Cuckservatives: Paul Ryan Elected Speaker of the House

By Hunter Wallace

It shouldn’t be long before we are reminiscing over the good old days when John Boehner was Speaker of the House and amnesty for illegal aliens couldn’t get past House Republicans:

“WASHINGTON — Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin was elected the 54th speaker of the House on Thursday, taking the gavel that he never sought to wield from John A. Boehner, who gave it up under fire.

Mr. Ryan received a comfortable margin of victory that included several of the hard-line conservatives who had worked to oust Mr. Boehner. In his address to Congress after the vote, he implored members who had been fighting so bitterly to find a way to work together. “Let’s be frank: The House is broken,” Mr. Ryan said. “We are not settling scores,” he added. “We are wiping the slate clean.” …”

Now we have one of the Kemp boys, a true believer in open borders, free trade, and supply-side economics, in charge of the House of Representatives. At least he has promised not to pass amnesty until Obama leaves office. A huge victory for us, right?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Neither Boehner nor any other political leader of note was or is going to enforce immigration laws or fight against yet another amnesty. The percentage of Hispanics & Latinos in the US has passed a point of critical mass. No one will risk alienating Hispanic voters (i.e., losing votes). Think of pols as whores and votes as money. Our scumbags in office will do anything for votes.

    One of the interesting “what ifs” is what if a pol didn’t pander on the issue, but instead took a position of principle premised on favoring and welcoming legal immigration only? What would be the effect vis a vis voters, esp Hispanic voters? Is it so hard to believe the majority (or near majority) of legal Hispanic immigrants may not be in favor of de facto open borders? People that do things the correct and hard way usually don’t appreciate when others engaged in the same process cheat.

    Always interesting to see how even though somewhere between 15%-20% of the US is Hispanic, first or second generation, with maybe 15,000,000 (!) illegals as part of that number, and still most of the pinheads here obsess over Jews. In the US there may be up to three times as many ILLEGAL Hispanic immigrants than the population of Jews. That’s just the illegals, not the 45,000,000 or so legal Hispanic immigrants or Hispanic-American citizens. Yet pretty much every individual who posts seems oblivious to reality.

    I guess dumb-a** conspiracy theories and idiocy dating back centuries (or more) are much easier than taking personal responsibility or grappling with reality. The “it’s the Jews’ fault” line is an anti-intellectual band-aid you people use on what is nothing less than an open sore oozing with laziness, cowardice and the stench of a lack of personal integrity.

  2. Although I didn’t bring up Jews in this thread, I’m guessing that would have something to do with the long history of Jewish involvement in pushing for civil rights and open borders in United States.

  3. It has to get worse before it can get better. Lets celebrate the hostile contempt the cucks have for us. It is only going to further infuriate the common man into a blood thirsty raging vengeful reactionary.

    • Alberto, I read the article. Do you or any of your cohorts believe this type and intellectual level of writing is impressive? The article is embarrassing in too many areas to discuss. I started to make a few notes, but gave up. Nearly every “point” the author makes is flawed or ridiculous. And I write this w/o even bothering to note he or she is an admitted neo-Nazi.

      Are there actually people on this blog who call themselves Americans but think they can also admire or follow National Socialism?!? That is a sad, sick and deranged posture.

  4. I’m afraid that in the waning days of Obama, they will try to push Amnesty though. The Senate will likely stop it, but you never know. They could sneak it in to one of those midnight riders.

    Even if it is just a campaign stunt to allow cuckservatives to try to curry favor with anti-whites, and rile up Hispanics to oppose Trump and whites generally, it is still too dangerous for my liking.

    I wanted to use the speakership battle to gauge where the GOP and the puppet masters are in terms of actually letting Trump win. It is not a favorable outcome.

    Even if Trump wins, he will need militia help once the browns start killing federal agents and sabotaging the wall. My hope is that unlike the 60s, we won’t back down, and we will hammer them in the streets.

    My understanding of why the WASP Establishment backed down in the 60s was partially senility, and partially the Cold War including Vietnam. It’s is hard to understate the damage that fragging in Vietnam did to the white psyche. Then as now, the enemy is all around us.

  5. Hunter Wallace
    ‘Obama’s buddy Paul Ryan:’

    Just about every conservative web site had comment sections filled with anti-Ryan rants. So, who is the new Speaker? Paul Ryan. Unreal.

