Selfish, dumb arse, race traitor “patriot” Cliven Bundy and his sons are back in the news today. The Bundys are inciting armed militia groups to invade Federal land management facilities in Oregon. It does seem as if they have better grievance issues this time as some ranchers were persecuted and actually imprisoned for clearing brush with unsanctioned brush fires.
I am reposting a OD classic about terrible traitors like Cliven Bundy on the Libertarian Conservative Right who insist that that “they can do whatever the hell they want” which often entails exploiting thousands and thousands of Ameri-Indian illegal alien low wage slaves – or just abusing the environment. Southern nationalist, positive race realists should and must work in harmony with…
Fools and Traitors on the Right – Cliven Bundy.
Most racially aware Southerners are accustomed to seeing their enemies as liberals or leftists.
There are Northeastern liberals such as those who work for the SPLC and ACLU, who come down to Alabama and other Southern states to incite the blacks against Whites, force “marriage equality” on the Southern people against their will, ban the singing of Christmas carols, promote hardcore porn and flag desecration – all in the name of “free speech” – yes, it’s true there are lots of “liberals” attacking all things traditional, White, Christian, and Southern.
Southerners are Red State conservatives. They are for “God and Country,” American patriotism, and the US military. In the Bush years, a constant refrain in the South was the need to “support the troops.” Even in South Carolina, where there isn’t a heterosexual White Southerner in the offices of governor or US senator, the Hindu Indian governor and the black and homosexual US senators are careful to identify as “conservatives” and distance themselves from hated “liberals” in New York and California.
So, it is pretty clear that Southerners don’t like “liberals,” but it’s a huge mistake to see all of our adversaries as liberals or leftists. We have terrible enemies on the so-called conservative/libertarian Right, too. Some of our worst enemies are the selfish, pro-bizness, agribusiness owners like the CEO of Tyson Foods, Donnie Smith, who the League targeted at the Shelbyville demonstration, the “Onion King” of Uvalda, GA, former mayor Paul Bridges, and the Nevada “patriot” rancher, Cliven Bundy.
Cliven Bundy has made some embarrassing statements supporting negro slavery, but it is his support for the latifundia neo-slavery of unlimited Third World immigration in here and now that makes Bundy a rightwing enemy. Check out his recent, insane comments supporting the Hispanic reconquest of the Southwest:
“Now let me talk about the Spanish people. Now I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here, and they’re people. And I’ve worked beside a lot of them. Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structures than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together. And I’ll tell you, in my way of thinking, they’re awful nice people. And we need to have those people going to be with us.”
Yeah right, Cliven.
The Zeta drug cartel, MS-13, the Latin Kings and the low IQ Indian hordes of Central America have far better “family values” than us White folks. We’re supposed to welcome untold millions of these hardworking Hispanic helots. Third World immigration is just GREAT for ‘Murika now that our pampered pet negroes don’t want to be happy slaves anymore. We need an unlimited supply of number of cheap labor because ‘ol Cliven wouldn’t be the wealthy and respected, God-fearing ‘Murikan “patriot” rancher that the Nevada and Texas constitutionalist militia folks know and love … Not!
Let’s hope the liberals, leftists and federal land management environmentalists put ‘ol Cliven in a jail cell with 20 of his hardworking, illiterate illegal aliens who never learned how to use toilet paper in Guatemala.
Note: In my next article, I will feature White Renegade of the Year Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky who hangs out with David Axelrod.
JR, I don’t want to do what we did when you originally posted this thread, and that is, get into a friendly flame war.
So I’m going to say something here that both accurately conveys my thoughts and is diplomatic.
Both sides of this matter, including the very recent developments which I know invoked you to reprise this piece, both you and them, could be stating their cases a whole lot better. I think you have some valid points about them which are coming out the wrong way, and I think they’re misinterpreting their own cause, making it far more complicated and consequential and metapolitical than it is.
Ok Contenance
But, my point is that so often the American right wing, pro business position is simply wrong. Honest White liberals are often right to environmentalist and oppose the likes of the Cliven Bundy family that are doing completely anti nature, anti nationalist agribusiness practices like using all the fresh water in California and Nevada and employing hundreds of thousands of low wage, Latrino “happy slaves” who don’t stay happy slaves for very long, instead they meld in to the Laraza Barios and take over our universities.
