Here in the United States, the Lügenpresse has wondered for a year now why the Alt-Right is pro-Russia and anti-NATO. Well, here is your answer, behold, our NATO allies:
Note: On behalf of Occidental Dissent, I would like to extend our condolences to the people of the Russian Federation after this sickening act of Islamic terrorism.
A clean cut islamist wearing a suit and tie… Erdogan is peeing his pants.
And a “fashy” hairdo?
I think it’s pretty clear that the Americans (CIA) are behind this.
I hope the Russians retaliate. Enough is enough.
Hunter, attack ongoing on Christmas market in Berlin. Busy day.
Action in Zurich and Brussels, too!
Heard nothing from Brussels. Zurich yep.
Seemed like it was going to be a slow news day this morning
You should have a poll on where the biggest Christmas Day haji-attack will be. (Taking bets would be good, but probably not legal.) My prediction is Notre Dame de Paris going kebabkaboom during Christmas mass.
The Happenings Pause that was called to prevent Trump from getting elected must be unpaused.
Wow! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0d728d4cfc61f504cbc4d5e65b41336491d06d0005b1bd51689646adb73cd38d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fdcb084230b3b303405c6137bac2c3a194335f0f82321b7974dbcac6beb919a5.jpg
My sincere condolences to the family of the valiant Ambassador Karlov, and my sincere apologies to the beautiful, brilliant, and courageous Rus, for what my country has done and is doing to them.
Czar Putin can bide his time. The Evil Empire of American ZOG is coming to an end.
Thank you for your kind words, but I feel that I should advise you not to put too much stock in Putin. He likes to play tough with the West and a lot of people like it, but in truth his regime is even more corrupt and dysfunctional than yours, trust me.
Putin is a NET BENEFIT for us because he is an obstructionist and this allows us to work.
He is not only that, Mr. Jenkins, he is doing good things for humanity – such as restoring The Holy Mother Russian Orthodox Church, and the rightful ruler to Syria.
No, Dear Cyrus, it is not right to lay the traditional corruption of Russian secular society on Putin’s lap, nor would it be right to lay on him the unbelievable scars of 75 years of Jewish Bolshevism – something which will not be cured in another century.
And no, though his regime is more ‘dysfunctional’ than the Yankee Government, it is not as bad – as Czar Putin does not bomb and whack God only knows how many millions of innocent women and children – not to mention usurp legitimate governments, throughout the world.
I would trade you our last three presidents for Mr. Putin, in a New York City minute.
Merry Chrystmas!
Instead he desolated my country from within, he wasted our fat cow years of high oil prices on his personal enrichment and enrichment of his cronies. He did nothing to combat our migration problem, our drug problem. You think White America is slowly dying, you haven’t seen what happens beyond Moscow. I have been blessed to be a son of rich in a country of poor, but a visit my relatives almost every year and my parents hometown: during “Jewish Bolshevism” it was a “closed city” where they enriched uranium, which means it was a very nice plays to live,now the plant is working 10th of its capacity, there are no jobs , no opportunities, nothing, only booze and narcotics
As for foreign entanglements, what about Ukraine? I have graduated from MGIMO, same as Andrei Karlov, may he Rest In Peace, I still don’t understand what we are doing in Syria, what’s is our real interest there. Protect our naval base? Why do we even have base there? For what grand purpose? Why our young should die for it, why our budget should go to protect Assad instead of helping our citizens?
And Ukraine? I’m no fan of Kiev, but if Putin wanted to deal with them he could have simply sent armored divisions straight to their capital after them ousting Yanukovich, sign a treaty, go home. Instead, he instigated a bloody war in Donbas. Again, for what purpose? The only reason I could come with is that he likes to troll the West. This is not a foundation for any sort of foreign policy. I am not absolving America of anything, you have your own kind of stupid,it is just that both side have acting as fucking retards for years and I am afraid that you are doing with Putin what your Left have been doing with Lenin, Mao and Castro, putting undeserving people on a pedestal.
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Dear Cyrus,
I thank you for your fine reply, and for the great geniality you show me, not only in your gentlemanly tenour, but, in generously writing me of such things in my native language.
