President Trump: We’re not going into Syria

Cernovich is reporting that this is due to the uproar from Trump’s base:

“President Trump said he has no plans to enter Syria, despite ordering airstrikes on a Syrian military base last week.

“We’re not going into Syria,” Trump told Maria Bartiromo during an exclusive interview on FOX Business. “But when I see people using horrible, horrible chemical weapons… and see these beautiful kids that are dead in their father’s arms, or you see kids gasping for life … when you see that, I immediately called General Mattis.”

Trump ordered the airstrikes in Syria after a deadly chemical attack on the country’s civilians. …”

We may have stymied these generals and averted a catastrophic war in Syria. At least for now. Who knows where we will be next week?

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Not due to uproar from Trump’s base, it’s due to Jared and Vienna celebrating their weird Jew revenge fantasy from Monday through Wednesday.

  2. Also, Trump still sounds like he’s gone full retard, blaming Putin for backing Assad to stop ISIS from overrunning Damascus.

  3. Or maybe he never intended to go into Syria in the first place. Maybe this was all done just to outmaneuver the globalist left and the neo-con right. Don’t you think that it makes Pole-Dancing Pelosi, Keeping-it-Gay Graham and Manchurian Candidate McCain look stupid when they suddenly stop beating up on Trump and start praising him? And people in the media went from saying that Trump’s presidency was dead after Ryan-care bit the dust to saying that Trump finally BECAME president after the missiles flew? I don’t believe the “gas attack” narrative either but maybe it was TRUMP who arranged the “gas attack” in the first place. So much for Trump being Putin’s puppet right? Who needs Devin Nunes?

  4. ‘Or maybe he never intended to go into Syria in the first place. Maybe this was all done just to outmaneuver the globalist left and the neo-con right. Don’t you think that it makes Pole-Dancing Pelosi, Keeping-it-Gay Graham and Manchurian Candidate McCain look stupid when they suddenly stop beating up on Trump and start praising him?’


    Didn’t you get the memo?

    Trump is too stupid to play checkers much less 4d chess.

  5. Trump was playing 4D chess during the campaign, but now he’s playing 8D chess and thinking millions of moves ahead!

    Alt-Right making Trump back down and thus preventing WW3, is all part of his master plan.

  6. This is great news, even better if he changed course do to the beating he was taking on the internet.

    Time to build the Wall.

  7. “Didn’t you get the memo? Trump is too stupid to play checkers much less 4d chess.”

    I did but I threw it in the trash. The “Trump is stupid” narrative is what the globalist left and the neo-con never-Trumpers are pumping.

  8. These scoundrels are always after a nation’s resources. They bleed them dry for personal enrichment. With Syria, aside from the Greater Israel Plan, it’s this:

    With the Palestinians, its oil & gas found in Gaza:

    Are you wondering, when out of uniform, how McMasters can dress in a $2,000 suit?

  9. Now you believe him again? Geez, it’s good news, if true and it lasts, but don’t jump the gun with this carnie.

  10. Snowhitey,

    If he is paying attention to his base, then so be it. I stated in my comment I don’t trust him. He needs to be kept in line. Whether it is from Kushner or his base is yet to be determined.

    What these recent events have proven is that Trump is easily swayed.

    If the media suddenly turns on him it will be an indication that his base has, albeit temporarily, won out.

    Trump is not the dictator many us of thought. He is but a flailing man in search of direction and validation. It’s good that his base flipped on him so quickly. We put him in office and we will stay home if he doesn’t deliver on what he promised. He may have gotten the message.

  11. ‘Alt-Right making Trump back down and thus preventing WW3, is all part of his master plan.’

    Or maybe he NEVER had any intentions of doing anything other than reshuffle the deck of cards to get a better hand by making a large fireworks display in Syria that did no real damage but resulted in high marks for him on virtue signaling scorecards.

    “Those beautiful babies.”

    Soccer moms: He has a heart.

    Podhoretz, Kristol, Pelosi: Trump’s a great guy … a real mensch.

    One thing for sure about Trump is that he loves spectacle and being unpredictable

  12. One thing I appreciate about President Trump complex psyche – as quickly as it gets distracted, it gets back on course.

  13. @Ronnie…

    ‘From here on out he needs to keep his family out of the White House, especially Kushner and Ivanka.’

    Oh, how I share your feelings!; and oh, what a dream it is…

  14. So much to talk about, let’s get started:

    1) the movement had a great week, totally shook off the post election doldrums; we disavowed the man who disavowed us, and showed that as we made him, so can we break him.

    2) Infighting has ceased, even I looked forward to what Spencer and Enoch were doing – all is forgiven! Renegade was proved right again; Rand and Ron Paul, PJW, AJ, Molyneaux, and Cernovich were solid – the only loser was Bill Mitchell who couldn’t figure out that lying and killing was evil, even if done for Machiavellian reasons.

    3) The obsession with meta politics has given way to the trench warfare of actual politics; metapolitics must look beyond Trump, but we cant leave children unsupervised: WE MUST BE TRUMP’S BRAIN!!!

    4) When confronted with real world fascism; billionaires and generals with unchecked power; the alt right said “no thanks!”. Maybe now the childish antics born of powerlessness are over? The movement showed that it was one of goals and convictions which will pay HUGE dividends (right makes might)

    5) The alt left takes shape: even stupid lefties, blacks, Mexicans and single moms can see the bankruptcy of the Establishment Left! Trump was insane and Hitler up until he used a false flag to murder brown people; then he was Great Again!? The alt right was fascist until they protested the war only to be assaulted by pro war antifa?! The Followers of the Lie cut their own throats!

    6) Putin is the de facto leader of the Christian West. Theresa May and the G7 didnt fall for the false flag. Le Pen was having none of it. Russian anti aircraft shot down an Israeli jet on March 17th, showing that the era of ” cakewalks” is over. A stable order born of respect for nations and obedience to God may result.

    7) Trump is still vulnerable to false flags. What happens next week when another staged event happens? Eventually Trump will have to grow some balls and become a Putin, or be defeated by the Deep State.

    8) Part in parcel, Trump’s problem is that he actually is a Detroit Republican who wants to “take care of everybody”. This is war. We can be magnanimous after victory, not until then. He needs to start doing the things that got him elected and will get him reelected. He needs to show loyalty to his base, which he has not done.

    Start with the Wall and deportations. Eradicate all enemies in the Deep State, preemptively blame the Federal Reserve for crashing the economy. Stay away from ” fixing” health care and tax cuts for billionaires. Focus on economic security for the white middle class! Only!

    We need to be Trumps brain, and the alt lite is how we amplify our signal.

  15. I’ll believe it when it doesn’t happen. Meanwhile, saber rattling intensifies against the little punk Korean gook. If Trump only showed half the concern for beautiful White victims of genocide that he does for Syrians.

  16. Every day I feel like I wake up in the most insane nation on planet Earth and dread to see what the United Soviets have doing while I was sleeping.On a positive note David Duke’s broadcast last night was excellent with Syrian Girl Partisan. Liberals decry isolationism but there has to be a middle ground from this constant international interventionism that has been the legacy of American foreign policy since Woodrow Wilson. It is one of the reason why we are broke.

  17. I too hope that Trump has really backed away from a “boots on the ground” intervention in Syria. If he does not change his mind, like he did when he decided to fire off the Tomahawks last week.

  18. @Joe Putnam…

    Yes, President Trump WILL change his mind.

    The good news is that he will keep changing his mind.

    And like a football shootout, the one who scores last, wins…

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