By now you have probably heard about Richard Spencer’s talk at Auburn yesterday. I listened to the talk, and one part resonated with me emotionally the most. He described the emptiness many white people feel due to being cut off from our sense of connection to our people, which is in a way an extended family.
I agree with his assessment, but I believe this experience is a little different for those of us who are Southerners. More than most, we do still have at least some of this sense of ourselves as a “nation,” not in the political sense, but in the sense of this extended family with shared culture, history, and values. In this we are uniquely blessed.
Our detractors, who view us as their obvious inferiors, cannot understand why we take any pride or pleasure in being Southern. In part this is because of their need to feel superior and to project their own faults (“hatefulness,” etc.) onto others. But it’s also because they have no concept of being a part of an extended community with whom one has transcendent bond. They simply can’t relate to the love of one’s people.
The uniquely shared experience (among Americans) of defeat, occupation, reconstruction, and generations of poverty has led to a great deal of suffering, but it has also helped to define and bond us.
This is why, despite the fact that we are continuously derided, villified, and have suffered more poverty than the rest of America, so many of us still enthusiastically declare that we are “Southern by the grace of God.” Yes, indeed.
@ Emily Rogers
Nice little post. I thought your line referencing Spencer about “the emptiness many white people feel due to being cut off from our sense of connection to our people, which is in a way an extended family” was quite accurate. I agree. As a Christian, I hold that God always intended man to live in extended family/tribal based social units, not multiracial countries. Multiculturalism is nothing but Neo-Bableism. https://putnamlibertynotes.wordpress.com/2017/02/03/neo-babelism/
Very beautiful Emily.
And I like the reference to the best ever book “Southern by the Grace of God”
God wants the nations, not Babylon.
Our detractors, who view us as their obvious inferiors, cannot understand why we take any pride or pleasure in being Southern. In part this is because of their need to feel superior and to project their own faults (“hatefulness,” etc.) onto others. But it’s also because they have no concept of being a part of an extended community with whom one has transcendent bond. They simply can’t relate to the love of one’s people. The uniquely shared experience (among Americans) of defeat, occupation, reconstruction, and generations of poverty has led to a great deal of suffering, but it has also helped to define and bond us.
Emily have you ever noticed something? It doesn’t matter whether your Granddaddy mined coal in Kentucky or West Virginia while tending his tobacco and cornfields, whether he lived near starvation on a forty acre cotton farm he sharecropped in Lower Alabama, whether your he rode with Jesse James and Cole Younger up in Missouri or lived the life of Tom Sawyer along the Mississippi in Hannibal or even whether your Granddaddy lived off the swamp in South Louisiana, THE SOUTHERN STORY IS ALWAYS THE SAME STORY. Of course adding the Southern Identity with the Appalachian Identity, its a double thing, similar to adding the Southern and the Texan its two simultaneous identities that are inseperable.
This transcendent BOND that binds the Southern People together from the Shenandoah to the Everglades to El Paso and up to the Missouri Iowa State Line and the Ohio River literally is palpable and although today much weaker and watered down than it was in 1890 or 1930 for that matter, it is still there. I grew up in Ohio born and raised, my father’s family came here from Bell Co KY in 1967. Still it never ceases to amaze me when two unrelated people met one another, if someone heard your last name they’d be like, “WHERE IN THE HILLS ARE YOU’UNS FROM?” This happened all the time growing up.
When I briefly went away to West Virginia to College one thing stuck out at me. The Mountain Kids from Southern Ohio and the West Virginia boys all stuck together and the boys from further South stuck together as well. I remember the ones from OH and WV sorta all pal’ed around with me and were like folks like us need to stick together. This was sorta common with Appalachia people especially they know one another almost by first meeting. Another thing was years after this at work. There was an office break in and supposed theft and we were all questioned by the cops. I was at home 28 miles away when it happened and of course I was exonerated. However a couple of the guys I worked with, one had grew up near KY on the OH side and had lived part of his life in West Virginia and those places and another guy grew up in Norfolk Va and I remember just being pissed about what happened. The guy pulls me aside and he says to me, “LOOK YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST FACE IT. TO THESE PEOPLE YOU’RE SOUTHERN JUST LIKE THE REST OF US AND THAT MEANS YOU’RE GOING TO GET EXTRA SCRUTINY. ANYTHING GOES WRONG WE GET HIT WITH THE BLAME.”
