About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m liking that Spencer fellow more and more. I doubt he is going to be our next Fuhrer but he is pointing us in the right direction. As for Trump I am pretty much over him, he is just background noise to me now.

  2. Spencer is a convenient way to marginalize Bannon all the more. If you’re going to be a “leader” on the right, you must do things that help the cause, not hurt it.

  3. @JPS Excuse me, but, what has Bannon done for anyone, but, himself? Gotten a lot of jobs for guys like Spencer, Brad, or any of a one hundred other worthies. Even Breitbart criticizes Bannon for not coming through with the pork.

    Personally, I think Bannon is just another Irish Roman Catholic gasbag, of whom I have known hundreds in politics. Bannon’s lucky that the Protestant Spencer & pals are trying to help him. I wouldn’t.

  4. Breitbart is a neo-con outfit, now returning to form. And before that, Bannon was a squid @ (((Goldman-Sachs))). Forget about these people. At the least: watch what they do, not what they say. That’s how I knew Trump was a fraud from the beginning. I lived in NYC, 1970s-90s and watched…what…he…did.

  5. Protestants surrendered America to Zion. No one else had the power to do it. I half suspect that waspdom, including Spencer, would rather be in this situation than ally with Catholics.

  6. Spencer is absolutely right on going against these insane, criminal, neocon wars. Don’t worry, the real war is on the way, against the degenerate filth which currently run our once great nation.

  7. Come now, Krafty, do you really think Spencer the trustfundie represents ‘the hardworking protestants?’

  8. @JPS

    What did happen to the Protestants? Why did they cave so easily? Resistance to the jewish takeover was practically nihil.

    I wonder at this every day.

  9. There would have been a very very bloody civil war in the US had the WASPS now opened up Harvard, the law, the TV to absolute Jewish domination. Jews thwarted will go full Bolshevik.

  10. The Czar didn’t give an inch. He got exterminated along with his daughters. The Anglo American elite gave up access in excgange for physical survival.

  11. I should add, that I think Spencer is doing good stuff as of now I still don’t trust him, but whatever he’s up to, he’s hit a real stride.

  12. Onceler
    April 15, 2017 at 10:53 pm

    “What did happen to the Protestants? Why did they cave so easily? Resistance to the jewish takeover was practically nihil. ”

    Christian Conservatives are babes in the woods and still are. They don’t understand nor use meme warfare.

    The Jews memed the White Christian Conservatives out of power. After that they only hired their own. We have learned from them, hence the Trump revolution and what you are seeing at Berkeley now.

    Hunter did an excellent article a little while back, on the statistical rise of words like Racist. Before the 1960s, America didn’t care about racism. Some group started using words like racist on a massive scale, aimed at removing the White people in power and it worked.

  13. @ Onceler “What did happen to the Protestants? Why did they cave so easily? Resistance to the jewish takeover was practically nihil.”

    At the very top of both, they are not Protestant or Jew. They are a brotherhood linked by Luciferianism. One goal for both.

  14. Onceler, it happened because Protestants hacked off their own limb, meaning Christendom, and the Church that Christ founded. The same Church that warned, through its Popes and saints about the leaven of the (((Pharisees))). The Church segregated the Jews for their good as well as ours. The Protestants are paying for their rebellion against Christendom.

  15. Every leader or caste/class who’ve resisted Jewish domination get the chop.

  16. Denise –

    Another very heavy presentation. Icke is a very fascinating character. Personally, I think he is onto something. As you know, I am a big fan of Eustace Mullins who, himself, thought Icke was being fed some of the information, probably from a very high intelligence source.

    We are electrical beings but don’t really think of ourselves in that way. A year or so ago, I came to the realization (on my own) that we are we are some kind of living, breathing computer program. I heard or read somewhere that when they get to the bottom of DNA sequencing, it is all ones and zeros. I also personally experienced the “Mandela Effect” which helped with this thought process (my husband and father experienced the same anomaly during the same period of time (if you’re interested in what that was, let me know)), coupled with things I’ve heard from others. Jay Weidner – who is a friend of Icke’s – said he thought the moon could be a vehicle and his research showed the possibility it wasn’t there 25,000 years ago (I think that was the #).

