Trump Extends Lead In Latest Polls

By Hunter Wallace

For those who are still closely following the presidential race:

“Washington (CNN) – Donald Trump has a double-digit lead over Ben Carson in the Republican presidential race and voters say they prefer change over political experience, two new national polls show.

Trump leads Carson 32% to 22%, in a new poll by The Washington Post and ABC News.

And the real estate mogul leads the retired neurosurgeon 28% to 18% in a new Fox News poll …”

While I have become very skeptical of Trump, there is no one else in the Republican field who I would even consider supporting and I am pleased to see that Ben Carson has started to implode.

Trump’s rhetoric on a number of issues – refugees, crime, political correctness, immigration, campaign finance and trade – show that our ideas are increasingly popular. This will remain true even if Trump turns out to be a disappointment as a candidate.

Even if Trump is just dog whistling for votes, his poll numbers surely tell us something about the dog. The dismal failure of Super PAC backed establishment candidates like Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Scott Walker also tell us something about the conservative electorate.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Carson is proving himself as just another Magic Negro. I don’t dislike him personally; I won’t vote for a non-White period. He’s proving himself to be completely clueless about everything that is not related to surgery. And that forced vaccination thing was a total deal-breaker. I’d feel the same if he were White.

  2. I have reservations about Trump as well. My ideal candidate would be a weird hybrid of Alexander the Great, Charles Martel, Vlad the Impaler, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, and Bing Crosby (for easy-going Irish surface charm!).

    Trump is basically all we’ve got. He tweeted the crime stats stuff, and dog whistled on the 5 Dancing Iaraelis. WOO HOO! He said “Arabs” – but………………………. tee hee hee.

  3. FYI – ZOGMedia Inc. is now pushing Ted “I’ll Fellate Every Israeli I Can, Every Waking Second” Cruz. It’s the Evangelitard Vote.


  4. ‘Carson is proving himself as just another Magic Negro. I don’t dislike him personally; I won’t vote for a non-White period. He’s proving himself to be completely clueless about everything that is not related to surgery. And that forced vaccination thing was a total deal-breaker. I’d feel the same if he were White.’

    This statement, by Miss Denise, is pretty much how I feel. After the current president, I am in little mood to vote for a negro – even a fine one like Dr. Carson.

    Furthermore, I, like her, utterly detest the idea of enforcet vaccinations. Hell, my family refuses any and all vaccinations (all preserved in a toxick base of Mercurick sulfide) no matter what.

    And, yes, just like she, Dr. Carson could be my exact same genetick make-up, and the ‘enforcet vaccination’ thing would be a deal breaker for me.

  5. ‘I have reservations about Trump as well. My ideal candidate would be a weird hybrid of Alexander the Great, Charles Martel, Vlad the Impaler, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, and Bing Crosby (for easy-going Irish surface charm!).

    Trump is basically all we’ve got. He tweeted the crime stats stuff, and dog whistled on the 5 Dancing Iaraelis. WOO HOO! He said “Arabs” – but………………………. tee hee hee.’

    I do like Vladimir Putin more any candidate. For me, though he is not an immaculate conception, he is the defender of Western Civilzation – not just in his speeches, but, in his many actions. The man is sage, a man of his word, and utterly consequential.

    My write-in vote hyupotheticals would be Nathaniel Forrest, Jefferson Davis, or Dr. Hill.

    Trump is too liberal for me. He is socially democrat and a secularist. He never mentions the constitution.

    I do love his stance on borders and immigration, and his plainspoken manner, but, it’s not enough for me.

    My preference is Ted Cruz. I do not like every one of his ideas, but, I like 90% – and feel he has a record of action and honour.

    Like him or not, Senator Cruz is a constitutional advocate who does not blow smoke, and who believes in The lord.

    As a rural Southerner, I believe this countries woes are rooted, principally, in godlessness and unconstitutionalism.

  6. Hunter Wallace
    ‘Trump’s rhetoric on a number of issues – refugees, crime, political correctness, immigration, campaign finance and trade – show that our ideas are increasingly popular. This will remain true even if Trump turns out to be a disappointment as a candidate.’

    He has single handedly moved the goal posts on a number of major issues.

    Win or lose, come hell or high water, his impact cannot be minimized.

  7. Cruz should move to Israel, and run for office there. He loves Isrel so very very much…………I did notice that the GOP Stick Puppets have refrained from citing the Big I-sore every single second they open their traps, ever since Ann Coulter tweeted her Infamous Shockingly Anti-Semitic Annuder Shoah Tweet. I don’t know if that’s a Good Thing or a Bad Thing…

  8. Who else buy Trump is willing to give the black robed despots a bitch slap? Most do not give a hoot about the constitution anyway. Everything is twisted to legislate against YT.

