Daryle Lamont Jenkins Shows Off His Porn Collection At National Press Building

These antifas are not having the best week:

“WASHINGTON — Anti-fascist activists had a difficult time pushing back against James O’Keefe’s investigative reporting during a planned press conference Friday. They got kicked out of a food court, but not before showing pornography to a reporter. …

A few of the almost ten people present grabbed food, and it was liberal activist Daryle Lamont Jenkins turn to speak. Jenkins is the executive director of the One People’s Project, which seeks to expose white supremacists in the conservative movement. Jenkins proceeded to speak about a photo he released in 2010 of O’Keefe at a conference which included white nationalist Jared Taylor. …

Jenkins showed off his porn collection for around 20 seconds before turning his iPad back towards him and exclaiming, “What the hell?” Most of the thumbnails appeared to be of white women in compromised positions. Jenkins went on to talk about his efforts to “beat back” racists in American society. ..

The Daily Caller asked Jenkins after the event if the other thumbnails on his iPad’s downloads folder were indeed porn, and he nervously denied that this was the case. Jenkins said that they were videos he had shot himself on his device. When TheDC asked to see them again, Jenkins said he wouldn’t show them because he claimed the videos were of protests, and some of the people in them wouldn’t want to be seen.”

Way to go, Daryle. Very smooth.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Most of the thumbnails appeared to be of white women in compromised
    positions. Jenkins went on to talk about his efforts to “beat back”
    racists in American society. ..”

    What is the Purpose of forced racial integration?

    All the colored folk demand their right to White people.

  2. Proglodytes are defined by hysteria and rage.

    And it’s understandable why. They have no depth, no core identity, no core values. This is especially true after the so-called ‘left’ gave up on class issues. As problematic as Marxism was, its core theme of Worker Power did have compelling argument. Also, as most people through history were poor or working class, it had a binding effect on lots of people. Also, it bonded intellectuals with the masses of workers.

    But once the Proglob took up identity politics, there are lots of divisions among their ranks. Nothing holds them together in the positive sense.

    Even when communists got rid of the capitalists, they could be pro-worker.

    But the Proglob has nothing Pro- cuz they are so divided and shallow & thin. Since Trump ignores ‘gender politics’, there isn’t a colorful homo argument against him. Also, the Proglob wanna put that in the backburner since a movement filled with prancing fruits looks weak. Progs could luxuriate in such decadence when Obama was at the helm. So, the Progs are now thugs or Prugs. But what are they so angry about?

    After all, Trump is against the globalist oligarchs. Progs should support that. Trump is for workers. Progs should support that too. Trump is for less intervention and less imperialism in Middle East and peace with Russia. Progs should support that too if they want peace and stability. But they have been inculcated with the notion that the ‘Right’ is eeeeeevil.

    So, they are bound by little more than hate as they have no compelling issues they really stand for.

    They profess to love Muslims, but Islam is against everything they stand for: decadence, degeneracy, feminism, punkism, narcissism, etc.

    They seem to be animated by an entitled sense that THEY stand for ‘progress’ and ‘justice’. They seem angry that Trump stole the thunder of the classic left. They can’t face this fact cuz it would be to triggering and traumatic, the realization that they are just bratty dupes and fools of the globalist oligarchs. I think they would be less angry if Jeb or Kasich won. Then, progs would see the current president as just a typical tool of oligarchs. But Trump won by going against oligarchs who funded Hillary.

    Trump’s coup wasn’t only political but ideological. He reached out to the workers and lower classes and won. Compared to Hillary and rest of the field at least, he was anti-war.

    The Progs just can’t face it. They feel entitled as the ‘aristocrats of justice’.

    They will one day have to face the fact that they flushed away the good themes of leftism with their adoption of stupid homo stuff(which Trump also appropriated, albeit without the fanfare), their silence on Obama’s wars, their support of Hillary who called for New Cold War, and their entrenchment in elite circles. Also, Progs were supposed to be the vanguard of revolutionary thinking, yet they are just tiresome Red Tards and teachers pets spouting cliches stuffed into the heads by privileged professors and corporate media and Hollywood.