I’m sorry but, I cannot reciprocate, because, though I can read, write, and speak Russian like an 8 year old, I’m afraid that the level of this sort of conversation is no place to impress upon you my galling incompetence at writing ??????? ?????????????? ?????????!
Secondly, though am not fit to shine your shoes on the matters of current domestick Russian affairs, let me say that I get my information from either Russians who did live in your country, or still do.
That said, the general feeling, that is pervading your comment, is not new to me, nor are most of it’s facts.
Because, as a young man I was deeply affected by the writings of Leskov and Krylov, let me turn to Kutusov and cede to you the centre of the battlefield, so that, as you begin to yawn, my Cossacks will come at you – on a double-enveloping motion raid of your psychick flanks.
#1. The greatest difficulty Putin has is that, contrary to what The Jewish American media keep saying about him – he is no Ivan The Terrible (awesome); that, in fact, he has no desire to destroy people – especially his people.
This, in a country that unwittingly prefers a harsh hand, is a problem, indeed.
The same applies to the situation in The Ukraine; a problem which only he, amongst many world leaders wittingly or unwittingly doing Lord Rothschild’s bidding, seemed unable to grasp the full misanthropick potential of what would happen, IF he replied in fashion like Peter The Great.
There, again, The former KGB man (as they are so fond to say in my neck of the woods) revealed his concern to pick a fight that not only he had good odds at winning, but, that the world, itself, could win – or stand.
Yes, I am well aware that Czar Vladimir’s Russia is a brilliant success – in Moscow and Petrograd, but, that, beyond – in the myriad hamlets that lead from those places to wondrous Olde Russ’ cities like Uglych, Pskov, Veliky Ustyug, there are only carbon copy museums that show exhibits to the economic undead.
#2. Now, as you show the customary sighs of a successful middle-age Russian immigrant to my country, who looks back nostalgically to Brezhnev’s Russia, whither I go next may confound you deeply, but, I am afraid that I must – this being that my Southern soul is that of a supersticious peasant who soldiered in the armies of Elizabeth and Catherine The Great; and what that soul says is this –
For too long Russia has been led by urbanites who always confuse intellectual and cultural merit for Godliness; and the price of this is what you are witnessing.
God sends to The People leaders that reflect them and their attitudes towards Him.
???????????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????????? ???? ?????????????.
????? ??? ??????????? ???, ????? ????????????? ??????, ?????????, ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??-?????????? ??????????.
Thank you, for your kind reply. It is so very nice to read someone praising Krylov and Leskov( especially the latter who does not get enough respect today, even in my homeland).
As for the second part of your response, I may confound you as well by more or less agreeing with your thesis. I may be indeed an urbanite through and through, but my grandparents were both in big peasants families and they still maintain a lot of traditional and positive peasant habits, some which, like love of nature and respect for the land, have rubbed off me as well, I dare to say. And even if I have my doubts, I hope that your saying is true and we will come around eventually “for the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works”.One can only pray for just a little more time.
Incredible, Dear Cyrus! : for I was almost sure that, like an impetuous Marshal Ney, you would ignore my Cossacks and keep pressing your advantage in the centre.
Yet, like, Kutusov’s teacher, Suvorov, you briefly reconsidered, and then : rolled up your flanks and disappeared into the woods – instead of sabres, presenting me with Babushkis, who offer my light cavalrymen gifts of hospitality.
Well, you did confound me! In fact, in more than one way, for your confession of being of pleasant blood, too, was a surprise, and a pleasant one.
May I hazard a guess? – you have ancestors from the greater Vladimir area?
How right you are about Nikolai Leskov, for his themes of the triumph of naive peasant goodness over urbanite evil, or that of blind love for The Son of Man, are very out of style, today, unlike Krylov, whose neo-classical work will always find favour in a world more dedicated to clever than good.
That said, it is perhaps a sign of my imperfect Russian Orthodox practice that I still can find much in Krylov.
Yes, time – it seems to be waning, there as here. Something will happen : you feel it in the air; this, in spite of the fact we are, all, floating here in infinite eternity.
How patient will God be with such profound evil as must surely give Sodom a run for it’s money?
