About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Stick to the REAL white nationalist Altright. This disgusting faggot is a Jew mask to try to seize power over the Altright. You do not have to support him at all, he is just another head of the same monster that is the (((left))).

          • ? Went over ur head didn’t it? Have a good day. I’m goin to get BAC to cowering in fear of Jews because they are so smart we could never use subversion, distraction, temporary alliances, etc to benefit ourselves on account of us being stupid Gentiles. The cognitive dissonance from some of yall is astounding.

          • I get this and agree. He’s getting a lot of attention for some of his alt-rightish ideas. Once he’s through with his 15 minutes we can discard him.

        • He is part of a gang giving that impression and the Jewsmedia play into his game by labelling him altright. He should fuck off to back to Britain and suck black dicks there.

    • Spot on. Good luck getting Berkeley PD riot police to protect your arse if you are not a chosenite.

  1. Certain people have to be kicking themselves, as they could be doing interviews with Tucker Carlson had they not embraced the wrong people. I consider the current state of affairs to be total vindication of my point of view.

      • While Cucker Tarlson is doing a few good things, fundamentally he’s confusing issues for viewers and doing it with full knowledge of what he’s doing.

        Milo is a just a reboot of the oily Ben Shapiro. A campus con with mysteriously lucrative book deals. Ben imploded because the implicit Anti-Semitic rhetoric Trump used alarmed him. Milo is altogether more tricky.

      • The faggot is a Jew because his mother was a Jew and as Jews do he infiltrated the Altright and the left are helping the Jews to maintain his phoney position.

    • Some people get book deals with Simon & Shuster while others do not.

      This is a typical Jewish career path. My guess is that Milo will get a nice seminar gig at Harvard.

  2. I think we should stop calling the enemy the ‘left’.

    It legitimizes them because there is an important leftist tradition. The left played a major role in rise of reason, secular culture, civil liberties, workers’ interests, rule of law, equality under the law, and etc. Radical Left was a disaster, but the left has done many great things. It even defined much of the right that developed in reaction to leftist pressure.

    What we call the Right absorbed much of the Left. Mussolini understood this dialectic and conceived of Fascism as a fusion of leftist and rightist ideas.

    There was the dark side of leftism. Communism, anarchism, libertarianism(though also associated with the right), and various terrorist movements. Sometimes, radical leftism degenerated into nihilism. It went from terror for justice to terror for terror. It’s like how the movie BAADER MEINHOF ends. The new members kill for the thrill of killing. They love terror for terror. I think ISIS is like that in the Muslim world. And the Japanese Red Army became a nutjob movement.

    Still, much of what we have as humane and just was pioneered by the Left. And indeed, Western Progress cannot be understood without the idea of progress, left, revolution, and etc.

    So, if we call our enemies the ‘left’, we are giving them too much credit. Today’s proglodytes are not leftist, not in any meaningful way. Sure, there is still the facile leftist themes of ‘equality’, ‘universality’, and ‘social justice’, but these progs are little more than Teacher’s Pets who drone on and on like zombies.

    There is also the ethnic problem. Jews came to define, if not always dominate, the modern left. This was understandable since there was once a time when many Jews were poor, of the working class(esp in Eastern Europe under Russian imperialism), faced gentile discrimination, or were intellectually oriented. And there were many brilliant Jewish thinkers who contributed to the world of ideas.

    Ironically, the best subversive Jewish thinkers were products of the bourgeois age. Even in their derision of bourgeois culture, they had been cultivated under its emphasis on discipline, clarity, sobriety, and manners. Pauline Kael is a good example. Some of her views were anarchic, and she was always irreverent(and pushed the envelope), but she was trained to make her case rationally and carefully. So, even when in rebel mode, she was thoughtful and civil in exposition. Had she grown up as a millennial indulging in the moment, she might have never attained the erudition and concentration necessary for her work. Same with Sontag. As millennials, both might have just become trashy whores like Amanda Marcotte, Lena Dunham, or Emma Sulk who were free to be total spoiled brat slobs.

