Live Thread: Democratic National Convention

Open thread.

11:17 PM

TFW you are promised a “Political Revolution” only to … Feel The BURN. Seriously though, this would be like having to swallow Donald Trump endorsing ¡Jeb! on national television.


3:51 PM

Dem Convention is already in chaos with massive boos from the floor and protesters trying to block delegates from entering the building. DNC just sent out an email sincerely apologizing to Sanders and his supporters. Bernie sent out a text urging calm.

1:34 PM

CNN/ORC poll finds an incredible 50% decline in Lyin’ Ted’s favorability rating with Republicans. Dumpster Fire!


1:31 PM

Bernie Bros are revolting!

12:51 PM

Trump is about to punk Bernie in 3 … 2 … 1

12:48 PM

DWS isn’t opening the convention. Rebellion is in the air!

12:43 PM

Bernie just got massively booed for trying to scare his delegates into supporting Hillary-Kaine.

11:52 AM

Avik Roy: Cuck intellectuals have been living in a bubble. White Nationalism is the beating heart of the “conservative base.”

9:30 AM

Wall Street is coming to Philadelphia to celebrate the Hillary-Kaine ticket behind the wall the DNC has erected to keep out the Sanders protesters! Only the top 1% and the billionaire class – and Bernie himself, who is going to be displayed tonight as a kind of trophy for Hillary’s triumph – are welcome inside. Perfect!

9:00 AM

The impact of Trump’s nationalist acceptance speech with White working class voters and independents in the Rust Belt is starting to become clear in the latest polls:


About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • France again, perhaps a bateau mouche on the Seine. Although it’s a Monday and that means the Kebabs are regrouping. New attacks likely beginning Wednesday, rising to 60% Thursday and definite bombings followed by a shower of machete attacks Friday.

      • Nah. France has been through enough recently. My bet goes to the UK. With the Brexit and the fact they haven’t been hit harshly by ISIS yet.

      • You got that right. Been browsing CNN? In all seriousness, a Japanese will never pledge allegiance to ISIS. On the other hand, not too bad for a mass stabbing to butcher ~20

    • I’m thinking America will be hit before the general election by a terror cell a la Paris and Bataclan attacks last November. ISIS and its crew spend their time twattering/Youtubing/Fakebooking it, everything they have carried out is almost always announced. The problem is we make tremoundous efforts not to listen to their threats.

  1. The Democrats have a veritable arsenal to unleash on Trump. Nominees always get a bump after the convention. Hopefully Clinton’s excessive succoring of BLM et al will be the lasting impression, because it’s that indulgence of anti-white more than anything that motivates the white working class vote for Trump.

  2. I wouldn’t scratch Illinois off the list just yet though I assume the virtue signaling white moderates might not warm to Trump to put him over the top. Illinois will elect the occasional republican statewide. I just don’t think there is much to virtue signal about anymore that doesn’t make a person look like a goof, and that is what virtue signaling is supposed to do inoculate you against looking stupid and backward.

    • Illinois problem is that Chicago like a fat blood sucking tick dominates the state politically and is full of Negroes. Take Chicago out of the equation you basically have a Republican State.

      • Downstate is D as well, its poor and on welfare, but its coal country and generally white. The last two goober elections the only two counties to go for the D were Sangamon and Cook counties and I think the government cronies in Springfield abandoned the D crooks the last time leaving Cook county.
        But I got sources in Chicago and if the election is not vital to their tribe the white run of the mill mopes will vote R, just not a Romney type. The last GOP to win a presidential election was Bush in 88 by one percentage point.
        Hillary selling anti-white racism will not be a big seller, and basically the coalition of the fringes is down to racist bigotry since they cannot turn upon their billionaire oligarch financeers with class warfare.

        • I looked at the maps and since Reagan in 1984 Illinois has varied between Democrat and Republican but only Bill Clinton in 1996 and Obama in 2008 managed to dominate the state. In fact Obama in 2012 though his vote percentage was a couple points higher than Clinton in 1996 he also didn’t have a strong Third Party Candidate like Ross Perot taking 8% of the share either. The odd part of 2012 is if you went solely by county number to delegate electors and not by popular vote, Illinois went to Romney.

          Ohio is the sad one because it is now under VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 supervision, if any Negro even complains of a hangnail pushing the voting machine buttons HERE COMES THE FEDS! This happened in part because of Nancy Pelosis bitch daughter Alexandra making a movie about Ohio practically accusing the state of barricading polling places and teargassing Negroes. THE JEW MEDIA OF COURSE FORWARDED THIS NARRATIVE. Nevermind the Secretary of State in 2004 was A NEGRO

  3. I clicked thru Drudge’s link about the fence photos and it had 4600 very negative comments about libtards.
    Now if those same people would direct their aim at libtards they personally know I think those libtards at this point could be demoralized.

    • Ya Cleveland was comparable to a fistfight at a High School Football Game when your school played the rival school that everyone hated.

  4. The problem here is what it was in 2008 and that is Negroes. Ohio’s liberal Republicans, to stave off Federal Lawsuits in 2005 extended voting to a month. In 2007 after a Democratic administration took over for four years, they voided much of the residency requirements and pushed provisional balloting which means ANYONE can show up at a poll ANYWHERE in the state and get a ballot.

    Ohio has tried in the past 8 years to roll back as much of these post-2005 laws back to their 2004 laws but Federal Judges blocked every attempt. What you literally have now is Ohio is under more Federal Supervision for Voting Rights violations than Alabama or Mississippi. Although technically only certain Southern States and parts of Florida and North Carolina in addition to Arizona and parts of California and Michigan were covered by Section 5 Federal Preclearance, most of the North wasn’t touched.

    I cannot understand how in 2013 Federal Preclearance was thrown out by the USSC yet Obama’s courts are trying to reinstate it through the backdoor and no one is talking about it. Ohio is the state where they are concentrating their efforts.

    • Worse. Everyone who donated to him could have used the cash to have fun, donate to a worthy Charity, give a gift to a loved one.

      He’s a chiseling fuckface.

    • Bernie is a JEW. That’s ALL you need to know, This is between Human and Jew (and their pet Orcs.)

    • This was true on Libya, obamacare, the insurance company bailout, and auditing the fed. I never had any doubt that Bernie would fold into the broader Jewish agenda.

    • They are clapped in irons and in the hold of a Corsair on route to the Istanbul’s Slave Mart.

    • A Jew is ALWAYS gonna JEW. And they are bringing in Uber Jew Michael Jewberg! Be still my NAZI heart! This gets better and better and better and better……………

      • I’m surprised that anyone is surprised. Bernie’s anti-1% crusade and his opposition to job-killing trade deals and corruption were always going to be less important to him than Black Lives Matter, amnesty, and Jewish concerns in general. As far as perpetual war, Bernie– like Code Pink– simply does not see the danger posed by Clinton.

  5. Jews are very smart when it comes to politics and morality.

    Politics is important, but even more so is the possessing the moral high ground, especially in the modern West.

    Politics is about power, but raw power isn’t enough. Power has to be justified.

