Cuckservatives: Trump, Tubmans, and Tranny Restrooms

David French, a literal cuckservative, has a new article up at National Review in which he attacks Trump on Harriet Tubman, abortion, and tranny restrooms:

Tranny Restrooms


“First, at a time when North Carolina conservatives are under attack from progressive corporations and a hysterical media simply because they reserved men’s restrooms for men and women’s restrooms for women, Trump threw them under the bus. He essentially told Tar Heel State Republicans that the issue was no big deal and that they should give in to heavy-handed corporate pressure …”

Within 24 hours, Trump clarified his position on the issue: it should be left up to the states and the federal courts shouldn’t intervene.

It is up to #TruConservative governors and state legislatures to address this issue. Just three days ago, the tranny restroom bill in Tennessee was killed by pressure from Gov. Haslam and Big Business. Earlier this year, Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed a similar bill in South Dakota. Similar bills have been introduced and killed in Wisconsin, Virginia, Indiana, Washington and Kentucky while some are pending in other states. In South Carolina, the #TruConservative Gov. Nikki Haley has come out against the bill.

Republicans have unified control over at least 20 state governments. Why haven’t the #TruConservatives there passed religious liberty laws or transgender bathroom bills? Why didn’t the #TruConservatives bashing Trump care about this issue just three days ago when Republicans in Tennessee killed their own bill?


“Second, when presented with the chance to influence Republican policy on life, he decided to push it to the left. He told NBC that he would “absolutely” support watering down the human-life plank in the Republican party’s platform by explicitly carving out exceptions in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother.”

The great outcry here from #TruConservatives is over three exceptions which combined apply to less than 7 percent of abortions. 19 percent of the public believes abortion should be illegal under all circumstances. For the last 40 years, 51 percent of the public has believed it should be legal only under certain circumstances.

Harriet Tubman vs. Andrew Jackson

“Third, when Trump was confronted with a choice between one of American history’s most heroic Republicans and one of this country’s worst Democratic presidents — a man who, ironically enough, opposed paper money — for the redesigned $20 bill, Trump, of course, chose the Democrat. He called the decision to place Harriet Tubman on the front of the bill “pure political correctness.” …”

Among other things, it was terrible Democrats from Thomas Jefferson to Franklin Pierce who were responsible for the Louisiana Purchase (1803), the annexation of Florida (1819), the annexation of Texas (1845), the acquisition of Oregon Territory (1848), the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo (1848), and the Gadsden Purchase (1853). It was those evil, terrible Democrats who won the West and much of the South.

Andrew Jackson, of course, played a pivotal role in “Making America Great” in the first place. He fought in the American Revolution. He won the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. He defeated the Creeks at Horseshoe Bend in retaliation for the Fort Mims Massacre. His invasion of Spanish Florida led directly to the annexation of Florida in the Adams-Onis Treaty – Jacksonville, FL was named in his honor.

As president, Jackson deported the Five Civilized Tribes to Oklahoma under the Indian Removal Act, thereby opening much of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia to White settlement. The ground underneath my feet and the soil on which I was born and raised in East Alabama is just one part of Andrew Jackson’s legacy. He also recognized the Republic of Texas and paid off the national debt. Jackson’s heir, James K. Polk, who was known as “Young Hickory,” doubled the size of the United States.

A Southern Nationalist can take issue with parts of Jackson’s legacy – his actions in the Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833, for example – while finding far more to admire. In terms of his impact, Andrew Jackson was unquestionably one of the great men of American history. Harriet Tubman, however, was a marginal figure who was rescued from obscurity by revisionist historians engaged in affirmative action.

These little cuckservative worms taking shots at Andrew Jackson – who are incapable of even defending women’s restrooms from the likes of Wanda on In Living Color – are unworthy of shining General Jackson’s shoes.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Third, when Trump was confronted with a choice between one of American history’s most heroic Republicans and one of this country’s worst Democratic presidents — a man who, ironically enough, opposed paper money — for the redesigned $20 bill, Trump, of course, chose the Democrat.

    LOL! These cucks are total sellouts. They should be ashamed to call themselves men.

    • These dumb bastards actually see party affiliation as a real tribal thing. Or they act that way.

      Even if the GOP itself didn’t exist in Jackson’s time they still can’t see a time before the Koran I mean the Lincoln Douglas debates made America holy.

  2. The Consolidation and Convergence of the state regarding equal rights is making it impossible to have nation.

      • AIDS was sometimes called the 4-H disease before it had a real name. The Hs stood for the four identified risk groups
        Heroin users
        recipients of Hemo-derivatives
        Actually, if somebody is motivated enough (I’m not feeling it right now) he could probably calculate the down low percentage based on the different rates of various STDs in both whites and blacks, since AIDs is so unlikely to be passed from woman to man like Herpes or other STD.
        Maybe compare the AIDS:other STDs ratio between whites and blacks.
        But different immune systems between whites and blacks could be a confounder.