    ‘Donald Trump’s plan to deport nearly 11 million people living in the US without permission would put a massive strain on the immigration courts, creating an enormous backlog of cases that would take years to clear.

    But if Trump is elected president, he has a simple solution: He’ll simply go around the courts.

    In an interview with Business Insider at Trump Tower in New York last week, Trump repeatedly brushed off concerns about the practicality of his immigration plan, saying that he would have perfect legal authority to circumvent the courts.

    “They say you have to go through a huge legal process. You don’t. They’re illegal. If somebody walks in, they don’t bring them to court, they send them back,” Trump said.

    “Well these people came in, and they came in a year ago. No different. If somebody walks from Mexico or wherever they come from, and they come into the country, security guards bring ’em back. You don’t go through 10 years of courts and stuff. Well, this is no different.”

    Trump also took issue with what he perceived as politically correct rhetoric around immigration. He said he favored the term “illegal immigrants,” a contentious label that many pro-immigration reform advocates feel is offensive.

    “It’s called illegal immigrants, okay? Now some people are talking about undocumented, because it sounds softer, I don’t use that word,” Trump said.’

  9. I do like seeing Trump in the lead, and I agree w Hunter, that the fact he is doing so well indicates that most of white America isn’t as antiwhite as we may have feared. There is still a bastion of sanity here. Even if Trump folds, we know that there is actually room for pro-white politics, at least among republicans. What’s more, America gets to see just how not so fair and balanced Fox news is.

    The Overton window has indeed shifted with Trump’s candidacy and Ann Coulter’s “Adios America” which I have read and find pretty much on the spot, except that she is so soft on our homegrown negroes. Based on his comments, it is obvious too that Trump has read the book.

    Adios America has sold well, so hopefully Ann will write a follow up along the same topic.

  10. Caligula would be good enough quite frankly.

    If you look at Emperor Cal’s actions he actually making fun of the Senate Class.

    What I would like to see is Edward Longshanks.

    Even Edward VIII…

  11. I think that Trump is looking at the state of affairs and he probably cannot quite believe how easily he could short curcuit the primary. How easily he could talk off the cuff and upstage his opponents.

    He must be quietly muttering “wtf?”

  12. To Ben Carson’s credit I saw a Carson ’16 bumper sticker yesterday; I didn’t see any Romney paraphernalia until a month before the general election. Carson may have had real support somewhere.

      • I’ve seen two Ben Carson stickers so far. One on the bypass around my town and the other at the grocery store. There are a lot of homegrown negroes around here as well as a flood of Hispanics.

  13. He stands a chance of assassination after mentioning black crime levels.

    He’s a brave fellow.

  14. The constant undercurrent of hostility to “the courts” by most people here is somewhat disturbing, until one recognizes the issue in context. In the US the Judiciary is a co-equal branch of the government, vital for checking the powers of the Executive and Legislstive branches. However, if one either doesn’t favor a republic (as HW has the integrity to admit), doesn’t understand how the Constitution works (almost everyone else, save 1 or 2), or has another purpose (you know who you are), the derogation of the courts makes perfect sense. I’m not sure there is anyone here who believes and supports an American style democracy. (exceptions: Don, and the Bureau)

    From the perspective of a voter who believes in the special purpose of the American republic I would like to see Trump vs. Hildaguard. A clear choice on direction. Of course, the Establishment will do everything it can to take down Trump, even if it means losing the election.

    It’s so odd to see how Jews or Israel are worked into all of your conversations. The subject is almost always introduced by a certain WeeNie, and I’ve verified this fact by spot checks going back about a year. It works due to a certain similarity between OD’ers and Gamers. Pretty sad, but understandable. Also makes their job so darn easy!

    Out of curiosity, it must sometimes cross at least a few persons’ minds that many to most Christians who support Israel do so for reasons of faith. Their faith in Christ demands as much. Christ will return and first offer Jews the opportunity to accept him as their savior. Being a logical and rationale group, I predict a Second Coming of Christ will convince nearly all Jews of the truth of His message. On the other hand, for people like y’all the future may not be so cheery. What do you think happens to people that pretend to accept the Word but use the guise of following Christ to act in sinful and reprehensible ways?