  6. If Trump is not the president in 2017 ready to veto an amnesty bill (assuming Ryan doesn’t violate his promise and allow it sooner) we are c o o k e d. All future presidents will be Democrats. You see what they now are.

  7. Blistering comments from Tom Tancredo on Republican Party.

    Sadly, it has become obvious that the Republican establishment simply has no intention of ever fulfilling promises made in platforms and campaign speeches. To their mind, there are elections, and then there is “governing,” and governing to them means not messing with a gargantuan government on autopilot.

    The Republican establishment does not want to control spending.
    It does not want to secure the borders or enforce immigration laws.
    It does not care about American sovereignty.
    It has no interest in ending the unaccountable and corrupt culture that has become a hallmark of official Washington.
    By insulting the grassroots, the GOP leadership has set upon a suicide mission. The problem is that failed leadership is allowing Obama to destroy the Constitution and take the whole country down the drain. Well, count me out.
    The Boehner budget deal is the last straw, and enough is enough. I cannot any longer defend this transparently dishonest charade called the Republican Party. (snip)

  8. Causes of Paul Ryan.

    His black ex might return his calls if he’s nice to blacks and Latinos.

  9. Most of the fragging troops in Vietnam were black.

    It’s hard to be an officer if you have to have Groids in your unit who will direct homicidal rage at the captain, Lt etc.

    Look at American cities today. Fragged.

    • Didn’t blacks serve in combat units far in excess of their proportion of the population (and the percentage of blacks in the service)? As I remember the times, every white kid from the middle class and above spent their time dodging the draft. Billy Clinton dodged via the post-college more education deferment system. A year or so as a Rhodes scholar & the 3 yrs in law school, all the while trying to get in ROTC or the National Guard. Bush II had a family that could pull some strings & get him into the Air National Guard. These cases were typical because no one white & middle class wanted to serve in Vietnam.

      Are there are numbers backing up the blacks making up the majority of fragging incidents? I don’t know how there could be when the US suppressed info on mutinies, and didn’t publicly admit fragging occurred until after it was well-established. I just think no reliable numbers are available. You could look to disciplinary proceedings, but over-representation of blacks as defendants would consist of several factors.

      Very generally speaking, I think anything markedly in excess of 25% would be in favor of your statement on blacks.

      I do not know if one can get reliable statistics about fragging

  10. Paul Ryan, the establishment pick. Isn’t he the loser who ran with Romney in 2012 and got spanked by the Obama/Axelrod dirty machine, despite spending $100 million more on their campaign? This guy should be in the dustbin.

  11. Pretty pathetic that a party full of White people is still so easily duped into believing that the labels of Republican and Conservative actually mean something positive in the context of a political system that is fully committed to Globalism and various degrees of anti-White Multiculturalism. Can that many White people really be that blind and dumb? Or is it just a case of terminal apathy and cowardice?

    Electing representatives is NOT tantamount to being represented. What you are essentially voting for is nothing more than the better liar who tells you what you want to hear, when they need you to hear it. Two years, four years, six years…. it’s all one big redundant cycle to keep you believing that you have some kind of hope of moving forward and reversing the damage done to you. You’ve been relegated to the status of chattel with a death sentence, and all you are really doing at this point is voting for your executioner. Sure, you got to vote; but you never got a chance to say what you really wanted to say or defend yourself from the things you needed to be defended from, did you? You gave up your ability to affect real change by giving credence and power to the illusion of change. That’s the gist of a democratic process in an anti-White vacuum.

    There’s one solution: Nationalism!

    The only type of Nationalism that has any chance of putting a dagger through the hearts of the anti-White vampires and vultures is Racial Nationalism. If you’re not a Racialist and a Nationalist, then you are no friend of mine.

  12. Warspite,
    Blacks were very unreliable troops in Vietnam. Fragging is a very interesting subnarrative in Vietnam. White officers who had black men in their unit were especially vulnerable to a bullet in the back or a grenade tossed into a tent. This didn’t necessarily happen in the face of the enemy either most blacks were base dwellers. When they were disciplined by the LT or Sarge blacks had a tendency to retaliate like sullen ghetto Nigs and kill or maim those officers appointed above them. There is a reasonable argument to be made that the US military in Vietnam broke down because of the concurrent negro rebellion that was boiling over in the ranks. After MLK was eliminated fragging incidents became commonplace and the stockade was always full.