    Since the beginning of history, those with raw power(military class) made an alliance with the clerical class. Thus, the power of might became associated with moral/spiritual righteousness.

    Without such ‘blessing’, power would only be about brutish might, about fear and intimidation.

    Such power could last only as long as one had the arms and loyal soldiers. Such power would not be based on real respect, admiration, and etc.

    This is why the dynastic power of the First Emperor of China was short-lived. He was all about fearsome power. He killed the Confucian scholars. His domain ruled by might and intimidation. And fright. Same can be said for Assyrians. They just ruled by terror and might. They were ruthless buggers, just like the later Huns. Huns rampaged and struck fear into the hearts of everyone. But there was no respect among those they conquered.

    In contrast, moral power means you don’t have to have the power of arms and might. Just the power of the word. And the power of word is especially effective in the Modern World where one is protected by Rule of Law and especially if one controls the Academia and Media(news and entertainment). The Rule of Law means that the military cannot suddenly move against you if you insult them and make aggressive moral claims. And control of media means that your righteous narrative comes to prevail over all.

    So, without firing a shot, Jews took over America. In the Russian Revolution, Jews had to take power through power of arms since there wasn’t much in the way of Rule of Law in autocratic or weak-parliamentary Russia, especially during Wartime. In the US, as Jews were protected by Anglo-American Rule of Law, they could make aggressive moral claims against Wasps and still be protected by law. And the military couldn’t move against them. Also, as Jews took over media and academia, their vision of history and morality and justice gain dominance.

    While white southern conservatives joined the military, Jews joined the academia, media, courts, and etc. And with their power of finance and economics, they were poised to take over the elite institutions. In the US, due to Rule of Law, the military must take orders from those with control over the word. Word orders the Sword.

    Jews mastered the Word while white southerners were mastering the sword.

    In a barbarian world or Leviathan world, the Sword has rule over the Word.

    Under Rule of Law, Word has rule over the Sword.

    But even Rule of Law wasn’t enough for Jewish dominance. After all, Law is supposed to be ‘blind’. It is not supposed to play favorites. It is supposed to be equal for all individuals. So, even as Rule of Law protected Jewish freedom and rights, it didn’t necessarily favor the Jews. After all, Rule of Law even protects the rights of KKK and Nation of Islam.

    For Jews to gain favoritism in the American system, they had to become sacralized while making their rivals demonized.

    Jews had to be promoted as a holy people while white gentiles were to be demoted as a wicked people… not least because they had done wrong to the holy Jews. So, the ONLY way whites could gain any redemption was by being servile to the holy Jews and making amends for… ever and ever and ever and ever.

    So, Jewish success and power depend not only money and might. Such are great assets but don’t justify the power. For the power to be justified and blessed, it has to be morally and spiritually sanctified while the power of the rivals must be demonized and cursed.

    Consider. The reason why Americans can freely badmouth Saudi power, Chinese power, Iranian power, and Russian power is because they are not sacralized in the Western Narrative. If a rich and powerful man was only seen as rich and powerful, he might be an object of admiration and/or envy, but he wouldn’t necessarily be seen as good and righteous.

    Because Jews are the most powerful and richest people, they are the natural targets of envy, resentment, suspicion, hostility, distrust, and righteous anger(as the rich and powerful have more means to harm the world). 1% vs the 99%.

    So, to protect themselves from criticism and competition, Jews have been dogged in their use of the art of sacralization and vilification. While Rule of Law protects Jewish freedom, rights, and property, it doesn’t protect Jews from criticism, rivalry, accusation, and moral condemnation. After all, Rule of Law guarantees freedom of speech for all, even for ‘anti-semites’ like David Duke.

    In order for Jews to silence critics and rivals, they must pervert the ‘blind’ Rule of Law as in the EU & Canada and effectively criminalize anti-Jewish speech(while allowing Jews to criticize, berate, and condemn native white gentiles).

    As freedom of speech is still protected by law in the US, Jews rely on the sacralization of their own identity & narrative and on the demonization of their perceived rivals and enemies to maximize their own power.

    With such taboos, it has been nearly impossible for anyone in mainstream channels to criticize or challenge Jewish power. In America, Jewishness = holiness. Badmouthing Jewishness is like sacrilege against God.

    Such being the case, it has been easy for Jews to destroy anyone just by pointing finger and saying ‘anti-semite’ and ‘racist’. Of course, Jews have morally paralyzed whites not only by sacralizing the Holocaust but even black slavery. Also, the Narrative says ALL WHITES must carry the burden of ‘white guilt’ for both Holocaust and Slavery. So, even Swedes and Greeks are responsible for the Holocaust and even recent Polish immigrants in the US are guilty of black slavery.

    But then, it is great for Jewish power. If Jews only targeted Germans with the Holocaust and only targeted southern whites for slavery, it was be less effective as tool against all white gentiles. It is no wonder that Jews erect Holocaust Memorials even in nations that bear NO HISTORICAL GUILT for it whatsoever.

    The Power of Word is most effective when one side sacralized while the other side(s) is demonized. After all, if Jews and White Christians are equally sacralized, both would feel equally righteous and morally proud. For Jews to have the advantage, they must own sacralization while the other side is smeared with demonization. (Jews now say that the ONLY WAY Christians can be half-way redeemed is by turning over their churches to homomania. So, Christians must adopt cultural decadence to be holy. It is like telling Alcoholics Anonymous that it must serve beer to be good.)

    Because Jews are sacralized as the holy people historically victimized by white Christians and the Holocaust, they are to be revered, respected, and worshiped. Because white gentiles have been tagged with ‘antisemitism’, ‘racism’, imperialism(never mind Jewish money funded much of Western imperialism), slave trade(never minds Jews played a role in this too), and etc. they are to be reviled, condemned, and dragged through the mud.

    Jews invoke historical justice to promote their Narrative, but it’s really about political control over their rivals. After all, Jews are always far more sensitive of the injustice of their enemies and rivals than their allies. We don’t see Jews get too tough on Saudi Arabia since it is a defacto ally of Israel. It really comes down to Moral Machiaveillianism.

    One of the things Jews FEAR MOST is the loss of moral righteousness. It is that Moral Card that allows Jews to get away with so much without facing criticism. As long as Jews are the holy people and white gentiles are the cursed people, the latter must serve the Jews just like sinful flock is supposed to serve God.

    I would argue that the MAIN REASON for Jewish hysteria about McCarthyism was not that things were really so bad at the time. They weren’t. Sure, some people got blacklisted but same happened to many during WWII when a whole bunch of suspected Nazi sympathizers were blacklisted or worse. Furthermore, there was the mass-‘internment’ of the Japanese, something Jewish Liberals were quiet about.

    The reason why Jews got so alarmed about McCarthyism and anti-communism is that they knew very well that, despite McCarthyite excesses, there were lots of evidence that a whole bunch of radical and fellow-traveling Jews had aided and abetted Stalin’s Empire. These agents went so far as to give Stalin, the killer of millions and occupier of Eastern Europe, the secrets to the atomic bomb. That means Jews = involvement in Communism… and that opens up a whole new cans of worms about Jewish communist role in the mass killings and destruction in the USSR. In other words, before Nazis did horrible things, European Jews had aided Stalin in doing horrible things that were comparable to Nazi crimes.

