By Hunter Wallace
Among other things, the $1.8 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill passed by the Republican Congress funds:
– Planned Parenthood, after all the horrific videos.
– A fourfold increase in H2B visas.
– The 2013 Obama executive amnesty.
– The refugee resettlement program.
– Sanctuary cities.
– Tax credits for illegal aliens.
– At least 170,000 green card, refugee and asylum approvals for migrants from Muslim countries over just the next 12 months.
Note: Here’s the roll call vote from the House and Senate.
Jesus God. They’ve just obliterated and shards of Historic America.
Paul Ryan claimed conservative victories of exporting domestic oil, increased defense spending, and free health care for 9/11 first responders. If it isn’t apparent just out of touch these guys are and why Trump is where he is, it should be by know.
The only thing left that Republicans haven’t waffled on is gun control. How long until they start “compromising” on our right to possess firearms?
Crap like this is exactly why I think we need a third party. Ryan is no better than Boehner, and anybody who had paid attention to his votes and public statements, knew this. The Republican Party seems incapable of changing, they remain the same bunch of war mongers/ liberals/ plutocrats irregardless of who’s in charge.
Even if Trump doesn’t get elected, I hope his movement creates a viable third party. Those of us who have despised the open- borders maniacs, and the ‘free traders’ will have some place to go finally.
The phone lines of our congressmen have been lit up for weeks. Callers totally against immigration, muslims, refugees and Obama’s policies.
What do we get in return?
Paul Ryan and our leaders cucked us over far beyond expectations.
This socialist goy is onto the scam…
“Maybe selling oil to Turkey, maybe selling to someone else.”
The “centre-Right” is far more of a problem than the Left.
Your average Southerner loathes Hillary when the real target of their animosity should be the House and Senate leadership.
Palmetto Patriot
‘Your average Southerner loathes Hillary’
With good reason.
Paul Ryan is perhaps the number one cuckservative in Washington, DC today – which is quite a distinction because Lindsey Graham is up there.
Any GOPer who voted for this awful budget is unfit to hold office.
Paul Ryan is supposed to be a “budget hawk,” right?
He is punishing the white base of both parties.
That’s his job.
The real question here is how one can best survive the onslaught?
Ryan basically bent over in the debate with Biden and let the Foghorn rape him.
Here he is quite obviously punishing the peasants for wanting to stem the invasion.
What can one do in the face of such evil?
Captain John Charity Spring MA
‘Ryan basically bent over in the debate with Biden and let the Foghorn rape him.’
Trump was worse. After smacking Odumbo around during the first debate and scoring well, he backed off. If that was not bad enough, he gushed over him and told us Dumbo was a good man doing the best he could for the country.
Had him on the ropes but didn’t want to be perceived as a mean ol’ YT bashing the negro.
Captain John Charity Spring MA
‘Here he is quite obviously punishing the peasants for wanting to stem the invasion.’
Captain John Charity Spring MA
‘What can one do in the face of such evil?’
Trump is the last hope. If he loses or proves to be another fraud we will have to use options we are loathe to speak about.
Oops! Mea Culpa.
Made a yuuuge mistake in above post.
Wrote that Trump smacked Odumbo around during the first debate. Meant to write Romney, not Trump.
Romney did win that first one didn’t he?
Then he allowed the fat sow Crawley to defend her pet nig in the second debate.
Its amusing. We call these guys cucks but men like Ryan always end up millionaires and get to live in mansions. The real cucks are the Whites that whine about Republicans always screwing them over, then they go out and vote for them.
Sam // December 18, 2015 at 10:59 pm //
“Trump was worse. After smacking Odumbo around during the first debate and scoring well, he backed off. If that was not bad enough, he gushed over him and told us Dumbo was a good man doing the best he could for the country.”
Run to right in the primaries, spend the rest of the election backing away from your remarks, is the oldest trick in the book. Dog whistling also works on dopey right wingers every time.
Sam // December 18, 2015 at 11:28 pm //
“Wrote that Trump smacked Odumbo around during the first debate. Meant to write Romney, not Trump.”
Oops. You can tell I don’t bother watching debates. At the end of the day if Trump runs Republican and wins, he’s going to be surrounded by Paul Ryans and he’ll give them the credibility they have lost.
you know its bad when Obummer likes him. Merry Christmas guys! so refreshing the Spit is gone.
I read a few articles this week about the war on Christmas. No wars on Hanukka, however.
I was shocked at what a big deal the Hanukka parties are at the White House.
WHITE HOUSE SCENE: The White House hosted their annual Hanukkah parties yesterday. So many JI readers were in attendance that some joked we were only going to run a list of names for today’s Daily Kickoff. One humorous aspect of the Hanukkah parties each year is the line outside the White House prior. Practically everyone has to wait in line, even members of Congress, and it’s where folks first see who else is attending the event. For some the line is their version of a new Apple product launch, while others begin arriving only an hour or so before the gates actually open.