I was pissed at first. I remember saying LOOK I WAS BORN IN OHIO I GREW UP IN THE NORTH FOR GOD’s SAKE. He just smiled at me and said, “Son to these people you’ll never be one of them, you’re one of us and you’d best accept it. These rich people hate Southern folks.” I remember I asked him because I never went into great detail about my family how did he think they knew? He just said, “They can tell us just by looking at us and our names that we aren’t them.”
JOE PUTNAM Multiculturalism is nothing but Neo-Bableism.
There is some evidence that the dark races, HAM and his sons Cush, Phut Mitzrayim and Canaan founded the first civilizations on earth, we Whites (Japhethites) and Shem’s peoples were subjected by Nimrod and his brethren, but their power over us was broken at Babel and Yahweh sent us off into our far lands. This is tradition of course but it should go to show all of us. Yahweh made the White Man to rule himself and as long as he didn’t allow others to rule over him we would be fine. However what did we do? We allowed the Edomites (So Called Jews a mongrel bunch of people allied with the Hamites) to become Lords and Rulers over us.
Now we reap the whirlwind. Now admitted my understanding isn’t that good but if the stories of Nimrod from tradition are true, then it explains some things. There is no doubt in my mind that the Jews are EDOM.
@ billyrayjenkins,
Hello Billy Ray,
From your comment to me it appears that you actually read my Neo-Babelism post; thanks!
Getting into archaeology and ancient non-Biblical traditions can either clear -or muddy- the water. I am glad that you care what the Bible says. It is pretty clear that Nimrod was of Ham and Cush, and likely a tyrant. I suppose it is possible that Nimrod was a Negro. To me it appears that the Bible account of Babel was a voluntary joining together under a king, though I suppose that there could have been some coercion.
I certainly agree with you that God man the white man to rule himself.
As you believe that Jews are of Edom and use the term Yahweh, I assume that you might think that Europeans are the true Israel. My understanding of the Bible is from the Reformed perspective, and race from a Kinist oriented perspective. With the traditional Reformed view, it would not matter who were the true Jews as they hold that physical Israel is no longer in covenant with God. Covenant Theology is not taught in the evangelical churches I was raised in, and would not align well with Anglo Israel theology. However, I do have a Baptist friend who thinks that most “Jews” are either Edomites or Khazar hybrids; but he also seems to think that Euros are not Jews, but that the “good” Jews are still out there somewhere. I guess we all have a opinion.
Thanks for the polite comment. Talking to guys at OD is always more calm and intelligent than over at Infowars!
I can spot a Northern transplant before they even open their mouths.
@Joe Putnam
I am not going to go down endless rabbit holes, I do use Yahweh and Jehovah interchangebly but Im not into the whole Identity thing. Political Israel ended in 30/33AD and spiritual Israel, the one Church of Christ is in existence today. Through Christ we are the heir to Jacob’s Birthright and Blessing but as spiritual Israel we also inherited the curses for disobedience as well. The Jews were cast off and remain lost today.
The subject of EDOM I approach it from this direction, The so-called Jews behavior of today is not the behavior of the Israelites of old. The Israelites were a farming and shepherding people. However the Edomites were slavetraders and bankers, their lands in Southern Jordan were too poor for farming and not that fantastic for grazing either. We also do know the Edomites inhabited Southern Judah after the Babylonian Captivity depopulated the land and we know the Maccabbees converted them to Judaism by force. Herod was an Edomite/Arab and his children were of a mixture of Edomite Arab and Jewish blood. The Herods openly showed contempt for the Temple and God’s Laws. I will show you something interesting. Herod The Great’s wife Malthace was a Samaritan woman, by her he had Herod Archelaus and Herod Antipas. Archelaus was deposed by Rome for incompetence turning Judea into a Roman Province. Herod’s wife Mariamne was a Levite, daughter of the High Priest. By her he had Herod II who was called Phillip in the Book of Mark. Herod II married Herodias and had Salome, Herodias then left him and moved in with Herod Antipas. The reason why I put this here, is of course that the Law of Moses of course prohibited adultery and incest and yet according to all accounts, the Herods openly engaged in both.