    Jews would have us believe that McCarthyism was terrifying cuz… uh… some folk singers and Hollywood writers were blacklisted for a few yrs. (These same Jews were silent about people actually being tortured and shot in Stalin’s empire.)

    In truth, Jews were terrified of McCarthyism because anti-communism had the power(if used intelligently) to take away Moral Sanctimony from the then-developing Jewish Narrative of Jewish Holiness. Anti-communism could connect Jews with communism. As WWII was over and The Cold War pitted US vs USSR, this was bad position for Jews to be in. So, Jews really shat when anti-communism became a huge issue. (If McCarthy had been smarter, he wouldn’t have gone after the US military, thereby making Eisenhower turn on him. Going after the military was like Hitler going into Russia. McCarthy got over-ambitious and met his waterloo.)

    Because the anti-communist narrative put Jews on the moral defensive(as participants and agents of murderous tyrannical communism), Jews got extremely hysterical in using all their academic, media, and institutional firepower to revere the dynamics and force the anti-communists on the moral defensive as ‘hysterics’, ‘paranoids’, ‘fanatics’, ‘rabid and virulent’, ‘anti-civil liberties’, and etc.

    This is funny since Jewish communists had no use for civil liberties. After all, they were aiding Stalin. And they would eventually cook up PC to silence people with all sorts of accusations. And American Jews fully support EU Laws that silence ‘hate speech’ that is decided by powers-that-be which is the GLOB.

    Ironically, the Jewish Liberal Narrative made anti-communists out to be ‘anti-American’ while making the Jewish communists and fellow-travelers as ‘all-American’ for having stood their ground in the name of US constitution protecting free speech and right of association. So, the commies were the ‘patriots’ while anti-communists were the ‘traitors’. (Using this logic, KKK members who invoke the Constitution to protect their own free speech should be hailed as the greatest patriots.)

    Negative association of Jewish Power with Communist Tyranny could have neutralized or at least balanced out the positive association of Jewish Power with the Holocaust. The former would have demonized Jews as the latter would have sacralized Jews. So, Jews would be objects of sympathy but also objects of suspicion. Sure, Jews suffered horribly in WWII, but when they had the power in the USSR they did horrible things too.

    That way, Americans could have sympathized with Jews where such was deserving but also could have been judgmental where Jews did wrong. But because there was only sacralization of Jews while demonization was totally suppressed(by making ‘anti-communists’ out to be the bad guys while making Jewish radicals and fellow-agents out to be ‘patriotic’ Americans), there never developed any effective challenge or counterweight to Jewish power that grew and grew.

    If there had been the balance of demonization and vilification, we might today look upon Jews the way we look upon Chinese or Russians. We know Chinese suffered horribly under Japanese invasion, and we can sympathize with that. But sacralization of Chinese victimhood during WWII doesn’t negate our vilification of them during the Mao era when Chinese acted totally nuts.

    Likewise, we can sympathize with Russian suffering and sacrifices during WWII. By some accts, 25 million Russians(or Soviets) died. But such sacralization doesn’t preclude our demonization of Russian craziness under Stalinism. So, we can see the noble side and the wicked side of Russians.

    But because Jews have only pushed sacralization of Jews while suppressing any demonization of Jews, we can never accuse or challenge Jewish power.

    When we see a Russian oligarch or Chinese oligarch, we can say ‘Look at that rich Russian a**hole’ or ‘Look at that rich Chinese a**hole’. But when we see a Jewish oligarch, we aren’t allowed to think in terms of ‘Look at that rich Jewish a**hole.’ We must defer to him as a holy Holocaust person. So, all the Jewish money, influence, and connections(and all their bad corrupt deeds) become sanctified and protected. It has a shield around it like the transparent shield in PHANTOM MENACE.

    Anyway, the Lesson of Power is that the Power of Money and Sword isn’t enough. Power of money is just greed and cleverness, of wit and cleverness. It may be impressive but doesn’t win reverence.

    Power of Sword is thug power or barbarian power. It can be badass or awesome, but it isn’t different from the power of a cage fighter, a bull, a lion, a bear, or Big Boss Man. It is power of brawn.

    Combine wit and brawn, and you get gangsterism. Gangsters may have some glamour, but their power is not righteous. It isn’t holy. The Corleones are fun to watch, but they have no moral justification.

    In contrast, Moral Power means the power to accuse, condemn, and judge others. It means the king-of-the-hill to preach your sermon on the mount. It is the power of MLK myth, the Mandela cult, the Elie Wiesel show.

    Granted, the power of word without money and sword doesn’t go very far. Dalai Lama is respected as a Man of Word, but China has the guns and money.

    But when a people have control of Money, Sword, and the Word, that is real power.

    So, given the nature of Jewish power, the thing for counter-semites to do is demonize Jewish history the way Jews have demonized white gentile history. Dig up all the bad things Jews have done. Of course, Jews have rigged the game so that when a Jew digs up bad stuff about white history, that is just research and scholarship, but when a white gentile digs up bad stuff about Jewish history, that is ‘antisemitism’.

    But white gentiles must push at this until the demonization of Jews balances out the sacralization of Jews.

    Now, neither demonization nor sacralization should be eternalist or permanentist. In order words, if Jews did some bad shit in some time in history, it mustn’t reflect on all Jews at all times. But by the same token, if Jews suffered tragically in some time in history, it shouldn’t reflect on all Jews at all times. So, Jews shouldn’t be condemned for communism forever wherever there are Jews. But neither should Jews invoke Holocaust to protect themselves as holy victims from criticism forever. But this must apply to white gentiles too.

    All peoples have their demon-histories and holy-histories. Sometimes, both are tied together. Much of what Japan did in WWII made it a demon nation. But the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had a ‘sacral’ effect at least on the innocents who died there.


  6. All Philly will need is the Heimbach Commando and it’s going to turn into a charnel house.

  7. Hillary’s post-convention bounce will erase those results. Historically, it’s a robust finding that the conventions offset each other in terms of gains. Plus, Nate Silver is no longer a credible data scientist. The only poll site worth following is Sam Wang’s at Princeton which shows smooth sailing for Hillary at this point.

    • Okaaaay tell me about this chink…

      I’ll go on record and say that Clinton tops out at 40 and her numbers resemble Bush’s in 1992. No one really wants this cunt around I promise you.

        • The Dowager Empress runs after 30 years of sniffing around the Rose Garden Throne v Lord Orange…How is he Modelling this?

  8. Maybe Bernie was shown a photo of Fort Marcy Park. Who knows?

    The Dems really are run by blacks, feminists and Jews. The more the country sees of that the better. I’d bet– the trend is there– that the delegates are at least 30% black by now.

    A long way to go to get to Chicago ’68.

    My guess is that almost all Bernie delegates are SJWs. Those people will be on board in November. The leftists I know who jumped ship in 2000 for Nader still regret it. It’s the young and working people who might look at Trump.

