By Hunter Wallace
It shouldn’t be long before we are reminiscing over the good old days when John Boehner was Speaker of the House and amnesty for illegal aliens couldn’t get past House Republicans:
“WASHINGTON — Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin was elected the 54th speaker of the House on Thursday, taking the gavel that he never sought to wield from John A. Boehner, who gave it up under fire.
Mr. Ryan received a comfortable margin of victory that included several of the hard-line conservatives who had worked to oust Mr. Boehner. In his address to Congress after the vote, he implored members who had been fighting so bitterly to find a way to work together. “Let’s be frank: The House is broken,” Mr. Ryan said. “We are not settling scores,” he added. “We are wiping the slate clean.” …”
Now we have one of the Kemp boys, a true believer in open borders, free trade, and supply-side economics, in charge of the House of Representatives. At least he has promised not to pass amnesty until Obama leaves office. A huge victory for us, right?
Spite is a Middle Easterner.
Haiti – the very first “free” Negro Nation. Pure, distilled Negro evil.
Race is in the SNA. Jews are not and will not ever be White.
Race is in the SNA. Jews are not and will not ever be White.
Race is in the DNA. Jews are not and will not ever be White.
Did I post this article in the past? If so worth rereading. Jew author.
Every time I read about a Jew somewhere identifying as a white person, I cringe. As an Israeli Jew, who like most other Israeli Jews, is completely foreign to the concept of Jews being “white” I would like to address this article to my Jewish brothers and sisters in America.
Ashkenazi Jews who identify as “white”, please understand the following:
1. History and identity – As late as 1987 the US legally defined Jews as non-white. To the best of my knowledge, 50 years ago Jews had the same skin color as they do today. I deduce that white is not skin color, it is first and foremost an issue history and identity. The “white people world” is represented by its European (often colonial) history, it’s culture, heroes, it’s Kings, ethos, faith etc. – and Ashkenazi Jews are not part of that world. Their heroes are the Maccabees and not the Vikings or Joan of Arc, their Kings are David King of Israel and Hezekiah King of Judah (both archeologically confirmed historical figures) and not Kings Edward and George.
Secondly, Jews are not a “religion”. While in the Western world identities fall under the categories of religion or race, Middle Eastern people have tribal identities that are based neither the former nor the latter. Jews, similar to Pashtuns (who also often have pale skin and yet would not identify as white people) and other Middle Eastern Tribes, are neither religion nor race but a tribe. Jewish identity since the days of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel had always been a tribal/national peoplehood. While tribal practices and customs (which are often incorrectly referred to as “Judaism”) and a strong biological link between many of the members are certainly present, Israelite identity was never based on either of these. Israelite identity has always been a tribal membership that goes by lineage (being born into the Tribes of Israel) or tribal acceptance (which is incorrectly translated as “conversion”). The identity Ashkenazi Jews have today is identical to that of King David whose great grandmother was a Moabite convert, but was nonetheless a Jew by virtue of being born into the Tribes of Israel by lineage.
You are Jews not because of your “religion” (are you even religious?), but because you were born into a tribe/people called the Nation of Israel. You are not “white people” with a “Jewish religion”, you are Jews – members of a people who origniated in Judea, whether you adhere to the laws of the tribe or not. (snip)
Exactly, Sam.
The US should definitely avoid involvement in tribal spats and wars between related peoples in the Middle East.
Salaam. Shalom. Whatever.
The problem with that statement, Sam, is it was just as true to the Cherokee, Sioux, Nez Pierce, etc., etc. Your sentiments are only guided by antipathy towards Jews, nothing more.
I think Sam’s posting quite good. I also think it flawed, but it is still well put.
I don’t know about this US gov’t & Jews as race stuff. It was clear from the initiation of Aff Action that Jews were NOT considered non-white. If Jews had been non white & I could have checked one of those minority boxes I would have a degree from Stanford.
If people like you are going to insist Jews are non-white then, darn it, I demand you open up Aff Action to Jews. You shouldn’t be too angry about that since it will truly piss off blacks!
Anti-whites define who is white by whom they chase down and force diversity on.