    The past was less PC but more restrictive in manners, whereas the Current Year is more PC but more permissive in manners. I think the past formula was better. There were certain taboo subjects in the past to be sure, especially pertaining to sex, but one could express a broader range of sentiments and views AS LONG AS one did it maturely and intelligently. In contrast, today’s journalism is filled with sex talk, wanton vulgarity, and gratuitous obscenities, but the actual substance of discussion is within a narrow spectrum of PC.

    Anyway, Jews were once on the Real Left due to their experiences, conditions, and circumstances. But as Jews became the most successful, most powerful, and richest people in America(that rules the world), their ‘leftism’ morphed in sync with their new status and interests. Gradually, Jewish leftism became more immersed with subjects and themes that had little relevance to most people.

    Also, Jewish attainment of their own nation, Israel, created a contradiction in their worldview. When Jews had no nation and never dreamed of having one, there were three main options. (1) Jews would keep their traditions and identity. As such, they would survive as a culture but always as outsiders in relation to the goy community. (2) Jews would adopt capitalism and individualism. Jews would join with goy world and just become individuals. (3) Jews would join with goyim but under socialism in spirit of collectivist justice.

    Option 1 was conservative, and its advantage was preservation of culture. But it also meant that goyim would always see Jews as an alien people.

    Option 2 meant Jewish assimilation into goy society and lots of new freedoms and opportunities. But it could mean loss of identity and dissipation of culture. Also, given Jewish penchant for money and ambition, Jewish success might only increase antisemitic resentment. After all, to anti-Semites, even Jewish individuals who abandoned Jewish identity were still seen as Jewish.

    Option 3 could mean peace with goyim on basis of equality and justice.

    Many Jews leaned toward Option 3 since they got sick of the Ghetto, felt capitalism would favor just a handful of Jews(whose ‘greed’ would give Jews a bad name and make the poor ones suffer pogroms for the wickedness of rich Jews), and believed only socialism would allow Jews and goyim to join together as single humanity on equal basis.

    But the success of Zionism threw a monkey wrench into this equation. Zionism fused Jewish leftist-socialism with Jewish nationalism. It made even leftist Jews more conscious of their Jewishness. Zionism made socialist Jews wanna be both leftist and nationalist. This led to a contradiction.

    One could argue that Jewish universalism was always animated by “Is it good for the Jews?” but Zionism brought it out in the open, especially due to the contradiction of Jewish Leftists supporting Zionism. For a while, they could get away with this due to the Holocaust narrative, i.e. Leftist Jews didn’t necessarily want a Jewish homeland BUT were forced to have one due to the horrors of WWII. But the Holocaust-Israel connection grows weaker by the year, especially because of the plight of Palestinians.

    During the Roman Occupation when Jews were on the verge of losing their homeland, Jews increasingly came under pressure to formulate a new meaning of Judaism based on loss of homeland. Renegade Jews did this by cooking up Christianity. This way, it didn’t matter if Jews lost their homeland since all the world was God’s blessed and holy domain. What need for ‘Israel’ when Christian God blessed all the peoples and all the lands?

    But core Jewish community didn’t accept the Christian narrative. They chose the narrative of exile and the dream of return. As time passed, the Exile seemed permanent, and only a MIRACLE would restore the Holy Land to Jews. I mean how could Jews defeat the Romans? The Arabs? The Ottomans? The British?

    And yet, a miracle did happen in the 20th century, ironically by way of the greatest Jewish horror ever, the Holocaust. But then, Jews had laid the grounds for triumph by having assiduously gained influence in US, UK, and USSR where they could manipulate events to make possible the reclamation of the Holy Land by the Jews.

    Jews, who had for so long defined their identity as one of exile, had to reformulate Jewishness in terms of the Return. This was seen as triumph for Jews, but it was also problematic since Jews-in-exile had so overwhelmingly defined themselves with universal leftism. Perhaps, even leftist Jews had always secretly wanted to regain the Holy Land. But most Jews didn’t think Israel would ever be a reality. They saw Zionism as a kind of pipe dream. So, they figured their best bet was leftism since gentile nationalism, or rightism, could be exclusive of Jews. Better for Jews to lose Jewish identity and be equal with gentiles than be unequal as Jews under gentile rule. To be sure, capitalism wasn’t necessarily nationalist, but capitalism wasn’t ideologically anti-nationalist either. In contrast, communism was ideologically anti-nationalist and anti-tribalist. But when Zionism happened, Jews found themselves in a quandary. The miracle that seemed impossible really happened.