  9. Pledge of Allegiance and School Prayer were examples of ‘fake culture war’.

    But anti-‘gay marriage’ stance is part of True Culture War. Real Culture War. Marriage is the most important social and moral institution of civilization, but Jews and homos defiled and shamed it. Globalism doesn’t merely call for tolerance of homos and acceptance of the fact that homos are born homos. Personally, I am for those things.

    Instead, the GLOB promotes homomania as the new religion. It is huge. It is not part of some ‘fake culture war’.

    This is not some cookie-cutter issue like ‘pledge of allegiance’.

    This cuts deep into values and morality and truth. If we live in a world where a homo’s anus is put on same pedestal as a woman’s vagina, we are living in a sick world indeed.

    What is fake about the opposition to the homo agenda is its silly-nilly religious character. The main issue shouldn’t be about religious liberty. It should be about true morality and moral freedom. Marriage must be preserved and defended as a bio-moral institution aligned with natural truths and moral needs. If ‘gay marriage’ is allowed, there is no logical argument against polygamy(which is better than ‘gay marriage’, btw) and incest marriage. If we invoke ‘religious liberty’ to oppose the homo agenda, it concedes moral high ground to the homo agenda. It says ‘gay marriage’ makes total sense in secular world, and ONLY religious rational can be used to oppose something like ‘gay wedding cakes’. That is the ‘fake’ part of the culture war. In truth, homo agenda is an attack on true secular moral culture. Homo agenda pushes not secular freedom but homomania as a new religion. Homomania, like communism, is secular in name only. Just like one had to worship Marx and Lenin in commie nations(despite all the bogus stuff about ‘scientific socialism’), homomania requires us to celebrate, revere, and near-worship homos as the angels of the ‘rainbow’. It reduces adults into something like kids hooked to Teletubbies. True secular culture is rational, critical, skeptical, and moral. Homomania is the worship of decadence as the new spirituality.

    True culture war must defend true marriage and denounce the homo agenda and name the JEW as the main puppet master behind it.

    Also, Peter Thiel’s economism stinks. I don’t care if people gave him a standing ovation at the RNC. Conservatives just worship the rich as long as they throw money at you.

    True, economics and jobs are important, but that is exactly how US got sucked into globalism. It’s as if anything should be sacrificed for ‘jobs’. There were all these nice-sounding arguments about how global trade is going to make all the world richer.

    We don’t need a ‘fake culture war’, but a nation that sacrifices culture and values for economics is also wrong.

    A nation needs both culture and economics.

    The difference between a Liberal Democracy(or global democracy) and a Fascist Democracy(or national democracy) is a matter of their hierarchical structure. Both kinds of democracies allow free enterprise, free elections, and national interest. Even the most liberal democracy or global democracy have some degree of national interest. Even Sweden, cucked as it is, will not allow 50 million foreigners to just pour in.

    But the difference is a fascist/national democracy puts race, culture, history, and territory above economic interests whereas a liberal/global democracy puts economic interests(and sham-universalist PC) above national, territorial, and racial interests.

    Israel is a a fascist/national democracy. It allows free enterprise and free elections. But by law and political emphasis, it elevates national, racial, cultural, and territorial integrity(preservation of Israel as a Jewish state) above economic interests. Israel is all for more economic opportunities but will oppose economic policies that undermine the power and survival of Israel as a strong Jewish state.

    In contrast, Germany is a liberal/global democracy. It will even accept demographic displacement of its native population IF massive immigration/migration means more cheaper workers and ‘economic growth’. Or if massive migration promotes multi-culti sham-universalism of PC.

    We must not oppose democracy or free enterprise.

    We must choose fascist-national democracy, just like Israel. To embrace fascism/nationalism doesn’t mean the rejection of capitalism or democracy. Rather, it puts the interests of nation, culture, race, and territorial integrity above economics and political ideologies. In a fascist-national democracy, the main laws and principles put National-racial-territorial-cultural integrity at the very top. Democracy and Economics are at lower rungs and serve the highest racial-national-cultural-territorial rung in the hierarchy.

    In contrast, in a liberal-global democracy, the nation, race, territory, and culture must bow to the needs of economic growth and PC universalism.

    A fascist-national democracy is all for economic growth… as long as growth does not endanger of the racial, cultural, historical, and territorial integrity of the nation. This is the formula of Israel.

    In contrast, a liberal-global democracy will sacrifice even the survival of nation, race, culture, history, and territory if opportunities produce more economic growth and generic universalism of rap and hollywood.


  10. EVERY-ONE is getting booed. Every-one! And all the Phags in the JewSA are there. It’s the Homocratic Party!

    • The Hilligula-Bernie rivalry pits Democrat constituencies against each other. Youth –> Bernie, negro –> Hilligula. Etc.

      • No wonder Hebes love Nigs. The Nigs fall RIGHT in line. I think the only White men there are Homos. Ewwww. Just EWWWW.

        • I don’t know much about him. Just that he was corrupt, power-mad and bloodthirsty– just like Hilligula.

          • No no no.

            He was a a very popular Emperor. He wasn’t a warmonger. No wars fought under his rule! He attacked elite senators saying that his Horse would make a better senator than the current crop. He also planned to put up a statue of himself in the Jerusalem Temple to get the Jews humiliated. He was assassinated in the presence of (((Herod Agrippa))) by disloyal retainers. This made the installation of his statue in the Holy of Holies moot.

            Reread your history with a critical eye it’s all there. Jews might have had a hand in writing that fellow’s history.

          • “The history of Caligula’s reign is extremely problematic as only two sources contemporary with Caligula have survived — the works of Philo and Seneca. Philo’s works, On the Embassy to Gaius and Flaccus, give some details on Caligula’s early reign, but mostly focus on events surrounding the Jewish population in Judea and Egypt with whom he sympathizes.”

            “Philo of Alexandria (/?fa?lo?/; Greek: ?????, Phil?n; Hebrew: ?????? ??????, Yedidia (Jedediah) HaCohen; c. 25 BCE – c. 50 CE), also called Philo Judaeus, was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria, in the Roman province of Egypt.”

            (From Wikipedia)

          • Off Topic, Mr B. And I hope I’m not pestering you. I got this pic off of the I Grew Up in Sherman Facebook page. It shows the original Grayson County courthouse around the late 19th/Early 20th Centuries. Of interest are the wagons loaded with cotton bales. Most of the Gins and Compresses are in ruins now. They raise more wheat and cattle now, than cotton.

          • You could never be pestering me, James. I always enjoy our exchanges. That is quite a photograph, with the Spanish-style courthouse and all those cotton-laden wagons. To layman me, their wheels all look to be in good repair. No messing around.

