Democrat Jon Ossoff on Jewish Identity & Liberal Values

Democratic Candidate Jon Ossoff is leading in the polls to take Georgia’s sixth congressional district in a special election this week. If so, the voters of the Atlanta suburb can expect to be represented by a Russian Jew with liberal values he attributes to his ethnic identity and upbring.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports:

One candidate has the endorsement of a civil rights giant. Another boasts that he changes his oil in his pickup truck. A third coached soccer at the local community center.

It’s politics as usual in Georgia, except that these three candidates – among the 18 running in the special election on April 18 in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District — are Jewish.

…The election is atypical, however, in two ways: Democrats see it as their first opportunity to wound President Donald Trump, and the presence of the Jewish candidates, notably Jon Ossoff, a Democrat attracting national media attention as the likeliest to pull off an upset.

That one-sixth of the candidates are Jewish in the 6th is something of an anomaly, said Steve Oppenheimer, a businessman who backs Ossoff.

“What are we, 2 percent nationwide?” asked Oppenheimer, who has served on the national boards of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and Hillel. “If we were twice that here – and that may be a stretch – we [Jewish voters] are not going to be the swing vote.”

Not that Ossoff, a scholarly and serious 30-year-old, is reluctant to chat about his Jewish upbringing if he is asked.

“I was bar mitzvahed at The Temple, which is a Reform synagogue,” he told JTA, somewhat didactically. “My Jewish upbringing imbued me with certain values, a commitment to justice and peace.”

The article continues in this manner, touting Ossoff’s Jewish heritage and identity and his work to welcome Muslim immigrants into Georgia. It also highlights the ethnic loyalty of fellow Jews in the area and their activism on his behalf.

Sheri Labovitz, a longtime Democratic activist, has not formally endorsed Ossoff among the five Democrats running, but she believes he has momentum.

“He’s got a machinery working with him that has some very good research, he’s got bodies knocking on doors every day and every weekend,” she said. “If you can turn your voters out, you’ve got a great shot.”

And Labovitz said Jewish interest is unexpectedly strong. She expected perhaps 30 people to show up last month at a salon she organized for Jewish Democratic women that featured Ossoff and two other candidates: Ron Slotin, a former state senator who also is Jewish, and Sally Harrell, a former state representative who has since withdrawn. Instead, 200 people packed the room.

Ossoff said he was wowed by the turnout.

“Jewish women are leading a lot of the political engagement in the community,” he told JTA.

…He turned up at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport on the Saturday night that Trump’s first executive order banning refugees and other travelers from Muslim-majority countries went into effect, and identifies with them as a matter of heritage.

“American Jews all share that immigrant story,” he said, “and that perspective hardens my resolve to fight for an open and optimistic vision of our country where if you work hard you can get ahead, where we welcome those who come here to build the country.”

Ossoff also signals familiarity with the Middle East. His campaign biography notes that when he was at Georgetown, he studied under Michael Oren, the historian and former Israeli ambassador to Washington. Oppenheimer, Ossoff’s backer, says as a congressional aide the candidate helped draft Iran sanctions, but also is quick to note that Ossoff had left the job by the time Democrats were backing the Iran nuclear deal that so riled AIPAC.

A win by someone like Ossoff would have been impossible a few years ago but anti-White demographic trends have seen the district fill full of foreign immigrants. Thankfully, Salon reports that he will likely not win 50% of the vote Tuesday, sending the top two candidates to a run-off which would favor the Republicans. It seems sure to be close though.

NOTE: Clearly, Ossoff is not of the Southern Sephardic Jewish stock that supported slavery, the Confederacy and segregation. They seem to be an almost an extinct breed in the New (Anti-) South.

About Palmetto Patriot 242 Articles
South Carolinian. Southern Nationalist. Anglican.


  1. Those hooknosed kikes act like the world belongs to them and we just happen to live in it – as their slaves.

  2. @Michael Cushman…

    ‘Ossoff is not of the Southern Sephardic Jewish stock that supported slavery, the Confederacy and segregation. They seem to be an almost an extinct breed in the New (Anti-) South.’

    Ossoff is a Russian Orthodox name, which is why I was surprised to find out he is a Jew.

    This breed of Sephardick Jew, or which you spake, extended to Ashkenazick in North Carolina, in that they were both supportive of Tarheel culture and assimilated.

    However, they died with the death of the small Southern town, and their heirs went off to college and then to live in large Yankee/Federal occupied cities such as Atlanta and Raleigh.

    IF there are any left, I don’t know of them. I am the only Southerner I know of, with any Jewish blood, who loves Southern Dixie and The Southern White Race – and NOT the Jew England Government attempts to remake it over as a lesser generick version of itself..

    The good is that, as we make our Southern Sstates more ‘oppressive’ – with anti-LGBT legislation, prayer in school, and overturning Roe vs. Wade, they and their Yankee twins, along with many scalawags, will self deport to the New England states, where they belong.

    A gradual cleansing it will, and a good thing at that.

