Ted Nugent Names The Jew

Are you outraged?


Yeah, me neither.

The cucks at National Review are pretty upset though:

“Ted Nugent should resign from the board of the National Rifle Association. And if he does not, he should be pushed from his position. This week, in the course of “defending” the right to keep and bear arms, Nugent enthusiastically shared a choice piece of anti-Semitic propaganda. Then, shamefully, he refused to acknowledge or to address his mistake. If Nugent wants to behave like a fool, that is, of course, his prerogative. But he must do so in quarantine, a long, long way from the rest of us …”

Nugent’s response: “Eat me.” It’s a Trump world now and no one cares anymore what some little bow-tied, tassel loafered faggot who writes essays for a mainstream conservative magazine thinks.

Note: Remember, Charles C.W. Cooke wants us to think twice before condemning pedophiles.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Hitler had some good ideas, never gassed anyone in spite of the thousands of lies which dance within your head, and you are a jewish racial supremacist idiot, AND THEREFORE YOU ARE A BIGOT.

      The only thing Hitler did which you do not like is tossing the central bank. That is the whole issue behind the so-called “Jewish problem”, which actually is not a Jewish problem, it is a CENTRAL BANKER PROBLEM.

      Jews are being used by central bankers as straw man victims in order to promulgate a long running world wide counterfeiting operation. That is all it is. Therefore, HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ANYONE OF RACISM OR ANTISEMITISM!

      • That is probably too much truth all at once for most of the low-info GOP folks, who believed what they read.in their HS and college history books.

  1. ‘It’s a Trump world now and no one cares anymore what some little bow-tied, tassel loafered faggot who writes essays for a mainstream conservative magazine thinks.’

    Most excellent.


    I do not feel it is any more unfair to call out the Jewish community for wishing to disarm the populace, than it is to call out the black community for being slothful, or the white community for being feckless, or the Hispanick community for being illegal, or the Moslem community for being unpredictably murderous.

    I have always benefitted by looking hard at what my criticks have had to say about me, or my endeavours, and, ultimately, that led me to overcome my scoundrely youth and become someone whom some feel blesst to call a family or church member, or just plain friend.

    Calling out bad or dangerous behavior, either in an individual or in a group, is NOT the same thing as wishing people dead for just being born.

    It deeply shames me that so many who share my blood work, either
    purposefully, or un- to undermine the sovereign rights of peoples around
    the world. As a Tarheel Confederate I believe deeply in the God-given
    right of all peoples to be sovereign on their lands and to defend
    themselves against oppression – either from their government or from

    On the other hand, I am also deeply ashamed by the overwhelming preponderance of my white brothers & sisters, either in Europe or of European descent, who seem to care so little for protecting their freedoms and heritage, and who dishonour their forbears, who created the greatest civilization in recorded history, bar none. I cannot respect anyone who does not respect themselves – any more than I can respect diabolical usurpers.

    Humanity is in a crisis – I feel it in my veins.

  3. The Jewish Gun Grabbers want to make YOU the Outlaw…

    These are a few Gun Grabbers in the U.S. who seek to control OUR GUNS, INTERNET, SPEECH, and foment WARS and bring Immigrates into our Nations…

    Bernie Sanders, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Al Franken, Chuck Schumer, Loretta Weinberg, Rahm Emanuel, Michael Bloomberg, Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin, Barbara Boxer, Ron Wyden, Ben Cardin, Michael Bennet, Brian Schatz, Richard Blumenthal, Henry Waxman, Sander Levin, Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Jerrold Nadler, Bradley Sherman, Janice Schakowsky, Susan Davis, Steve Israel, Adam Schiff, Allyson Schwartz, Steve Cohen, John Yarmuth, Jared Polis, Theodore Deutch, David Cicilline, Alan Grayson, Lois Frankel, Brad Schneider, Alan Lowenthal.

    Ted Nugent’s courageous statement about Jewish leadership being gun-grabbers has now caused millions to research the issue themselves! Good!

    We must shine the light on these people, and send them scurrying away.

  4. Pure gold:
    “It’s a Trump world now and no one cares anymore what some little bow-tied, tassel loafered faggot who writes essays for a mainstream conservative magazine thinks.”

  5. I actually think we are at the point where you can gently but forcefully interject against the Tikkun Olam fraud.
    At some point near the swarm’s crescendo of hate say, “look I love and admire the jewish people and what they have accomplished in the face of adversity, but my point is I have to point out evil being committed by misguided at best people.”
    Ted is a very, very smart man, way smarter than his public persona first tells you, we will see how this plays out.
    Those of us stuck on the 1960’s Commander Rockwell script please take it out back and burn it.