    Since they have no depth, no substance, and no meaning, they can only remain relevant with violence, rampage, trash talk, vandalism, and street theater. They are like action movie that is all action, no story and character. All sound and fury…

    People with sound ideology, values, and religion have meaning in their lives even in silence and solitude. They are in contact with the deeper currents of spirituality, history, and culture. But Progs have no such deeper current. The only current they know is the Current Year. Like the self-righteous delirious Red Guards who had no use for all of Chinese history & heritage and only found value in the Little Red Book as the sum of all truth, progs only have faith in their passion of the moment. But as it lacks depth and meaning, it’s like flaming gasoline. Once it burns up, there is nothing.

    In contrast, deeper ideologies are like coal or wood that burns on its own for a long time.

    Progs have lots of slogans about ‘justice’, ‘diversity’, ‘equality’, and ‘inclusion’, but when we apply them to real situations, especially in a much divided place like California, they mean nothing. After all, Ca became a totally prog state and purged all conservatives from all seats of power. But except for Silly Valley and Hollywood, it isn’t looking good. (Also, if Silly Valley or Hollywood moved to some other state, it would do just as well or even better.)

    In some ways, this desperate violence by progs is an admittance that they are in trouble. A college campus like Berkeley is very divided along racial, ethnic, and ideological lines(as identity politics has spawned endless fractions of insipid identities, even based on little more than hair dye color, tattoos, and piercings). Without KKKrazy Glue, they are a mess. Without Trump(imagined as Hitler) and conservatives(imagined as Nazis) to rail against, they got nothing going for them. And how funny that a state that is so proggy depends so much on ultra-oligarchic-capitalism of Silly Valley and Hollywood to fund their dementias.

    And maybe Jews found some respite in this. After all, BDS is going nuts in CA. Progs are increasingly siding with Palestinians against Zionists. But if Trump is ‘hitler’ and if Jewish celebs in Hollywood embrace those poor poor Muslims(as fellow holocaust victims against hitler Trump), maybe the progs will be less angry at Zionists(at least for the duration of Trump presidency)… but maybe not… as Trump did the Putin-Pivot and got very close to Israel.

    Enemy of your enemy is my friend and enemy who is your friend of your enemy is my friend is your enemy or friend. Or whatever.

    California Politics will grow weird. Asians are dominant in academia, but they lack agency and the will to forge a new path. They just follow in footsteps of Jewish, black, and homo politics. As such, they will dominate academics but not provide meaningful leadership. (Also, as Asians may be seen as the target of resentment and envy by browns and blacks due to yellow over-representation in college and elite jobs, they value the dab of KKKrazy Glue. A way for successful yellows to signal to Diversity, “hey we are on YOUR side, fellow people of color. Don’t attack us! Let’s go get the white nazis!!”) Jews will remain influential but will grow increasingly confused as their diverse minions condemn Israel and conflate Jews with ‘white privilege’. Mexicans will dominate demographically, but they are mediocre in elite fields. They provide the votes and some thug force, but they won’t be leaders either. Also, most of Mexican politics is tribalism and reconquista. What do they care about negroes and others? Blacks are spent force in Ca except on Lakers and pop music scene.

    Feminists in Ca? Right, Hollywood and Porn industry that uses women as ‘commodities’ in alliance with feminists. But what about slut feminists? Oh yeah, they are the pink pussy army allied with… Muslims and Sharia. All these ‘intersectionalities’ are shallow and lacking in meaning. They are all threaded together by thin web. If someone pulls the string cleverly enough, it all unravels. Diversity precludes depth since no one is supposed to offend anyone. Such culture of sensitivity means no power, idea, or meaning can gain substance because anything of real worth and power seeks gravitational dominance around which all else is supposed to revolve. Diversity is planets without a sun. Even as they revile and attack white power, it is the gravitational force of White Power that holds all those planets together. So, they attack the only thing that makes their coalition together.

    The perils of too many identities in a movement that is about common purpose and equality in the most unequal state in America.


  3. I’m surprised Fat Albert is even still alive. He’s not n good shape. His issues are apparently working it’s way through his neurological system. Oh well.
    This pavement ape is a low level Soros House Nigger. He doesn’t cost the Jew very much.

    • Agreed, I remember seeing him lumber into a few pro-White events and it’s pretty obvious that he’s one unhinged Negro.

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