Democrats Debate “All Lives Matter”

By Hunter Wallace

In case you missed it, here is the highlight of the first 2016 Democratic presidential debate:

WILKINS: …law school. My question for the candidates is, do black lives matter, or do all lives matter?

COOPER: The question from Arthur…

LEMON: …There we go…

COOPER: …Do black lives matter, or do all lives matter? Let’s put that question to Senator Sanders.

SANDERS: Black lives matter.


SANDERS: And the reason — the reason those words matter is the African American community knows that on any given day some innocent person like Sandra Bland can get into a car, and then three days later she’s going to end up dead in jail, or their kids…


SANDERS: …are going to get shot. We need to combat institutional racism from top to bottom, and we need major, major reforms in a broken criminal justice system…


SANDERS: …In which we have more people in jail than China. And, I intended to tackle that issue. To make sure that our people have education and jobs rather than jail cells.


It was a tough question from a “social justice” perspective … do White lives have any value at all in Obama’s America? Police officers?

COOPER: Governor O’Malley, the question from Arthur was do black lives matter, or do all lives matter?

O’MALLEY: Anderson, the point that the Black Lives Matter movement is making is a very, very legitimate and serious point, and that is that as a nation we have undervalued the lives of black lives, people of color. When I ran for Mayor of Baltimore — and we we burying over 350 young men ever single year, mostly young, and poor, and black, and I said to our legislature, at the time when I appeared in front of them as a mayor, that if we were burying white, young, poor men in these number we would be marching in the streets and there would be a different reaction. Black lives matter, and we have a lot of work to do to reform our criminal justice system, and to address race relations in our country.


Jim Webb was the only Democratic candidate who was willing to say “all lives matter.” Martin O’Malley apologized for saying “all lives matter.” Anderson Cooper bailed out Hillary Clinton by changing the topic, but she wasn’t able to say “all lives matter” either.

Imagine the reaction from the media if, say, Trump had been asked if “all lives matter,” or do White lives matter, and only one Republican candidate had been willing to say that “all lives matter.” Do you think the media would have pounced and labeled the Republicans “racist”?

The “mainstream” is now so thoroughly anti-White that saying “all lives matter” has become a partisan issue.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You are 100% dead-on right. Who needs some low testosterone, simpering woos for president. Do “black lives matter”? Sure. “All lives”? Of course. Maybe they should ask about little kitty-cats & puppy dogs’ lives?

  2. This is what happens when you have a false opposition in the Cuckservatives. They allow the Democrats to practice identity politics and forbid it of Republican whites.

    Aren’t police more likely to shoot whites than blacks? Don’t blacks overwhelmingly kill other blacks? Don’t blacks overwhelmingly attack other races vs the other way around? Why has no one said this? Not even Trump or Coulter have have the guts to tell the truth on this issue.

  3. Now, kids, do what the Good Witch said to do: Click your heels together three times and say “Democrats are scum…..democrats are scum…..democrats are scum.”

  4. As we saw after Charleston, there are plenty of people in the comment section who will say only White lives matter. Those people are condemned as “radicals.” It’s radical to say only White lives matter, but mainstream to say only black lives matter. Think about that.

  5. ‘ Jim Webb was the only Democratic candidate who was willing to say “all lives matter.” ‘

    Born (just barely) fighting.

  6. If I hadn’t abjured the realm, I might vote for Webb. He supports
    our Confederate flag. Even Fox News was praising him for his
    bravery on the battlefield (just now on “The Five”. Gutfeld
    said he did the best job in the debates.

  7. Between the last outs of the Cubs victory of Hunter and his beautiful young wife’s Cardinal team (this could be the year, the first Cub victory since 1908)

    I did see this (though seriously buzzed on beer.

    This crosses the line as Bernie Sanders goes from not that bad, local Socialist nerd in Burlington VT to..

    Atheist Communist Jew from New York – liar, scoundrel Child of the Devil that sort of thing.

    I don’t know – maybe that’s a bit much. Let’s let our fair and reasonable somewhat Jewish person Warspite have the final say here.

    This Jew Bernie Sanders is almost as bad as Rand Paul on Ferguson MO, Black Lives Matter.

    I/we have to draw the line somewhere. I’m drawing it here.


    But, I still have a soft spot for socialists who take the side of (have issues) of poor and working class Irish, an French Canadian immigrants in Burlington VT. Why can’t Bernie just shut up about BlackLivesMatter? There aren’t any Black people in Burlington VT.

  8. Hunter Wallace
    ‘As we saw after Charleston, there are plenty of people in the comment section who will say only White lives matter.’

    Glad you brought up Charleston.

    How many millions of greenbacks did Obama’s anti-White Department of (in)Justice dole out to the families of the White victims killed in Oregon?

    We know the answer. They weren’t black so they got ZIP!

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Justice Department will fast track the sending of $29 million to South Carolina to help families of victims of the mass murder of nine churchgoers at a historic black church in Charleston, a Justice Department spokesman said on Friday.