  6. Yeah but it s a narrow rant – that Jews are mostly all liberals, don t like guns and aren’t like the proud fighting Jewish people in Israel. Everything would be A OK with Ted Nugent if more Jewish people became new Conservatives, Neo Conservatives – supporting the Christian Zionist religious right.

    I remember Ted Nugenet getting all exciting about the US wars against Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

    Ol Ted Nugent led enthusiastic crowds of patriotards by shooting a figure dof Saddam Hussein with his cross bow.

    Ted Nugent was always an entertainment act , like a WWF fake wrestling act. White Americans in Red States usually go for this act like Sargent Slaughter. Looks like Ted Nugent s act is about to get cancelled.

  7. Republican front runners, European prime ministers and the NRA are more likely to speak honestly than are race realists and counter-jihadists.

    The “far right” is a laughable controlled opposition, solely because our “leaders” were weak enough to allow their Jewish “friends” to completely set the agenda.

    If Whites Americans need non-White allies domestically, we should do our utmost to cultivate good relations with Blacks and American Indians – after all, they have as much blood and soil right to this land as we do. If Whites need non-White allies internationally, we should do our utmost to cultivate good relations with Shiite Muslims, secular Arab nationalists and Michel Aoun’s faction of Middle Eastern Christians – after all, they are threatened by the same Jewish and Sunni Muslim enemies that threaten us.

    Under no circumstances should we allow Jews to make our decisions for us or see sensitive membership lists.

    If they truly want to help, they should make large financial donation with no strings attached. They can also use their Jewish privilege to take actions which would be counter-productive if undertaken by Whites. Every people needs to take out its own trash. Stauffenberg understood this.

    • And how 2% of the population owns 90% of all the US media. And 85% of all the banks, including the Feral Reserve (sic). How can 2% of the population have 33% of the seats on the US Supreme Court? And that same 2% has 70% of the non-elected positions of power in the US government.

      But people are waking up, once again, like they have for thousands of years, and I sense that a “never again” moment is about to happen again.

  8. ‘ Nugent enthusiastically shared a choice piece of anti-Semitic propaganda. Then, shamefully, he refused to acknowledge or to address his mistake. If Nugent wants to behave like a fool, that is, of course, his prerogative. But he must do so in quarantine, a long, long way from the rest of us …’

    He did not make a mistake. Even if he did, so what? Who are these cucks to demand someone be quarantined for voicing opinions differing from theirs.

    • Yes. They are here, as they were with Derbyshire.

      They don’t address the substance of the issue. Their response is identical to that of a cold-blooded liberal. If it walks like a duck…

  9. Where is the propaganda in Nugent’s statements of facts?? There are Jews that believe Jews have the right to bear arms. There aren’t any Jews who believe us filthy disgusting goyim have any right to bear arm, any right to self defense or any right at all. To the Jew mind we are on this earth to serve the Jews. We are their beast of burden. We are nothing but stupid animals.

  10. NRO, ‘this far, no further’ after 50 years of societal revolution and upheaval.

    Except of course when it comes to virtuous pedophiles, in that case can’t we just progress and open our hearts a little?

  11. Another day and another purge over at NRO. What else is new?

    I decided to do some light trolling over at NRO. I pointed to some articles in mainstream Jewish publications stating that Jewish politicians/organizations was leading the charge on gun control. The ban hammer immediately came down.

    • NRO’s own Thomas Sowell has repeatedly asked over the years in umpteen articles, “Do facts matter?”

      Of course, this is always directed at the Left, but I wonder if maybe they shouldn’t ask this same question of themselves.

      • You’re right. These so called intellectual webzines have absolutely no intellectual honesty at all. Take American Thinker as another example. While they were promoting a warlike with Iran I posted a link to the National Intelligence Estimate (compiled by the FedGov’s 16 intelligence agencies) that stated that Iran didn’t have an active nuclear weapons program. The result was the moderator deleted all my comments. There couldn’t be any facts that contradicted their propaganda. The truth counts for zilch at Conservatism Inc.

        • And five minutes after censoring your comments – none of which broke any posted forum rule – they’ll be back to complaining that liberals want to censor their speech.

        • No surprise there. American Thinker is 100% kikeservative. Still, there are plenty of confused, misled whites there, so a trolling expedition or two can be worthwhile.

  12. So basically they’re ordering Nugent to go to the corner for ‘time out’ and some quiet time until he gets over his tantrum.

    At their heart, the cuckservatives are like scared old women, scolding and censuring the unruly real men on the Right.

    no one cares anymore what some little bow-tied, tassel loafered faggot who writes essays for a mainstream conservative magazine thinks.

    So true! BTW, that’s a great line. (Although, I have to say I love tassel loafers).