            Maybe you won’t be surprised to hear I jogged over to Wikipedia, for a look at the present courthouse. In case other Occidental Dissent readers would like to make the comparison, too, I’ll upload the picture, which was taken by one Larry D. Moore …

          • As Hunter pointed out in his discussions, Cotton is no longer king. Wheat, Corn, Alfalfa, Peanuts and Cattle have supplanted it in Grayson County. The only operating gins I know of are in Bonham and Paris. Even there, grain elevators are more common. Cotton had shifted to West Texas around the time the pic was taken. As I mentioned before, those older ladies who taught elementary school, and are now passing away in their 90s, had parents and grandparents who could remember the times in which the picture was made. They taught us something of the old South and Texas .Very few of the teachers were young, twenty something’s at the time. Hence only the Texas flag in classrooms and little or no attention to the POL. That’s changed, of course. As you’ve found out yourself. Two World Wars and the current wars against the Saracens have helped to change it. But underneath it, you can still detect old Dixie. She lives on in the accents and customs. Although both have softened a great deal.

          • At the risk of being tiresome, James, I’ll express again the value I place on the information you provide me in these exchanges of ours. Not only do you open a way in which I can approach Texan history; your personal impressions–such as your impression of your lady schoolteachers–produce in my mind a clarity that would be difficult, if not impossible, for me to obtain from formal works of history or geography.
            Some years ago, I was startled when my sister remarked–correctly, as I realized–that a female first cousin of ours had something of a brogue. The said cousin, who is now dead, was American-born, of American-born parents. Her birth took place in early 1954, just a few months after my own birth, and the only Irish-born brogue with which she would have had direct contact would have been the residual one of our shared grandmother, who came to America, from Ireland, in 1907, and in whose residences my cousin had lived only during sleepover visits. My cousin’s slight brogue, in other words, must have been something that survived two American generations, through her mother (our grandmother’s daughter) to her. Naturally, that came to my mind when you mentioned the Southern accents that survive, if only in residue, in your part of Texas.
            In doing a little bit more research into the Grayson County courthouse, I learned of Sherman’s 1930 riot, which you no doubt studied in school and which destroyed the old courthouse in the photograph you posted. Unsurprisingly, the riot was a product of racial tension; and as you probably know, it involved a fire that started when someone tossed a container of gasoline into the courthouse. Holy cow …
            Because my knowledge of architecture is almost nil, I’m no longer sure the old courthouse had a “Spanish” look, which it doesn’t quite seem to me to have in other photographs I’ve now seen of it. Regardless, it’s a building whose appearance I like. Because you’ve just now mentioned Paris, Texas, and have mentioned Lamar County in another post, here at Occidental Dissent, I decided to examine the look of the Lamar County courthouse, a photograph of which I’ll post below, along with a photo of the New York Times headline about the 1930 riot. I’m pretty sure that that kind of old building, with unfinished stone, can be found here and there in downtown Philadelphia.
            Because I’m older than you, your lady schoolteachers, who were, for you, in the grandmother age-cohort, would have been for me more like my mother, who was born in 1923. Something of the old Texas those teachers remembered is depicted, maybe, in the 1996 movie “The Whole Wide World,” which is a biography of Robert E. Howard, author of the Conan the Barbarian stories. Well, that’s set closer to Abilene, which is not in your part of Texas, but the time period is right: middle 1930s. I don’t know whether the landscape is like that of your part of the state.

          • Mr B. The architecture of the courthouse is a style unique to Texas. It was influenced, somewhat, but not entirely, by the German and Czech settlers to Texas. There’ s also the influence of Virginia and Kentucky. It’s still used to build shopping centres, banks, doctor’s offices, and even homes. The 1930 riot was not only a subject in school, but also of local folklore. The History Channel ran a show on it back in the 90’s. Northeast Texas is piney woods, bois d’arc, mesquite, pecan and hickory. And black belt prairie and red dirt. Not unlike Hunter’s Alabama. Bear this in mind, Mr B., North Texas was a colony of Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. South and Southeast Texas of Alabama. That’s why I often mistake people from those states for Texans. Like a coworker whom I didn’t know was from Alabama, until he said so. Arkansans, you can tell them apart, from Texans for sure. That might help you understand Texas a bit more. Even though it’s a cartoon, watch King of the Hill. It’s a fairly accurate portrayal of modern, suburban Texas. Mike Judge is a Texan. Hank Hill’s “Arlen,” Texas, is really Arlington, Texas. It’s just like a suburban satellite town of DFW. You’ll notice that some characters have strong Southern/Texan accents, and some don’t. Dazed and Confused is it, too. The teenagers are like the ones I knew in my childhood in the 70’s. If you haven’t seen it, see it for the cultural reference.

          • That’s it. Some characters had strong accents, some didn’t. Now in the Eighties, when I was in highschool, everyone cultivated strong accents and started wearing boots, wranglers and brush poppers. Only the Prepp kids flattened their accents. We also had some classmates from the North, which drove our Confederate/Cowboy fetish. We all wanted pickups, instead of muscle cars. Think of the kids and Patrick Swayze in his short bed Silverado pickup in Red Dawn. We strongly identified with those characters. Ben Johnson, Harry Dean Stanton, and Swayze, and the fact that a lot of the characters spoke Southern and said y’all, helped cement it in our minds. I still watch the movie for nostalgic reasons. I still wear boots and western clothes when not working. Those are party clothes for most Texans, now. Most Okie’s, too. Another cultural/historical point. Southwest originally meant the western South. That’s what Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri are. Where the culture of Dixie mixes with cowboys and Indians of the West. That’s the unconscious reason why many characters in westerns speak Southern. On another note, Patriotism means that Texas, Dixie and America are all interchangeable and the same. It doesn’t hurt that George Washington and a lot of the other founding fathers were from Virginia and the Carolinas. The disconnect between American and Southern Nationalism is a short gap in a rail. Figuring out how to bridge it is the hard part. I don’t mean any offense, but the pic I post below will illustrate what I mean. It’s a joke, but underneath, a whole lot more.

          • No offense taken, James. This North-South tension is, indeed, difficult to avoid. When it surfaces in my own comments here, Mr. W., our host, sometimes brushes me back, with an anti-Yankee gibe.

            If you hadn’t mentioned it, I probably wouldn’t even have been struck that the characters in “Dazed and Confused” don’t speak similarly. It’s interesting that the two hipster guys, including the blond, who’s disdaining the fast food, seem without Southern accents. Maybe they’re Austinites of the kind who, nowadays, drive that South by Southwest festival.

            Now that you’ve mentioned the significance it had for your friends and you when you were youngsters, I’ll make a point of watching “Red Dawn,” at YouTube. At the time of its release, I had an interest in its director, John Milius, who’d done the original script of “Apocalypse Now,” but I never did see it. For some reason, I associate it with a younger cousin of mine, one born in 1968. Maybe he saw it and expressed to me enthusiasm about it; maybe, on the other hand, it simply reminds me of his friends and him, who, as I knew, indulged in elaborate sessions of paintball warfare.