Countenance just read Cliven Bundy’s statements about Mexican/Central American Amer Indian illegal aliens – he’s on their side, thinks they are better than us regular working White folks.
How can any race realist, Southern nationalists or just a healthy sane person read that statement from Cliven Bundy and not come down solidly that he’s a total idiot and a terrible traitor?
The Bundys are looking like agent provocateurs at this point.
The Bundy’s are cuckservative, but, most God fearing television watching ‘mericans are cuckservatives.
Ryan. You are WAY OFF.
FEDGOV does not control OUR LANDS. We do. This is now very much like Lexington and Concord, and you don’t GET IT – Ay-tall. If the occupation of a FEDGOV shack by aggrieved American rancher/farmers in retaliation for the FEDGOV trying to drive them off their land, going back to the 19th Century, even after accommodation to the same bastard gov’t, means the NWO types KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS, I sure hope you are willing and ready to lock and load against the ‘mercenaries for hire’ of the Obama-Nation. That’s all the FEDGOV troops are, these days.
Cuz iffen you ain’t, and think otherwise, you’re nothing more than a clone of another traitor Ryan I’ve been reading about in the Jewsmedia, lately, who just sold the nation for a mess of potage.
There are two parts to this – the Bundys and the people who were sent to jail over bushfires. The Bundys – not sure about them but seems to me the bushfire people are a clear case of anti-white anarcho-tyranny.
Given the rumors bout Obama and executive orders over gun control the timing of this seems too perfect for Fedgov. Maybe best to hang back and see what’s what – but even if it is a Fedgov stunt most of the guys there will be there for honest reasons so need to tar them all with the same brush.
Jack, even self-destructive idiots and traitors can be useful if you point them in the right direction and use them for cover.
Pro-White advocates should become very familiar with the concepts of asymmetrical warfare and attrition. The scope of what you’ve written about is only a fraction of the bigger picture. You’re gonna have to take several steps back if you want to see something for what it truly is and where it leads.
What are called conservatives in the US are not, but just another kind of liberal.
“so need to tar them all with the same brush.”
should have been “so no need…”
vid from one of the Hammonds (the ones who got five years for grass burning)
don’t know what i think about the occupation but this earlier part that lead up to it looks like standard fedgov anarcho-tyranny
I already know what Cliven Bundy said about Hispanics, and I massively disagree with it. Remember, as part of that same NYT interview in which he said it, he also had less than totally vituperative things to say about slavery, and I mostly agree with what he said about that.
But, it doesn’t matter.
Because I don’t go to Cliven Bundy for great philosophical or historical insights. I will never mistake Cliven Bundy for Sam Francis.
I also don’t think that he’s exploiting cheap Hispanic labor just because he said something nice about them. From what I understand, he’s ekeing out an existence; he couldn’t hire anyone, cheap Hispanics, expensive citizens, or anyone, even if he wanted to, because he doesn’t have the cash flow to do so. Probably the reason why he said what he said about Hispanics is because he knows some other ranchers who love them for the obvious reason, that and when he goes to Vegas, he probably only spends as much time there as he needs to, to do whatever, and then leaves; he doesn’t spend any time in the barrios with all their gangs. All he knows about Hispanics is what he knows from his almost non-existent experience with them.
All that mattered in the Cliven Bundy case is that he’s an old man living his last years ekeing out an existence, who just happened to be in the way of one of the most corrupt politicians of our time, someone who, when he dies, they’ll have to screw him into the ground, that’s how crooked he is, that being Harry Reid. And the whole matter crossed over into an environmental dispute over a species of turtle that the very same BLM is killing hundreds of.
And this thing in Oregon is probably not a difficult matter, either. It’s probably some rural white person who put one toe out of bounds, and is therefore being punished for the crime of being rural and white and non-Democrat. I would not be surprised to know that some relatively important local or state politician in the area has it out for him.
My slight grind with that side of the ledger is that it’s as simple as that; it’s not really a matter of the Constitution or this level of government or that level of government or legal technicalities, it’s all Who-Whom personal politics; the quicker everyone understands that, the better.
Jack Ryan
‘Countenance just read Cliven Bundy’s statements about Mexican/Central American Amer Indian illegal aliens – he’s on their side, thinks they are better than us regular working White folks.’