    I am very open to all of this. I find it fascinating but mind bending. And, the more time goes on, the more things fall into place. The symbolism is all over. You piece together things on occasion although the bigger picture is so far out of reach. I may order “Who Built the Moon” and “Earth”. I did read one of Icke’s book which I did enjoy. I would love to get a copy of the very rare “The Talisman of the United States.” I bet that would provide a clue to this country’s founding. Also, I do subscribe to his statements that our controllers get their power from negative energy. And, they trigger us to generate it. I am wondering what the controllers are trying to do with CERN. What kind of portal are they trying to open?

    Anyway, what did you think of it?

  17. Snowy and Capt’n John,

    I put the Icke video out there, as something to consider. I haven’t signed on as an acolyte. I’m pondering all of this. Electricity is one type of energy. We’ve harnessed the ability to use electricity. I know that sound waves and light waves have a profound effect on….everything. The work of the genius Tesla offers hard evidence – but we’ve always known this, as Humans. Where would we be without the rays of the Sun?

    The symbols hat Icke details do course through various strains of culture. I just think it’s interesting….

  18. I remember hearing a podcast of David Icke appearing on a show hosted by a liberal Jew and an old Catholic priest. By the end of the show the priest was hissing at David Icke, calling him an anti-Semite. Apparently they think Icke’s Reptilians is code for Jews.

    You can listen to it here:

  19. Have you seen the you tube spoof from the Lord of the Rings with Jared Kushner as Wormtongue and Steve Bannon as Gandalf the white? LMFWO! Then there a a lot of Christin videos convinced that Kushner is the Anti-Christ. (His office is , after all, 666 5th Avenue and his building houses Lucent Technologies that manufacture microchips designed for human implantation containing all your medical records. One you tube uses the Omen movie and replaced the little anti-Christ kid, Damien Thorne, with Jared Kushner. Check em out!

  20. Spencer is not helping Bannon. At all. This is going to backfire miserably. Either he is just plain stupid or Spencer is an attention whore who wants to eventually run for President himself in 2020 or 2024. I don’t totally trust Spencer. There was no reason to get involved in Trump’s staff especially to the point of trying to force him to keep Bannon. His antics may actually force Trump’s hand and get Bannon shown the door. When all Trump may intend to do is marginalize Bannon until he straightens up and flies right. Has Spencer checked with Bannon to see if Bannon is all right with being a martyr for Spencer’s own presidential platform?

    Yes, Trump dismissed Corey Lewandowski (when the Kushners put pressure on him). BUT, Trump quietly made sure that Lewandowski was given a very soft, cushy landing. In fact, it looks suspiciously to me like a transfer where Lewandowski could act as a Trumpian spokesmouth at MSNBC. Lewandowski made out like a bandit. He was collecting substantial severance pay from Trump and getting paid by MSNBC as well. Lewandowski never badmouthed Trump and I imagine he is still singing his praises to the sky whenever he gets the opportunity.

    The more I research what is going on, the more Bannon’s ouster makes sense to me from Trump’s POV. Not that I like it any more than the rest of you do, but here is what I see and I base it, using a compare and contrast between what Bannon is doing and to what Jeff Sessions is doing.

    First and foremost, Trump likes results. Results that reflect well on him. Bannon helped write the Muslim ban that was overturned twice by the courts. IMO, Bannon was helping Trump put the cart before the horse. He should have known the Leftists would go judge-shopping to overturn it and should have focused all his efforts on helping Trump get his own Court nominees and other people installed first. Then encouraged Trump to put in a universal ban from all countries (which have their own violent Muslim infestation).

    Bannon, I guess, was pushing the Repeal and Replace theme for Obamacare which then was turned over to Paul Ryan to implement. That didn’t go through. IMO, Bannon would have been better off encouraging Trump to let Obamacare implode which would then force the Democrats to help the Republicans replace it with something far better than the joke that was Ryancare. The last thing Trump needed to be encouraged to strongarm people into doing was passing Ryan’s ridiculous healthcare plan.

    Jeff Sessions is rounding up illegal aliens and strong-arming sanctuary citizens into changing their minds. He is pretty much putting a stop to the whole BLM nonsense.

    Bannon gives interviews, discussing his philosophies. He seems to relish the idea that he was the kingmaker who led to Trump’s election. He was so conspicuous that the Left could and did refer to Bannon as PRESIDENT Bannon. There is room for only ONE Reality Star in a Donald John Trump administration.

    The Left referring to Bannon as PRESIDENT Bannon should have alarmed Bannon enough to lower his profile and make it clear to the world that he was a Trump subordinate. For one thing, he should have never spotlighted any Jews versus Gentiles power struggles in the WH (especially since it incorporated Trump’s precious Princess Ivanka). And a word of warning, endless personal attacks on Mrs. Kushner is not going to endear any aspects of WNism, especially Bannon, to her FATHER.