            What you’ve said about the Southernness, so to speak, of the characters in Westerns rings true, even though I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone else express it. The photograph below is the birthplace, here in Philadelphia, of Owen Wister, who wrote that seminal Western “The Virginian.” Nowadays, the city’s Germantown section, where it’s located, is, ironically enough, a black neighborhood–a ghetto. Maybe you’re familiar with Wister’s grandfather, Pierce Mease Butler, who was a plantation owner from Georgia. Butler himself sat out the Civil War in Philadelphia, where he had a summer home and where he grumbled in support of the Southern cause. During the war, his estranged wife, Fanny Kemble, the actress, published an anti-slavery memoir of her time at the Georgia plantation, in the 1830s. Wister himself, though a Northerner who was not even five years old when the war ended, was a sort of Confederate diehard, I guess, which, I imagine, is why the hero of his 1902 novel was a Virginian. Somewhere, I’ve read that he wrote another novel that bugged Theodore Roosevelt a little bit, because all the Southern characters were noble and all the Northern characters weren’t.

            A year or two ago, I decided to check the distance between Limestone, Tennessee, which is the birthplace of the Beverly Hillbillies’ Granny, who’s in that photo you posted, and Locust Ridge, Tennessee, which is the birthplace of Dolly Parton. I’d heard Parton say she’d grown up in a place that was rather like the Li’l Abner comics; so, when I happened to read, at Wikipedia, that Granny had been born in Limestone, I wondered how close it was to Parton’s birthplace. The answer, in case you’re interested, is about sixty miles.

            PS Two years or so ago, when I drove past it, Owen Wister’s birthplace was a hair salon, as it appears to be in the picture below. I wonder whether any of its customers have been descendants of blacks whom Wister’s grandfather once owned.

          • Professor Clyde Wilson mentions Wister in an essay or two. I’m familiar with the book and film. I didn’t know Wister had connections to Georgia. That might explain the book’s cultural context. As I said earlier, Virginians made up a significant part of those settlers to North Texas. Interestingly, Irene Ryan, who played Granny, was born in Texas. Thanks for the picture. I learned something about Wister, I didn’t know.

          • You’re welcome, James. A few years ago, I learned a little about Claude Bernard, who, as maybe you know, was a French scientist of the 1800s. With his wife, from whom he became estranged, Bernard ended up in a sort of cultural standoff, like the one that developed between Fanny Kemble and Pierce Mease Butler. Bernard was a physiologist, when physiology was scores of years away from the breakthrough understandings of modern medicine, and his wife became a member of the anti-vivisection movement that opposed the kind of research to which he was giving his whole life. With Pierce Mease Butler, of course, we have the standoff over slavery. There he’d been, the Southern plantationist, with a beautiful actress wife–and boy, she was beautiful, if the engraving below is any indication–and then, well … well, you never know how things are going to play out.

            At is one of Clyde Wilson’s essays to which Google led me after you mentioned that Wilson had spoken of Owen Wister. Maybe you’ll be unsurprised that, for me, Wilson is off-putting, a sort of embodiment of the Confederate diehard tendentiousness, as I would term it, that occasionally rouses my ire here, at Occidental Dissent; even so, I’ve gained valuable information from his few writings I’ve encountered.

          • PS I must correct an error of mine, James. It wasn’t Pierce Mease Butler who established the “summer home” in Philadelphia; it was his grandfather, the original Pierce Butler. That must have been the beginning of the family’s
            Philadelphia connection.

            At some point, I might post here, at Occidental Dissent, some comments that have come to my mind in consequence of what you and I have been discussing, in our present exchange. The original Pierce Butler was, in a way, the Man Who Bolstered Dixie. As a British army officer, son of a baronet, he’d fought in the American colonies during the Seven Years’ War and was then in the colonies as the revolutionary agitation was under way. Upon his 1773 resignation from the army, he settled in South Carolina, I think, where he had his first plantation. According to Wikipedia, he was the one who, at the Constitutional
            Convention, put the slavery clauses in the Constitution. I mean the clauses that provided for the return, across state lines, of fugitive slaves, and the three-fifths rule for the tallying of the slave populations. In short, he bolstered, as I say, the plantation Dixie of which he’d become a part, and thus he set the newborn nation on course to the Civil War.

            Butler’s grandson Pierce Mease Butler, who married Fanny Kemble and was grandfather to Owen Wister, seems to have been something of a Philadelphia resident, though I’m not quite sure. My sense–not yet confirmed–is that he was a sort of absentee landlord of the plantation, in Georgia, not South Carolina, that he’d inherited from the first Pierce Butler. By 1859, he was in debt, I think, that forced him to sell off his slaves, but the plantation itself descended all the
            way to his grandson Owen.

            Am still looking into all of this. As you and I have more or less been discussing, this North-South divide is a very difficult subject–very touchy. When I looked at that Granny photograph you posted, I didn’t notice, at first, that the caption says that the Yankees invaded “America,” as opposed to “the South,” or “Dixie.” This attempted redefinition of America as “redneck America” (a term whose use I’ll make clear below) seems to me doomed to failure. It’s a try at bridging what you’ve termed–more in hope, maybe, than anything else–a “short gap in a rail,” between American nationalism and Southern nationalism.

            Well, this is very difficult, as I say, because I am fond of you Southern men here, at Occidental Dissnet; and as I continue to comment here, at this blog, I come to understand more and more how deep is this North-South divide. Should I
            eventually post, as I’ve said I might, some comments that descend from this exchange between you and me, I’ll probably quote passages from Fanny Kemble’s published
            journal of her stay, in the 1830s, at her husband’s plantation, in Georgia. What I’ve so far read of it paints for me a terrible picture of antebellum Dixie–a picture of wretchedness, filth, mindlessness, and cruelty. That such virile stock, the capable white men who’d built it, should somehow have been mesmerized, as it seems to me, into thinking that it was something grand, something worth going to war over, is, to my mind, almost unfathomable.

            are pieces about the first Pierce Butler, who, as a member of the Constitutional Convention, helped draft the document intended to secure “the Blessings of Liberty” to his posterity. What he’d say if he could see that photograph I’ve posted, the one of the ghetto structure that was his grandson’s
            Philadelphian birthplace, I don’t know.

            Last night, at YouTube, I happened upon a Blake Shelton video that seemed to me to represent so much of what you and I have been discussing. Maybe you’ll be interested to watch Mr. Shelton discourse, musically, on the “rednecks” who are “talkin’ ’bout girls” and “talkin’ ’bout trucks” …

          • Mr B. My intent with the Granny Poster was to show the sentiment of most mainstream Southerners. Not Rednecks specifically. Most really do see no difference between Dixie and America. As an aside, there’s a difference between Red Necks and country folks. A lot of people despise Rednecks because they’re a stereotype and caricature of country folks. Most Rednecks live in town and only wish they lived in the country. Their great grandparents sold the farm or ranch off a long time ago.

          • Understood, James. For the record, I myself am not given to using the word “rednecks”–not even for the persons who, these days, seem sometimes to call themselves that, rather as the narrator of the Blake Shelton seems to be calling himself and his peers that. (I’m not sure I ever even typed the word before I typed it in my comment above, to you.) My own reaction to the Granny picture, when I realized that it indicated the Yankees had invaded “America,” was, at first, to think America was being equated with, yes, Dixie, as you say, so that America, as used there, would include a courtly figure like Senator Sessions as much as it would include any so-called redneck. It was only as a few minutes went by and after as, for some reason, I’d come to the Blake Shelton video, there at YouTube, that I began to think, “No–they’re talking about rednecks. Now, in their eyes, I’m no longer American if, say, I’d rather read a science article than drink beer or ‘talk about trucks.’ I’m no longer American if I listen to the Beatles instead of ‘Bocephus,’ as Shelton makes clear in the song’s opening lines. It was bad enough in my school days, here in the North, when, to my mystification, my friends and I, who were peaceable types, somehow didn’t have the social standing of our classmates who harassed everyone, in the schoolyard. Now, if I want to fit in, I’m required to be a redneck, too.”

