So anyway, there is a lot to unpack here:
“SALT LAKE CITY – Well-known Hispanic activist Tony Yapias was charged with rape after he allegedly assaulted a woman who ended their four-year relationship a few months ago.
Yapias, 50, known as Adolfo Tony Yapias-Delgado, was formerly charged in the 3rd District Monday with rape, a first-degree felony and evidence tampering, a class A misdemeanor.
Yapias is the director of Proyecto Latino de Utah. …
“The victim again made it clear she was not interested in continuing a relationship and did not want to engage in sex,” court documents state. “The defendant forced the issue and had sexual intercourse with the victim without her consent.” …
Despite the woman’s fears concerning immigration issues, court documents state, she reported the assault the day after it happened. She was also examined by a forensic nurse who found she had multiple physical injuries consistent with her explanation of what happened in her home. …”
Do you remember the time Donald Trump campaigned in Salt Lake City during the primary?
“The protest outside the event center wasn’t the only rally against Trump in Salt Lake City on Friday. At Liberty Park, Latino advocate Tony Yapias played a recording of a phone call he received Friday morning over a loudspeaker. In the call, a woman told him to “Get out of my country.”
Yapias, the director of Proyecto Latino de Utah, said Trump’s rhetoric is contributing to hatred against Latinos, so the advocate organized the rally against the front-runner Friday night. Yapias said the rally — attended by about 150 people, mostly of Hispanic descent — was about showing Trump that Latinos in Utah will not put up with his hate speech.
Tony’s brother James Yapias called for Trump to apologize to “all of our children” for referring to Mexicans as rapists and criminals during the campaign. …”
Hate speech. Trump has to apologize for calling *some* Hispanics rapists.
“Donald Trump has insulted so many. And he is unapologetic,” Tony Yapias, a protest organizer said.
Yapias helped put together an anti-Trump rally at Liberty Park.
Dozens of Latinos gathered to express concern about the presidential hopeful.
Yapias told 2News there are more than 450,000 Latinos in Utah.
“The majority of them are U.S. citizens, and they are contributing toward a better economy,” Yapias said. “America is great. And immigrants contribute to this great state of Utah.”
Yeah, you were saying?
Hillary Clinton Releases One of 2016's Biggest Immigration Proposals Yet https://t.co/3TeARu7btY via @YahooNews
— Tony Yapias (@TonyYapias) April 13, 2016
Go on …
“SALT LAKE CITY — In a 4-4 deadlock, the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday halted President Barack Obama’s programs intended to protect millions of unauthorized immigrants from deportation and permit them to work legally in the United States. …
Utah advocates called the ruling halting the programs hurtful and disappointing, while some of Utah’s elected officials call it a necessary check on the president’s executive powers.
Utah Latino community activist Tony Yapias said the court’s ruling will further galvanize Latino support of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who supports the approach.
“We’re very, very disappointed for our families. We were hoping this would be favorable,” he said.
The initial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals initiative, created by Obama by executive order in 2012, has been particularly beneficial to young Latinos in Utah, he said.
“It hurts. It hurts because DACA has done so many positive things for everyone. The dreamers themselves, many of them have completed their degrees and are working in better paying jobs that pay more taxes. We always say we’re going to get you out of the shadows. We get them out of the shadows and we know how much it means because they can do so much more,” Yapias said. …”
Yapias is a big Hillary Clinton supporter. This is only scratching the surface.
What a mug…
A village is missing a rapist.
Looks like a coon. But as far as we know they are incapable of producing any realistic sculpture art. So the significance of that statue is a mystery.
It’s just exaggerated features.
In Mexico what that ugly beaner did to his ex girlfriend would not have been of interest to anyone, including the police. In fact, if the victim went to the Mexican authorities to file a complaint against her attacker they would have sexually assaulted her as well. And those are the kind of subhumans we are allowing into OUR country in the name of “diversity”.
Yapias? Cry me a River. You’re going to go. As fast as possible, come November.
I’ve been waiting for the deportation of you goddamn spics, for 40 years.
St. John Chrysostom once said “God hates the Jews.”
Well I tell ya, he’s not too happy with you pseudo-Catholic Hispanics, either!
You ruined the Anglo-European Catholic Church in United States; your race of Meximidgets were communist bastards in Nicaragua in the 1980s; and now you’ve got one of your own as the supreme pontiff, destroying the church from within.
Damn right I am mad that you were even in this country, let alone your ‘race’ considered ‘Christians’ by the vast majority of of stupid white Protestants, that don’t know any better.
Father Feeney, Fr. Coughlin, ora pro nobis.
Trump. Deus Vult.
America, white again.
Deo Gratias.
He looks more like a prairie nigger than a beaner. Here in the South West the local Injuns are on par with the Mexicans regarding drug use (mainly crystal meth), alcoholism and spousal abuse.
They are nasty people with a chip on their shoulder.
He’s from Peru.
He should be in Peru.
Time to start persecuting LDS Mormons.
We once persecuted them for being polygamists and sort of weird, not really solid Christian Americans (they were that)
Now we’re going to persecute the LDS Mormons for being Liberals, idiots, traitors on immigration.
Heres’ my Vdare letter published on this subject.
Got my vote
Thanks for your vote.
But remember it’s a matter of principle.
We’re persecuting LDS Mormons now for being idiot, Liberals, traitors on immigration – we don’t care much or anything about theological disputes. The Book of Mormon is fine – provided they don’t promote, embrace mass 3rd world immigration.
This guy complains about being called a Rapist then commits a Rape. Classic
Yes, it is horrific someone got raped. But the delicious irony that this self-righteous taco turd demands an apology from Trump over the rape comment and then … um, RAPES someone??