    What was to be done? So many Jews had committed themselves to universal socialism. So, how could they support Zionism? WWII and Holocaust offered the rationale: Outside the noble Soviet Union, Jews needed a homeland of their own since the non-communist world was still nationalist, capitalist, and imperialist. In such a hostile world, Jews needed their own homeland that, btw, would be socialist, even soft communist, as with kibbutzim.

    But in the 21st century, the twisted logic that reconciles Jewish leftism and Zionism seems less tenable, especially since Israel has turned so RIGHT WING.

    Anyway, because modern leftism came to be so closely associated with Jews, the transformation of Jews from social disadvantage to social super-privilege AND the change of Jewish worldview from Permanent Exile to Miraculous Return had a huge impact on the meanings and leanings of leftism. Every ideology takes shape in relation to the dominant power. It’s like communism changed from Lenin to Trotsky to Stalin to Khrushchev to Brezhnev to Gorbachev. Chinese communism was one thing under Mao, another Deng.

    Because Jews had such hegemony over modern leftism with its thinkers, control of media, and moral capital(victims of Holocaust), the change in the Jewish weather could mean spring, summer, autumn, or winter for the ideology.

    Jews also came to own much of modern leftism because the leftism of communist nations became so dogmatic, dull, and boring. In contrast, Jewish radicals in the West had the freedom to be creative with ideas, even if many of the ideas turned out to be kooky in the long run.

    Anyway, a leftism defined by the richest and most privileged people in the world is going to end up reflecting their social status. As Marx said, “It is not consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.”

    If Jews are of the upper class, their ‘leftism’ will reflect upper class interests. And the rise of homomania is an indication of this. Rich urban Jews who attend art galleries and operas are going to feel closer to creative homos than the working class of deplorable pitchforkers.

    And this is why what goes by the name ‘leftist’ no longer is.

    If our side is clever enough, it is time to appropriate the ‘Left’.

    The other side is about globalist neo-imperialism. The elites are part of the GLOB. The loser ‘leftist’ goons are progs. The antifa types have no clue what they are about. They are just opposed to ‘nazis’ who don’t even exist. As for upper middle class hipsters who claim to be ‘left’, they are just bobo starbucks sippers. They are SWPL yuppies who utter PC newspeak to justify their privilege and affluence. And their success owes to globalism. Also, Diversity is about imperialism. Diversity is not about equality. In the West, Diversity is about Jewish agenda of divide-and-rule over goyim, about corporations trying to weaken labor power, about the moral supremacism of virtue-signalists who want to be ‘better whites’, or about non-whites abandoning their own identity & culture to become an ‘American’.

    Indeed, it’s ironic that non-whites claim to be just as ‘American’ as whites. On the one hand, PC says that America is a white supremacist conception to justify conquest, genocide, and slavery. In other words, the noble principles of ‘Americanism’ are just a euphemism. But if ‘American’ as an identity was created by eradication of other cultures, why would non-whites want to come to the US and become ‘American’? Aren’t they taking up an identity associated with ‘genocide’ of Indians, slavery of blacks, exploitation of white ethnics, and destruction of nature? Also, ‘Americanism’ is amnesiac even to whites as the ‘culturally genocidal’ concept of the Melting Pot required white ethnics to give up their identities and become ersatz Anglo-Americans. It’s funny… non-whites bitch that Americanism eradicated Indian and African identities… yet they want to give up their identities, languages, and cultures and become ‘just as American as white Americans’. So, ‘American’ is a product of cultural genocide, and yet, non-whites take umbrage if someone were to say, “You are not really American.” By becoming ‘American’ by rejecting their own identity and culture, aren’t they doing to themselves what was done to Indians? PC non-whites condemn Americanism’s destruction of the native culture(of Indians) but they want to immigrate to the US and be erased of their own identity and culture.

