Sean Spicer Apologizes for Distracting from Trump’s Attempt to Destabilize Middle East

This isn’t a gaffe.

It is the second time Spicer has said Trump’s policy is to destabilize the Middle East:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. well, not quite the entire “real reason”. That would be “to destabilize the entire region by putting a Sunni regime in Damascus. Israel can then annihilate Hezbollah and ‘jack south Lebanon, while we attack and destroy Iran. Then, with European Russia completely encircled, West and South, we’ll destroy Russia too.”

  2. Destabilize the region?

    Uh oh. Now he really MISSPOKE!

    Sean Spicer is a rare bird in the District of Corruption; he has one honest bone in his body.

  3. Donald Trump whether he really believes in this crap or not he is now completely a captive and rubber stamp of the Deep State. He is now irrelevent

  4. “Were not going into Syria”- Trump

    Is that columnist credible? Has Trump made any official statements on the matter? So many voices contradicting each other.

  5. Its from Trump himself, those are direct quotes.

    And yes, Trump is now irrelevant, his Presidency has been a domestic and foreign policy trainwreck with nothing accomplished in three months. This Syria strike was a wake up call for the Alt Right.

    If you weren’t going into Syria, Donald, then why the hell did you go into Syria by lobbing missiles at Assad?

  6. I guess we can sum up Trump’s total usefulness to our side thus:

    We found that someone can run on a fairly nationalist ticket in this country and still win. Barely.

  7. ‘And yes, Trump is now irrelevant, his Presidency has been a domestic and foreign policy trainwreck with nothing accomplished in three months.’

    He has done a lot of good domestically concerning bringing back jobs, fostering a better business climate, eliminating EPA regulations, enforcing immigration laws, drastically reducing the inflow of illegals and deporting criminals.

    Sessions has instituted even more measures.

    This dark Syrina cloud might not loom as expected. In fact it could contain a silver lining.

  8. Geez, the older I get the more I need an edit feature.

    I forgot to mention the Keystone Pipeline making us more energy independent and bringing back the coal industry and jobs for miners.

  9. How is it possible to ‘destabilize The Middle East?

    Iraq and Libya are in a shambles, and Syria has been burning – credit to Uncle Sam.

  10. The poll numbers weren’t looking good for Donald, even in the first 2 days of the “euphoria phase” his Gallup daily tracker went down. Now that the euphoria wore off and the non-stop trashing of Trump by his former base took effect he is headed to the dumpster.

    Who supports Trump? The Chamber of Commerce 5%, the Neocons momentarily 3%, and the mouth breathers 19%.

    He is headed for a 2-handle.

    How would a rational politician start his “fight back”? By shoring up his base with a Wall and Deportation. Is Trump rational? He has teed up tax cuts for billionaires. We will see.

  11. @Afterthought

    Spicer actually has at least two honest bones in his body – he truthfully mocked the stupid Holohoax.

  12. Afterthought
    April 12, 2017 at 1:29 am

    “How would a rational politician start his “fight back”? By shoring up his base with a Wall and Deportation.”

    Also bring the troops home and put them on the border. Tell Congress they will remain there until the wall is complete. I bet the wall would be funded and completed in record time.

  13. @RB

    That’s definitely a good idea. About time to start using that military might for “defense” — actual defense, not their ironic labeling of berserk warmongering with that name.

  14. Trump did an interview earlier on Fox Business News and apparently walked back some of his rhetoric on Syria stating that he has no intentions of a ground war or an occupation.

    He monitors twitter and some alt-rights sites, the pressure may have caused him to rethink the war hawking.

    If construction of Wall begins he may be able to redeem himself in my eyes, though he lost my trust. At the end of the day he is far better than Hillary.

  15. “He monitors twitter and some alt-rights sites, the pressure may have caused him to rethink the war hawking.”

    I don’t think so. I think what Trump does do is read the replies to his tweets. How else to explain Trump retweeting accounts like Neil Turner and White Genocide?

  16. He is now a Traitor, and the cucksocker of the Jews.

    I hope he is assasinated.

    He’s a traitor to White America now- lett the Left have him; he’s become Hillary in drag… which already was an oxymoron…as far as America was concerned.

    Death to the Deicides as well; all of them. They are irredeemable.

  17. Credit to Theresa May for not getting suckered by the false flag.

    The G7 (credit Italy and Germany?) also not getting suckered by the false flag.

    How to treat Chump? Like a child: hug him if he does good, spank him harder if he does bad.

  18. Trump isn’t trying to destabilize the Middle-East he’s trying to destabilize his domestic opposition.

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