    Had the US not bothered to send black troops to Vietnam the result for the Army at least might have been salvaged. Black troops were a curse on all officers there.

  13. How the post ww2 US military was ruined by spear chuckers:

    The article directly addresses the role of sullen nogs in Vietnam. Clever officers would make sure blacks are transferred out of the unit or otherwise Der with before shooting them in the back.

    And fuck you Warspite. White boys are the military. Goddamn your soul. The integration of the nog into military life has lead to disaster.

    • Too bad you can’t express your brilliant opinion to a black guy who is special forces or a Ranger. I have a black guy down the street who was a career Marine. It would be interesting to watch you discuss your theories with him.

    • Are you really not aware of the explanation for the number of US black combat deaths in WW2?

      In WW1 it’s Senegalese troops performed rather well for the French. And while not black, I’m pretty sure the Brits had a lot of respect for its Gurkhas. Ditto its Sikh troops, although Gurkhas were and are unique.

  14. The political debacle.

    I was referring to the institution of the military and how hollowed out the officer and NCO corps were by the end of it. Various military forces have suffered catastrophic defeats but remained robust because their ranks were filled with loyal, homogenous and committed men.

    I wasn’t discussing the political just the instrument of war.

  15. Read the link Hunter. The author pulls his punch on race but it is obvious that one would not have wanted to command blacks in a unit.

  16. @Captain John

    “Hitler refused to shake hands with running-nog Jesse Owens.”

    This is a leftist canard. Not only did Hitler politely applaud when Jesse Owens passed by in a parade but Hitler shook Jesse Owens hand and chatted with him at a formal ball for the victorious athletes. This is all mentioned in Owens’s own memoirs.

  17. Re: Negro troops in Vietnam. While blacks made up slightly more of a percentage of troops in Vietnam than they represented in the general population, they were also overwhelmingly assigned to support and other behind the wire units. This was especially true in the Marine Corps which had only integrated in 1957. As I vividly recall most blacks were truck drivers and such.

    If you want a demographic that was over-represented in Vietnam just look to Confederate good ol’ boys who still today volunteer in numbers far larger than their proportion of the population.

  18. Warspite, on balance I think your comments have been respectful and contribute to the discussion. My offer of a get together over a beer sometime is still open.

    I deleted a long post in draft mode which discussed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu”s speech before an international Zionist conference in which Netanyahu made a huge spin on the official World War II Jewish Holocaust story. Netanyahu had rewritten the official Holocaust story absolving Hitler of desiring to kill (any) Jews, instead Hitler supposedly just wanted to expel the Jews from Europe, but the Evil Palestinian Arab Muslim Grand Mufti explained that the Jews would just all come in to Palestine so Hitler had to burn the Jews alive. Thus, modern day Palestinians must pay for the terrible crimes, sins of responsibility of the Holocaust.

    Anyway I deleted my post as discussed certain other Jewish religious myths like the Parting of the Red Sea in the Old Testament and the intrigues of St. Paul, Saul of Tarsus.

    Somehow I don’t think you would be talking politely with me or wanting to share a beer after that.


    And the rest of the commenters would be equally angry at me, falling down in to endless theological disputes.

    Here’s the link – that’s quite a spin, straight out Orwell’s 1984 where the past gets constantly re-written according to power struggles in the present.

  19. Jack:

    I have to agree that Netanyahu is an idiot. In his pride and arrogance he has given Holocaust deniers and Hitler fans red meat for the next four or five decades.

    Religions & myths? No way! Who ever heard of a religion being no more than mythology?

    OT or NT, if a person is looking for the infallible word of G-d, keep looking. What the Marxists say about religion may be mostly right. Fortunately, the guys who founded the US were mostly Enlightenment influenced Deists. With a healthy dose of skepticism. That brand of Judeo-Christian thought & belief was very fortuitous.

  20. Warspite, please take your negro affection and sentimentalism to another site. Most of us have already reached our tolerance threshold when it comes to hearing and reading about the exaggerated accomplishments and contributions of blacks and browns in our once great White societies.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that you should go bend over and grab your ankles somewhere else. Expecting us to follow your lead just shows how out of place you are in this kind of environment. Did you not realize that this was a pro-White website?