I agree with Jack.
I’m not sure what to think of the situation developing, but the statements made by Bundy supporting the mestizo invaders totally sickens me and makes me think he is just a profiteering cuck who happens to wear cowboys boots and a big hat.
apols for repeat posts but if you read between the lines of this article I think it’s pretty clear what happened
The ranchers in that valley created an irrigation system to water 300,000 cattle which attracted a ton of wild birds.
Some dumb greens though they’d build a nature reserve there – which is fair enough in itself – but being dumb greens thought that if they got rid of the ranchers there’d be more birds.
So they get rid of most of the ranchers which reduced the irrigation system so *fewer* birds.
Mrs Hammond found out about this and FedGov have been persecuting them ever since because they don’t want people to know they screwed up – the whole thing is an ass covering exercise by some FedGov bureaucrats.
I still wonder if the occupation itself might be a provocation timed for Obama’s executive orders but the story behind it seems slam dunk – FedGov = bad guys.
It’s not like intelligent White ranchers can’t work with responsible White environmentalists to do positive things like manage water resources, clear brush that causes out of control wild fires. Responsible environmentalists can help ranchers, farmers manage fires.
But, it’s the Murikan patriotard mindset that:
” I can do do whatever i want with my land (it ain’t your land if it’s 50 square miles Federally owned national parks) It’s “I hates the gubermint, environmentalists are all Commie Liberals, my grand daddy shot all the wolves and my grand daddy was a buffalo hunter”.
Countenance writes:
” he doesn’t spend any time in the barrios with all their gangs. All he knows about Hispanics is what he knows from his almost non-existent experience with them.”
I respond:
I’m sorry but any White Anglo who is so clueless that he doesn’t understand there any many/any problems associated with the invasion of tens of millions of Amer Indian, Mestizo, Mexicans, Muslims in California, Chicago everywhere – that White Anglo is either too stupid or too senile to be operating any business, speaking on any political or cultural matter.
I always go back to asking:
“What would Jewish people in Israel say about similar matters”
In this case imagine a Jewish agribusiness owner arguing that Israel needs tens of millions of illegal alien Arab/Muslim workers, who supposedly have better family values that Jewish Israeli people. Imagine some business owner in Japan saying such treasonous nonsense.
Our side always complains that Jews call us stupid, dumb goyim. But in all honesty men like Cliven Bundy are just that:
Stupid, dumb goyim. Idiot, selfish old fools like Cliven Bundy or apparently his sons shouldn’t be given access to ranch tens of thousands of government owned lands, nor should the land be given or sold to them as private property.
They obviously have no loyalty to our people and will use and abuse the natural resources in this land. Selfish destructive, anti nature acts like this could somehow not destroy our nation, our, people or our land back in the days when North America was very sparsely populated. Now that our population is what 230 million, it just can’t be tolerated.
“Lew // January 3, 2016 at 8:06 pm // (Edit)
The Bundys are looking like agent provocateurs at this point.”
I respond:
Or else they are just acting like White trash guests on the old Jerry Springer show – acting as if from a bad Jewish Hollywood New York script:
“Selfish, violent, hateful White Right Wing gun nuts – threatening environmentalists and government workers with assault rifles – they’re really terrorists worse or as bad as the Islamic terrorists”
These retarded patriotards will do just about anything to get on TV – including acting from a bad Hollywood NY Jew script.
Daily Stormer has pretty good take on this:
Basically says the Bundy militia folks just took a bad issue – grazing fees on Federal Land. Regular Americans aren’t going to relate to this.
Mr, Ryan, your essay is a dung heap.
If these Cliven Bundy Militia loons didn’t actually exist the Leftist lugenpresse would have had to invent them. Maybe they did, maybe it’s all scripted by the Weinstein Brothers and SPLC.
Listen to this nonsense from one big bad Bundy Militia leader loon:
“Bundy’s call-to-action garnered an apparent goodbye video from one of his militia followers addressed to his wife and two daughters, ages 3 and 5. The video was recorded at some point before the holidays, tearfully explaining why he wouldn’t be home during Christmas or New Years.
“Kids, I’m sorry. I won’t be coming home for Christmas. I may never be coming home again. I have to sacrifice my life, to fight a war against the greatest enemy of mankind: land management agencies.”