  3. Southern Sephardic (?) Jews. LOL. The Jews have no loyalty, except to Israel, and other Jews. No sense of place. A wandering people. Not that the Roman Catholics are far behind in their loyalty to Ireland, Italy, etc.

  4. He went to Georgetown undergrad Foreign Service especially?

    These Georgians have no idea what’s coming at them.

    Another Jesuit jew vicar dispatched to bleed the anglo people.

    Guard your young girls, Judeo-Roman ‘help’ has arrived.

  5. “My Jewish upbringing imbued me with certain values, a commitment to justice and peace.”

    For everybody but Whites, particularly Southern Whites.

    ” Clearly, Ossoff is not of the Southern Sephardic Jewish stock that supported slavery, the Confederacy and segregation. They seem to be an almost an extinct breed in the New (Anti-) South.”

    I thought as much, when I read about the location of the elections.

    In these cases, I always suspect a Northeastern connection. I read Ossoff’s bio, expecting to read of his birth and upbringing in New York or Connecticut. It wasn’t the case, however he behaves like a Northern Leftist Jew. Sephardic Jews are what Michael, Hunter, Junius, Other Southrons and myself are used to. They generally own stores. Especially furniture, Jewelry, clothing, etc, they speak Southern, hold traditionalist values and aren’t any more politically active than anyone else. Joe Daiches Jewellers, statewide, Siegel’s Beer and Wine, Dallas, in Sherman, Risk Boot-Sales and Repair, are examples here in Texas. The nasty, combative, Yankee Jews who appear on T.V., and with whom our Northern friends are unfortunately acquainted, are mostly unknown in the South. For me personally, this development is somewhat of an unpleasant surprise, and a disappointment. Why?, because It demonstrates that the traditional Southern distrust for outside, alien influences, has declined. Even from what it was in the 1970’s and 80’s.

  6. @James Owen…

    ‘In these cases, I always suspect a Northeastern connection. I read Ossoff’s bio, expecting to read of his birth and upbringing in New York or Connecticut. It wasn’t the case, however he behaves like a Northern Leftist Jew. ‘

    In the older days you would be right to do so, Mr. Owen, but, nowadays, The Southron Jew is an extinct animal.

    Jews, anywhere in the 50, are in love with The Yankee Proposition State, and the system in Dixie makes ’em just like they do in Yonkers or Amherst.

    ‘The nasty, combative, Yankee Jews who appear on T.V., and with whom our Northern friends are unfortunately acquainted, are mostly unknown in the South.’

    This is true, but, then rudeness has always been a hallmark trait of big-city Yankee culture – ALTHOUGH, it has been my experience you can find many very friendly souls in such places, too.

    ‘Sephardic Jews are what Michael, Hunter, Junius, Other Southrons and myself are used to. They generally own stores. Especially furniture, Jewelry, clothing, etc, they speak Southern, hold traditionalist values and aren’t any more politically active than anyone else. ‘

    You’re right, Mr. Owen, but, as I said, above, as the economy of The Southern smalltown was wreckt in the 1970s and 1980s, they either sold their stores and or left and or died away.

    Even Jews cannot compete with K-Mart and Wal-Mart.

    Mr. Griffin chronicled this exceedingly well in his reports on Selma.

    Happy Easter!

  7. “The article continues in this manner, touting Ossoff’s Jewish heritage and identity and his work to welcome Muslim immigrants into Georgia.”

    I respond:

    This is very important point to stress with White Southerner Christians, religious right etc. The Liberal Left, cultural marxist Jews or just AIPAC Jews like this guy work overwhelming to flood White communities in Georgia and elsewhere with un asimilatable Muslims/Arabs/Pakis/Somalians etc.

    It’s often incomprehensible for American White Conservatives to imagine that Israeli Jews who are in constant conflict, wars with all Arab/Muslims neighbors are at the same time championing mass Muslim immigration in to the USA/the West.

    The truth is they are.

    It’s just two different hats the Jews wear when speaking with different audiences. When speaking to Christian Zionists at say Liberty University they will tell the audience what they want to hear that Israel is the greatest friend and ally of the United States, that supporting Israel is mandated by the Bible and they will find ways that Pro Israel Christians at places like Liberty University can get staff jobs in Washington, internships at wealthy Dallas TX mega churches etc.

    But, then they put on another had when the talk with Black Civil Rights Groups, Muslim immigrant groups and they talk, talk, talk about the progressive Jewish tradition of opposing racism, anti semitism and now anti Islam – Islamaphobia.

    I had this major difference with David Duke who kept insisting that Palestinians and other Arabs/Muslims are natural allies against the worst Leftist or even Neo Conservative Jews – this just hasn’t proven to be the case as Muslim immigrants or just Muslim communities in the UK, Europe – USA vote nearly exactly the same as Jews – which is to vote anti White.

  8. @more of the same

    “Jews love the proposition state and so does Yankee Land.

    “so does Yankee Land.”