    True leftism has to be associated with nationalism. Globalism allows the elites to neglect the national workers by shipping factories overseas or electing a new people. The national masses become superfluous under globalism. As Jewish elites, bobo’s, and progs are all for globalism and mass migration, they are anti-left. Meaningful leftism is impossible without nationalism. For one thing, a government works best when it concentrates on national problems and serves the people who elected it. When a national government pays more attention to the world than about the nation, it ends up like Germany with Merkel who wastes time with refugees instead of focusing on the problems of Germans. When a government cares more about future immigrants than people already in the nation, it is not serving the people.

    So, it is time for our side to appropriate the ‘left’ and stop using it as a epithet for the other side. I wouldn’t even call the other side ‘progressives’. They are too grotesque and vile for any proper term. They are proglodytes or progoyles or pro-gross-ives.

    Also, NOTHING will drive the ‘left’ as crazy as our side adopting the term ‘leftist’.

    I don’t know why we have to be only ‘leftist’ or ‘rightist’. Does a boxer only use left hook or right across? No, he uses both.

    Progs have grown nihilistic, hedonistic, and narcissistic with their fixation on 50 genders, homo decadence, and dumb youth culture. They have no real ideology.

    In contrast, OUR side, by fusing nationalism & reverence of heritage(rightist themes) and concern for workers & masses(leftist themes), can own both the right and the left.

    Calling the other side ‘the left’ just gives them too much credit.


    • The degenerate Jew faggot MILO is as much the enemy as the left. He is just the new face of Neocon conservatism.

      • If you watch the video you also see a touch of evil about the man as well. When they started to plug the book it was cringeworthy.

        • The Alt-light Jewish attempt at infiltration is a thousand times more deadly than the left. The left have been defeated so the (((Alt-lite))) fight their dying bodies because they are frauds. I don’t bother fighting Muslims or the left, I fight the filthy Jew behind the curtain controlling both.

          • The longer Tucker goes on the more he exposes the fact that he is just a shill allowed to walk one more inch towards the truth and no more.

          • He did point out that Milo was Jewish at the start so there is that.

            But Tucker should be cross examining this drama queen properly.

          • This is the problem, people who do half a job or tell half the truth create half lies about the truth. Tucker would never suggest that the Jews are a problem.

          • “…Alt-light Jewish attempt at infiltration…”

            I’m not sure they can do this today like the past. In the past their cash allowed then to take over publications of the group they were infiltrating and the organizational structure. Today where’s the organization? There is none. There’s no expensive printing press. No buildings. How do you take over 4chan? You don’t.

            At one time you could fake news was a big problem but today fake news MUST give a little truth. If they don’t they will be ignored very fast. When they give a little truth, even if the rest is lies, then they are giving up the darker parts of how they control events.

            If it’s bad for the Jews it’s good for the USA.

          • Just think TRS is headed by a suspected Jew with an activist degenerate Jewish wife, most Altrighters are totally ignorant about who is and who is not a Jew and don’t realize a Jew is someone whose mother is a born Jew so they say ‘half-Jew’ if the father is not a Jew. We have Breitbart (alternative Jewsmedia) pushing the Jew faggot Milo and huge numbers on the Altright now supporting him because of the Antifa attack at Berkeley. We have the intellectuals in the movement like Spencer, Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor Jew friendly and posting articles by, working with and re-tweeting Jews even though they are aware of the JQ. We have a Jew Ramzpaul being pushed and promoted almost on a daily basis on Richard Spencer’s tweets and Red Ice interviewing a Jew who wants Jews included on the Altright. As always the elites are the greatest danger in any movement and label anyone who does not share their liberal nationalist views about Jews and faggots as purity spiralling.

    • Human society is a more civilized version of the wolf pack, with it’s Alphas, Betas, Gammas, and Omegas. Those who are naturally at the bottom are drawn to these extremist ideologies because they think a radical remaking of society will suddency preform a biological miracle, transform them into an Alpha. And if nothing comes of it but violence, in their mind they find that as a victory as well, if you can’t have it, destroy it. Much of this wishful dynamic is also on display in other ways, such as some drawn to “transgenderism” guys who get fleeced into expensive seminars “teaching them how to become an alpha male,” people who move to exotic locations thinking a change of scenery will change their personality, etc. Isis draws losers from the European raised muslim element who just want an excuse to take out their frustrations violently. I bet once law and order is restored in Syria and Iraq, the locals are going to take it out on all these interlopers who showed up from elsewhere.