I respond yep.
This militia loon thinks the “Greatest Enemy of Mankind is US Government land management agencies!
Not Al Qaeda
Not the worst Mexican Zeta drug cartels
All those groups routinely torture and behead people. No this loon thinks US Land Management Agencies that charge fees to fat arse ranchers using Federal Lands and who are trying to balance the needs and interests of environmentalists, fishermen, hunters with ranchers – well they are …
“Greatest Enemy of Mankind”
%&*#*@ loons.
I haven’t followed this story whether it was the original one or the latest development. It is way out West.
“I haven’t followed this story whether it was the original one or the latest development. It is way out West.”
I respond:
More like way out in Left field loon land. Some related militia loons sent AR 14 armed militia men out to Ferguson MO to protect the BlackLivesMatter protesters/looters who were supposedly endangered by government police state forces. I actually had this argument with some young Libertarian loon aide to Sen. Rand Paul back when Rand Paul as riding high, Time Magazine cover boy “The most interesting man in politics”.
The Western states have produced these types of confrontations for over twenty years now. All the land out there is owned by the feds.
I’m enjoying it.
The Hammond’s look like they are being punished as Kulak.
The Bundy Family are Kulak verging on Cossack.
It’s also a very western thing as well. These folks are Cowboys and Desperado types and that’s their mythos. They should go heavy on the Stetsons and revolvers and the Americana.
Bless ’em All.
No Jack, the fuckfaces who promised to distribute Ar15s to niggers in Ferguson have denounced Bundy. Okay? Got that?
My understanding is that the Hammonds Family have a farm up the a particular valley in Oregon that became a refuge for birds. Around 30 ranchers were systematically pushed out of bought out by the FWS and BLM to make room for a reserve that TR started.
The family bought the land in the 60s and the EPA BLM and FWS have used every trick in the book to push out cattle ranchers there. Flooding, fines, ordinances. The refuge building at Malheur is directed by the husband of the state BLM manager. It all looks like a cosy sinecure and aggradizing land grab to me.
The simple numbers of protesters involved indicates that a lot of farmers get fucked in exactly the same way by exactly the same appointed commissars of the environment.
Those who are serious Southern nationalists understand that we seek a commonweal. The well-being of all Southerners includes protection of the environment that can only be achieved by government. Bundy was stealing grazing on public land. That makes him a punk. Supporting Third World immigration to make a buck also makes him a punk. Jack Ryan is correct. This is not Lexington and Concord.
The Oath Keepers were protecting certain vulnerable individuals and businesses from rioters, not protecting rioters.
Incidentally, the Oath Keepers aren’t involved in this Oregon thing.
Countenance writes:
“Incidentally, the Oath Keepers aren’t involved in this Oregon thing.”
I respond:
Were these folks related to “The Promise Keepers” of the early 90s?
Anybody remember them? They used to pack college football stadiums and get White Judeo X’tian men to cry for their sins of racism. It was apparently started by the daughter of the coach of the University of Colorado football team that was a serious mud shark cole burner “dating” the Black football players on University of Colorado. Somehow they weren’t doing so well off the playing field and, well it must have been about racism of supposedly Conservative Judeo Christians.
These things all seem to feel related – all the problems in America, in the world were supposedly because we got away from the true intent of the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Judeo Christian Bible and we became Liberal or racist or some other sin that we all must pack football stadiums or mega churches and pray and cry together.
And then…
We go off and bomb the Serbs.
Hey Bundy Militia folks, hey Oath Keepers, hey Promise Keepers –
Jesus wants you to stop being a complete ***** idiot!
Central American Aztek Amer-Indian gang bangers ain’t “Spanish”.
Anybody else notice that the Japanese don’t have any of these problems? None.
Jack Ryan, You are not one of us. The fact that you believe there are “honest” liberals and environmentalism is anything but an NWO scam tells me you are not one of us. I’m not sure if you’re a jew, but you might as well be. You aren’t fooling anyone at this point and you might as well just give it up now, bitch. Cliven Bundy is an American and YOU’RE NOT. JUST SHUT UP and GO AWAY FOOL.
I’ve lived in these desert regions. The local population is and always has been heavily Hispanic, heavily Indio.