    The North and the Pacific Coast are the Proposition Nation. The Puritans established Massachusetts as a proposition state. The Quakers did the same, in the Middle Atlantic Colony. Modern American® Leftism has it’s roots in the Puritan and Quaker movements. It’s the New England Moral-Political Paradigm. When the Jews arrived, they found a turn key system, ready made and waiting for them to take the helm. Those other chosen people, the Puritans, had already done the work for them. They found very little that needed changing; and a great deal more that was usefully left as is. “The Jews made us do it,” might be a valid excuse now, but it wasn’t in 1865, nor even in 1880. And in a lot of cases, not even now.

  9. “””……… Arabs/Muslims are natural allies against the worst Leftist …..”””

    Well, not all but a lot of them. Have been in Middle East many times and lot of people down there see islam like we see political correctness. Most of us hate it but too afraid to fight back. Month ago guide in the Cairo National Museum told me in front of all others that Islamic State is their version of European Union and radical islam is their version of liberalism.

    In the arabic world situation is very similar to us. Internet gave voice to the people who did not had it before and down there people also asking, what is going on and who gave unelected elite power and right to implement “values”

    Rapeugeees getting money to their journey to Europe. And to get money from mr. Soros, you should be liberal or jihadist or both. People on the street in arabic world hate jihadis as much we hate liberals. And when you sitting in the taxi or in the cafeteria or somewhere where are not much people around, avarage arab opinion about islam is very similar with average storfront comment.

    Let,s try to avoid race war at all cost. Our enemys are white liberals around us not somewhere inthe desert.

  10. @Jack Ryan

    “that supporting Israel is mandated by the Bible ”

    That’s just it. Fear of hell. I’ve been personally lectured by people on “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Now, bear in mind, these were Texans and Okies. They don’t necessarily love or worship Jews. But they do fear the wrath and judgment of God. Period. And contrary to whatever misgivings they might have about Jews. However, the New Covenant in the New Testament goes a long way towards nullifying it.

  11. The Jew that haunts this thinks just like a Jew. It blames others for the crimes of it’s blood. It’s here to “manage” opinion. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

  12. Dear Southrons – hating and blaming Whites in other parts of the country won’t help you at all. It’s akin to the English blaming Poles. The Children of the Devil are coming for us all.

  13. The Sephardic Jews were the people who established the BANK OF ENGLAND and funded the worldwide slave trade. They even traded white men and women as slaves. The Ashkenazic Jews largely invaded the South following the war.

    Mr. Cushman seeks to say there are GOOD Jews and BAD Jews, sounds alot like saying there’s decent Colored and there’s Nigras. The Sephardic Jews you count as Friends blocked two different motions to include JESUS CHRIST and CHRISTIANITY in the Confederate Constitution. The CSA Constitution only mentions a generic GOD which while more admirable than the Atheistic US Constitution, is as worthless as tits on a boar hog. Reverend James Henly Thornwell wanted a Christian Loyalty Oath of sorts, but even Reverend Thornwell said that in his mind Jews and even Mahometans could be loyal Southerners, this was the Jeffersonian influence and it was poison. Stonewall Jackson himself supported the CSA being an EXCLUSIVELY Christian Nation and didn’t like Judah P Benjamin who was the reason the South lost the war. Think about it FOUR YEARS, at any moment the CSA Armies could move in for the kill but they never did. WHY? Benjamin and others kept promising Jeff Davis that the UK or France would declare war on the Union. The Confederacy could have bombed the Capitol and the White House and assassinated the Abolitonist leagers, but old Jeff and Bobby Lee said that was savagery and ungentlemanlike. Stonewall on the other hand said burn the entire North to the ground and said slaughter them until they woke up, BLACK FLAG war. Quantrill. Gilmor in Maryland, Mosby, Bedford Forrest, and countless others embraced BLACK FLAG WARFARE and when they did they won. Albert Pike even allowed his Indians to castrate and scalp WHITE Union soldiers, this got him fired from his position by Mr. Davis.

    Judah P Benjamin was I believe one of the basest traitors in world history, knowingly doing things that led to defeat. You cannot arrive at any other conclusion

  14. @James Owen…


    “Happy Easter!”

    Thanks Junius. Same to you and yours.

    Thank you, Mr. Owen. Church was mighty fine, this morning – the altar decked out in lillies with pots wrappt in gleaming metallick purples, and it was nice to see the pews filled out.

  15. @More of The Same…

    ‘Jews love the proposition state and so does Yankee Land.’

    Jews are the Waffen SS of The Yankee Empire.

  16. ‘Dear Southrons – hating and blaming Whites in other parts of the country won’t help you at all.’

    White Nationalism is just like Jewish Bolshevism and The Yankee One World Order – forget your distinctions and come be a part of us.

    BUT, if you can’t we will scorn you for being too stupid to appreciate that utopia is being generously offered to you, and if that don’t work, we’ll bomb and or reeducate you.

  17. @James Owen…

    ‘“The Jews made us do it,” might be a valid excuse now, but it wasn’t in 1865, nor even in 1880. And in a lot of cases, not even now.’

    Amen, Sir – the notion that the manifest destiny for Whites, when thrown into competition with Jews, is submission and servility is something I’ll never buy.

  18. @more of the same

    “Jews love the proposition state and so does Yankee Land.