Ah, yes -the love of land and nature. Nothing more wonderful than that, and, I observe, one, with Russians, not just the exclusive reserve of peasants, and peasant-descendants, but, with urbanites, too – as many of them seem to live for those long weekends when they can drive 45 miles away, into the wilds where they are restoring some dacha – an activity many of them pursue as avidly, even when they resettle here, as their Leningrader and Moscovite parents were once doing, in the bygone times of Brezhnev.
Thank you for having confounded me, and for all your couth and graciousness. it is very refreshing, and I look forward to many more exchanges with you.
For now, I leave you with a few questions?
Do you care anything for any kind of Russian music?
If you were to select a favourite Russian painting, what would that be?
Wow, that’s a serious one.
If we are talking about music I always was more of 20th century guy, although among 19th century crowd Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky has never let me down, especially Tchaikovsky’s feisty 1812 Overture( the fact that it has become a staple of your 4th of July celebrations I consider to be a feature and not a bug).
Stravinsky has always been for me an example of a composer possessing an uncanny creative intuition filtered through a refined mind and achieving extraordinary results with seemingly effortless ease. Tracing his musical development is never a waste of time.
Shostakovich is also a favorite, especially his string quartets(8th in particular) and 7th symphony which for me all about facing evil and surviving it to tell the tale.
Rachmaninov is an odd one, because of his conservatism( not a rebuke, just an observation). He was a “Russian in New York”, a man out of time, an outsider against his will. But boy, did he wrote a beautiful music, showing that’s a talent not fashionable nonsense of the art world prevails. Plus, it so nice to listen to him while drinking tea with jam in countryside.
My appreciation of them( apart from purely aesthetic) stems from the fact that three of them confronted modernity on their own terms, each in his unique way.
There are also two contemporary composers, Anton Batagov and Vladimir Martynov. I will not tell you anything, just look them up.
To be continued…
Yes, the only one Tchaikovsky ever let down was himself – and his daddy, who wanted him to be a lawyer.
It must have been difficult being gay in 19th century Russia, and, at times, I think I can feel the severity of his self-loathing in his musick – particularly in his pathetick 6th symphony.
Though I have spent much of my life in classical music, and much of that which is Russian, generally, I get off the bus at Rachmaninoff and Borodin, though, of course I am familiar with things such as ‘Le Sacre du Printemps’.
And being a peasant as I am, you can imagine my frustration that you encourage me to read of Batagov or Martynov, (of whom I am utterly unfamiliar) when you could post a musical snippet, here. One phrase speaks a million words.
Oh, yes – the 1812 Ouverture : funny how I never thought of it like you do, but, now that you have mentioned it, it is one of the few pieces of Russian art to sneak into the consciousness of this part of the world.
Be that as it may, this Confederate and his family do not celebrate the 4th of July – so, we must do the 1812 Overture for when it feels intended – the wintertime.
Winter is all over that piece, and I cannot bear to hear the snow falling when it is 35C outside!
For the summer and fall, I think Marche Slave is better, at least as far as ouvertures by Piotr go…
This is Martynov: https://youtu.be/_Vrnp5wTb6w
This is Batagov:https://youtu.be/OpHUryBMeeg
Dear Cyrus,
You confounded me, again! : this because the Martynov was so beautiful and rural – not like what I was expecting from a former Muscovite – something lean, angular, tense, with textures of steel, concrete, and glass!
Actually, the state of mind of the Martynov is like a child of this piece, link below, -my favourite performance of a quartet movement, and, though I certainly love quartets by Beethoven, Bartok, and, most especially, Schubert – it is perhaps this quartet by Borodin that sings most to me.
This performance by The Borodin Quartet is given during The Brezhnev Era, so, it may also strike you with a favourable psychology, though, I rather think that they play it like a group of Russian musicians from Ivan Turgenev’s era – full of mystery, awe, tenderness, love, and cautious optimism- all over a kind of anxious foreboding of imminent doom
Thank you for having shared the Martynov. I grew listening to it.
Dear Cyrus,
As to the ‘Letter to Bagatov’, I don’t know why you posted it. Will you please state your motives?