Bundy is a land owner in a region that has an organic and legitimate preexisting brown population. Many cattle ranchers there in Arizona, a NM and Nevada are Hispanic. I know what he means in principle.
Jack, the flood of Mexicans and Central Americans in recent years is a separate issue. Bundy has probably hired Caballeros and highly skilled cattle men and horse men. So what? That’s a feature of the southwest.
“Bundy is a land owner in a region that has an organic and legitimate preexisting brown population. Many cattle ranchers there in Arizona, a NM and Nevada are Hispanic. I know what he means in principle.
Jack, the flood of Mexicans and Central Americans in recent years is a separate issue. Bundy has probably hired Caballeros and highly skilled cattle men and horse men. So what? That’s a feature of the southwest.”
I respond:
Bundy’s insane, treasonous comments about Mestizo, Amer-Indian Azteks being “Spanish” with supposedly better family values that White Anglo Americans – these comments speak for themselves.
How does Cliven Bundy/Bundy militia feel about mass Muslim male migration to Europe this year other years? Does he/they also think that’s a good idea, good for America? Does he think Saudi, Pakistani Muslim “students’ like Mohamed Ata should continue to flood in to the USA. Trump thinks it’s a terrible policy and will end it Day 2 of a Trump presidency. Does Cliven Bundy also think mass Muslim immigration is good for America? Good for Merry Old England? Has Ol Cliven Bundy and the Bundy affiliated Constitutionalist militia types – have they read about the sexual grooming scandals in England, old Muslim men gang raping poor English girls? Do they even read anything of importance beside the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Judea X’tian Bible? How does he feel about that? Does he even know about that? Does he care?
I pretty much know the answers to all these questions – and that’s why I featured old and out of it Cliven Bundy along with second term Ronald Reagan in this post about “Fools and Traitors on the Conservative Right”.
The pathetic fact that most all the other White Anglo ranchers in the Southwest think and do the same traitorous, selfish stupid things as Ol Cliven, well that’s a poor defense.
Countenance I understand that a group of Infowars sponsored Oath-y Keepers were discussing distribution of 50 Ar15 to Dindus in FerGaza.
Bundy probably can’t see much past his own class and occupation.
He’s turned Range Wars into an ideology. It’s an interesting white subculture.
It’s not like I’m going to go rude shot gun with his posse though.
“Bundy probably can’t see much past his own class and occupation.”
I respond:
I doubt if Cliven Bundy and his crew can see much of anything past 1980.
Want to bet he and his militia are still obsessed with the Reagan Conservative obsessions to
Wanna bet ol Cliven and the anti environmentalist militia think Vladimir Putin and Anna Kournikova and all healthy, good looking Russian women are part of the…
What a bunch of idiots.
jack ryan
‘Bundy’s insane, treasonous comments about Mestizo, Amer-Indian Azteks being “Spanish” with supposedly better family values that White Anglo Americans – these comments speak for themselves.’
Squat invaders having better family values is a ridiculous lie. The best that can be said is that they are a pestilence not quite as destructive as negros.
Our prisons are loaded with those supposed ‘natural conservatives’ who enrich us in so many ways.
Nearly All of the World’s 50 Most Violent Cities Were in Latin America in 2014
Forty-three of the world’s 50 most violent cities in 2014 were in Latin America, and all but three were in the Western Hemisphere among cities not considered war-zones, a new report says.
The murder capital of the world is once again San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where 171 people were killed for every 100,000 residents last year. For the fourth consecutive year, the city ranked highest in murders worldwide, according to a report released Monday by a Mexico-based policy research center.
The second and third places on the 2014 list are Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, and the resort city of Acapulco, Mexico.
Caracas and Acapulco switched spots between 2013 and 2014, but the world’s three most violent cities remain unchanged since the previous list, which annually counts murders per 100,000 residents in metropolitan regions not deemed war-zones.
Brazil had the most cities on the list published by the Citizen Council on Public Security and Criminal Justice: 19 in total, leading by northeast city João Pessoa, in the fourth spot after Acapulco. The Brazilian cities of Maceió, Fortaleza, and São Luís followed in sixth, eighth, and tenth place overall.
