Jared Kushner asserts authority at NSC

How in the world did this happen?

Of all the people in the Trump family, no one was less identified with the campaign than Jared Kushner. Barron Trump had a higher profile. Tiffany Trump spoke at the RNC.

“White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner is leading an unprecedented effort to meddle in the White House’s National Security Council, causing mayhem for senior staff who say the president’s son-in-law is interfering in key foreign policy debates, according to Trump administration officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

Kushner has taken aggressive action to micro-manage the NSC, overshadowing even recently installed National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, according to sources both inside and outside the White House who described Kushner’s behavior as highly unusual and damaging to the country’s national security infrastructure.

Never before has a White House permitted such a figure to intervene in the NSC, which is traditionally given leeway to investigate foreign policy matters and bring advice to the president. …”

I don’t recall the threat to Trump’s “America First” agenda posed by Jared Kushner being discussed a single time anywhere in the press by any of Trump’s critics or opponents. It wasn’t a part of the national conversation. The only people in America who imagined such a scenario unfolding were the few holdouts in the anti-Semite community who refused to back Trump because of his Jewish ties.

It is fair to say that Jared Kushner wouldn’t have got past Dr. William Pierce. It is moments like this when I wish Pierce were here with a play-by-play analysis of his every move.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. President Trump regards Jared as his son, and, in the old-world way, trusts him to oversee everything.

    The President does change his mind a lot, no matter how low or high Jared’s stock goes, he’s never going away.

    This situation has probably been long cemented, otherwise, Mr. Trump never would have let him have his favourite child.

  2. Every White House photo of Trump has that god damned jew Kushner in it, standing right behind him with an imperious look on his sinister alien jew face. It sends a not-so-subtle message about who’s really in charge.

  3. This kind of deception is part and parcel of campaigns. I mean : who knew that Valerie Jarrett would rule the world in 2008?

  4. The fact that this cunt is at the NSC is an outrage. Setting aside the fact that he is a scheming New World Order Jew, he is too unmanly and inexperienced to sit at that table. Another consequence of Trumps untrustworthy persona in that he cannot sustain relationships outside of his family.

  5. I’ve already said it, but I’ll say it again:

    I messed up by not paying that much attention to Kike Kushner – we all messed up by not giving this rat more attention.

    To those holdouts that I insulted as spergs and paranoid autists – I apologize.

  6. “How in the world did this happen?

    “Of all the people in the Trump family, no one was less identified with the campaign than Jared Kushner.”

    If you’ll reflect a moment, Mr. Wallace, on those two sentences of yours, you’ll see that they reveal everything that you, as a Southerner, don’t understand about Jews. The second sentence is the answer to the first.

  7. What can you say? Its ridiculous. Like Ed Rollins told Lou Dobbs the other night, Kushner has less experience than anyone.

    I’m just watching Trump going on about “dead children” in this press conference with the head of NATO after noting that they’re very near the place where President Truman signed the NATO treaty. Truman didn’t just drop atom bombs. I remember a Pat Buchanan column that mentioned the firebombing of Tokyo. People ran and jumped into the lakes because of the heat and the lakes were boiling. Of course no one’s going to ask Trump if Assad did worse even though we never stop hearing about Hitler.

    Lets see what happens.

  8. @John Bonnaccorsi

    I think every interview I’ve seen with Ivanka she implies she “privately” influences Trump against anything he campaigned on. I’ve never heard her say anything supportive of the themes of the campaign. She’ll take credit and be celebrated if he accomplishes nothing he campaigned on.

  9. Well, we voted for Donald Trump for president and we ended up electing Jared Kushner.

    I think we can wipe our asses with any remaining Trump promises. The Wall? Not in the budget for the foreseeable future. Jobs? Yes, plenty of openings coming up in the military. Obamacare? Here to stay. Amnesty for Dreamers and the rest of the illegals? Of course!

    Trump’s victory was a fluke, anyway. No one in the world, including Putin, thought Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. I think the talking heads underestimated the average American’s antipathy towards that witch.

    In any case, we all had plans formulated for what we thought was the inevitable Clinton win. We’ve ended up with HRC in Drag on Steroids with President Kushner. I suggest we all go back to what we had set up and drive on.

    The system is rigged against us, we cannot vote our way out of this. The best thing to do is focus on networking and building an unofficial nation within the nation like the Jews had to do before they acquired any power.

    In the meantime, do not be caught on record wishing for Trump to be assassinated, because you know if that does happen TPTB will frame White Nationalism for it. The best thing to do is just turn our backs on Trump as a liar and a conman. Damn him as Netanyahu’s puppet. And then just tune him out.