They are trying to blend out the Irish in Ireland using massive immigration and forced racial integration, so they say the Irish are white.
There is no “jewish minority” predicted and celebrated for Israel. So anti-whites like Spite, don’t see jews as white.
Ridiculous (again), Warpsite.
The Japanese and Chinese don’t get affirmative action. Only negroes, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, American Indians and maybe a few more. Your cousins the Arabs don’t get it either.
Well, Bill, I guess the Bible does indicate Arabs & Jews being cousins. Even closer with some of the non-Arab desert people out there via Jacob & Esau. I guess all those Esau descendants are amongst those brown people, a la Ishmael.
Hey wait a sec Billy. If memory serves me I think Esau had red hair! Hmmm. Maybe green eyes as well. In fact, bubby, did you know that in medieval European art it was typical to depict the Jews with red hair? Yep, you can look it up. Must be all those Irish Jews. Gingers, ya know.
So, let’s see if I have this right. Jews are dark, brown you indicate, being cousins of the Arab peoples. Except that historically- at least historically in Europe, they were associated with red hair. Thus Jews are dark, except when they’re very light skinned. Jews are also descended from the Near East, Kings Saul, David, Solomon, et. al. Except for when they are of “Asiatic” descent. And they are not a religion, they are a “race”. Except if some pinheads have to claim Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Khazar conversions in the early 10th Century or so. You can see how the aforementioned conversion puts the “race” thing in doubt. Finally, the Danish family converting 120 yrs ago to be Jewish are not really Jewish because they “cannot” really become Jewish by conversion. But again, what about the conversion of the Khazar aristocracy?
The truth is, there are no “rules” except to take whatever position you and others believe serve to denigrate Jews. Whatever so-called rules you & others devise are inevitably voided by history, science or logic. The only real rule is taken from pseudoscientific views such as creationism, “young earth”, etc., which is to move the goalposts as soon as the latest theory is debunked.
Point out where I discussed Jews and race.
Take your objections to the Times of Israel.
Red hair, swarthy, huge noses, corpulent, big lips, beady eyes, weak chins and so forth– descriptions used to denote “the other” in many places. That is, not one of “us.”
To my friends I am Billy.
William, I for one don’t care for your description of Highlanders. What about Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery! Actually, didn’t the latter play a “Spaniard” by way of (?) Egypt or Mesopotamia?
Case in point. Sean Connery’s convincing portrayal of an ancient Near Eastern soldier. You never said, hey, that guy ought to be swarthy. With red hair & beady eyes.
Not my descriptions, Warstupid. I was merely listing some of the ways throughout history that outsiders have been shown in pictures.
Again– and this is my third or fourth time drawing attention to this!–I have not used the idea of race in any of my posts.
Blue-eyed, fair-haired people exist in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Israel and Russia.
Skin color is a poor way to categorize people. Hundreds of millions in India have darker skin than the boys in da hood. The Indians aren’t negroes.
Omar Sharif was an okay Yuri Zhivago.
Outside of Lawrence of Arabia he never did much for me. He did play a Jewish guy in Funny Girl. How many Melkite Catholics can convert to Islam (sort of) and play a Jewish show biz impresario in a movie headlined by Barbra Streisand. And he was a great bridge player.
Warspite would have liked Larry Auster.
One of the very best bridge players.
I liked him in The Last Valley, a 1970s film set in Germany during the Thirty Years War.
How about that?!
Sean Connery, Omar Sharif…where is this queer Negrophile coming from?
A movie about an eternal warrior caste? Evidence of something sad.
Hunter Wallace
‘Warspite would have liked Larry Auster’
Auster was gay?
Bill, does his role in Hidalgo count? I really liked that movie. I recall a movie, “Night of the Generals”, Sharif was in. I don’t remember much about the movie, but my mom thought Sharif did a good job. Omar Sharif was a very educated & sophisticated guy, but I can’t say I was much of a fan.
On the Lawrence Auster thing, what about him as Jewish? Though born & raised Jewish, he left the faith as a young adult & was a devoted Christian. Some or even most people who post here would assert that despite his conversion he was “Jewish”. Given the stereotypes used by pretty much everyone on the blog this seems to reflect a philosophy akin to neo-Nazi sentiments.