    He could have posed his opposition as a philosophical difference between an America Firster who eschewed empire in favor of nationalism (himself) and an America Firster who initially agreed with him but utimately recognized that NWO was inevitable, but wanted to protect Americans from it by wresting control of it from being incorporated into a global version of the powerless, neutered EU prototype. That way he presents himself as Trump’s LOYAL opposition. He privately dissented, but deferred to Trump’s judgment in the end.

    Jeff Sessions doesn’t tout a philosophy. He doesn’t seek out the limelight. When the attention shifts to him, however, he gives ALL CREDIT and GLORY to President Donald John Trump. He very much presents himself as a TRUMP employee, discharging TRUMP’s agenda (which he enthusiastically supports) not his own.

    The biggest factor behind the success of Zionism is the Court Jew. That has been the case for thousands of years. They sidle up to the seat of power. They flatter the King. They give him all credit for any successful agendas they implement. And they keep a low profile. White Nationalists don’t seem to have the patience for that, as Bannon is proving. That is a shame, because we need Court Whites desperately. It’s not like it can’t be done. When England banned the Jews from its borders, Whites had to step in to fill the breach and England prospered like never before.

    All presidents are vainglorious egomaniacs. The vast majority of them don’t wear it on their sleeve like Donald John Trump. But the one advantage that Trump gives us is that because he puts it out there, it is very easy to study him to figure out how the rest privately are. And how we must respond if we want to get any part of our own agenda accomplished.

    Sidle up to the seats of power. Flatter the King. Hunter, I don’t have a problem with your board dissenting against anything you see that injures Whites, but please praise Trump whenever you can and LOUDLY! Advise him, but keep a low profile, giving him all credit for any successful implementation. That’s the key. There is more power behind advising the King than sitting on the throne. The Jews figured that out thousands of years ago. It’s time we catch and learn. Assuming the Bannon Fiasco doesn’t prevent this opportunity from ever arising again.

  21. Wanted to add, I am watching the magnificent beast that was Charlton Heston back in the day as Ben Hur. Never paid too much attention to this part of the movie before, for shallow reasons, but there is a segment in which the galley Ben Hur is enslaved in is attached by corsairs. The ONLY person that Ben Hur busts his behind to save is the Consul in charge of the ships.

    Of course, the guy gets a victory parade with Ben Hur at his side and vouches for Ben Hur’s innocence and loyalty to Rome. He is given over to a cushy slavery to but is ultimately adopted by the grateful Consul who is childless, but he doesn’t go back to the stinky galley (where most working class Whites metaphorically languish today).

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that as an Honorary Aryan adoptee, Hur is in a great position to work on behalf of his REAL people as he prowls the halls of power in the Roman Senate. Just like the Honorary Aryan Adoptee, modern day Joseph, wearer of the Coat of Many Colors, Jared Kushner ended up marrying “Pharoah’s” daughter. Watch and learn, White people.

  22. @Onceler:

    What did happen to the Protestants? Why did they cave so easily? Resistance to the jewish takeover was practically nihil.

    The Old Testament.

    I was born and raised Catholic and the Catholic Church rarely to never focused on the Old Testament except to where it prophesied Jesus Christ.

    The Protestants in their zeal to reform the Catholic Church decided to incorporate the Old Testament into their theology and the Old Testament is all about Jewish supremacy and superiority over all other people. I’m only surprised that the Protestants didn’t simply abandon Christianity and convert to Judaism or, at least get circumcised.

    The Apostle Paul, being a former Pharisee knew that the Old Testament was largely a Jewish supremacist work which is why he warned the Romans about keeping the Judaizers out of Roman Christianity.

    See, Catholic Christianity is based on Christ’s parable about the King’s Wedding. So few of those select who were invited to the wedding were prepared to show up and celebrate that the King threw it open to anyone who wanted to attend. That meant God was opening his arms to all people who freely wanted to worship him, not just the Jews.

    The Protestants reincorporated all the Jewish supremacist themes about predestination and Chosenism. Of course, to overcome the cognitive dissonance, many of them decided that the Jews were bloodline imposters (rather than ideological apostates who chose the Pharisees over the Lord) and that they must be Israelites, i.e. the REAL Jews which added a whole new wrinkle to “Anti-Semitism.”