    To most of you who purport to be Christians, it’s probably still not too late to be saved. A little time with a minister could help. And rather than smarmy insults, if you do not want to act in this manner it’s your choice. Take personal responsibility for your actions and move on.

  15. Trump hit it out the park tonight.

    I think he wants to win and has figured out the coalition he needs.

    Hunter, even if he’s dog whistling as Reagan and Thatcher did in 1979-80 it’s fascinating to see crowds of whites wake up and create a critical mass of support.

    I’m sure that Trump is just as stunned by it all as we are.

    • If I may interject a point I think many gloss over. While I prefer Trump to any of the other Republicans, and definitely prefer anyone over Hildabeast, Trump may yet stumble over a traditional area of struggle for Northern Republicans even thinking about going national.

      Do you not agree that Trump’s major problems in the Republican Party are the Establishment and the social conservatives? If you guys are the true Southerners you claim (which I’m not doubting), you should recognize this issue as perhaps the major potential stumbling block for Trump in the next 4 to 6 months.

    • Captain John,
      I don’t think he’s stunned. He’s taking the exact stance that Ann Coulter recommends for Republican candidates in Adios America.

      Trump is a very smart guy. I think he knew exactly what he was doing.

    • HW. I’ve noticed that about religion here. At first I found it hard to explain. But eventually I concluded it was because of hostility towards all religions, incl. Christianity,

  16. had a pretty good podcast on the Carson phenom.


    Ben did his level best to derail Trump but ultimately could any white trust his physical security to a black man who will be naturally empathetic to a brown/black assailant?

    Paris killed that flirtation.

  17. Trump is a Megatroll.

    Obama has functioned as a Negrotroll for around 8 years. I’d trace the strategy back to the Henry Louis Gates brouhaha and the beer summit.

    Trump’s genius is the ability to piss off all sorts of leftists, center-right and charlatans like Rupert Murdoch/Glenn Beck/Krauthammer/Will.

    Yet he still directly addresses the concerns of the broad swathe of white voters. He’s been working the prole living room for a decade so people are comfortable with his voice and posturing.

  18. He’s off the charts bright.

    A lot of what he’s done so far defies orthodox political practice. He took a gamble.

  19. Trump is the only viable candidate for patriotic White Americans.

    Critically important, he’s very wealthy which will allow him to overcome the democrat’s money advantage. To win the election a Republican needs to buy a great deal of airtime to speak unhindered to the undecided voters who,otherwise, will get most of their propaganda from extremely liberal sources.

    Secondly, as Ann Coulter has pointed out, if we don’t greatly reduce nonwhite immigration then it’s adios.
    Trump is strong on 2 of the 3 parts of the immigration problem. He’ll build border wall and remove as many invaders as is practical. He’s also the most likely to greatly reduce the legal immigration mudslide.

    Thirdly, he’s not a warmonger.

    A Trump-Cruz ticket provides the best chance to win and have the victory be meaningful.

    • Don’t you think Trump-Rubio the far more likely scenario? Florida is in play, Texas is not. Rubio is an Establishment candidate, Cruz is not. Rubio is a potential future national candidate, Cruz is not. Rubio has a better personality to go against a ticket with Hillary on it. Rubio seems knowledgeable on foreign policy, but will not overshadow Trump intellectually. Cruz is a brilliant guy, but an ideologue. Cruz is too big a target on too many issues, though he does play well to the social conservatives.

      Live up to your name Realistic one!

  20. ‘I don’t know a single person who is supporting Ben Carson, but that is probably due to my social circle.’

    Spot on analysis, Sir – ’tis thy circle. In North Carolina, many of my white neighbours adore Dr. Carson.

    • Carson has a great life story, is genuinely able, and plays well to social conservatives. However, the last is true until the Demz send out squads to “educate” people on Seventh Day Adventists. Without getting into theological details beyond people like the Captain, Sam, et. al., the Adventists have some very unconventional beliefs.

  21. ‘A Trump-Cruz ticket provides the best chance to win and have the victory be meaningful.’

    It occurred to me that this would be a likely ticket – but, no more likely than a Trump/Fiorina ticket, or a Trump/Carson ticket – the latter of which would, from a point of view of drawing centirst votes, be likely the strongest.

  22. Trump’s VP must first and foremost be assassination insurance: someone fanatically devoted to policies that the Jews abhor. Someone who can unleash the hounds on the world should Trump be harmed. Someone who’s portfolio within the administration will be restricted to ferreting out the enemies within. Someone with the pedigree of Jim Webb, but with Trump’s politics.

    Trump needs a Medvedev.