    An unspecified portion of the money, allocated under the government’s national Crime Victim Assistance Formula Grant program, can be used to provide services to the families of victims of the shootings at Emmanuel AME Church, spokesman Kevin Lewis said.

  9. White lives matter in the context of having sons and daughters building up some savings and protecting a territory.

    Black Lives? even blacks don’t fucking care.

  10. Bernie’s brother is a councillor in Oxford UK. He represents pakis and Yardies on the Cowley Road. Rape Gangs.

    Bernie comes from a sick bloodline.

  11. One could deport every black scoundrel out of the US and Canada and no one would miss them. We all know this.

    BLM is jut a rationalization of their dysfunction and destructiveness.

  12. This sorry, telling incident reveals, in stark clarity, why it’s important to BE radical. “Polite manners” just gets us kilt off. We are enduring Life in the Multi Cult; nice, mild accommodating White manners signals, to the Darklings, weakness, and says “Come and kill us”.

  13. Hunter- White lives DO matter to US, and we, alone. Every-one else has been trained to hate and resent us. Not all non-Whites hate and resent Whites, but millions DO. Alas, thousands Whites hate their own kind, because they’ve been brainwashed and REWARDED for doing so

    I don’t wish people of other Races any harm, or hold any ill will against most people. I loathe and despise those who harm MY People. I don’t CARE about other people, though. ( Excepting Palestinians, who are being genocided via American tax shekels. That is the one group of Other, who are being brutalized and exterminated, and Americans are guilty for their persecution and torture, due to our wanton, obscene ignorance) We had better believe that ONLY White Lives MATTER – because no one else does.

  14. JR: “Why can’t Bernie just shut up about BlackLivesMatter?”

    Because he’s Jewish?

    My question is was Hillary’s performance solid enough to deter Biden from entering the race?

    Biden is the only fellow I can see stopping Trump.

    Trump will stomp Hillary.

    Where there any mainstream scientific post-debate polls? The Drudge Poll is the only one I’ve seen and it is meaningless.

  15. Bulletmore is mostly black on black crime. Its regrettable but its mostly a black issue as half or more of that city is black and whites do not interfere in that. All lives matter Id agree, Just as I agree with the double-standard pointed out by Hunter. All lives matter, including white.

  16. Second point: Getting the Jim Webb’s of the world on board should be on our radar as part of the exponential growth model.

    Hey Jim, your life doesn’t matter to your own party! The lives of your ancestors and children don’t matter to your own party! In his specific case he has married outside of his race, but not reproduced. Therefore, he may not want to come back to this side, but there is nothing that would prevent me from taking him back.

    There are a lot of Jim Webb’s out there that are part of the 80% of whites that can be reached. He is a Scots-Irish partisan for God’s sake!

  17. O’Malley, Chafee and Webb ought to be assimilated to the Trump bandwagon.

    I cannot really see much of a difference between them and Trump. Webb is a tragic figure in this way. If he were out there warming up the mic for Trump a rather healthy segment of Trump’s target audience would be brought on board. Webb should stop letting Sanders and Clinton Dildo him. He should be tearing them a new asshole.

  18. The three white men on the stage are just dumb bastards or worse, willing cuckolds. Cuckocrats.

    White men should abandon that party pronto.

  19. I suppose I liked Webb, in comparison to the others. He was the only one who stated that all lives matter. In the White Genocide Party – that’s a heroic act.

    Trump picked up 70,000 new followers on his Twitter account last night.

  20. D: On Webb’s asian baby I stand corrected. He’s gone. People don’t reverse course once they’ve spawned half breeds.

    CJCSMA: Yup, a white male backing the democrats is a degenerate. I’d like to see some numbers from the mid terms, but I think Romney was getting in the 60s or 70s with white men. There is an upper limit, but I think 80 to 90% is doable. There are the old timers who just can’t let class warfare go (ahem) and there are young morons who aren’t awakened to genetic self interest yet, and there are random idiots who essentially vote random, but most white males can, should, and must get behind Trump.

  21. To anyone who thinks ‘Trump will stomp Hillary’ – let me point out this – he will have to overcome a 12 point disadvantage, that owing to her husband’s delivery of the black vote, en masse, to her side.

  22. As to ‘Black Lives Matter’, and Bernie Sanders : I have spent a lot of time in Vermont, all over the state, and I have never once seen a negro.

  23. Be all that as it may be : Bernie Sanders, in the debate, lookt the most formidable candidate, as, to my Tarheel eyes, he has Jesse Helms’s conviction and integrity – hate his ideas or not.

    That said, as I cannot imagine Senator Sanders being able to win a single southern state, nor any western state, not on the west coast, I imagine the heads of the democrat party will be looking to sabotage his campaign.

  24. It is what it is.

    Go local. We have all the Southern State houses. Cultivate local leaders, local heroes.

    The National Democrat party is lost, is actively looking to replace us. That’s life. It’s been that way for a long time.