As guests entered the East Wing they were serenaded by the Maccabeats who were joined, at times, by Jewish pop singer Lipa Schmeltzer who is also known as “Jewish Elvis” and “the Lady Gaga of Hasidic music.” The food was under the strict rabbinical supervision of Rabbi Levi Shemtov and all meats were “Glatt Kosher — Chassidishe Shechitah” including the famous White House lamb chops. The lamb, we were told, was slaughtered specially last week in the President’s hometown of Chicago. William Daroff’s night was made when he discovered the platter of kosher vegan cookies.
SPOTTED at Party #1: Three generations of Shemtovs — Rabbi Abraham Shemtov, Rabbi Levi Shemtov, and Menachem Shemtov; President of Israel Reuven Rivlin, Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer and Mrs. Rhoda Dermer, U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro, Rep. Lee Zeldin, Israel Defense Attaché Yaacov Ayish, Alan and Andrea Solow, Abe Foxman, Elliot Brandt, Malcolm Hoenlein, Stephen Greenberg, Robert and Louise Cohen, John Ruskay and Robin Bernstein, Lillian Pincus and Jon Pincus, Jonathan Kessler, Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, Sol and Esther Werdiger, Rabbi Steven Wernick, Meredith Wernick, Matt Dorf, Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz, Allen Fagin, Matthew Berger, Rabbi Jonah Pesner and Dana S. Gershon, Matthew Grossman, Rabbi Michael Adam Latz, Joseph Stamm, Ezra Friedlander, Jordana Cutler.
Mark Levin, Mark Joseph Stern, Jane Eisner, Rabbi Jill Jacobs, David Kalb, Bill and Raquel Gershon, Debbie Moed, Suzanne Doft, Caren Yanis, Lea Yanis, Louis and Manette Mayberg, Rabbi Jack Moline, Lisa Eisen, David Rittberg, Lisa and Brian Cohen, Ami Eden, Ira Forman, Howard Kohr, Sheila Katz, Hal Ossman, David Makovsky, Don Makovsky, Adam Teitelbaum, Nathan Lewin, Alyza Lewin and Eliezer Halbfinger, Gidi and Betty Grinstein, Shawn Evenhaim, Shoham Nicolet, Ari Mittleman, Robin Schatz, Michael Wilner, Sarah Arkin, David Feinman, Laura Adkins, Mikhael Smits, Adam Lehman, Hilary Krieger.
SPOTTED at Party #2: Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, Sen. Ben Cardin, Treasury Sec. Jack Lew, Denis McDonough, Jeffrey Goldberg, William Goldberg, William Daroff, Nathan Diament, Norm Eisen, Rob Eshman and Rabbi Naomi Levy, Esther Kustanowitz, Ruth Messinger, Stosh Cotler, Steve Rabinowitz, Laurie Moskowitz, Aaron Keyak, Avigail Goldgraber, Greg Rosenbaum, Jordan Namerow, Marshall Weiss, Richard and Ellen Sandler, Jerry Silverman with daughters Jenna and Naomi, Jarrod Bernstein, Andrew Weinstein, Rabbi Steve Gutow, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Rabbi Jason Miller, Rabbi Adam Raskin, Nancy Kaufman, Jeff Summit, Rabbi Sharon Brous, Amna Farooqi, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Jared Feldman.
Bob Sugarman, Jason Sugarman, Hadar Susskind, Josh Protas, Heschel Raskas, Kenneth Bob, Tim Shriver, Lily Daroff, Marc Stanley, Rep. Steve Israel, Sloane Appelbaum, Chemi Shalev, Nathan Guttman, Jay Footlik, Mark Hetfield, Andrew Lachman, Rep. Eliot Engel, Rep. Ted Deutch, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. Sandy Levin, Stuart Eizenstat, Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, S. Daniel Abraham and Ewa Abraham, Rep. Brad Sherman and Lisa Sherman, Rep. Jerry Nadler, Aviva Kempner, Jane Harman, Rebecca Dinar, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Daniel Sokatch, Jay Ruderman, Shai Franklin, FL State Rep. Kevin Rader, Leslie Meyers, Rabbi Sid Schwartz, Jeffrey and Susie Stern, Barbara Goldberg Goldman, Robert Saferstein, Joshua Runyan, Stuart Maitlins, Marcie Hermelin Orley, Gideon Taylor, Cheryl Kagan, Eileen Levinson, Robbie Medwed.