    • Afterthought brings forward a pertinent point. It is very difficult for anti-democratic, authoritarians (I’ll not use neo-Nazi) like the people here to have much of a feel for voters who live in & support a republic. Reminds me of the enormous problems America had in predicting Russian politics in the 1920’s, or Chinese politics until relatively recently.

      It’s also difficult for post-Christians or those in the Christian Identity movement to gauge how normal people of faith feel when it comes to politics. Those of you who choose to pursue advanced studies, whether formally or informally, have the potential to offer interesting insights on, e.g., 1930’s Fsscism. Or even the potential rise of the far right in Europe right now. But there is definitely a problem with grasping electoral politics in the US. You only see what you care to see.

  23. Trump is over the target as the ADL fire flak.
    We know that Muslims high five and cheer up whenever they sucker punch whites. Any time a Ghazi kills a Crusader they are happy.

    Yet the ADL insist that it just isn’t true that browns and black chuckle and celebrate any killing of whitey. Obama barely registers an objection when whites are killed. So people with a serious chip? You know what they are thinking.

  24. Should the Jewusal Suspects decide to pull a JFK on Trump – I think people will look for REAL answers as to the guilty parties.

    A Trump assassination cover story will NOT go down easy. PURE Hell will break loose.

    • Ah, more Denise. No matter what you do they are positively clueless.

      Do you guys swap funny stories at lunch or in the break room? I can only imagine what the reports and recommendations say! It only takes a “spark”, right?

      One objection I do have, more concern than objection, is in the general area of entrapment. I don’t know much about Criminal Law and do appreciate what y’all do, but what about taking a loser who just wants to blow off steam and inducing him to commit an act? Obviously most of the WeeNie losers are hapless and worse about women. It seems too easy to coax action out of them via an online honeypot thing.

      How does the Bureau and SPLC deal with those issues? And why is the word “poverty” in the name? I mean, what is “Poverty Law”? And where is it located? Somewhere in Alabama, I think. There is a Bureau Office nearby?

  25. I was so hoping you’d do a report on Trump in Alabama Hunter, I am disapoint!

    Also: I am in LOVE with Donald Trump, he is doing something so beautiful, so brave, and the effect on Whites (especially White men, young and old) has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. As Anglin said : “in our hour of need, a hero has arisen”…….Long Live Trump 🙂

    Ps: check out the “Can’t Stump The Trump” vids on youtube, they are great fun, especially when you learn Trump himself tweeted Vid 4, haha! Here’s the latest one:

    • Mary? OK, Mary it is. Two questions. First, how do you think WeeNies will react when they learn (figure out) about Trump’s daughter? Second, what do you think will be the WeeNie reaction when the occasion finally arises and Trump says exactly how he feels about the loony radical right?

  26. Hunter Wallace // November 23, 2015 at 11:52 pm //

    “I hope he is not dog whistling, but that is what they usually do.”

    Of course he is. The Republican base is right wing, so he runs to the far right until he’s their nominee. Then he backs off when he’s running for El Presidente, because its a different electorate.

    Look at the weirdos at 2.10 on this video:

    IMO the worst thing that could happen for Whites is if Trump wins. Whites will go back to sleep and Trump like Reagan, will be able to get away with far more than any Democrat could.

    The reason America is going to turn into South Africa is Whites in general and White Nationalists in particular, can’t break their addiction to conservatism. Conservatives are about putting up a convincing show before throwing the fight. They are the best opposition the anti-Whites could pick.

  27. Warspite // November 24, 2015 at 8:00 am //

    The Stormfront crowd already know Trump’s family, like all of the Anglo elites are marrying into Jewry.

    Most of the people posting on Stormfront are anonymous. A good number of them pushing for Trump are probably Jews or government agents.

    In Europe they jail nationalists. Meanwhile in America Trump hosts Saturday Night Live. Figure that out.

    • Bird:

      Do you actually believe any Jews know what Stormfront is? I never heard of it before running into OD and still have never actually read it. It’s aping of Nazi imagery is far too vile to bother reading.

      The number of WN is insignificant, their voting power even less. They play zero role in the American body politic. I presume their activities are somewhat monitored by the FBI, DOJ and certain private groups (e.g., SPLC), but no normal Jewish person would waste their time with such filth. And there is no way they would post something. Anyone with an interest in looking at such a site knows about IP addresses, etc.

      You have some weird ideas, but that’s par for the WeeNie course. I really don’t know what more to say about “government agents” other than you guys sure cannot recognize one!