    “so does Yankee Land.”

    The North and the Pacific Coast are the Proposition Nation. The Puritans established Massachusetts as a proposition state. The Quakers did the same, in the Middle Atlantic Colony. Modern American® Leftism has it’s roots in the Puritan and Quaker movements. It’s the New England Moral-Political Paradigm. When the Jews arrived, they found a turn key system, ready made and waiting for them to take the helm. Those other chosen people, the Puritans, had already done the work for them. They found very little that needed changing; and a great deal more that was usefully left as is. “The Jews made us do it,” might be a valid excuse now, but it wasn’t in 1865, nor even in 1880. And in a lot of cases, not even now.

    The Jews were always part of the system even long before the USA was founded, Calvinism which is the basis for Puritan thought was founded by John Calvin who according to some was a Jew himself. The Jew was always working through his progs in the Freemasonic Order to bring about his desires. I will give you an example. Thomas Jefferson was very friendly with Adam Weishaupt of the Illuminati and said that the Illuminati would bring the NEW AGE. Jefferson bought so much into this proposition nation he gave us open borders to make sure it happened. The Naturalization Act of 1802 is truly the cause of the War Between The States, yet few Southern Nationalists will talk about it. The reason why this was is very simple. The uncontrolled immigration, which flooded in during the 1820’s according to how we apportion the House and Senate and Electoral Representation unfairly weighted representation toward one part of the country. The ignorant Southern Jeffersonian Democrat leadership in the time of Jefferson bought into Jefferson’s open borders scheme because Jefferson promised them that it would lead to Democratic dominance. Well Jefferson’s scheme worked, the Federalist party did die because of rampant immigration.

    Jefferson DID NOT anticipate that some of these immigrants would begin to abandon the Democratic Party over time. The Federalists were reborn as the Whigs and in the North where these immigrants relied on high tariffs to keep their jobs, some of these immigrants supported the Whigs. Enough did to join with the native white population and this led to Whig dominance. As more immigrants flowed in, representation in Congress increased, as many of the new Immigrants didn’t vote, the increased population weighted it against the Democrats. BY the time the Republicans came around in 1854 the large population was enough to win the entire country. The Immigrants supported them (Except for IRISH CATHOLICS) because they promised free farmland (HOMESTEAD ACT) and protection for their jobs.

    The only major outcries against Immigration came from the KNOW NOTHINGS, the only state they managed to take over was Maryland, where Baltimore had matasticized from a Southern tobacco port into a Southern approximation of a Northern Industrial city. Almost every Know-Nothing was a Unionist and this is what screwed the Democratic Party in Maryland.

    Traitorous Southern Democrats with their support of Open Borders, simply because it was a NIMBY issue that only affected the North, continued with this support up until the Immigration Act of 1924. While they understood that CULTURE Mattered and that UNITY mattered, they seemed not to understand that the cultural disunity they allowed to grow in the North would eventually infect them. The Texas Democrats traitorous inclusion in the 1924 Immigration Act that the Western Hemisphere would always be open to come here, just so Mexicans could pick cotton and vegetables, is why we are in this mess today.


  19. +James Owen. You are forgetting that this notion of the Puritan Proposition Nation was strictly a White Christian ideal up until following the French Revolution. Two things changed the idea to universal human equality ONE was the growth of Unitarianism/Universalism and TWO were the French Refugees and scholars who fled to the United States fleeing the wrath of the Bourbons after 1815. We simply forget that the Open Borders allowed for thousands of Communists and Jacobins to flood in here, in fact it was so bad John Adams passed the Alien and Sedition Act to shut down the Jacobin clubs, Of course Jefferson and Madison allowed the Jacobins to operate out in the open. These men began teaching and writing in the North shortly after they arrived. Harvard was heavily under the influence of Jacobin thought.

    Another thing all of us forget is that Abolitionism was getting International funding the entire time. The Jews, ex-Jacobins and Wilberforceites in England spent millions of dollars on the Abolition project. Sam Houston actually told his audience in his Union Speech in 1860 that the Yankee outrages were actually outrages funded by wealthy men in London and that if secession went through it would be an international war. The New England Emigrant Aid Company had some wealthy (((LONDON FRIENDS))). Unfortunately the young Confederacy had alot of these (((FRIENDS))) as well. These same friends isolated Jefferson Davis to themselves, promised him that they would force England and France, two nations still dominated by Wilberforce thought and Jacobin thought in their popular culture to come to the aid of a reactionary conservative nation. Jeff Davis bought this convuluted reasoning, Stonewall Jackson didn’t and of course the (((Friends))) actually printed articles pleading for Jefferson Davis to censure Stonewall Jackson because Stonewall embraced barbarity and would change the Christian nature of war.

    Make no mistake about it, the War for Southern Independence was a WORLD WAR masquerading as a {{{CIVIL}}} War. The House of Rothschild’s Mexico project was supposedly part of a bigger plan to steal Texas and leverage French hegemony in the New World. They reasoned that the Confederacy would be easy to conquer. The only hope the CSA had was to win early and decisively and Benjamin and friends made sure that never happened. Traitors every last one of em

  20. @Billy Ray Jenkins

    “Mr. Cushman seeks to say there are GOOD Jews and BAD Jews, sounds alot like saying there’s decent Colored and there’s Nigras. The Sephardic Jews you count as Friends blocked two different motions to include JESUS CHRIST and CHRISTIANITY in the Confederate Constitution.”

