By Hunter Wallace
A kook named Faisal Mohammad self detonates and goes on a stabbing spree at UC Merced … it is a terrible for The Narrative, so watch how fast one this goes down the memory hole:
“The deranged 18-year-old student who stabbed four people at a California college Wednesday has been identified as witnesses say he grinned during his knife attack.
Authorities said Faisal Mohammad of Santa Clara was behind the morning stabbing spree at the University of California, Merced, though the madman’s motive is still unclear.
The knife wielding freshman was studying computer science and engineering at the school, Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke said Thursday. …”
It can’t be blamed on guns, the Confederate flag, the Tea Party, Christians, rightwing extremists, or White men. Therefore, it is absolutely useless unless it can be seized upon as fodder for dire warnings about an impending Islamophobic backlash.
I’m totally in support of deporting Muslims and Middle Eastern folks. Every last one of them. I don’t care whether or not they claim to even be religious. I’m not religious and don’t usually use any kind of religious narrative to shape my opinions and views; but Islam has no place in the White Western world. Those people, just like the overwhelming majority of blacks, are incompatible with a White nation.
And liberal cuckolds always accuse conservatives of “Islam phobia” as though there is nothing to fear from that deranged “religion”.
“It can’t be blamed on guns, the Confederate flag, the Tea Party, Christians, rightwing extremists, or White men. Therefore, it is absolutely useless unless it can be seized upon as fodder for dire warnings about an impending Islamophobic backlash.”
Nail on the head right there.
A few stabbings is a small price to pay for the gift of Vibrant Diversity. To borrow a line from a very high-ranking US general: It would be a worse tragedy if this were to cause us to lose our precious diversity.
In all seriousness, I agree with Celestial. It would be nice to have NO middle eastern types of any sort here.
It would be nice to have no one here, that demand Middle Easterners and other “enriching” folks, be allowed access to the civilizations whites built.
If you want to stop this nonsense you must make it impossible for treason to thrive in white countries.
Did any of the wounded died later? This didnt make big headlines. If that kid had his hand on an actual firearm this could have gotten nasty.
celestial says he wants to deport Middle East people, irrespective of relgion! WTF! Some of these middle easterners will have had to flee for the “crime ” of converting to Christianity! I reject mass immigration, but deporting people to a death sentence for apostasty is non christian, non civilised, and non American.
Shannon, should “Christian” African Negroes be allowed to stay in America?
I stand corrected by Shannon. Copts, Assyrian Christians, Syrian Christians ( like Michael Ansara and the community in Beaumont, Texas) are welcome.
I would rather not, Denise.
Oh that’s nice William /sarc. You couldn’t possibly help them in their own countries. Noooo… That would be too easy. Instead you are volunteering to help whites out of our countries, by offering our countries to the third world.
Did it ever occur to you that white civilizations are not yours to give away? They belong to our children and their children.
See this is what I am talking about. In my perfect pro white country, people like William would be given the boot. Without these types third worlders would never get a foothold. If a pro white country does not have strict laws against treason, it won’t remain white for long.
Ok, goodbye.
Look at the top of the blog William.
>Pro-White.< Pro-South. Pro-Independence.
If you ain't Pro White, what are you doing here?
William, most of those are not ‘real’ Christians, as the West/Christendom/Chalcedonian Orthodoxy defines it. And, since ALL of the Ecumenical Councils were held and ALL dogmas of Christendom were compiled within the bounds of what is known as ‘Romanity,’ we are under NO Obligation to house/permit these heretics to live in/with/among us, any more than the most rabid Talmudics, or Animist Africans.
For US and OUR Posterity. THEY ALL HAVE TO GO. Can one candidate get ANY clearer?
There are more non-white Christians in the world than there are white Christians. So what if they are real Christians? Does that mean every third world real Christian, has a right to take over white civilizations?
White civilizations were built by whites for our children and their children. If you don’t understand something as simple as that, you have no business in a pro white country. Booted.
Even Nazi Germany happily hosted non-Aryans. Sheesh. Ok, I can take a hint. I would prefer to hang out with decent, good Persian Zoroastrians than with tattooed, stupid, oxycontin-downing, meth-using, creepy whites, so I guess I don’t belong here.
Good luck with Southern Independence and an all-white country. How will you handle the necessary mass expulsion of negroes?
Too much fantasy here. You can’t turn Alabama into Finland…
Wow look at the hate. William has outed himself as a full blown anti-white. LOL
Like I said, any serious pro white deals with traitors First.
You’ve got to be kidding. I’m now a full-blown anti-white?
My, oh, my. I can no longer take you seriously and with that I bid you all a fond farewell.
You guys need to realize that not all whites are worthwhile. And not all non-whites are trash. Which is what I was saying.