      Ricardo. Be honest, how many Jews do you think there are in the US? How many in Canada? And don’t cheat by looking it up!!

  28. Jews never heard Stormfront? Hahahahah!

    The rest of your comment is tl;dr. I don’t have the patience to read long winded crap.

    • OMG! You really believe that? Have you ever actually had any dealings with Jewish people, because you have some very strange ideas. And on “government agents”, you guys cannot even recognize one when they are in front of you.

      How many Jews do you think there are in the US? How many in Canada? And don’t cheat by looking it up!!

    • How many Jews do you think there are in the US? How many in Canada? When you’re blabbering about, what are the numbers you have in your head. Generally.

    • That’s unbelievable. There are what? A bit over 300m people in the US (legally), and you actually have no idea of the Jewish population. Incredible! And I bet you’re typical.

      300,000,000 or so. Maybe 30,000,000, 10%? Or closer to 45,000,000, at 15%? Hispanics are over 15%, blacks maybe 13% or so. Must be about the same Jews? But you truly don’t know!

  29. You didn’t answer my question.

    Do they all behave like you? Think themselves superior to other groups, push in where they are not wanted and try to take control? If so that is a lot of trouble making is it not?

    • I have to say, that’s some of the stupidest, crudest and generally ignorant sh*t I’ve seen in a few weeks.

      I’ll crunch those numbers. Oh, wait, there are no numbers! Just pseudo-history. And since it’s made up, there is no proof you will accept. Instead you will just move the goalposts as each of your “facts” are knocked down. Jews created the Federal Reserve, caused WWI, the Russian Revolution, WWII, and what else? Whew, that is a lot of power!

      Question: How many Jews do you think there are in the US? How many in Canada? When you’re blabbering about, what are the numbers you have in your head. Generally.

  30. the Jews’ “numbers” lie in the money-manufacturing and debt-administering rackets of the Federal Reserve, i.e. Central Bank. Which lucre they used to buy the MSM and control the entire political class. Who then took down our immigration laws and opened the borders in order to facilitate their Jew Masters’ ultimate Tikkun Olam: destroy the Nations and exterminate the Whites…a process that has been underway for some time now. Here are some “numbers” that even a left-lib asshole like warspit can understand:

    % of World population White

    1900: 30%

    interlude: Jew-bankster induced communist revolution and 1914-45 WorldWar

    2000: 9%

    interlude: Jew-bankster induced open-borders globalizetion

    2100: extinct

    OTOH, WN’s tend also toward idiocy. “but..but..but….Donald Trump! Ted Cruz!!” Makes me laugh. Fortunately, when the Jews’ debtPonzi collapses, these issues will be resolved by the lead ballot. Could be that the Jews and their pet entitlement groups – Blacks, mestizos, sodomites, femenoids, urban cosmics like warspit – will go extinct instead. At any rate, it’s now a zero-sum game, and we’ll see who wins and lives, who loses and dies

  31. How many that behave like you, are needed to cause trouble?

    Do the math for us. Crunch those numbers, oh superior one!

  32. “OTOH, WN’s tend also toward idiocy. ”

    Unfortunately all Whites do. They have to learn the hard way as common sense is thin on the ground.

  33. 3rd time you avoided my question.

    Do they all behave like you? Think themselves superior to other groups, push in where they are not wanted and try to take control? If so that is a lot of trouble making is it not?

    How many people like that, do you need to screw up a country? Run the numbers for us, oh spiteful one.

    • I answered your question. You have answered mine: You do not know. In fact, you have no idea.

      I have read your questions, answers & general discussion. You are a dummy. Even the stereotype of what White people (incl Jews) think a White Supremicist.

    • You throw out a number of facts, most of which can be easily refuted. The others are either not correct and require discussion beyond your abilities, or in the case of Marx, correct. At least I always thought he was Jewish, though I far prefer Groucho.

    • So, No to the Bolsheviks. No, with expiation re Yagoda. No, with explanation of “sort of” with Marx. Karl, not Chico.

      I’ve noticed you WeeNies have an obsession with Yagoda. That’s sort of odd (of course).

  34. Well aware that that the daughterss of most of these pols have married jews.

    Murdoch’s daughter Liz married a Freud. Clinton’s married one.
    This is why Romans executed the infiltrators. Trump is compromised as well. However he is saying things that are anathema.

    If he wins the nomination he will end up sounding very conventional to win the general election. Everyone here is well aware of this.

    Why is Warpsite such a retard about the basic stuff? He’s a like a childless female elementary school teacher suffering with morbid obesity. Do you need a snickers bar Warpsite?