-Spotted: Ira Forman, Robert Saferstein, Matt Nosanchuk, Tiffany Harris, Rep. Ted Deutch, Greg Rosenbaum, Rob Eshman, Rabbi Naomi Levy, Laura Adkins, Florida State Sen. Joseph Abruzzo, Orit Frenkel, Claude G.B. Fontheim, Rabbi Michael Latz, Ezra Friedlander, Cheryl Saferstein, Rep. Lois Frankel, Rep. Eliot Engel, Steve Bittel, William Daroff, Lily Daroff, Liz Leibowitz, Shelley Rood, Barbara Weinstein, Steve Rabinowitz, and Aaron Keyak.
Sam – oh vey!
Is Ryan growing out his beard ahead of his conversion to Islam?
The donor class like conservative politicians to be closet homosexuals so they are easier to control.
Hanukkah celebrates Jews massacring Greeks.
Purim celebrates Jews massacring Persians.
Passover celebrates dead Egyptian babies.
Do they have any religious holidays that aren’t about massacring someone?
The Jews are Farooking us over as usual. Many Jews got rich from the victory of the Maccabees and, much later, the fall of Constantinople.
“The Maccabees founded a new dynasty which ruled Judea until the Roman conquest and founded the Pharisee school of thought which later provided the basis of non-Temple, Rabbinical Judaism.”
“… the Pharisees wanted Jesus dead because He pointed out their sin and undermined their influence.”
The local House neocuck marketed his yay vote as a good thing and the lady on the phone sounded proud of it as well.
Latest Fox news poll Dec 16 17:
Clinton 49 Trump 38
Key internals: Trump does poorly with women and nonwhites. He gets 46 to 41 among whites and among men, not good enough to counteract.
Interestingly 71% of blacks thought it was a good year, only 53% of whites.
They asked about the Muslim ban with a pro ban question and it got tepid support 55 to 40, they asked the same question calling it trumps Muslim ban and it was only 50 to 46 in favor. He’s “not doing well” with the population as a whole.
A lot of it is his refusal/inability to get people to trust him or take him seriously. A part of that is his poorly thought out positions and defenses, which can be improved with effort and discipline. But the alpha male schtick undermines him with the population as a whole who feels threatened by it.
The Omnibus is just another example of the Roman Catholic & Jew political alliance in Congress. Now led by the Holy Roman Catholics Ryan & Pelosi. The same in the Senate. An alliance that cuts across party lines, and is directed at killing White Protestants.
Stop being a patronizing dork. We are well aware of the numbers on the Muslim ban. If anything it shows that Trump has offered a very popular position. My suspicion is that around 60% want to ban em.
Recall that Susan Sontag never met anyone who voted Nixon.
Authored by Mr. Bird…
‘The real cucks are the Whites that whine about Republicans always screwing them over, then they go out and vote for them.’
That, Ladies & Gentlemen, is a bullseye.
Authored by Palmetto Patriot…
‘Any GOPer who voted for this awful budget is unfit to hold office.’
How true.
Yet, may I take it a step further? : why would anyone wish to remain in a party that is effectively the other side in disguise?
At least the Democrats try, generally, to pursue what they say.
Rush Limbaugh is right : disband the Republican Party.
Authored by Palmetto Patriot…
‘The “centre-Right” is far more of a problem than the Left.
Your average Southerner loathes Hillary when the real target of their animosity should be the House and Senate leadership.’
The author of this comment ought be in high office – or in charge of a network news department; where, for a change, some truth could be disseminated.
Destroying the GOP is Trump’s point.
So what can be done about it? The electoral route is a dead end. We are running out of road.
Whenever I am on the receiving end of a devastating riposte from CptJohn I am reminded of why Hemingway said he never wanted to get into the ring with Tolstoy.
But if I may continue to patronize, wasn’t my point that it wasn’t the plan as much as what the plan and its defense said about the man that people are reacting to? The plan would murder no one, to contrast the various wars supported by both parties. There is something unholy about a society which would rather incinerate a child than deny him a visa.
A parallel point is that it was a definite show of immaturity by the alt right to not sense the damage that the episode has done to Trump in the general. I keep hearing folks talk about fains in primary polling. What’s the point of running up the score in the primary if it costs the general?
If we’re OK with backing a losing horse for message purposes, we should back Bob Whitaker.
Trump could well get around to calling Clinton Anti-white.
All that’s needed is to get the Harpy Voiced Person in front of the cameras enough.
I am grateful to Trump for causing a huge (yuuuge) change in the collective discourse. We’ve covered those topics before, so I won’t elaborate.
If he does not make it to the White House, he has still helped us immensely.
For those of us who think the antics Hillary or Bernie would cause us to sharpen our pitch forks and take it to em …. ain’t happening.
I was hoping the Confederate flag issues would spark a revolt of sorts, but it flamed out. Very disappointing.
We don’t have the numbers for a grass roots revolt and certainly have few friends in high places.
The rank and file Republicans are totally against what the leadership proposed and advanced. They said eff yew to the base and did what the donor class demanded of them.
