I’ve added Andrew Sullivan to my bookmarks. This ought to be good:
“I guess I should start by saying this is not a blog. Nor is it what one might call a column. It’s an experiment of sorts to see if there’s something in between those two. Most Fridays, from now on, I’ll be writing in this space about, among other things, the end of Western civilization, the collapse of the republic, and, yes, my beagles. If you’re a veteran reader of my former site, the Dish, you may find yourselves at times in an uncanny valley. So may I. The model I’m trying to follow is more like the British magazine tradition of a weekly diary — on the news, but a little distant from it, personal as well as political, conversational more than formal.
I want to start with Trump’s lies. It’s now a commonplace that Trump and his underlings tell whoppers. …”
It is more like the end of @SullyDish’s world. We don’t have to listen to this sanctimonious faggot anymore. Of course I will continue to tune in though for the lulz.
How has Andrew Sullivan not died from AIDS yet?
Good question
A lot of money.
He’s a milk bro.
How does Grindr Greg keep going?
This one was great:
“I have long had faith that some version of fascism cannot come to power in America. The events of the past year suggest deep reflection on that conviction. A political hurricane has arrived, as globalization has eroded the economic power of the white working classes, as the cultural left has overplayed its hand on social and racial issues, and as a catastrophic war and a financial crisis has robbed the elites of their credibility. As always in history, you still needed the spark, the unique actor who could deploy demagogic talent to drag an advanced country into violence and barbarism. In Trump, America found one for the ages. …”
What’s wrong with fascism? That’s right, NOTHING.
This is great too, lots of references to HITLER and Mussolini:
They weren’t bothered about Obongo berating the SCOTUS captive audience, or by Ginsburg criticising Trump before the election.