    I am actually not trying to say either group is good or bad. I am describing one group with which we had historic relations and contrasting their behavior to that of a new, much larger and overtly hostile group.

    Most of our behaviors are rooted in genetics, I believe. And so I am never surprised when a group acts in its own interests. What surprises me is when they don’t (like Whites today). We as a group should act in our interests and take action against those individuals or groups in our midst who act against our interests.

  21. “Ossoff said he was wowed by the turnout.

    “Jewish women are leading a lot of the political engagement in the community,” he told JTA.”

    Hey, why is he not bragging about some (just some) of his other helpers?:

    AMCHA Initiative
    American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
    American Jewish Archives
    American Jewish Committee (AJC)
    American Jewish Conference
    American Jewish Congress
    American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
    American Jewish World Service
    American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE)
    Americans for Peace Now
    Anti-Defamation League
    B’nai B’rith International
    Bend the Arc
    Birthright Israel (Taglit)
    BlueStar PR
    Brit Tzedek v’Shalom
    Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
    Coordinating Council of Jerusalem
    European Association For Jewish Studies (EAJS)
    European Council of Jewish Communities
    European Jewish Association (EJA)
    European Jewish Call For Reason (JCALL)
    European Jewish Congress (EJC)
    European Jewish Parliament (EJP.EU)
    European Jewish Press (EJP)
    European Parliament Working Group on Antisemitism (EPWG)
    European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS)
    Gateways Organization
    Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
    Hebrew Union College
    Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals
    Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism
    Israel Policy Forum
    Israeli American Council
    JCC Association
    Jewish Book Council
    Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA)
    Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
    Jewish Defense League (JDL)
    Jewish Defense League Chapters
    Jewish Defense Organization
    Jewish Farm Schools
    Jewish Federations of North America
    Jewish Funds for Justice
    Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
    Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF)
    Jewish Labor Committee
    Jewish National Fund (JNF)
    Jewish Policy Center
    Jewish Socialist Federation
    Jewish Socialist Verband
    Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
    Jewish Voice for Peace
    Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America
    Jewish Women International (JWI)
    Jewish Women’s Archive
    Jewish World Watch (JWW)
    Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
    JIMENA (Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa)
    Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs
    Long Island Board of Rabbis
    MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
    Moishe House
    National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry (NCSEJ)
    National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW)
    National Jewish Democratic Council
    New Jewish Agenda (NJA)
    Orthodox Union
    Padeia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden
    Progressive Jewish Alliance
    Project Interchange
    Republican Jewish Coalition
    Simon Wiesenthal Center
    Stand With US
    The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation
    The European Jewish Fund
    The Jewish Board – Health and Human Services for All New Yorkers
    The Jewish Federation (JFED)
    The Jewish Federations of North America
    The Jewish Publication Society
    The Workmen’s Circle
    Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
    United Hebrew Trades
    United Israel Appeal (UIA)
    United Jewish Appeal (UJA)
    United Jewish Appeal Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of NY, Inc.
    United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA)
    United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
    World Jewish Congress (WJC)
    Yad Vashem
    Young Judaea
    Zionist Organization of America

  22. Why aren’t Christian women out in force working on the hordes? Study the Jews’ tactics and instead of complaining, learn from them.

  23. @Snowhitey…

    Why aren’t Christian women out in force working on the hordes? Study the Jews’ tactics and instead of complaining, learn from them.’

    Spot on! When your enemy brings out a big cannon, you’ve got to bring out one, too.

    Fight fire with fire.

  24. “My Jewish upbringing imbued me with certain values, a commitment to justice and peace.”

    Except for Palestinians and Israel’s neighboring Arab secular states.

    Jewish Russophobia is disfiguring American foreign policy and could potentially lead to World War III.

  25. @Michael Cushman…

    ‘Most of our behaviors are rooted in genetics, I believe.’

    Sir, an overwhelming amount of evidence, for decades, goes to show that much of what is root in geneticks, is ameliorated by environment and the nervous system (the soul of the person and their state of mind)

    Evidence of how important environmental influence is, is in pointing out to you what you observed earlier – that Sephardick Southerns Jews behave in a more pro-Southern way (not my believe, but, yours) yet, became basically extinct.

    What made them go extinct?

    The Yankees grabbed hold of Southern educational curriculum, used mass media, and usurpt our social customs – thus, all Southern Jews, and, in fact, most Southern Whites, now sing Yankee-Doodle-Dandy.

  26. @Jim…

    ‘Jewish Russophobia is disfiguring American foreign policy and could potentially lead to World War III.’

    It ain’t ‘American’ foreign policy, Jim, it’s New England Yankee foreign policy that The Jews have largely usurpt.

