creature of der Ewige Jude. His handler Stanley Levison swiped that “I Have a Dream (Of Bangi’ De Wihte Wimmenz Tenny Fo Sebben)” speech. It’s been very profitable to use Negro hand puppets, to tell Whitey What Whitey Wants to Hear Muh Feel – but that train in pulling into the station. There’s nothing left. The White Guilt/Muh Feels Train is dry.

    Re: Muslims – American Whites have nothing left for the Jew Wars. There has been ZERO interest in yet another mind boggling expensive war, in treasure and blood, to clear land for Israel. So if the American Mountain won’t go to Mohammed – Mohammed will be flown to America. Mountains, valleys, cities and town, courtesy of ZOG Airlines.

    • I know where I’ve seen Denise’s style & syntax before. You’re one of the women going after Bill Cosby! Do you think people will really believe he drugged you, etc., when you wait almost 20 yrs to say anything?!? What a scamster.

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