Question, what do you think of Paul Kersey?
No, reminds me of Larry though in his politics.
I always assumed Auster was gay, though such was inconsistent with his religious beliefs. People can be complicated when it comes to sexuality. Some people have an ability to run two separate but parallel tracks.
James Scott? I know that name. Let me think. Got it. Rahway prison, a middleweight, right? (Or was it light heavyweight?) Good fighter, but you had some loss that took you off the main stage. You were one win from a title fight.
I can see you became a black Muslim in prison. Not my thing, but I guess it works for you!
How long have you been around, Warspite?
Long enough to remember Scott doing a pre-fight appearance & insult fest where he had to be at Rahway, of course. He became so incensed at the insults he rushed over & tore the speaker off the wall & smashed it.
There was another guy out of Jersey, Hispanic. Would probably have won the middleweight title in 12-18 mos. And the champ then was Hagler! Anyway, the guy broke into a woman’s home & raped her. I think he might have rec’d 20 yrs. Such a horrible waste, but he was a vicious criminal who ruined his life & the victim’s life.
“Look at the paradise they created without the evil White man.”
Yes, yes, Mr. W., go tell it to somebody at Slate magazine. Those of us who post at Occidental Dissent know all about it.
If you were honest, what you’d be looking at is Dixie, which would be doing just fine without the black man. The South–your people–fought a war that destroyed America, for nothing.
1.) If the blacks are such a plague, why didn’t the victorious Union colonize them in Africa with their huge navy?
2.) The Union started the war because it refused to recognize Southern independence.
The Union had a significant navy at the end of the war, though within 5-7 yrs that was over. The US also had one of the largest and most capable ground forces in the world, which came in handy for scaring the French out of Mexico. (Hmmm, maybe not one of our best decisions). But there would have been a lot involved in “colonizing” blacks to somewhere in Africa.
Regardless of difficulties in trying anything other than Reconstruction, I see US policy towards blacks (Freedmen) after the Civil War as horribly mishandled. Hindsight is 20/20, but I think the US should have pursued a three prong policy:
1. Set aside an area in the West for black settlement as a US Territory. Whether New Mexico/Az, Oregon, or Wyoming, there was still a great deal of land available. Maybe Oklahoma, since there would be definite irony in helping freed slaves by screwing over American Indians!;
2. Colonization in Africa. Whether using Liberia or reaching into another area of West Africa;
3. The remainder could stay in the US and get the benefits of the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments.
The above may sound ambitious, but consider the amount of money spent on black civil rights related programs and efforts since 1964. I bet we would have come out ahead had national leaders been a little more prescient in 1865/66.
What do ye think, brothers? Any merit to my three prong plan? (Having an incompetent drunk in the presidency made everything worse)
Kapitan, John B & Samuel (the last a muy Hebrew name!), how about a response? Please refrain from Dickheadism.
To wit:
So, let’s see if I have this right. Jews are dark, brown you indicate, being cousins of the Arab peoples. Except that historically- at least historically in Europe, they were associated with red hair. Thus Jews are dark, except when they’re very light skinned. Jews are also descended from the Near East, Kings Saul, David, Solomon, et. al. Except for when they are of “Asiatic” descent. And they are not a religion, they are a “race”. Except if some pinheads have to claim Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Khazar conversions in the early 10th Century or so. You can see how the aforementioned conversion puts the “race” thing in doubt. Finally, the Danish family converting 120 yrs ago to be Jewish are not really Jewish because they “cannot” really become Jewish by conversion. But again, what about the conversion of the Khazar aristocracy?
The truth is, there are no “rules” except to take whatever position you and others believe serve to denigrate Jews. Whatever so-called rules you & others devise are inevitably voided by history, science or logic. The only real rule is taken from pseudoscientific views such as creationism, “young earth”, etc., which is to move the goalposts as soon as the latest theory is debunked.
John B- the North attacked the South. Southerners were fighting against Northern invasion. You’ve forgotten that teeny little point.