    Are there actually people on this blog who call themselves Americans but think they can also admire or follow National Socialism?!?

    Yes, and I am one of them. I don’t partake in Hitlerism and cult-like worship of Nazi Germany. But I don’t have a knee-jerk reaction when someone mentions National Socialism. From a racialist standpoint, what exactly is supposed to scare me about National Socialism?

    Besides, what exactly does “American” even mean anymore?

    • “negro affection”? I don’t know what that is supposed to mean, but just because I’m a realist shouldn’t intimidate you. I see the Black community in the US for what it is. Overall African Americans have brought more detriments than benefits to the US. I recognize they were brought to America in chains as property, but more than 50 years into the civil rights era, 150 years after the American Civil War, I don’t accept Slavery as an excuse for anything. But the detrimental effects do not blind me to positive contributions.

      Further, it has been my experience there are substantial cultural differences between different black cultures. The Igbo from Nigeria are the classic example, but I’ve also seen it from blacks with Jamaican backgrounds. Painting with too broad a brush is as much a mistake for blacks as it would be for whites. Look at White Europeans, and contrast a white from Spain, Switzerland, Finland and Greece. Or a person from Argentina with 4 grandparents from Germany with a person from Mexico with 4 grandparents from Hungary. Trying to imbue a person with certain qualities because of “race” fails to take into account the influence from elements of nationality and religion.

      I entirely reject the pseudo-science and pseudo-history many people here want to use to “explain” a number of problems. However, I agree with the criticisms of political & media pandering, unwillingness of pols to deal with problems such as illegal immigration and crime, and the unwillingness of the media and others to understand the concerns of average, middle class white families. The abuse heaped upon average white folks by the arbiters of fashionable & acceptable American thought is unfair and disgusting. But anyone who thinks the way to fight back is by showing oneself to be a virulent racist & antisemite is a moron.

      Personally, I find the study of Nazi Germany pretty fascinating. Well, maybe not the economic aspects. But to the extent there are things to admire (e.g., tactical military abilities; certain social aspects, etc.) it is far outweighed by the bad. This is a system able to pervert medicine to the point where doctors would conduct gruesome experiments on humans, including on children. In addition to a bona fide effort to kill all European Jews and Roma, there was also a desire to murder mentally or physically handicapped. The level of cruelty was unbelievable.

      Besides the above, which you’ve heard before, the Nazis ended up doing a lousy job in many military aspects of WW2. The Luftwaffe ended up a failure of poor planning and doctrine. Armor doctrine was great, except for the inability to build and deliver an adequate amount of armor. The surface fleet did not do well and, once again, German industry failed regarding U Boats.

      The biggest failure was at top. Despite his diplomatic victories before the War, and the credit he deserves for 1940 France, Hitler’s screw ups were huge. There are too many to start clicking them off, including the entire Russian Campaign and declaring war on the US.

      • Jamaica is a disaster.

        There are plenty of posts about that country in the archives. It used to be the jewel of the British Empire, but sunk into what it is today after the abolition of slavery. The best thing I can say about Jamaica is that it still isn’t Haiti, but that is largely due to the fact that it wasn’t independent for 150 years.

        • The “legacy of slavery” is the reason why Barbados is one of the most prosperous black countries in the world. American blacks, too, owe their relative prosperity to slavery.

          • Yeah, Barbados is one of the better places there. Jamaica is pretty horrible. Huge # of murders. When in Kingston on business I was advised not to even leave the hotel.

            Physically it’s very beautiful. Lush, green, rolling hills. But unless you’re in one of the expensive, all inclusive places, pass!

          • Amazing, isn’t it?

            The legacy of slavery, white supremacy, and colonialism is greater in Barbados than in any place in the English-speaking New World. The same is true of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the French-speaking New World.

            Unfortunately for Haiti, the French failed to reconquer Saint-Dominigue, but the Richepance expedition succeeded in retaking Guadeloupe for France. As a result, the “legacy of freedom” made Haiti one of the poorest, most dysfunctional countries in the world while the rest of the French West Indies went on to have a First World standard of living.

          • I suspect you already know this, but just before its revolution Haiti was the most prosperous island in the Caribbean. Now it’s a third world nation.

          • Yes, was.

            In addition to killing almost all the Whites left in Haiti (except the ones who were made into honorary blacks), they banned Whites from owning property there until the American occupation under Woodrow Wilson. They had Haiti all to themselves for over a century. Look at the paradise they created without the evil White man.