    And ,yes, you are right – The Jewish Community is largely Russophobick, or, perhaps better said, has been waging an undeclared war of annihilation of Russian Orthodoxy since the middle of the 19th century.

  27. @Billy Ray Jenkins…

    ‘Thomas Jefferson was very friendly with Adam Weishaupt of the Illuminati and said that the Illuminati would bring the NEW AGE. Jefferson bought so much into this proposition nation he gave us open borders to make sure it happened. The Naturalization Act of 1802 is truly the cause of the War Between The States, yet few Southern Nationalists will talk about it. The reason why this was is very simple. The uncontrolled immigration, which flooded in during the 1820’s according to how we apportion the House and Senate and Electoral Representation unfairly weighted representation toward one part of the country. The ignorant Southern Jeffersonian Democrat leadership in the time of Jefferson bought into Jefferson’s open borders scheme because Jefferson promised them that it would lead to Democratic dominance. Well Jefferson’s scheme worked, the Federalist party did die because of rampant immigration.’

    #1. You make Thomas Jefferson sound a lot like LBJ.

    #2. Thank you, as always, Mr. Jenkins, for your mastery over the history, our history.

  28. @Billy Ray Jenkins…

    ‘The only hope the CSA had was to win early and decisively and Benjamin and friends made sure that never happened. ‘

    I have heard many blame it all on Braxton Bragg, then some on Robert Lee, and others, still, on Jeff Davis.

    No you’re pinning it on Benjamin.

    May I be so bold as to suggest that The War of Northern Aggression was, as you said, a covert world war? and that being so, there were millions of players responsible.

    Also, can we not give The Yankees a little credit, here. We kickt there asses and made them look like fools, for much of the first two years – and still they stood their ground.

    I served with rural Yankees and know that they can be very very good soldiers.

    We, Southern Confederates, didn’t just lose the war, but, they, Yankees, won it – and they won it the hard way, by getting their heads blown off and not running away when our Rebel Yell curdled their spines.

    Be that as it may be – thank you again. I love to read your comments – and those of Mr. Owens.


    I’ve heard a lot of reason why the Yankees whoopt us, so now I give ya’ll mine…

    #1. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee fought a brilliant conventional war, but, unfortunately, never realized that we had NOT the resources to fight any other kind of war than what we ended up fighting in The Reconstruction.

    #2. Southern States Governors, such as my own’s state, Zebulon Vance, were too busy waging war on Richmond, instead of on Washington.

    #3. Jubal Early needed to stop giving Washington a scare and, instead, sneak in at night and burn it to the ground.

    #4. Stonewall Jackson ought to have ignored Jefferson Davis’s rules on limits, and marcht to Lake Eerie.

    #5. Benjamin was a Jew, and, as such, never ought to have been allowed in the cabinet.

    #6. Davis, as he later admitted, clung to heavily to those whom he knew – such as Braxton Bragg, instead of allowing better men, such as Forrest, or those whom he hated, Beauregard, to be in charge of The Western Theatre. 1864 was not too late for us, if Forrest or Beauregard had been given command, instead of the brave, yet, foolish Hood – who destroyed us at Franklin with his temper tantrae.

    #7. Lincoln was a Southerner, and, as such, was a better leader for the North, than any they had.

    #8. Negroes ought to have been allowed in in 1861. Serve two years, and if you live, you are free.

  30. @Juri…

    ‘Let’s try to avoid race war at all cost. Our enemys are white liberals around us not somewhere in the desert.’

    I agree, Juri – our enemies are here right across the street, NOT in the desert.

  31. @James Owen…

    ‘In these cases, I always suspect a Northeastern connection. I read Ossoff’s bio, expecting to read of his birth and upbringing in New York or Connecticut. It wasn’t the case, however he behaves like a Northern Leftist Jew.’

    Excellent point, as usual, Mr. Owen.

    Yet, think about this – if Ossoff is born (or not born, but raised) in the South, but, is raised by two Yankee Jews, how do you think he’ll likely turn out?

    Birthplace, to me, is less important than the home environment.

  32. @Jack Ryan…

    ‘It’s often incomprehensible for American White Conservatives to imagine that Israeli Jews who are in constant conflict, wars with all Arab/Muslims neighbors are at the same time championing mass Muslim immigration in to the USA/the West.’

    They don’t want to comprehend it, Mr. Ryan. Whites, as a whole, don’t want to be bothered with the toil of nation-building.

    It’s a dirty little secret that Jews do it, because most Whites want someone else to handle it.

    Whites, North and South, are become, during my lifetime, ever more decadent and degenerate.

    It’s a cocktail for submission.

  33. @Michael Cushman

    The Southern experience of Jews, like so many, many other experiences, is simply different from that of the North. People who’ve been raised on the notion that “we’re all one country” and outside of the South, just can’t see how profound these differences really are.

  34. @ Winbornmill

    “#5. Benjamin was a Jew, and, as such, never ought to have been allowed in the cabinet.”

    …..and, a Rothschild agent. I am also wondering why so many who ignored Kushner also ignore Miller. Bannon has also been surrounded by a large amount of Jews for a long time. Both are, and should be, suspect. It’s just a possibility, folks, nothing definitive.