  35. RichardBird,”…Do they all behave like you? Think themselves superior to other groups, push in where they are not wanted and try to take control? If so that is a lot of trouble making is it not?”


    Haxo Angmark,”…the Jews’ “numbers” lie in the money-manufacturing and debt-administering rackets of the Federal Reserve, i.e. Central Bank…”


    Captain John Charity Spring MA,”…Why is Warpsite such a retard about the basic stuff?”

    He’s Jewish. This is the way they act. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all. Maybe not even the majority but a lot. They have been thrown out of every single country they’ve ever been to in any numbers. They act like warspite and eventually people just have had enough and throw them out. Any people who have a religion that says only they are human, every one else is their slaves and all their property is the Jews is just a tribe of psychopaths. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.

  36. The great worry with any pol is the jew lurking behind the throne.

    Lazarus Moses Kaganovich, Stalin’s fixer, the only old Bolshevik to survive the USSR was the main lurker.

    He was the boss of Ukraine in the 1920s as collectivization was rammed into action. He also supervised the destruction of Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow. Partly to humilate the Russian Orthodox partly to steal the gold in the roofing panels. Rumor has is that Kaganovich’s female relative was having an affair or married Stalin.

    Fortunately the Russians collected enough money to completely rebuild and rededicate their capital’s Cathedral. Good Try Moise, but now your antics are reduced to sending in the Pussy Riot to act out their degeneracy on the altar.

  37. warspite,”…I predict a Second Coming of Christ will convince nearly all Jews of the truth of His message…”

    Nah. They’d just kill him again.

    Maybe Christens should listen to Jesus about the Jews. JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. – then answered the Jews — ” (which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)

    I would say Jesus has the Jews down.

    • That’s great Sam. Now you’ve demonstrated another area in which you are mentally deficient- theology. Toss in church history as well, since you seem to know nothing about the early Church.

      Should I deconstruct your stupid “facts”, or is it an exercise in futility? Yep, the latter. You cracker redneck a**holes stopped learning at about 15 or 16. Anything on top of what you knew as a teen is just from a couple of WeeNie play books. Seriously, the amount of garbage you WINGNUTS toss out is truly impressive. The only problem is you always get facts wrong. And I think it’s stunning you have no idea how many Jews are in the US!

      I’m sure life is tough on the fringe. Sort of like an intellectual Siberia, and a place you can continually display yout ignorance and impotence. You have no say about anything because people rightly regard you ask tin foil hat loonies!

      And here I thought it was the British Royal family and a few others that ran the world. I always get my cuckoo groups confused.

  38. This is breaking now – it’s bad news:

    This Looks Really Bad… Blacks Shot at BLM Protests in MN, Whites in Masks Are Suspects
    Posted on November 24, 2015 by Jack Ryan in Uncategorized // 0 Comments

    Its still early and this might be another shouting “wolf”, but it doesn’t feel that way.

    White Suspects in Masks

    The BlackLivesMatter movement started in and over the Ferguson MO fake racist hate crime hoax, funded by the worst George Sorros $ billionaire marxists. BLM has been doing all kinds of protests all over the country – mostly in Lib Leftist strongholds, college campuses etc.

    There have been BLM protests in Minneapolis over a police shooting, last night 3 protesters were shot, apparently none life threatening.

    There are wild charges that White Supremacists in masks did the shooting. We’ve certainly heard this charge so many times when it proved false. Still this one feels different – feels like some Whites were monitoring the protests in an opposing way, were leaving the area when they were followed and harassed, threatened and might have defended themselves with guns – as for the masks, WS….

    Well my advice is to simply avoid these BLM protests as the goal is to provoke conflict and violence and the Left media gets to make the spin.

    The Black hate whitey, Lib Leftist have been desperately looking for a REAL case of White Racist hate crime against innocent Blacks for a very, very long time. The Charleston slaughter was the only one I can think of that actually turned out to be in any way real.

    Please be very careful out there, don’t do or say anything stupid. Be extra careful with any loose “talk” or anything to do with guns.

  39. Sir,
    Listening to the Michael Savage show, last night, he reported that RT reported that the New York Mob has warned ISIS about ‘f&*#ing with any New Yorkers – that there will be hell to pay, if they do.
    Apparently a certain Mr. Gambino, from the Sicilian mountains said government agencies, such as the FBI, lack the ‘human intelligence’ to be effective in this regard, and that, if there there was one place, in Europe, where ISIS had not penetrated – it was in Sicily’ … 🙂

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