    Find some local leaders who know how to #*$&#@ with BlackLivesMatters supporters in places like Vermont, Cambridge Mass, Georgetown Washington DC. Announce pardons of the worst Black rapists, killers, buy up some properties in the places you/we hate – put the Black killers, rapists from Louisiana on buses move them to Vermont, Cambridge Mass etc.

    Learn to punish your/our enemies.

  25. It goes without saying that, as far as our anti-White elites are concerned, White lives don’t matter.

    But the only time black lives matter is when a White person is accused of taking one.

  26. Yes Denise, they have been internalized, they have been brainwashed. But those Mantra memes, which you seem to disparage and ridicule, are changing the paradigm.

  27. Well as I have said before Hunter and I’ll say it again bring on Helter Skelter and the total collapse, I am sick of this Jew Run charade. I want Freedom and Self Determination for our people. Anyone who stands against us, well it will go hard for them. Simple. BlackLivesMatter=Jewish Mossad Front

  28. Captain John there were only TWO WHITE MEN on that stage. Bernie Sanders is Bernie Glassberg a JEW. JEWS ARE NOT WHITE THEY ARE MONGREL GARBAGE FROM MIDDLE EAST.

  29. Oh wait yes there were three, I forgot Chafee is white, I was only thinking about Webb and O Malley. I clean forgot Lincoln Chafee.

  30. I saw a discussion on television about gun crime and gun control. The comparison was made between Wyoming and Chicago. The former has permissive gun laws and low gun crime. The latter has strict gun laws and exploding gun crime. One speaker attempted to make the point that adopting Wyoming-style gun laws leads to low gun crime rates.

    Ridiculous. Besides the fact that Chicago has millions packed together in a small space, they forget demographics. The African-American Princes and Gentlemen of Color commit violent crimes at astronomical rates compared to people of European ancestry.
    FBI statistics don’t lie. This is yet another problem which cannot be solved or even debated honestly because of the American “equality” fetish. Negroes.

  31. Why can’t Bernie just shut up about BlackLivesMatter? There aren’t any Black people in Burlington VT.

    Jack, you just partially answered your question. Many of those that prop up anti-White “Black Lies” are usually very well insulated and isolated far away from the poisons that they try to force the rest of society to swallow. It doesn’t affect them to any great degree when compared to average White people who have to suffer through the daily ignorance and violence of The Black Plague.

    If they aren’t explicitly and unabashedly pro-White, then they will stab you in the back the second they realize they can use you as a stepping stone to more power and wealth. This goes for anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or political persuasion. Sanders doesn’t have to actually deal with the innate proclivities of blacks on a personal level, so why on Earth would anyone think he would know how to deal with them in the political arena? The same can and will be said about Trump should he get to a point where he is forced to choose between his “racist” support or being in the good graces of the manipulators in the media, financial and business world.

  32. American politics is like unto two drunks in a fistfight on the Titanic over who will get to sit in the deck chairs as the iceberg slowly approaches from out of the mist. Whoever wins the ship is terminal and it is going down! The extremists, of course, are those who see it coming and try to alert their fellow passengers. So what if we hit the iceberg, the passengers reason, the ship is unsinkable, it will delay us from our destination at best but we will still arrive with great fanfare, pomp, and circumstance.

  33. I don’t think that moving nogs to Vermont or Scotland or Moscow is a good idea Jackie Boy.

  34. More – are you confusing me with some-one else? I USE the Mantra all the time. In 3 World are well. I’ve MET Bob. (I love him! He’s a doll!) I use the classic Mantra, and variations all the time.

  35. Correction (I’m typing too fast)

    More – are you confusing me with some-one else? I USE the Mantra all the time. In 3D World as well. I’ve MET Bob. (I love him! He’s a doll!) I use the classic Mantra, and variations ALL the time!
    Gee whiz!

  36. The Obama Admin IS keeping troops in Afghanistan – and sending more in. There’s talk about implementing a draft for females, too. The Obama Admin is sending warships to China, to DEMAND access to China’s sovereign territory.

    Why is ZOG doing these things? The China baiting is going to have a MUCH bigger impact on the Average Amurkin, than just about anything. No one seems to be paying any attention to this development. Thoughts?

  37. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were so stupid and pointless in the first place, that I’ve sometimes wondered if the point was not to accomplish something but just keep a war going somewhere all the time. These countries have never known democracy and the only way to keep things the way Washington wants them is to put hundreds of thousands of troops in there and keep them there indefinitely. Which would cost trillions more even than has been already spent, and would require a draft.

  38. The war in Afghanistan occurred because the Taliban burned the poppy fields. America money and troops keep the Heroin trade alive, for Israel, and their subalterns Amurika and Turkey. Now, however, Russia has turned Syria into a protectorate, and the poor widdle pois-se-kuted Jooz have had their jimmies seriously rustled. Afghanistan will be a staging area. Of course, the few remaining non-drag-show-participating functionaries in the Pentagram could explain how well THAT will work out…as can Russia. It’s gonna be lots of Gibs Me Dat for the Pashtun Warlords, though!

    The China thing is absolutely insane, though. Seriously deranged. Really a very bad idea. NOT GOOD.

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