I watcht the video and have my opinions on it, BUT, I wish to hear yours, first.
Well, Martynov and Batagov are friends, though God knows, they do have their irreconcilable difference in the way they both view music, role of composer in XXI century etc. I simply wanted to show different sides of modern Russian classical music. You didn’t like Batagov, I take it? I am not really surprised, his music has this effect on people: you either like it or not. He himself is aware of it.
No, Cyrus, I did not evaluate the piece of Bagatov’s musically, but, listened to the narration.
At this point, I am forcet to conclude that you are a Russian Jew, living in this country, and minding your own business.
I say this because the video narration was the kind of stuff that Jews like to say about themselves – all glory and sympathy, but, little or no acknowledgment of the sin they, collectively, have committed.
It’s easy for me to understand this because my daddy’s folks were Ashkenazick Hungarian Jews, and I am very familiar with their line of thought about themselves.
As for myself, I will always be indebted to my daddy’s family for their many kindnesses to me, BUT, in light of the fact that I am a North Carolinian, and in light of the fact that the Jewish Community always seems prominent in trying to undermine it, I don’t have a favourable view of them.
That video talks like Jews have saved the world from it’s own ignorant barbarity, which, to me, is incredibly self-serving, and more than a bit myopick.
Yet, whatever blood runs in your veins, I will not treat you like a group, but, as an individual, and enjoy whatever friendship and correspondence you wish to offer me.
Merry Chrystmas!
Not really Junius, both of my parents are Russian as far as I know. Both were born in families of urbanized Ural peasants.
Didn’t Vassily Zsaitsev comes from The Ural region?
Yes, but he was born near Chelyabinsk, while my folks hail from Sverdlovsk District.
But now that I know I am secure in the fact that you actually want me to hear the musick, instead of the narrative, superimposed over, I’ll go back over it.
Merry Christmas!
The Batagov works on scheme blocks developt by Mussorgsky, with slight neo-classical touches of Ravel, Prokofiev, Bartok, and a largely unvaried redundancy like Philip Glass redundancy.
To be sure, there IS something interesting here – from the wide polytonal chord and the feeling of Ivan Grozhny walking around, in a schizophrenick mood, in his castle.
That said, there is not nearly enough harmonick, episodick, textural, and melodick material, here, to justify it’s length – not to mention that is is so vertical-linear there is practically no sense of counterpoint.
The material would have fared better as a 2 minute miniature by Erik Satie.
Those are my thoughts.
Why do you like it so?
I would say it helps me clear my head and focus my mind. I also appreciate it’a simplicity, the way he, in my opinion he achieves more with less. I am not the one who equates any sort of intricate and/or lush emotional compositions with “fascism” or whatever, but sometimes I like to keep things simple.
“Though I have spent much of my life in classical music”
Great Sir! Any recordings available to hear your interpretations?
Thank you for your inquiry, Todd.
I don’t connect my political activism with my professional life, this to protect my family, my fans, and myself.
It’s a sad day in this country’s history when such a thing is a necessity, but, alas, it is.
All the best!
Here are some Russian paintings I like…
One could never go wrong with Shishkin. My favorite is the one painted under the influence of his friend Arkhip Kuindzhi.
How right you are, Cyrus -one can never go wrong with Shishkin!; and speaking of him, I was utterly unfamiliar with his friend, and, thus, this painting.
This is a unique landscape canvas, and, before I tell you my opinion of it, I would like you to tell me why you like it so.
Partly because it is one of a few paintings with just ONE tree. Not to mention that I just love the way Shishkin painted snow weighing it’s branches down. There is something sad about it.
I also like Kuindzhi a lot( sadly, his not very well known even in our neck of the woods). This painting was a tribute to their friendship and also a demonstration of Shishkin’s ability to incorporate elements of different styles and making them his own without a failure.
P.S. this is one of Kuindzhi’s paintings. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f67a4e32c4690ce4568a6e5a63e49275e21d9a9cbc9880559a191dbcd9378ee4.jpg
A lot of honesty in that post. We are not perfect either. Good luck!
Yes, XRZ, Cyrus gave a beautiful comment to us.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you! We will need it!