Why do you people reply to the nasty jew liar? It would go away if you just ignored it. Trying to reason with a kike is a supreme waste of time.
Red hair is generally associated with Irish women. If the woman had red curly hair and beady black eyes it’s most likely Jewish.
Blue or Green eyed red heads are generally Irish/British.
The Jew doesn’t stop the steady iron hard jet of nonsense ever.
Your “knowledge” is no better than tossing around some stereotypes, or just changing your suppositions to match changing evidence.
I checked out some info on our ginger friends and your, hmmmm, data (?) is laughably wrong. I know you received your M.S. in Biochemistry at Hopkins before deciding to do medical research via an MD @ Northwestern, but you really need to bone up on your bulls**t.
In all seriousness, you really need to do a better job. Have you considered finishing your AA? You need to raise your game when you’re not just doing your chimpanzee act in a neo Nazi echo chamber. Tap into your brain and take another run. You can do better.
“John B- the North attacked the South. Southerners were fighting against Northern invasion. You’ve forgotten that teeny little point.”
Denise, please: Avoid “You started it” “No, you started it.” That’s for the schoolyard and for the Jews and Palestinians.
I’m saying the slaveholders and the abolitionists were both fighting to keep blacks among whites. The only thing they disagreed about was the number of chains that should be involved. If you think you can pick a side to root for in their conflict, you should reconsider. Hinton Helper and, I suspect, countless others who were opposed to both slavery and the presence of blacks among whites couldn’t get a word in edgewise, between the fonts of opposing nonsense issuing non-stop from those groups. There was a moment, right there, in the decades before the war, when the historically-brief, slave-based plantation economy of the Caribbean and the South could have been brought to an end, and the South could have joined in the industrialization of the West. A comparative handful, I suspect, of Southern planters couldn’t take even a single moment to consider that possibility. Now, the South has modern cities in which the descendants of the slaves who were thought to be so necessary to the region’s prosperousness are a languishing burden, as they are throughout the country. The abolitionists’ spiritual heir, Angela Merkel, is exerting herself to complete the creation of an identical blight in Europe itself. A century-and-a-half after that war that would have been avoided if white men could LISTEN, the effect of it is still expanding.
Your who did what to who in the beginning of the Civil War misses an important point. Something usually missed by focusing only on Ft. Pickens & Ft. Sumter, as well as First Bull Run.
If you really get into the principal issues in 1861, you will fund the Blockade declared by Lincoln was of enormous importance. Important on a national level (the “Prize cases” went to the S.Ct.) and international level (dealing with France & UK). Lincoln imposing a blockade without going to Congress had short, medium and long term effects that should not be ignored.
You’ve made a good point there Bonacoursi.
I accidentally ended up watching Amistad when Calhoun walks in on Van Buren having a state dinner with a Spanish ambassador.
Calhoun, and it’s fair to say it, was ideologically committed to slavery on level that I found alarming. The impromptu speach he gave was mostly based on his speeches. I wonder what Van Buren was thinking?
Warp site,
1 google “Geographic distribution of red hair”
2 look at the maps produced in that search.
3. Then go away.
Irish, Scots, Welsh, Brits, Icelanders, Scandies, Muscovites…
It seems that Prof Bodmer at Oxford has some hard data. See my article at:
Try Oxford.
Sir Walter, the Oxford geneticist leading the project, acknowledges: “I was amazed – I didn’t expect to see something like this. The research gives us, for the first time, an insight into the startling numbers of native people who have been described as having red hair in ancient times”.
But why red hair is so common in Scotland and Ireland? The answer, says Bodmer, is that red-hair genes were common among the first Britons and that populations in the archipelago’s fringes still carry their bloodline.
The Genes for red hair first appeared in human beings about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago and these genes were then carried into the islands by the original settlers – by men and women who “would have been relatively tall, with little body fat, athletic, fair-skinned and who would have had red hair”.
I was curious about your postings so I asked someone who actually knows something about this area. She said you are generally taking research that goes to somewhat different issues and tossing it together. She told me you are conflating different, though accurate or reputable research. She mentioned some stuff about the red hair genetic mutation, or whatever you want to call it, it’s to some extent universality, etc., etc. I forgot to ask about freckles.