Ten cities in Mexico made the most-violent list, and all of them except for Acapulco and 50th place Cuernavaca are located in the country’s north — Culiacán, Ciudad Juarez, Ciudad Obregón, Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Victoria, Chihuahua, and Tijuana. -snip-
What’s the difference between this little protest in Oregon and the Occupy movement?
While I am happy to concede that Bundy is about as inconvenient as the Westboro Baptists (he is harmful to the general message) I see these particular ranchers (the Hammonds) as persecuted.
At least some people in their sub-cultural fght pup is willing to protest the fact that they have been banged up twice for a single “crime”.
Fght pup should be GROUP.
What is the difference between Bundy’s Posse and a Cossack Horde?
Not much. I wonder if Bundy is Antisemitic?
Thanks so much Sam.
it just seems like basic common sense that a sane, healthy White Anglo American doesn’t want our country to become as bad as the worst slums in San Paulo Brazil or the Zeta Cartel terrorized border towns on the Mexican side of Texas, or Algerian, Algerian Arabs in France slums – but some how this obvious “us” vs “them” gets lost on the Constitutionalist, Libertarian loon crowd.
I’m sure the Bundy militia is now doubling down that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, artist, leader of a socialist workers party and they are now taking on all the liberal, environmentalists in the Fed land management community because….
They are fighting Hitler!
Oh dear.
Have they said anything about Nazis?
They keep their rhetoric tight. I’d be surprised if they did talk about Nazis.
Communism otoh…
There is an awful lot of nitpicking about what might or might not be the idealogical motivations of the militia.
You could do this to any cause in any time in history, as their has never been a perfect cause.
I’ll say one thing for them : unlike most, they are not too self-absorbed or too frightened to put their lives and well-being on the line for what they believe to be the values of this country.
I respect and honour that; and wish there was more of it.
1. The Bundy case and the Hammond case are different – making it all about the Bundys is dishonest.
2. “It’s not like intelligent White ranchers can’t work with responsible White environmentalists to do positive things…”
I’d say it’s pretty clear the environmentalists have been trying to drive out the ranchers for years for particularly stupid reasons.
I don’t think there’s a clear cut answer here. The Hammond’s case looks like a clear cut example of FedGov anarcho-tyranny which ought to be supported. On the other hand the timing of the occupation is too perfect for Obama’s gun control speech.
Maybe attack FedGov’s ethnic cleansing while staying neutral over the occupation?
“Maybe attack FedGov’s ethnic cleansing while staying neutral over the occupation?”
I respond:
That’s pretty good advice, but I’m afraid others – most notably the TV publicity hunting occupiers and the Obummer Admin and really the entire Lib Leftist social warrior world, not just in the USA are going jump all over this as the Left team hasn’t had a winning morality case since the fall of Apartheid. All of the other Good (Blacks, non Whites, Social Justice warriors) vs evil – Bad (Conservatives, White racists) turned out to be hoaxes – Trayvon Martin, Ferguson MO, BlackLivesMatter etc. Well now the international Left social justice warriors finally have a winning issue, conflict:
Selfish, environment destroying all White ranchers breaking the laws, threatening people with guns, behaving like ISIS terrorists. The Left even has an effective word for them
Take another look at the Conservative Treehouse they are digging up information on the Prosecutor and her “stalky” behavior. She’s actually lost her job over chasing a co-worker. The investigative team over there quickly figure out what is behind the curtain.
There is also pretty strong evidence that these ranchers are being targeted by BLM for eviction and expulsion. The Gunmen, yeah whatever, do appear to have been pushed to the wall here.
Stay safe out there.
“Take another look at the Conservative Treehouse they are digging up information on the Prosecutor and her “stalky” behavior. She’s actually lost her job over chasing a co-worker. The investigative team over there quickly figure out what is behind the curtain.”
Okay, that was pretty laugh-out-loud funny. No situtational awareness, eh “Capt John”?
There is no “investigative team” over at CTH anymore. If you paid attention, you would clearly see that the original group, who were so instrumental in keeping Zimmerman from the gallows, have dissipated. Mark Ivor Bradman, aka “Sundance” writes in the “Royal We” to give himeelf an air of gravitas while recycling shit he steals elsewhere. Rumor is when he tried to dig up the goods on the Virginia Pilot story he got his nut sack smashed by the Fedgoons and has been a Fedgoon shill ever since. Once you understand that, you understand which stories are given prominence over there. Most of the remaining commenters are morons who complain all the time about the site running slowly. And why is that? Because of all the tracking software running which tracks, collates and sells your info long after you’ve left the site, and “Sundance” collects a vig for facilitating the honeypot in addition to his other “income”. How does a failed former supermarket clerk go from losing his house in foreclosure to then suddenly living in a swank beachfront home? You do the math.