Russia is corrupt. That’s not Putin’s fault. I’m quite sure he’s the best Russia could hope for as a leader.
Keep telling yourself this.
Hopefully soon in fact
Not only is that a wonderful thing to extend your (our) condolences to the family of Ambassador Karlov, Miss Denise, I am going out on a limb to extend my condolences, beforehand, to the numerous, probably innocent, relatives (even distant) of the terrorist, many of whom will likely not see another Ramadan!
Altintas is Turkish for Goldstein.
Hillary Clinton and Baraq Obama have already blamed this on an obscure YouTube video.
What difference d0es it make at this point in the game…HRC
Who is spinning this to demonize Turkey??
Mevlut Mert Altintas, a former office of the Turkish police who was
fired from the forces of law and order in the course of investigation of
the July 15 abortive putsch, Haberturk news portal said.
It looks like a scene from Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction. I wonder if it was done that way on purpose?
It’s pretty iconic.
The odd thing about the scene is that the fellow who was shot was pretty much all by himself at a podium with a few (unmanned?) cameras in front of him. The closest people to his front were far off in another area of the museum.
The body guards, assuming he had any, were also slow to react.
Plans within plans?
That’s what I’m thinking. No security at all in Allahu Akbar land?
I just saw a Tweet that says the killer is a police officer.
No, Mr. Kleinfeld – the title of ‘Pulp Fiction’ was purposefully misleading, as the author did not everyone to be exactly clear as to what he was saying and at whom he was aiming his statement.
Merry Christmas!
ZOG is trying to provoke the Russians into a military response so they can condemn them for “acts of aggression”. WWI started with the assassination of a high ranking official by a “lone gunman” as well.
Exactly. I wonder which synagogue the assassin attended.
He could have attended a mosque. I can’t think of a better reason for disallowing mosque construction in our countries or a better reason for destroying ones already built and throwing all of these sand niggers out.
As far as Jews go you’re going to have to be patient.
The assassian could have been a Donmeh, a Crypto-Jew passing as a Muslim.
This was the “time and place of our choosing.” Obama actually retaliated.
Thank you, Hunter, it is very much appreciated.
A leader of russian foreign ministry has reportedly been found in his Moscow apartment shot dead. Obama is throwing a spanner into Trump’s plans for Russia alliance.
Moving forward the deep state will keep things up against russia despite Trump.
“We can do stuff to you”
– Frank Marshall Davis Jr. (aka Barack Hussein Obama Jr)
I’m not usually one for “trigger-warnings” and so on, but I think you should put a literal trigger-warning on that graphic video.
I was a bit surprised, because I was expecting some news report, not raw video of the actual shooting.
I’ve seen multiple real shootings and bombings, and so was only a bit surprised; but I think many people could get seriously depressed clicking on that and seeing a murder up close and “live”.
I’m all for making graphic videos available, but also understand that some people get very upset and depressed seeing such things.
If it was just some nignog or haji thug or Yid terrorist getting what he deserved, there’d be no problem, but it’s quite shocking to see a Russian shot in the back by a Turk haji.
* * *
BTW, when I tried to watch that on JewTube, they said I had to sign in via a Jewgle account, and provide a phone number. Ha!
Anyway, I downloaded it elsewhere, in case they delete it.
If Trump sends condolences and expresses sympathy, then we’ll know for a fact that he’s nothing but Putin’s poodle!
Obama told Putin to expect retaliation for Russian “hacking.” Maybe this was it?
Bitte, Turks have plenty of their own terrorist groups and assassins.
It’s been a good hundred years since the Russians delivered an ass-kicking to the Turks. Perhaps they’re due for another one. (Has any country ever had its ass kicked so long and so one-sidedly by another as Turkey v Russia? Not even Egypt v Israel is that bad.)
Looks like this is what they meant when it was reported the assassin was “Neutralized.”
Whenever I see scenes like this, my mind turns to the mama of the slain (both the ambassaor and his assassin) and rue what must be, and will be, her pain.
An eternity of nurturing down the crapper, so to speak.
Women are not callous and cavalier with life and death, like we are.