    • Negroes are just like animals if you put two of them in a cage, they’ll eventually be fighting and jumping on each other’s backs. Just ask anyone who worked in a Prison, two white inmates can be together in a cell and nothing sexual happens, two Negroes will be going at it in a short time. In Ghetto slang it’s called helping a brother along meaning its okay in prison for one brother
      to help a brother out sexually

  3. As I showed before in a previous post, Andrew Jackson actually saved the Five Civilized Tribes by removing most of them into the west where they preserved their nations for years. He actually prevented a genocide, he didn’t cause one. It wasn’t like in 1838 we had trains and interstates to haul the Cherokee to Oklahoma.

    It wasn’t as if all of them left either. Hundreds of them in very isolated areas remained behind, many of them like the Creeks and Cherokees wandered north along the Appalachians deep into the mountains. Many ended up in Eastern Ky, West Virginia, western Virginia and East Tenn not to mention North Carolina where they live to this day.

    General Andrew Jackson and General Zachary Taylor were two of Pre 1861 America’s most heroic war figures since Washington. General Jackson gave us hundreds of great men, including Sam Houston who served under him and most of the Texans in the Texas Republic did as well. General Taylor made General Jefferson Davis, who was briefly his son-in law and his Mississippi Rifles heroes.

    The only negatives of these two men were their extreme nationalistic viewpoints about the United States and their view that States were subordinate to the Union, instead of the Union existing at the Consent of the States. When Jackson died, he was universally loved in Tennessee and cursed in his birthplace of South Carolina. When Taylor died he was forgotten. His son Richard went on to be a famous Confederate officer in the Trans-Mississippi.

    John C. Calhoun was right all along.

  4. These are all side issues and keep us distracted from the main issue: White Genocide going on right under our noses everyday.

    • Trump wins when he discusses immigration, so they change the discussion and everyone chases their tail.

      • EXACTLY. I just got off the phone with a Trumpster, who was howling about the bathroom gaffe. I saw that interview when it happened; you could tell he was still burned by the abortion thing. I told this person to KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE GOAL. Don’t get distracted.

        • I really don’t want us to lose Trump because of bathrooms and abortion. If we do, we get Clinton or Cruz, which means (with either of them) more and bigger wars to make Israel happy, many more Third World immigrants, and larger trade deficits, job loss and deindustrialization.

          • I feel that Cruz would be pretty good on immigration. Sure, he’s an unlikable snake, but he is good on the border and visas.

          • Cruz is horrible on immigration. He wanted to increase Muslim immigration dramatically and quadruple H1B visas (all B. T. = Before Trump).

            He joined his friend Beck handing gifts to illegals at the border. He tried to add amendments to the Gang of Eight bill, not to kill it. Cruz now claims he killed the bill, although it passed the Senate and Sessions led the fight against it, not Cruz.

            He brought up a wall because it was a good issue for Trump. We never hear about it now.

            I don’t trust him.

    • Inability to draw and maintain clear lines against social equality is at the root of the problem. The color line was the first to go. Now the gender line is being erased.

      • Yes, and what is the percentage of the freak population involved? I’m 48 years old and I’ve only seen trannies in New Orleans and south St. Louis.

        • Apparently, stats put the Tranny population in America at about 700,000-750,000 people, but claim “probably much more” (because it’s not politically correct to point out they’re a micro-minority). Besides New Orleans and St. Louis, they seem to be over represented at Universities, specifically as English majors due to the strong emphasis that field has with social justice and gender theory classes. I was an English major and saw trannies all the time in that program. One was a big fat tranny. Thought it was a fat woman, but these trannies, for whatever reason, talk constantly about themselves and even discuss their mental illnesses like it’s nothing. Not joking. One tranny claimed to have multiple personality disorder. Another clinical depression, frequent suicide attempts. Another.. uh, I can’t remember, but it involved taking copious amounts of medication.

    • Actually… It can all be filed under:

      White Genocide

      “Diversity” and “Vibrancy” = Anti-White

  5. What a bunch of ridiculous jerks. Everything is collapsing and some people want to run a presidential campaign on public bathrooms.

  6. The left’s ruthless quest for power is destroying all standards of beauty, morality, justice you name it. Terry McAuliffe gave 206,000 felons the right to vote. The Democrats have given criminals a voice in the 2016 elections. There is a national movement to give felons voting rights. The argument by the proponents of voting rights for felons is that denying voting rights is unfair and racist because a disproporionate number of felons are blacks. The racist argument strikes cuckservatives. dumb. The cuckservatives keep sputtering “unconstitutional, unconstitutional” as though the left will allow legal niceties to stand in the way of their efforts to grasp power.

    • I don’t see why people are getting so exorcised over this.