            Well, I’m going to have to think about this. I guess I’m still trying to absorb what you told me a few weeks ago, when you said that the North, to you, in your school days, was like a separate country–like Canada, as you said.

          • PS The mystery deepens, James. I’ve just learned that Roswell King, who managed the Southern plantation of Philadelphia resident Pierce Butler and whose son, Roswell, Jr., eventually managed the Georgian plantation of Butler’s grandson, Pierce Mease Butler, was nothing other than a New Englander. If there’s one thing that I, in my congenital naivete, have come to understand, here at Occidental Dissent and in, say, those few Clyde Wilson writings I’ve encountered, it’s that New Englanders are as Yankee as Yankee gets–so what are we to make of this?

            I’m reminded, too, of an Arkansan who posts, at YouTube, the most impressive of that website’s homemade recordings of Beatle songs, recordings in which he plays every instrument and does all the singing. He lives on or near Crowley’s Ridge, in the Arkansas Delta, and is thus planted about as squarely in Dixie as is possible, I should think. I don’t know what Blake Shelton would say about that …

          • Well, Mr B., as far as the Beattles are concerned, they’re appreciated here as much as any Country band is. You forget Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper and the bands that recorded in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. I saw a documentary where the Beatles played Teas in 64. The crowds went wild. There are a lot of home grown bands in Deep Ellum and the West End in Dallas that aren’t Country. I went there once to check out the freaks and eat ribs at Tony Roma’s. It’s not too far from Dealy Plaza, either.

          • Oh, don’t worry, James, I’m well aware of the connection between Southern music and the Beatles. I daresay Blake Shelton is the person we should be reminding of that …

            Years ago, I saw an interview in which Carl Perkins talked about an encounter he’d had with George Harrison. The details are now vague in my memory, but I think Perkins and Harrison had been together at some awards ceremony or something, after which, they’d gone to Harrison’s residence. There, as Harrison had played some of the old Perkins records, he, Harrison, had played the licks, note for note, on guitar and gone on about the greatness of the recordings. Finally, Perkins himself had replied, modestly, that the Beatles had taken a “simple, crude, basic nothing” and turned it into art. Well, in a sense, I’d guess, all specimens of a growing art form are based on simple predecessors, so maybe Perkins was being a little bit too modest.

            Over the past month or two, by coincidence, I’ve been realizing–about half a century late–that the rock world the Beatles spawned has really been exactly that: an elaboration of music of the American South. The other day, when I was looking for Clyde Wilson’s Owen Wister references you’d mentioned, I came across Wilson’s observation that all of the musical forms native to America are of Southern origin. That sounds about right, even though the North has played a big part in the forms’ popularization. (“Dixie,” as I once mentioned here, at Occidental Dissent, was a Northern creation, a New York show-tune, which, if I’m not mistaken, instantly migrated to the entertainment venues of New Orleans.)

            Thanks for the references to Deep Ellum and the West End, which are a couple more details I can fit into my knowledge of Texas. When I was a child, here in Philadelphia, I knew only one person who would have pronounced “elm” that way: “ellum.” (Wikipedia, which I’ve just visited, reports that Deep Ellum comes from “Deep Elm,” as in Elm Street.) Of his ancestry–if I’m correctly remembering who this was–I know only that he was German on his father’s side. He was also the only person I knew who pronounced “theater” with three syllables: “thee-AY-ter.”

            The following recording, of a song by the aforementioned Carl Perkins, of Tennessee, is from the album “Beatles ’65.” I hereby dedicate this presentation of it to Blake Shelton …

          • Very interesting, James, that your friends and you found Stanton’s Southernness in that movie striking. With the limited hearing I suffer at age sixty-two, I had to play that clip half a dozen times, at least, before I caught the “y’all,” there at 2:34. Not only that; I had to listen half a dozen times before I realized Stanton’s “Kentucky accent,” as you term it, is his twang that I’ve probably always heard in his voice and that seems very mild to me. Certainly, it’s not as strong as the twang of Matthew McConaughey, in that clip from “Dazed and Confused.” Well, I have to say I’ll view “Red Dawn” in a way that I never would have if you hadn’t remarked to me about it as you have. I’ll have to pay closer attention the next time I see “Repo Man,” too.

          • Also note Ben Johnson (Oklahoma), Toni and Erica’s grandfather, at the ranch. Listen to how he talks and to Patrick Swayze’s dialogue, too. Then, of course, Powers Boothe(Texas) and Lane Smith(Tennessee) who played the mayor. The History teacher was a lot like some of our teachers at that time. He spoke like them, anyway. At that time, we noticed that most of the characters spoke and sounded like us and people we knew. It felt familiar in a way that it might not to people who don’t live in the western South. BTW, Harry D. Stanton is from Kentucky. One of the seed states for North Texas settlement.

          • Having just gone to YouTube, James, to watch the nine clips that are available there, I have to say I wonder what impression this movie would have made on me if I’d been, say, fourteen years old when I saw it. As far as I can tell, the story is what I gathered it was, at the time of the movie’s release. A band of teenaged American irregulars battle the Red Army, which has invaded the United States. I don’t know who wins …

            In the YouTube clips, the only American adults who speak are the history teacher and the Powers Boothe character, both of whom, yes, have Southern accents. As was the case with “Dazed and Confused,” I’m wondering whether I, a non-Southerner, would have been struck by that if I’d seen the movie in its first run. Well, the history teacher is black, so his Southern accent, though stronger than that of Philadelphian blacks, doesn’t seem unusual. Whether I would have noticed that the white adults have Southern accents in a story that’s supposed to be taking place in Colorado, I don’t know; but apparently, your friends and you took note of it.

            From your remarks, I’m also wondering whether this movie increased the sale of pickup trucks. Many years ago–easily a quarter-century ago–I read an article in which a young girl was speaking with delight of her pickup truck, which, as I gathered, was hers, not, say, her father’s. I don’t know what part of the country she lived in, but she didn’t seem to be a farm girl or some kind of unusual youngster who had, say, her own landscaping business. No, the truck seemed to be her fun vehicle, like the “T-bird” that the girl character drives in the old Beach Boys song. She probably would have thought me a clueless old-timer if I’d said to her something like, “Well, how many of your friends can you fit into the cab of that truck on, say, a Saturday night? Not many, I’d guess–and aren’t you wasting a lot of money on gasoline, by driving that empty cargo area around?” I confess I’m not observant enough to know whether the cult of the pickup truck for fun, as opposed to work, ever reached, say, suburban or rural Pennsylvania. I think I’d be surprised, to this day, if I were to see a pickup, here in the city, not being used for work.