Try following some of the original founders of that blog now, and read what they’re writing about and what they’re up to. They’re actually working on some bigtime stuff. Oh – and their sites aren’t slowed down to the rate of molasses, either. Hmmm….
Oh that’s just rich Jack. Which Tom Clancy Jack are you anyway? Is it Harrison Ford or Alec baldwin? BLM is ISIS America.
Nice try with telling Americans to cooperate. Hows the weather in Tel Aviv? I hear there’s a storm coming.
I forgot who here on OD made this great observation.
Leftist Democrats think and act as if it is always 1963 in Selma Alabama
Repubilcans think and act as if it is always 1980.
Go read some political, cultural magazines from 1980 – especially Conservative magazines. The 1980 Reagan Conservatives were focused on fighting
The Russians
Government regulation especially regulation of the environment
Freeing up business to hire and fire whom they wanted, attacking unions
Rugged individualism was the focus, Blacks and other non Whites were only a problem because they were tied up with government welfare programs, they had to be unleashed in a free market
Fast forward 35 years and these Cliven Bundy militia folks seem to be pretty much doing the 1980 thing. Wanna bet they have videos on VHS tape of the movie Red Dawn where patriotic rancher kids from Oregon and Montana fight a guerrilla war against invading evil empire – The Russians?
I wish someone would remake that movie and I could have a small role as the White American guy who collaborated with the Russians after (a very short interrogation) by KGB agent Anna Kournikova wearing a sexy outfit and French perfume.
I am asking OD readers/commenters to step back and accept the main point of my blog:
1 – Not all the enemies of Southern people, White Americans are Liberals, Leftists – I am calling out the treasonous comments and actions of certain White (non Jewish) Americans associated with Conservative causes – especially selfish Agribusiness owners (Tyson Foods Donny Smith, Onion King of Georgia) who exploit non White, cheap labor, neo slaver labor.
2. Just because some White American shares some issues with you/us, that doesn’t mean he is on our side in live or die racial reality issues like mass 3rd world immigration, Black crime/anarchy.
Just look who won the last few GOP Presidential primaries in the most Conservative, race realist state South Carolina:
1988: George H. W. Bush won with 49%, defeating runner-up Bob Dole.
1992: George H. W. Bush won with 67%, defeating runner-up Pat Buchanan.
1996: Bob Dole won with 45%, defeating runner-up Pat Buchanan.
2000: George W. Bush won with 53%, defeating runner-up John McCain.
2004: Uncontested (Bush was the incumbent president and was re-nominated).
2008: John McCain won with 33%, defeating runner-up Mike Huckabee.
2012: Newt Gingrich won with 40%, defeating runner-up Mitt Romney.
Here’s one of the best analysis of the Oregon rebellion:
The main point seems to be that locals want the huge amount of Federal land to be privatized for mining rights. There isn’t big $s in cattle ranching anymore. Liberals/Leftists in Washington, East Coast also liberals in Portland, OR cities don’t like Right Wing Conservative Whites in rural areas, don’t want them to get stuff, prefer land is a big environmental no go zone.
There’s no need to lecture us on the traitors in our midst. You’re preaching to the choir. We know about the cucks. Call them out on the liberal and neo-conservative blogs.
The metizo factor in this is a minor side story. The Feds, like any big government, are bullies and once again they’ve overstepped the boundaries of reason.
What’s happening out west is happening all over the country. they are doing exactly the same thing the south did in 1861 in crude form and on a smaller scale. those people are learning to be as anti-Fed as we Southerners are and you attack THEM and side with the Feds. I can only assume by your bizarre stance that you also would have sided with the british empire in 1776.
which would make perfect sense . you come from the imperial russian tradition. your sensibilities and tradition are not only totally alien to ours. it is anathema. Southerners and regular Amerixans demand self-rule. Not by king, emperor, dictator, board member, oligarch, or otherwise.