      These are ,felons; criminals, convicted lawbreakers! Are we to believe that people who had no compunction about breaking the law where murder, rape, assault, burglary, etc. are concerned, suddenly obeyed the law prohibiting felons to vote?

      Allowing ex-cons to vote isn’t going to significantly change things one way or another. This is Democrat pandering to so-called “people of color,” the way that Republicans like to rah-rah Israel for the evangelical vote. They are going to support Israel anyway.


  7. Jackson’s story is the story of the Dixie Frontier, from the palisades of Jamestowne and Charlestowne, to the coast of California.

  8. The Cucks cannot even produce their own memes, they actually have to borrow from the Leftard Big Sisters. Of course that is always been a problem on the right, so desperate to sound like a college prof they forget how to be effective.
    You got no memes you got no effectiveness.

    • They are just the same faggoty Ivy League kids that just take the “center-right” position for the shekels and the LOLs.

      Is there any reason to hope for a society that chooses its aristocracy from 17 year olds that have their act together only because of immense parental investment (the application pool to the Ivies)?

      Once there it’s just networking and “playing defense”.

  9. Trump’s now saying that the LGBT bathroom issue is a state and local issue. In other words the courts will decide it—and we know were that goes.

    • We’ve all become weary of the unelected dictators. They are not the US Constitution, they are nine lawyers in skirts!

      • Three Jews ( and one more on deck) and 5 Catholics. Not one of them from the stock which founded this country.

        Of course, when a favored group is somehow “underrepresented” we’re all supposed to be intently aware of it and eager to make amends. But when there is serious over-representation we are supposed to ignore it.

  10. If identity is all about ‘culture’,


    if you learn about black American history, read black literature, eat ham hocks with greens, and sing black gospel…

    does that mean you are black American? You adopted the culture and may even know more about black american culture/history than most black americans do.

    If culture is all that counts, a Swedish-American who knows a lot about Richard Wright and blues music is more ‘black’ than a black American whose ancestors were slaves but who knows little of black american musical tradition and literature(and doesn’t like soul food). Who believes this?

    Well, they say is a black African goes to France and reads some Racine and eats croissant, he’s French.

    Yo, I’m a whitey but I read some James Baldwin and love rap. That makes me black, so gimme affirmative action.

    If anyone can be ‘German’, and if those Turks in germany are just as German as real Germans, are they ‘guilty’ of the Holocaust too?

    I mean if identity is so transmutable…

    • They have an answer for that- the offense of “cultural appropriation.” The first time I was made aware of that was when flipping the dials I saw some negroes complaining about Miley Cyrus “excising,” “commodifying” and “appropriating” the great black cultural achievement of twerking.

  11. I hope nobody here will take offense to the question that I’m about to ask. I’m an African race realist and I often wonder how white advocates can condone some of the actions of historical figures like Andrew Jackson. I don’t think I could ever be proud of someone who forcibly removed people from their homeland and transported them somewhere else against their will. I understand the imperative to revere one’s ancestors, but shouldn’t there be a limit? If I were white, I’d draw the line at morality.

    • No offense taken.

      Human history is the movement of peoples. Invasions, even exterminations, displacement and so forth.

      In recent times ethnic Germans were expelled from East Prussia, Pomerania, Sudetenland, Silesia, and other parts of Germany after the war. Native American nations pushed out rivals with violence (Comanches). It happened in Africa. Israel took over and expelled Palestinians. On and on.

      What date in history do we set as the end point of human history? All those living in a certain place at that date get to keep it forever?

    • All nations are created by immigration. All nations are destroyed by immigration. Like any animal we are subject to the laws of nature. If an animal loses its territory, it starves and dies.

      IDK the history of it, but one of the commenters here said there were ongoing vigilante attacks against the Indians in that area. If they were not moved to a safer area by Jackson, they would have been eradicated.

  12. How silly.

    Millennials. ‘Progressives’ might as well be called ‘Programics’ or ‘Programsters, the guinea pigs of globalist . They are programmed by homosexual-tranny agenda funded and promoted by Wall Street, Hollywood, Harvard, Las Vegas, Pentagon, and Silicon Valley. So easy to mold their putty minds.

    But then, “well-informed” ‘progressives’ think 25% of Americans are homosexual.

  13. The whole argument on this stupid fairies in the bathroom thing should be the federal courts have no jurisdiction over the state, the states are sovereign. The states control punishment of criminals, public schools, voting. The federal courts have no say so over it, this should have been the argument 60 years ago and they should have stuck to it. Unless it involves commerce, the federal courts have no jurisdiction. The states should start saying they are not complying with a corrupt and sinister court bureaucracy. This is what the conservative position should be, not to put ‘conservatives’ on the court and hope for the best. Marriage was re defined by five unelected, totally unaccountable, appointed for what usually amounts to life sick bureaucratic low lifes.


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