  13. Why wasn’t I invited to the swearing-in ceremony whereby NR was appointed General Manager of the Universe?

  14. Just keeps getting better and better! Good seeing people name the Jewish Supremacists. The eternal enemy of our People. Yes these Communists have always wanted our Guns and that will never change. You stop them by saying NO! WPWW !

  15. Ted didn’t “name the Jews.” He just named the core group of people who push for gun control in the USA. And it just so happens that they are Jews who believe Israel should have special privileges not granted to citizens of the USA. Hey, the bulk of organized gun control just so happens to be HEAVILY influenced by Jewish groups and money.

    See how that works?

      • I sent NR an email one time and got a very stupid one line nonsense reply from Jonah Goldberg, making it impossible to ever take them seriously again. Since then I have found that the rest of the world is catching on to that fact.

    • If you post any truth about the “chosen ones” NYT, Washington Post, etc. will be banned in no time or you will see your post but will stop having negative replies. Then you use a different browser and you will see your post is not there. Jews are tricky!

      • They’ve got their tentacles all through Disgust and Yahoo as well. Due to that it is very difficult to impossible for me to make posts on some sites.

        They’ll delete my posts, or delete them for a day and then try to ridicule them, etc etc.

        All of this is serious crime that they are engaged in. It is patently illegal surveillance as well as serious unlawful interference with interstate communications.

  16. “The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” – Joseph Goebbels

  17. This is not anti-Semitic at all!
    Ted Nugent discovered a very uncanny coincidence that all of these Jewish people do not like guns.

  18. Funny thing about Ted’s comments is they can’t deny they are true. Hopefully the greater majority will come to realize what a plague the tribe has been upon our society.

  19. Oh, my name is Irving Kristol

    And my son his name is Bill

    In my youth I followed Trotsky

    But in truth I follow him still

    But to say you are a Bolshevik

    Would fill the world with dread

    So please don’t call me a commie

    Call me a neocon instead

    Yes, we are the neoconservatives

    We rule the world says I

    And that dumb goy we call Georgie Boy

    Doesn’t understand how or why

    Oh we beat the wogs in Afghanistan

    The fun has just begun

    Comrade Trotsky would be proud to be

    Known as a neocon

    To Keep the goyim pacified

    While watching their TV

    We let them watch dumb Irishmen

    Like Comes and Hannity

    Bill O’Reilly and Chris Matthews

    They will lick our boots and sigh

    But to run the New World Order

    No dumb Irish need apply

    David Frum can excommunicate

    Paleocons from National Review

    For to be a neoconservative

    Is to be one of a chosen few

    Oh, we’re marching into Syria

    The fun has just begun

    Comrade Trotsky would be proud to be

    Known as a neocon

    Comrade Trotsky and Podhoretz

    Both believe in perpetual war,

    And ever since Norman won World War III

    He’s calling this World War IV

    David Brooks and Comrade Trotsky

    Both believe in one world class

    And if you don’t want to be bourgeoisie

    You can kiss David’s middle-class ass

    Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson

    Support us on TV

    While waiting to be raptured

    Into pre-eternity

    Oh, we’re marching into Syria

    The fun has just begun

    Comrade Trotsky would be proud to be

    Known as a neocon

    Hammurabi’s tablets got busted

    During the looting in Iraq

    But we’re marching into Syria

    Behind George Bush’s back

    They’ve got weapons of mass destruction

    They got ’em from Saddam Hussein

    They’ve got weapons of mass destruction

    Let’s all say it once again

    They’ve got weapons of mass destruction

    Oh, believe me, please believe

    If you want to know just where they are

    They’re hidden in Tel Aviv

    Oh, we’re marching into Syria

    The fun has just begun

    Comrade Trotsky would be proud to be

    Known as a neocon.

  20. excellent ted nugent, i agree with you 100%, you are right on man, don’t let this ziojews try to convince you, they are the ones who are pushing for gun control, and yet their buddies in israel are killing children as we speak

  21. Perhaps Bill (get a rope) Kristol might fill you all in over there at the National Zio-review, as to what the word on the street really is, when it comes to you dirty rats.

  22. Jew nose in your heart that when Ted was a kid trying to get his musical career off the ground that he met the same kind of Jews that Travolta met, so he has every right to hate the Sheeny bastids. Jew nose it and I nose it.

  23. Finally Mr. Nugent has awakened to the enemy .Its not ” Nazis ” a( Hitler liberalized gun ownership ,and drivers licenses ) ” Fascists ” ,Reptiles ” ,or ” Left/Right ” false choices …its the ” Jews”.
    Bravo Ted,and don’t back down.

  24. ha ha ha JEWPUKE here’s the deal YOU PUT TROOPS ON the STREET
    I WILL PUT THEM IN COFFINS…plain and simple

  25. “anti-Semitic propaganda”
    “his mistake”
    “behave like a fool”

    But is it true?
    That they don’t address.

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