    The Christian version of how the Jews create new Muslim factions to fight old Muslim factions which find a way to be even more violently anti-Jewish than the faction they split from. Protestants, I guess are Christianity’s version of Hamas while the Catholics are probably Fatah.

  23. Please, the essence of Protestantism is faith in Jesus Christ. If you have faith in Jesus Christ you are saved. The elect are those who have faith in Jesus Christ and are predestined for Salvation.

  24. ‘ There was no reason to get involved in Trump’s staff especially to the point of trying to force him to keep Bannon. His antics may actually force Trump’s hand and get Bannon shown the door. ‘

    Right. The media would say Trump kept Bannon only because Nazis petitioned him to do so.

    ‘ IMO, Bannon was helping Trump put the cart before the horse. He should have known the Leftists would go judge-shopping to overturn it and should have focused all his efforts on helping Trump get his own Court nominees and other people installed first.’

    A no win for Trump.

    The left will always find judges to overturn anything regardless how many he appoints. If Trump delayed taking action on a ban he would have been pilloried by his base.

    ‘Bannon would have been better off encouraging Trump to let Obamacare implode which would then force the Democrats to help the Republicans replace it with something far better than the joke that was Ryancare. ‘

    i’m not convinced Bannon had much clout on the situation. Most of the GOP and Trump didn’t really want a full repeal of Obamacare. They wanted to tinker with it and produce something similar claiming their plan was totally different.

    ‘The Left referring to Bannon as PRESIDENT Bannon should have alarmed Bannon enough to lower his profile and make it clear to the world that he was a Trump subordinate.’

    Bannon was very low profile as it was. Most people couldn’t pick him out in a police lineup.

    ‘And a word of warning, endless personal attacks on Mrs. Kushner is not going to endear any aspects of WNism, especially Bannon, to her FATHER.’

    No doubt about that.

  25. One guy that I talked with on Twitter made a good point – his comment was:

    “Probably Trump thinks that Democrats are going to support him in 2020..
    Well, after he bs everyone else, its only fair for Democratic base?”

    I actually hadn’t thought about this – Trump figures that if he moves to the previous mainstream, he can pick up enough Democrats that he won’t have to worry about the Alt-Right base that got him into power in the first place.

    If this is correct then of course he used us – and we’re not needed anymore. He’ll do a few things to satisfy the Cuck Conservative base but that’s it. No wall, refugee inflow will continue, NATO units will continue to be on Russia’s border, more clandestine US troops going into Syria, no real middle class jobs will appear, etc.

    It could be that it’s not so much that’s he been “absorbed” by Cohn and Kushner – it’s that this was his plan from the beginning. Hell – that’s why he brought Cohn and Mnuchin into the WH – that was part of the plan.

  26. @Jim
    “Trump figures that if he moves to the previous mainstream, he can pick up enough Democrats that he won’t have to worry about the Alt-Right base that got him into power in the first place.”

    If people are given the choice of a Fake Democrat and a Real Democrat, they will vote for the Real Democrat. Moderate Republicans are just Fake Democrats.

    If this is Trump’s 4D chess plan, the idiot will be smashed at the next election. In that case, good riddance to trash.

  27. The fact you inbreds can read and write is impressive enough. The fact your not busy impregnating your sisters or kissing your cousins is even more impressive. Squeal like a pig boy! How are the 6 toed swamp creatures doing today ? You guys all enjoying your little circle jerk stroking each other like the little pecker lovers you are ?

  28. Do you have anything to SAY, anti-White?

    All you have demonstrated here, is that you were brought up in the gutter.

  29. I understand that prior to WW2, if Yankees like the one above ventured down South and opened their mouths in their typical rude way, a proud Southerner was sure to shoot them dead in the street. From what I am seeing of current events, those days are returning.

  30. Denise
    ‘Tell me what you think of this. I just watched this, this afternoon.’

    Alot of his presentations are quite interesting. I don’t buy into all of it of course but he does cause people to question long held religious beliefs which are accepted in blind faith.

    Jordan Maxwell also lectures on ancient Sumeria, Phoenecians and the Saturn symbolism which permeates the 3 major reliigions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

  31. Trump screwed us. I didn’t vote for more wars and Goldman Sachs Jews to run the country. This guy doesn’t give a crap about anything or anyone but himself. Now he’s bombing countries and promoting Democrats in the white house because his poll numbers are going up. He totally hustled us. He said he was going to drain the swamp so our houses didn’t flood every year. He promised.

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