  35. Once that kike Ossoff buys his way into office he’s going to do everything he can to remove or otherwise desecrate Confederate war monuments and vilify the memory of Rebel soldiers. It will be like Bolshevik Russia in 1918, if not worse.

  36. @James Owen..’

    ‘The Southern experience of Jews, like so many, many other experiences, is simply different from that of the North. People who’ve been raised on the notion that “we’re all one country” and outside of the South, just can’t see how profound these differences really are.’

    *In my old oligarchal Southern plantation town, Mr. Owen, the wife and I live in the centre – the historick district, and within a couple of blocks are a number of Yankee couples from us. One from Yonkers, New York City, one from Boston, another from Pennsylvania, and another from Maryland.

    All are bright, highly qualified and educated folk who have been here for at least a decade and have been, to a one, utterly befuddled and downright deepresst about how we, Southerners, are.

    They cannot get over how we are so different than they, and how our society seems immune to what they regard as their ‘logick’.

    So, feeling truly sorry for them (they have all put a lot of energy into our community) I listen to them with great empathy, and explain to them how we are, and how it is that our fundamental understandings are antithetical

    I kid you not, all of them now, owing to their experiences and our conversations, recognize the fallacy of what they were brought up to believe about us being ‘one country’, and have begun to find a little peace of mind in their acceptance phase.

    Many Yankees come down here on what I term their ‘Gone with The Wind fantasy’, only to find themselves in something more akin to miscegenized blend of ‘Josey Wales’ & ‘Deliverance’…

  37. @Snowwhitey…

    ‘ Winbornmill’s comment…

    “#5. Benjamin was a Jew, and, as such, never ought to have been allowed in the cabinet.”

    …..and, a Rothschild agent. I am also wondering why so many who ignored Kushner also ignore Miller. Bannon has also been surrounded by a large amount of Jews for a long time. Both are, and should be, suspect. It’s just a possibility, folks, nothing definitive.’

    Snowhitey, I can see from your comments, over many articles, that you get it.

    You may be from New York City, but, you are very quick to understand those who are different from you, and that there actually are those who are fundamentally different from you and yours.

    As to Benjamin – Davis was warned against including 5 Jews in his cabinet (Secretary of War, Supply, Arnaments, Treasury and Surgeon-General) yet, he was desperate for highly skilled, qualified, and experiencet personel, and, that being so – with no time to think over the matter, he went with what he had known.
    Benjamin was clearly a pick because he wanted an ambassador to Rothschild.
    It didn’t work out.

    That said, I go back to my list of reasons why we lost, and emphasize that this was a huge drama, with no one party dictating the score.

    Miss Denise disagrees, however – she having stated, categorically, that we lost the war because of those Jews, or was it because out Jews were not as good as y’all’s Jews?!?

  38. @Winbornmill

    Thomas Jefferson was in my opinion not like LBJ outright evil, Jefferson was a brilliant intellectual however like most intellectual people, they are given to flights of fancy and lose contact with reality. If I approached the situation of Immigration from the stance of Thomas Jefferson I see it this way. Jefferson had a bit of cognitive dissonance, he liked certain trappings of aristocracy, yet he hated hereditary aristocracy at the same time. You see the confusion? He looked at the State of Ohio as his grand experiment, a truly American state governed by small farmers from the Township to the State Legislature. Jefferson believed that subsistence farmers who loved the land and helped one another would always be free, his idea of a nation of free smallholding yeomen.

    Jefferson failed to understand that subsistence farming leaves you without almost any money. Sure you your wife and your 16 children may be able to farm 100 acres by yourselves. Remember everything you planted, you had to leave a bit behind for seeds, there was no True Value in 1804. Your wife and daughter spun flax and wool into cloth and you killed deer and bear for their skins and you trapped as well. The thing is you need hard money, so you have to take some corn liquor and some of your fur and skins to trade for currency. There are no roads, so you have to go via canoe or foot. Hence the problem with this society. Roads are necessary for trade to flourish, but if everyones a subsistence farmer no one has any money for taxation, no taxation no schools no sheriff and the government collapses.

    Jefferson’s idea of smallholding yeomen was awe inspiring, but it was impractical. Thus there were really only two rural systems that worked, one was slaveholding farms, the other was free independent farms connected to the world via a network of roads and canals. Slaveholding was superior, as a man could create an intricate division of labor. If the neighbors needed to improve a road, they pulled their slaves and did so. The freeholding farmer of the North, not having the ability to work around the clock, necessitated government expenditure to link him to the outside world. Thus the need for vast amount of internal improvements. This necessitated higher taxes and federal expenditures.

    You see already the problem arising. The Southern aristocrat, via having a captive labor force, can pull his resources and get all sorts of internal improvements done, without hitting government up for a dime. The Northern man, without slavery, actually relies on government.

  39. @Winbornmill.