  3. The (((left))) are stupid, promoting this degenerate miscegenating faggot is greatly in their interest as it helps to boost the Jewish attempt to maintain the idea that neocon pretenders like himself or Cernovich are the real Altright.

  4. It’s not as if the Alt Right hasn’t been warned.

    We’ve seen growing leftist violence over the last several years. And there’s the open calls for violence from liberals since Trump was elected. So how about some preparedness? Turn these crises into opportunities.

    There needs to be an Alt Right organization which can mobilize people and get them into the streets. Train up a couple dozen hardcore Alt Rightists in street tactics and put them face to face with Berkeley type leftists. Back them up with a couple dozen more people who bear witness. There are plenty of veterans in the Alt Right who can serve as cadre. When the left starts something, take action to defend people and protect speakers. The left can dish it out, but they can not take it.

    By putting people into the streets, the Alt Right will impress civilians who would otherwise have been thrown to the wolves. And once people see the Alt Right can protect them, or at least administer some payback, they are likely to get Red Pilled. Then they can be recruited.

    Exploit street action with Alt Right media. Make videos of leftists attacking innocent people. This will establish the leftists’ guilt. Then when an Alt Right squad intervenes, the video is evidence of self-defense.

    There’s the wide world of the Internet to exploit with information warfare. Publicize actions globally. Show the Alt Right is a force. Get the support not only of Americans, but of nationalists in Europe and beyond.

    A little legwork will get allies in the alternative media: rightwing talk radio, Breitbart, any number of internet jockeys, and sometimes local reporters will give you a friendly spin. Take a page from the Pentagon and embed reporters with your people. This way they identify with you and are more likely to give favorable stories – especially if they come under attack by leftists. And more especially if you defend them from attack.

    Have publicity materials to hand out, like press releases. And glossy cards (like those used to advertise raves). These have a brief message about your organization, what you stand for, and how to contact you. If even 2% of people who read them contact you, you’re ahead of the game.

    Get some lawyers involved. Launch civil suits against leftist organizations (and the universities which sponsor them) for violations of civil rights, and to recover damages.

    Also do some diplomacy with politicians and police departments. Demand they enforce the laws against rioting. Use the system against itself. If universities are going to have speech codes, then insist that the kind of vitriol spewed by Berkeley style leftists be classified as “hatespeech” and duly punished. Exploit those contradictions.

    Finally, read up on information warfare and street theater tactics. The RAND Corporation publishes a book which is the Bible for this sort of thing: it’s called Networks and Netwars. A little skull sweat pays off bigtime in the streets and in the internet insurgency.

    • Get your point but are you seriously asking ordinary white people to take a hit for Milo? Wtf.

      • Aye, Captain Spring, but we need no ordinary men. We need Flash Harry whom I understand led the Charge of the Light Brigade!

    • This is silly. Who cares if they burn down Seattle or San Francisco? If they come to fly over country then they should be attacked viciously but if they’re burning their own house down then let’s cheer them on.

    • I agree with all this below you wrote but fighting them in the streets is a waste of time. They control the police in the jurisdictions where they are rioting so let them burn it down . The people in these jurisdictions will eventually tire of having their cities burnt down and fire the idiots running them.

      “…Exploit street action with Alt Right media. Make videos of leftists
      attacking innocent people…”

      publicity materials to hand out, like press releases…”

      some lawyers involved. Launch civil suits against leftist organizations
      (and the universities which sponsor them) for violations of civil
      rights, and to recover damages…”

  5. MILO’S latest self promoting stunt isn’t the important issue. The Lefty Marxist myrmidions, and dangerous loonies like Gavin Newsom’s reaction ARE. They are SHOWING themselves. Their masks are OFF. They need to be smashed like the deadly disease-carrying insects they ARE.

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