    Rest assured Trump WILL pay and BIGLY for this betrayal like any Useful Idiot. Evidence WILL be found that this was a false flag attack and Trump WILL be blamed for it with the accusation that he used it to deflect from his “treasonous” ties to Russia. He WILL be crucified for it by the press. It is highly likely that he WILL face impeachment over it. Stick a fork in him; he’s done. Let him twist in the wind.

  10. “Kushner is manouvering to be the villian of our time.”

    Apparently, Michael, you see the world in the very comic-book terms in which the Jews would have whites see it, even if the persons you designate “villains” are not the ones Jews would prefer you designate such. You are unfit for the life-and-death contest in which whites are involved.

    That’s not really a problem, since the only whites you care about are Southerners, who are not whites in any meaningful sense.

  11. Lest you get too ahead of yourself with the “we weren’t anti-semitic enough” idea, I’ll just provide one counter-example: Stephen Miller.

  12. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia
    April 12, 2017 at 9:29 pm
    “That’s not really a problem, since the only whites you care about are Southerners, who are not whites in any meaningful sense.”

    Thanks for your comment SPLC.

  13. Trump fills his administration up with Jews. He puts them in charge of hiring as well, yet you are still blaming Jews controlling Trump. No it is all Trump, the Boomer Cuck.

  14. @RB…

    I very much agree with you, RB, that whoever advises Trump, it is his choice to have them advise him and to take their advice.

    He’s a big boy, and world-wise – no babe in the woods, so to speak.

    This, as I paraphrase John Bonaccorsi, above, ‘is not the comic-book terms in which the Jews would have whites see it, even if the persons many would designate “villains” are not the ones Jews would prefer to be designated as such.

  15. @ Chris

    “Lest you get too ahead of yourself with the “we weren’t anti-semitic enough” idea, I’ll just provide one counter-example: Stephen Miller.”

    Deception has many faces. And, we are dealing with very patient people.

  16. Excuse me, but I warned against Kushner. I’m not the slightest bit surprised.

    I just thought we’d have a little more time, but it doesn’t matter that much, because this was inevitable and it’s up to us to expose The Jew and forge the true alternative path. Kushner will go back to hiding more to prevent us from doing this, just like he did during the campaign. While he connives in the White House, jewish repression of the goy will increase. Someone said they don’t see Christie around. That’s because he’s too busy rounding up all the white working class youth into our version of psihkushkas, the soviet psychiatric gulags.

    The jews are nothing if not sneaky. They always use proxies – proxy people and issues.

  17. Note how the media rarely makes mention of Kushner. He is never interviewed nor have I ever even heard his voice. A man with that power is being virtually ignored by the press.

  18. Kushners influence was apparent in the speeches, and of course Trump praised him numerous times. I largely brushed that off, and didn’t believe that this sort of thing was possible, yet here we are.

  19. @John Bonaccorsi…
    @Brad Griffin…

    ‘How in the world did this happen?

    ”’“Of all the people in the Trump family, no one was less identified with the campaign than Jared Kushner.”

    If you’ll reflect a moment, Mr. Wallace, on those two sentences of yours, you’ll see that they reveal everything that you, as a Southerner, don’t understand about Jews. The second sentence is the answer to the first.””

    This exchange is confusing to me, as you, Mr. Griffin, did talk about this, a number of times, last year. I’ll repeat to you what you said to me then, when I was incredulous, ‘We are willing to overlook certain associations because of the policies he is advancing.’

    As to you, John : Mr. Griffin is not responsible for President Trump’s flip-flopping. This is far less about Jews and Kushner, than it is about continued White treachery – North or South.

  20. @Michael Cushman…

    ‘Kushner is manouvering to be the villian of our time.’

    No, Sir – one ought not blame the subcontractor, but the contractor.

    Thus, the sentence ought read : ‘Trump is manoeuvering to be the villain of our time.’

    I agree with Southern White Supremacist and Klansman, Louis Beam, who, speaking at Butler’s Aryan Nations, said..

    ‘The problem is White Folk : we have become a weak, uncaring, lazy, thoughtless, self-centred, greedy, materialistick, people. The results of that is America.’

    OR …

    ‘ ‘There is no Black Power, only White Weakness, and there is no such thing as Jewish Domination, only White Submissiveness. …

  21. Donald Trump is miles in seniority and life experience above Jared Kushner. I cannot understand that this would not irritate Donald Trump beyond hell. I would not take nonsens from such a junior, it would go against my pride and honour. Why does Donald Trump not feel the same? I do not understand the psychology of this man. The highest risk that he can take is being shot, but that is part of the deal of rising to the level of a state president. It is not a job for the meek. What is the risk of publicly declaring that he is being held hostage, or whatever the case?

  22. I’d definitely pile on Kushner.

    He’s got to be vulnerable now he’s under scrutiny.

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