Somehow, someway, I’m hoping the internet with it’s many skilled bloggers can change public opinion to cause something to happen in the not too distant future.
I thought the San Bernardino massacre along with the French slaughter would have a greater effect on the politicians.
Nope, they are muzzie apologists.
Nothing happening until their blood gets spilled one way or another.
Butzhead is full of shit as usual.
King Cuck Ryan has a twitter account.
Paul Ryan ?@PRyan 3h
‘We believe in the American idea: The condition of your birth should not determine the outcome of your life. And we want to do our part to pass on that idea to the next generation.’
The condition of your birth?? Ha ha.
Yup, he’s opening the floodgates. Total sellout.
If God had not meant them to be sheared he’d not have made them sheep.
‘Parents and their children stage a class walkout to see Santa after a Jewish mother ‘waged war on Christmas’ and got their public school to cancel the holiday field trip
Thirty parents at Sartorette Elementary School in San Jose, California staged a walkout on Friday morning
The parents were upset after a Jewish mother named Talia successfully petitioned the school to cancel a visit to Santa Claus
The parents took the children on the trip regardless, having the kindergartners skip class for the day
Talia claims she had been attacked by some of the parents ever since, and one told her; ‘You’re the one who started the war on Christmas’
‘This is not a Jewish issue for me. It’s an inclusion issue,’ Talia told NBC Bay Area.
‘We can’t spend five days on just one culture. That’s fostering intolerance. When Christmas is given the same time, or less time, than American holidays, like Veterans Day, then kids don’t feel as American.’
Talia also added that in her family her grandparents told stories about getting beaten for being Jewish in Poland prior to the Holocaust.
After meeting with Superintendent Carrie Andrews, the two woman came to a compromise – the children would go on the field trip and drink hot chocolate, but there would be no Santa.
Then soon after, the school principal elected to cancel the entire trip.’
“Whats wrong with that fostering intolerance comments that’s right, you are also relentless you racist antisemitic vermin. You filthy rats are filled with pure unadultered poison.”
Boy–talk about a war on Christmas.
In your opinion we are “racist antisemitic vermin, filthy rats filled with pure unadultered poison”. You are just saying that because we are White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Mr. W.–
Since you’ve removed the manic post to which I responded—i.e., the post about “racist anti-Semitic vermin”)—would you mind removing, too, my response (plus the present comment)?
I believe the polls would be underestimating Trumps appeal. Two points.
1. Being the old media and political establishment believe in making their own reality, they will more than likely attempt to manipulate the polls, to fit their narrative. It doesn’t take much to acquire that outcome in qualitative and quantitative statistics.
2. Many voters won’t admit to voting for Trump, yet. The controversy he has caused has yet to settle down. If Trump wins the nomination, he and his team will have time to expand on the reasoning behind his campaign. In other words as the new media(alt right) messages seep into the old media, public minds will change. Particularly as the idiotic contrast of the Democrats having already gone full SJW retard, will only help Trump in this regard.
The democrats and cuckservatives can’t argue with our argumentation, they will only denigrate it or use the old false premises. Truth, reality speak more to the common man then bullshit spouted by lying politicians and media heads.
Just my humble opinion.
Justabum // December 20, 2015 at 11:10 am //
“2. Many voters won’t admit to voting for Trump, yet.”
Same happened with David Duke when he was running. He got far more votes than expected because the voters questioned, didn’t want the pollsters to think they were “racist”. Just shows you how oppressive the anti-White system is.
@ A Jackson…
‘So what can be done about it? The electoral route is a dead end. We are running out of road.’
Secede, Sir – first from the Republican party, and then, if necessary, from the Union.
There is no other solution to being locked out, other than walking away.
‘I was hoping the Confederate flag issues would spark a revolt of sorts, but it flamed out. Very disappointing.’
I feel the same. The capacity of our fellow Southerners to tune out their circumstances is a continuing lesson to me on the fragmentation of society into individual i-pods and satellite dishes.
Even if there were a rebellion, Sir – oh, let’s say, this February, it would not work, because a week would have to be taken off for the ‘Super Bowl’…
‘We don’t have the numbers for a grass roots revolt and certainly have few friends in high places.’
Very true, Sir – we have to keep plugging away, never tiring.
Keep in mind, we have people like President Obama, Majority Leader McConnell, and Speaker Ryan doing more to create more favourable circumstances for our perspective than we ever could:)
@Mr. Bird…
‘Justabum // December 20, 2015 at 11:10 am //
“2. Many voters won’t admit to voting for Trump, yet.”
Same happened with David Duke when he was running. He got far more votes than expected because the voters questioned, didn’t want the pollsters to think they were “racist”.’
Very true, Mr. Bird.
I suspect that, the day after the general election, in the coming November, the pundits of the press will be trying to ‘understand’ how they could have misst seeing that the Republican presidential candidate just swept into office.