    My criticism of Judah P. Benjamin stems mostly from the fact that he and Davis kept the idea going that the UK and France would come to the South’s aid far too late. Stonewall Jackson said in 1861, hit them hard and wipe them out. For this in 1861 the Southern media turned against him as his speech was considered too inflammatory. I believe that Mr. Benjamin may have been a part of Davis’s decision to maintain full control of the Military, even though he was not in the field. Unlike the United States, which had long had a Commanding General of the US Army, the South’s armies were semi-autonomous. Robert E. Lee had no real say over the entire war effort until 1865 when Davis finally created the eqivilent post and named Lee head of all Southern forces.

    Stonewall Jackson from what I have read was personally hurt by the treatment he received early on from Richmond but like a dutiful soldier he did his duty. He believed early on that Benjamin was harming the war effort, and even offered to resign because of it.

    Had General Lee had the authority to pick and organize his lieutenant generals, Braxton Bragg would have been assigned some obscure post and we’d never have heard about him again.

  40. @ Winbornmill

    “Miss Denise disagrees, however – she having stated, categorically, that we lost the war because of those Jews, or was it because out Jews were not as good as y’all’s Jews?!?”

    Under normal circumstances I would say you just didn’t have enough of them. However, they were working against the Confederacy so all it took was one. One enemy Jew in a very influential position can sabotage much. It only takes one cancerous cell – left unnoticed and untreated – to spread to every organ of the body over time. The more aggressive the cancer, the quicker it spreads. They are a different animal and that is where their real advantage lies. And, until that is understood there is no defense. They will always succeed while they remain misunderstood.

    Damn it, read “The Biological Jew”!!! That one book will provide more information on their insidious behavior than many lifetimes of direct analytical observation and close personal experience. The “Curse of Canaan” will show how they have transformed throughout the ages.

    I will take flack for the following but it is my personal opinion. It is not all Jews but whatever is in the central control room is not of this world (or dimension or reality or however one perceives it). And, that is where their real advantage lies. They will always be one step ahead.

    Now, Junius, do you still view me the same way?

  41. @Snowhitey…

    Thank you for your reply. After reading this I cannot say my opinion of you has changed. Really, I don’t know why it would, as, over some months I have come to know the thoughts you state here, belonged to you.

    I come at Jewish culture quite a bit differently than you – my daddy’s folks were Jewish, and I’ve known many many Jews.

    That said, I’ve taken the time to go to Dr. Duke’s site and read many things, over the last decade, and, as well, have long come here, so, I am reasonably aware of what the academick aspect of the subject is.

    As to Jews working against the Confederacy, I am certainly expert enough to tell you that North Carolina Jews were too busy serving in the Southern armed forces, during the years 1861-65, to be doing anything but, working for it.

    As to the Jewish cabinet members, I am going to leave that to more verset minds on the subject – such as Mr. James Owen and Mr. Billy Ray Jenkins.

    Though I am knowledgeable about ‘American history’, I have spent a lot of time studying European history, most particularly that of Russia, Germany, Italy, France, and England.

    As to being a half breed, it did not bother me for many years – until the internet revealed that my father’s people, over the last century has, beyond any shadow of a doubt, been waging a war against North Carolina, and, indeed, the whole South.

    At that time, and ever since, I am aligned against them, and will be until they leave Dixie alone.

  42. @Billy Ray Jenkins…

    Sir, I thank you for having honoured me with these fantastick remarks. I will, for tonight, confine myself to the first, about Thomas Jefferson.

    In light of what I know about him, and what you have said, I regard Thomas Jefferson as a second rate Jew.

    The reasons being that he was an obsessive tinkerer in creation, and, liket to construct political theories, the depth and ramifications of which he did not understand, though, that being said, it never stopped him from doing so.

    Furthermore, like a Jew, he has zero problem advocating others live a life that he, himself, has no intent upon doing.

    Moreover, he never seemed to stand on the bottom line of anything – for example, I am thinking of how lived in a state of constant mortgage and refinancing (Jewish smoke and mirrors) and he died, every redesigning his house – terribly in debt. (second rate Jew – first rate leaves his piracy to his heirs)

    Yes, I think your statements about the plausibility, or the lack of it, for a farmer, is spot on, as is the analogy to the plantationeer.

    Thank you!

  43. @Spahn…

    ‘Once that kike Ossoff buys his way into office he’s going to do everything he can to remove or otherwise desecrate Confederate war monuments and vilify the memory of Rebel soldiers. It will be like Bolshevik Russia in 1918, if not worse.’

    I would not recommend that for Ossoff, as his district straddles an area in Georgia rich in Southern White Supremacists and Klansmen; folks who will take a dreadfully dim view of such a thing.

  44. Why hasn’t the Jewish run SPLC listed Jews, BLM, Jihadi’s and Commie outfits and feminist groups on their list of hate groups? They all hate whites and white culture, and want to wipe us out. Their obvious in their absence.
    Our site needs to begin compiling lists of anti-white hate groups – the SPLC being one, and BLM for starters.
    Many of those on the SPLC list are not ‘haters’ but ordinary people who have a right to an opinion.
    For me personally, theres no obligation on my part to tolerate or like minorities who I never asked for in the first place, and are trying to change us.
    We have a right to ‘hate’, and question whats going on.

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