            Below, for the record, is the Powers Boothe scene, in which the movie seems to be having a bit of a joke at its own expense.

          • As far as pickups go, Mr B., they’re definitely a Southern/Texan phenomenon. Back In the Eighties, we nearly all wanted that Chevy Short bed Silverado in the film. I wanted a dually, with cromed rims in black, and a gooseneck cattle trailer to pull behind it. As far as the economics are concerned, Texans/Sourhrons don’t care. That young girl would have put her friends in the back as well as the cab. Besides, a pickup can pull a boat to the lake, haul a big inner tube to the river, and an ice chest. Then there’s the hog and deer carcasses to bring home from the river bottoms or the woods. A lot of people DIY their homes and properties, which makes a pickup useful. The cost just doesn’t matter, because a pickup is like owning a Ferrari anywhere else. A cowboy Cadillac. It makes you feel like king of the road.

          • Thanks, as usual, James, for an illuminating answer.

            And now–a touch of sentiment …

  11. You were saying, Hillary?

    Hillary Clinton ?@HillaryClinton Jul 18
    “Donald Trump lost control of his own convention before it even started.”

  12. Luis Gutierrez, the US congressman who declared himself first and foremost for illegal aliens (aka foreigners) followed by gay black “afletes.”

  13. I can’t watch any longer. PBS blamed the heat for the flare-ups today and called the Repub convention chaotic and contentious. US journalism is shit.

    “The Democrats will win with demographics.” “Diversity.”

  14. Senior Hillary Clinton Supporter Blames “Stupid White People” for Trump Success in Polls

    Mitch Stewart @Mitch_Stewart
    Uneducated whites are keeping @realDonaldTrump at his current numbers. Stupid white people are the worst.
    5:41 PM – 25 Jul 2016 · Philadelphia, PA, United States

    Stewart followed his elitist, racist statement by appearing to insinuate voters in three key battleground states need book learning.

    Mitch Stewart @Mitch_Stewart
    Actually, maybe we should organize a book drive for Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania? Food for thought.

      • if they hate us that much let us leave. We will secede then and take most of Red State America with us! Then they can have their egalitarian paradise and can no longer blame us when it fails.

    • Actually, no! The Vox.con reports the average median income of Trump supporters is 72,000-hardly white trash.

    • How can any normal white person vote for a Democrat for president or senator? This shows exactly how they feel about us.

  15. I can explain this convention with a chart.

    Al Franken, Sarah Silverman, Paul Simon…only Muslims don’t worship Jews in the coalition.

      • The old chestnut that blacks built the Whitehouse.

        Yeah sure that Georgian mansion was copied from Congo by itinerant slave brickies.

        • Wasn’t the White House pretty much gutted and rebuilt during Truman’s administration? I’m sure Sasquatch knows that. I guess she does.

          • I think TR built the west wing and oval. Architect was an Irish guy on the original. I find it hard to believe that there’s much left from the original interiors.

  16. The fake, Affirmative-Action “Indian,” who apparently practiced law without admission to the bar.

    Give me United Russia over the Democratic Party any day. (I can play Identity Politics, too.) At least they’re not 3rd world style communists.

  17. Is it my imagination? PBS is allowing the speakers to be shown throughout their speech whereas it seemed that they often talked over the speakers last week.

  18. ALL of these Hebes, Darkies, and Cucks are omitting lots of (((important details))) about the (((1%))) who have sucked the life of the Goyim.

  19. Ricky Vaughn Retweeted
    AdolfJoeBiden™ ?@Bidenshairplugs
    If you’re white, what the fuck are you still doing in the Democrat party? Newsflash: They hate you.

  20. While I didn’t agree with most of what he said, Sanders gave a very dynamic and inspiring speech. The DNC might have done us a favor by rigging the system for Hillary. She has a grating voice, is dishonest, and no one can believe a word she says.

      • An Alpha Male, self-made, self-funded Billionaire OTOneH, contrasted with a sick, fat, cankled epileptic, trailer-park bubba husband, who’s a bitch with delusions of grandeur, and a mouth like a marine drill sargeant OTOtherH….

        Gee, I dunnno. Who would YOU rather vote for?

        • ANY White who remains a Democrat, at this point in time, is hopelessly sick and depraved, and is utterly irredeemable.

  21. Paul Kersey ?@sbpdl
    Michelle Obama had the most testosterone at the #DemConvention tonight.

    Paul Kersey ?@sbpdl
    If you were an alien probing USA for invasion & you saw #DemConvention, you’d realize no need: America is already fucked and ready to fall.

  22. Watching the DNC – now we know who to deport. All of them. They all go. What are they doing here? Most of them are totally MENTAL.

  23. I understand that tomorrow night features Black Lives Matter. It should be mandatory viewing for all undecideds.

  24. Michelle Obama,

    She spends every waking moment in public under a hair weave cut from the heads of desperately poor Indians who make ends meet by prostitution and selling body parts.

    She drives around in a fleet of luxury cars, flies in a private plane or Helicopter sends her children to a fee paying school and collects a stipend all paid for by men who can in many cases only afford a child or two and maybe a house and car.

    What a self obsessed bitch.

  25. Clueless, faux squaw.

    Warren on Trump’s RNC speech: “Other than talking about building a stupid wall…did you hear any actual ideas?”

  26. Trump gave a nationalist, populist speech and despite how it was criticized by the mainstream media he went up in the polls. Now this week it is the Democratic convention that is in chaos and despite how the media is framing it, the party appears to be more divided. Wikileaks released damaging emails from the DNC and has boasted that there are more devastating emails to come. If anyone who sympathizes with jihad or BLM is planning a terror attack or police killing, this would be a great week to carry it out. It could really put the nail in the coffin for the Clinton campaign.

  27. I didn’t watch all of it, but I must note that I heard no fawning references to Israel last night.

    • The policies will be the same, but yeah, I think it’s a by-product of the non-whitening of the Democratic party. Blacks and browns just don’t care about Israel, probably hate Jews, and they want all that money we spend in the Middle East to keep for themselves as gibs. The Jews and whites at the top will still be slavish for Israel. But AIPAC’s long term prospects don’t look that good. Still that won’t stop them from leading the holocaust against white America. Not what’s good for the Jews but what’s bad for whites is what actually drives them, and they’ll continue on the same path even if it is a disaster for them.

  28. Lena Dunham and America Ferrera…
    “Trumps gonna take away abortion!”

    So far as most are concerned blacks and browns can flush away their progeny. No problem.

  29. I saw that they dredged up war criminal (((Madeleine Albright))) to tie Trump to Putin and beat the war drums against Russia.

    The Mothers of the Movement segment was repulsive.

  30. Heard on NPR, discussing the opposition of the Sanders people– “it seems to have evaporated.” The “journalist” credited Michelle Obama’s speech with unifying The Party.

    I know it’s not Chicago ’68 there, but… what liars.

  31. What a circus. What a freak show. Very few DNC events don’t have protests, or riots, and fires.

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