  21. Warspite,

    I note that Netanyahu has backed away from his wild Holocaust revisionist spin that it was the Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem that gave Hitler the order to kill the jews, not just expel them. Jewish leaders of Israel and in the Diaspora do this more than a bit, put up some outrageous “Trial Balloon” then walk away from it when the reaction is complete revulsion. False French Nationalist leader Nicholaus Sarkozy put up the trial balloon of united all nations on both sides of the Mediterrean in to a common market with the free flow of people – thus uniting France and Spain with 100 million Algerian, Moroccan Muslims! This was from a Neo Conservative French Jewish leader who rose to power as the supposed tough guy Interior Minister who would end Algerian/Muslims from rioting in French suburbs. Any way, here’s the summation of Netanyahu backing away from Holocaust Revisionism.

    Netanyahu Retracts Claim That Palestinian Inspired Holocaust
    The New York TimesBy JODI RUDOREN
    Posted: 10/31/2015 12:06 AM EDT
    After more than a week of local and international condemnation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel issued a statement on Friday retracting his accusation that it was a Palestinian cleric who gave Hitler the idea of annihilating Europe’s Jews during World War II.

  22. Wow. The Jew vampire infesting thissite is not making excuses for NAGA fragging in Viet Nam.

    The Nature of the Jew always emerges, no matter what. Jews are a cancer. A biological, walking, typing flesh eating bacteria. I only wish Hitler had done what he’s been accused of.

    • Good one “Denise”. The bacteria reference once again gives away too much. You have to at least pretend to be uneducated. Showing familiarity with Adolf’s major work is, I presume, a wink.

      Have you ever read the “Hitler’s Tabletalk” book? I found it pretty interesting. A.H. really had an excellent knowledge of History. I think teaching him as some one-dimensional cartoon character is a real disservice because it blocks any insight into how the Nazis came to power.

  23. CT – “American” means “Clueless White Schmoos, who do the bidding of the Self Chosen Tribe of Satan, without question or murmur of dissent, until the afore-mentioned Children of the Devil completely success in wholly exterminated the Clueless White Schmoos, who to the bidding of the bidding of the Self Chosen Tribe of Satan, with out question nor murmur of dissent”.

    Now you know.

    • Denise, how come you never toss out something like, the Challahcaust? Too long? Too hard to reference for your average reader? Do you think it’s clever or funny at all? Maybe, “Challah-cost” (or just use “caust”?) works better?

      Don’t hold back. Tell me what you think. You could try, “Challah-hoax”. Any better?

  24. “Self-chosen tribe of Satan”! Boy, Denise is a hoot!

    It’s sort of like watching a bad movie and seeing that one actor or actress “gets it” and is so over the top they are in a different movie altogether. What was that horrible film that was a sequel to “the 300”? The female lead, she had been in a James Bond film, is a good example.

  25. Please shut your trap Warspite. Your obviously insincere comments about Hitler are nothing but the tired rhetoric of a phony “concern troll” and a Yiddisher one at that.

    • Rudel? Cute name. I get it.

      My comments were not insincere, dumb a**. I just know more about AH than you, and am more open-minded. People like you are as much idiots as those who lobbied against AH being named Time Magazine’s “Man of the Century”. Now “Time Magazine” is a barely breathing anachronism, and you are…, well, let’s move on.

      Hey Hans. I was just flipping through the channels and saw the Columbia v. Yale game. Isn’t one of those your alma mater, or are you more of a Brown man? (LOL)

  26. I attended a party last night. A simple gathering of family and friends. Apolitical folks all. I had a truly fun time. I rarely mention politics with these folks; they simply raise their families, work very hard, and live their lives. A few of us did get into political discussions; every-one hates Obama, and is planning to vote Trump. FYI.

  27. Celestial: “… what exactly does ‘American’ even mean anymore?”

    A good question for a country (well, its Rulers) which decides to turn itself into a microcosm of the Third World and becomes the source of funds and ultimate bodyguard for a tiny, alien religious state in another part of the world.

  28. William – once Amurka is Browned Out – there won’t be any source of funds anymore, and the Dark Pets of der ewige Jude are not as reliable as Good Old Whitey.