Also, I tried to relate some of your genetic ideas, but she just gave me an incredulous look. She asked if you had a chart with different eye colors & quality points, out of 1930’s Germany. She also wanted to know what kind of music you listened to?
In a moment of semi-seriousness, she rolled her eyes and said our red hair discussion was a waste of time, since we were mere amateurs feigning knowledge.
And yes, she’s about as White as you can get. Southern Baptist, from the N. Ga. mountains. And a real ginger.
Chuck this one down the well Hunter.
I guess the Germans must have targeted all these red headed freckled Jews in the Pale. Extinct by 1945. Lol.
You might want to visit Nothern Ireland or Scotland. Then you can BELEIVE your beady eyes.
First of all, I have largish eyes. Second, the Mrs. has read hair. Third, one of my great aunts had read hair, as do an occasional relative in each generation.
If I was going to employ your level of intellect, I would stereotype you and your lower class types as greasy haired, w/o ever having come across either an orthodontist or dermatologist, dreaming of going to EKU so you can maybe be a chiropractor.
But I think such stereotypes crude and deplorable, and prefer to avoid such conduct. It makes one look like an idiot, don’t ya think?
Sorry about the system changing my “reds” to “read”.
Hunter what is your point on question 1?
It’s possible that a segment of the Union was angling to limit the spread of the population.
Not in retrospect a good way to go about it. Calhoun almost seemed to see slavery as a messianic lifestyle. Alarming at best.
Anyway, we can’t verify anything Warpsite, until you publish certain info. Until then it’s what as known as heresay.
Kapitan, what do you want me to post? Something about the Union Blockade?
What we have here is a regular Niall of the Nine Hostages. a real Ogma sunface Heimdal, son of Woden. He’s whiter and brighter than all the blockheaded Northern Europeans.
It still Chafes that he’s using the illustrious name of a Royal Navy ship. Fucking fraudulent.
I do not appreciate your language. Can you not express yourself like a gentleman?
Kudos on the HMS recognition. Did you look it up? Don’t cheat now. And it wasn’t just any ship.
“If the blacks are such a plague, why didn’t the victorious Union colonize them in Africa with their huge navy?”
It pains me to say this, Mr. W., but your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired. What was my first sentence? “[T]he slaveholders and the abolitionists were both fighting to keep blacks among whites.”
‘On CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday Boehner said he invoked God to persuade his fellow Catholic from refusing to run for speaker to agreeing to do so.
Boehner says he told Ryan: “‘This isn’t about what you want to do. It’s about what God wants you to do. And God has told me, he wants you to” run for speaker.’
God must be Mexican.
On encountering your name for the first time I noted it in my own comments.
Did you forget? Or your alter ego?
Hard to believe I might not recall something you wrote a month ago! Obviously alter ego derived.
I’m not sure what Caribbean island of sufficient size & resources the US could have seized or purchased in 1866. Maybe the Netherlands would have sold Surinam? But I don’t see how an African option could have been left out.
There were plenty of homelands for Africans in the Caribean to dump the exslaves.
Cuba would have worked.
Lol. I think others noticed the name and you muttered something about an LP.
The quote is Appropo:
But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
The Grant administration attempted to acquire the Dominican Republic.
Lincoln settled some blacks in Haiti, but it was nothing but a token gesture.
The Haitian government encouraged American blacks to immigrate there. Needless to say, most concluded they were better off under white supremacy in the South.
Ryan says, no mass deportations of illegals on his watch.
‘In an interview that aired on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday, newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)58%
said he hopes to lead a House of Representatives that is “functioning again.”
However, part of that Ryan said will require finding “common ground” with the Obama White House.
“Look, if we can find common ground, we can on highways, we will on funding the government, hopefully we can on tax policy,” Ryan said. “Those are three things that will produce certainty in this economy in the next few months. Let’s go do that.”
Ryan also vowed that there would be no mass deportation of illegal immigrants while he was serving as House Speaker.’