John Naughton writes in The Guardian:
“I thought about Rosling and MacKay a lot last week as the “fake news” crisis deepened. It turns out that the public sphere may be even more poisoned than we had supposed. We now have to reckon with artfully faked opinion as well. Among the many sites on the web that relay high-level commentary on foreign affairs is the Center for Global Strategic Monitoring. The website describes it as “a nonprofit and nonpartisan research and analysis institution dedicated to providing… a viable informed resource to the public, the media and politicians. It aims to play a positive role and offer proper tools for understanding and decision-making that define the relationship between the United States and the world.” …
Why are the massed forces of responsible journalism apparently so impotent in the face of this chicanery? If journalism has indeed become the “enemy” for the White House, then how should it fight back?
The first thing, wrote Adam Tinworth, an insightful blogger, last week, is to recognise the real nature of the war in which journalists are now involved. Tinworth borrows a concept from military strategy – asymmetric warfare – to explain why mainstream media are failing to hold Trump & co to account. What it comes down to, he says, is “narratives versus facts”. The alt-right crowd are good at narratives and very skilled at packaging them in images and video rather than text. Journalists, in contrast, are addicted to text and not very good at narrative. But narratives are what the punters crave – and what they “share” on social media. In such a climate, therefore, relying on fact-checking is a bit like whistling against a hurricane.
If it is to combat this postmodern strategy of poisoning the public sphere to the point where nobody knows what to believe, responsible journalism has to change. It has to become more combative and confrontational. It has to be ruthless in accurately documenting what’s going on, so that Trumpian allegations of “misreporting” never stand up. It has to learn how to package the truth in narratives that people can understand and share, which means relying more on imagery, video and animation. And – most difficult of all – it means that the savagely competitive instincts that usually divide journalists have to be temporarily shelved. …”
We’re going through a epochal transition from the huge media conglomerates and vertically delivered Jewish-controlled mass media of the 20th century – news, entertainment, opinion – to the decentralized, horizontally delivered Gentile-controlled social media of the 21st century.
We talk to each other through our smartphones now, produce our own content and watch it go viral. We can tune out the politically correct columnist in the local fishwrap newspaper who went to journalism school and is getting laid off in newsrooms these days. The day is coming when we will be able to tune out the talking heads like Bill Kristol on cable television altogether and subscribe to our own favorite commentators. If I don’t want to watch Chris Matthews on MSNBC, I can tune into, say, Vox Day on GabTv. I’ve noticed that they are both competing now for the 6:00 PM CST time slot.
I’ve always LOVED the 19th century. We’re returning to a 19th century media landscape, but this time the editor of a local segregationist newspaper in Greenville, MS can have a global impact. I can poison discourse in rural Alabama and it will have an impact on my fans in Germany. If I am so inclined, I can cut out Jewish influence at all levels of my social media experience.
As the memes spread, the discourse is poisoned, the commissars are bypassed and competing alternative narratives, news, facts and opinions circulate among the people, the “mainstream” ceases to exist. It loses its political legitimacy. As it loses its political legitimacy, the “mainstream” turns to authoritarian methods to repress dissent, which only hastens its collapse.
Donald Trump is already showing the complete irrelevance of the “mainstream” as a source of legitimacy for his presidency. He doesn’t have to cater to the fake news Lügenpresse anymore.
Note: As I pointed out in December, 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation in Europe. There are parallels between the printing press and the Reformation and social media in our times. The Cathedral of liberalism, however, is what is collapsing this time.
Instructive Video about how Information turns into war.
A full-blooded Welsh Celtian, a feeble and nerveless Scot, a strong-sinewed Saxon, a nasty pedlar Jew, a Jesuit and a Freemason walked into a bar.
The Spectator, 24 December 1910, Page 16:
The Spectator, 31 December 1910, Page 16:
“We talk to each other through our smartphones now, produce our own content and watch it go viral.”
But still, Trump needs to do something to break the Jewish control over television.
“narratives versus facts”.
Today, it no longer matters whose army wins. It’s whose story that wins, that matters.
No. Truth versus lies.