I stopped taking you seriously when you called me naziwantstokillsixmillionjews. Your stuff is 70 years old man. You anti-whites need new material.
I never said any such thing.
Still here? Didn’t you say we were tattooed Nazi skinhead methheads. LOL
If you want to live in a brown Christian country so bad, you can have it right now. Move to Brazil.
I don’t think William considers himself an anti. He is probably a good Christian, a good neighbor and fine citizen, no doubt.
Problem is blacks and browns love to live among the Williams of the world.
They thrive and prosper in that environment. At our expense.
And before long, our nice communities are turned into festering shit-holes thanks to miscegenation.
And yes, Brazil is our future if we do not become ruthless.
Christianity as it is practiced by most people is just not compatible with racial preservation.
William: ‘I would prefer to hang out with decent, good Persian Zoroastrians than with tattooed, stupid, oxycontin-downing, meth-using, creepy whites, so I guess I don’t belong here.’
That was not helpful, William.
“Some of these middle easterners will have had to flee for the “crime ” of converting to Christianity! I reject mass immigration, but deporting people to a death sentence for apostasty is non christian, non civilised, and non American.”
Then crusade instead.
All those countries except Arabia used to be Christian so push the Arabs back into Arabia and leave the Christians etc behind.
“I would prefer to hang out with decent, good Persian Zoroastrians than with tattooed, stupid, oxycontin-downing, meth-using, creepy whites, so I guess I don’t belong here.”
You’re not talking about you making a decision that only effects you. You’re talking about giving away part of a common inheritance.
If you want to hang out with Persians you can make a personal decision to do so that doesn’t take from the commonweal.
Muslims: We come in peace, we come in peace, we come in peace….
Horrid church arson.
However it’s a black so forget it.
Race > Religion
I consider an enemy to be anyone who justifies their position while losing sight of the importance of our racial stock. If they are willing to create a steady flow of non-Whites into our countries, then they really have no business calling themselves pro-White.
I’ve dealt with people like William for many years. They are dangerous because they are shortsighted. Their rationale is always skewed to make people believe they have to participate in a false dichotomy. If you don’t choose to take all of those nice non-White Christians or “good Persian Zoroastrians,” then that has to mean you’re trying to build an army of “tattooed, stupid, oxycontin-downing, meth-using, creepy whites.” Whites are ultimately the bad guys always in need of a moral compass in William’s scenario.
Why do I have to accept one or the other? Frankly, if I do have to choose, then I’m taking the White guys. Tattoos aren’t a problem… we can educate them if they are stupid or uneducated… we can force them to seek help for any kind of addictions they might have… not sure we can do anything about “creepy,” but I’m willing to give it a shot. But if you’re not White, well there just ain’t much we can do about that.
An actual pro-White person would see racial amalgamation and multiracial societies for what they are—racial suicide.
/\/\/\/\ what Celestial said. (I know you hate me, but I still support you when you are accurate an en pointe)
Did you really think the Muslims were going to play nice with the fem libs?
Denise, I generally reserve my hatred for those who are anti-White and purposely try to sink any pro-White ambitions. Maybe I don’t like your approach sometimes. Maybe I don’t like your reasoning. Maybe I don’t even like you as a person. Maybe, maybe not. But none of that means I would actually throw you to the wolves if you are sincerely a pro-White advocate. I might verbally assault you because I’m trying to push an alternative strategy, but not because I hate you.
Celestial Time
‘Race > Religion
I consider an enemy to be anyone who justifies their position while losing sight of the importance of our racial stock.’
Timely article.
Racism Satan’s tool, Floyd tells Baptists
by Diana Chandler, posted Thursday, November 05, 2015
JACKSON, Miss. (BP) — Racism is from Satan and his demonic forces, and the only hope for its defeat is the church of Jesus Christ united across societal divisions, Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd told a culturally diverse group of Baptists in Mississippi Nov. 4.
“I believe that the issue of racism is from Satan and the demonic forces of hell,” Floyd told hundreds gathered at Mission Mississippi’s racial reconciliation celebration at the Jackson Convention Center. “Racism is completely opposite from the message of Jesus Christ; it is completely opposite of the message of love, it is completely opposite of the message of dignity, value and the sanctity of human life. It is completely opposite of the message of reconciliation.” (snip)
“It is now [that] the church of Jesus Christ must rise; we must rise together as one,” he said. “We are not black churches, we are not white churches, we are not Latino churches, and we’re not Asian churches, and we’re not any other kind of church. We are the church of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. That’s who we are and our hope for racism to end in this country is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. (snip)
‘Muslims: We come in peace, we come in peace, we come in peace….’
Ha ha. Good one. George Soros would like it.
Europe must continue its legacy of embracing those in need of safe haven. http://trib.al/742ylL5