  29. Afterthought
    ‘I’m afraid that in the waning days of Obama, they will try to push Amnesty though. The Senate will likely stop it, but you never know. They could sneak it in to one of those midnight riders.’

    Their plans could be even more nefarious.

    Earlier in the year we saw large hordes of Mexicans and other Hispanics crossing the border. It was not spontaneous. No, it was a coordinated effort from both sides of the border. It has slowed but every day more arrive.

    What’s to keep Obama from encouraging another mass migration involving in millions upon millions more of all ages? Who would stop him? Who would resist the invaders?

    Oh, those poor refugees, victims of drug wars, cartels. We must let them in. Think of the mothers and the children.

    Glen Beck would be at the border crying, begging us to do the right thing.

    Look at Europe. It happened so quickly it boggles the mind. The people did not have any say in the matter. Certainly did not vote to have their countries overrun.

  30. Warspite
    ‘Rudel? Cute name. I get it.
    My comments were not insincere, dumb a**. I just know more about AH than you, and am more open-minded.’

    Uh, oh!

  31. “My comments were not insincere, dumb a**.”

    I’d thank you very much to make that WHITE dumb-ass; and I’d rather be a dumb anything than be a member of your despicable tribe.

  32. Ok, Hans, “White” dumb a**.

    As for my tribe, does it at all bother you the majority of Jews (esp in the US) are as White as you? This opens the door for you to convert, if you would like to look into that possibility. I’d certainly be willing to point you in the right direction. Maybe an adult Bar Mitzvah for you at the Western Wall?

    • I’m sorry Denisnovich, but Ashkenazi Jews are def white. Sephardic or Mizrahi Jews, I guess. Not quite sure. I’d hate to think that Jesus or Peter wasn’t White.

      Are you sure you’re not confusing Jews with Russians? Even so, I can’t really see it your way on Russkis.

  33. “I’m sorry Denisnovich, but Ashkenazi Jews are def white.”

    That’s funny, because the last three Ashkenazi Jews I have spoken to all insisted that they were NOT white, and this despite having blu eyes and/or light hair.

    • Well, Hans, I just now asked three Ashkenazi Jews. They looked at me like I just asked them to sign my Rudolf Hess autograph book!

      I’ve never ever heard an Ashkenazi Jew say there weren’t white. Except maybe to make some political point about equality under the law. I’ve never even heard a Sephardic Jew say he wasn’t White. The contention is ludicrous and offensive! If they aren’t white, Caucasian, what are they? And don’t forget the US and 50 state governments agree with me.

      Maybe there are ultra religious Jews who dispute their being White? It would give you something in common with them. Ironic, huh?

    • Uh- dicky bird, when did I ever say my heart was in Israel? When did I even imply that?

      Sorry to disappoint you, but I’ve yet to travel to Israel

  34. Reading the article about the sociology of fragging I linked to should disabuse you Warpsite.

    The black guys were being transfered out of infantry units because they were liabilities. Not assets.

    Same holds today when you get down to it.

    On another note, the French use of comical troops to protect the Metropol indicates that France should have tapped out of the war in 1916. The consequences of introducing nigger troops into European theater of war was the first Cuck.

    • Despite your crude & uncivilized use of the word “nigger”, I shall look at the article.

      If you had not used such deplorable, unChristian language, I would have tipped you off to an incident you would find interesting

  35. I don’t see any white people in the Middle East. They are all brown and batshit insane. If jews say they come from brown countries, I believe them.

    • Richard, your logic is impeccable. Who could argue with such a worldly individual.

      Where was Jesus from again? How about his disciples? Paul (of, hint, Tarsus)?

      So you think everyone in N Africa, the Near East, Levant, Middle East, etc. are black & brown?

  36. The Middle East is not Europe. White means European.

    The countries where all the brown people are from, are where you say you are from and I believe you. The information is under your skin Spite. Its called DNA.

    • So, Russians get to be White but not Jews? Or even Berbers? Albanians, too?

      How about a guy whose Norwegian family converted to Judaism 225 yrs ago? Or how about a Lap/Laplander right now?

      I’ve heard that about 200 yrs ago Irish were not considered White. In the late 19th century it was common to not classify Italians or Slavs as White. Before WWI it was routine even amongst educated persons to treat being Jewish as a race.

      Do you know the term “pardo” as used in, e.g., Brazil?

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