The reason I write this is that in my mind everything adds up. Christianity abandoned revealed religion and substituted it with humanism which is idolatry. What does God Almighty do? Well just like to old Israel, he allows EDOM to do us great harm and he allows the people of ISHMAEL which would today include Midian, Moab, Ammon, and all of the desert peoples to come against us. 300 years ago when Christianity was strong, EDOM was under our thumb and the Ottoman Turks who fall under Ishmael’s tent as they practice his false religion had been stopped cold. The Arabs only attacks against us were as the Barbary Pirates. However in just the past 72 years since WWII, Edom and Ishmael have been raised over us, criticism of both JEW and Mohammadan is all but illegal. If I go strictly according to Scripture this was what God told us all along would happen. The refusal of Christians to do what needed to be done not only leads to personal reprocussions, but national/social ones as well
James Owen
APRIL 19, 2017 AT 11:05 PM
I can spot a Northern transplant before they even open their mouths.
@JAMES I didn’t think they made that much of a dent in the local population in the smaller Texas towns although the burbs of any TX city i could imagine how that is.
Following the War, as Texas was the only CSA state not completely burned out, gutted and ripped asunder, I know especially on the frontier line there were quite a few Union Vets who came to the Texas to claim land under the Homestead Act. In fact strangely enough they must have come in large enough number to set up their own Grand Army of the Republic chapters, because in the GAR database, there were chapters in Texas and these weren’t colored chapters either, Of course their numbers were small enough that within a generation, they were absorbed. Unfortunately since 1945 the problems been the influx is too large to absorb. Factor in the rest and its a mess.
Reply to Billy Ray Jenkins
The reason rural southern people stick together, if they don’t, there isn’t anybody else, that’s all there is. In the movie All the Kings Men, one of the characters says, “The only somebody who ever helped a hick, was another hick.”
I know why but like I said I never really thought about it much until I noticed one day when I was an adult how without noticing we tended to gravitate toward one another. Yes that is true you do only have you and your people to help you.
“Our detractors, who view us as their obvious inferiors, cannot understand why we take any pride or pleasure in being Southern. In part this is because of their need to feel superior and to project their own faults (“hatefulness,” etc.) onto others. But it’s also because they have no concept of being a part of an extended community with whom one has transcendent bond. They simply can’t relate to the love of one’s people.”
I’m just responding with no real agenda or point to be made…there was that war…so some in the North feel a deep-rooted or ingrained knee-jerk reaction precisely because we do identify in some way with being ‘American’ as opposed to ‘Northerners.’ Not all of that is superiority (although it is in many to most even if only in small degree). It’s definitely not all hatefulness, however.
The last two sentences are what inspired me to respond. Many Northerners did have a concept of being part of an extended community that varied depending on what region and exact part of whichever region. The transcendent bond was probably ‘America’ in some sense that the personal for us often became a projection onto the abstraction.
Mostly, though, I just feel like saying that I as a native northeasterner can relate to the love of one’s own people. For me that was the northwestern europeans, and to some extent this love in my mind springs from the New England region, probably because by my childhood my people were already a minority in my NJ/NY region, and because there’s something I loved about the – our – culture and ways, our community.
Not to lecture here, just sharing for whatever it’s worth. We lost our culture, at least here in my exact region, completely.
Here’s to hoping you Southerners don’t.
@Onceler. When the USA was founded there were only TWO definable cultural regions New England and the South ie everything from Maryland to the Spanish Florida line. New York, New Jersey Pennsylvania and Lower Pennsylvania (Delaware) were diverse. New Englanders settled all over New York north and west of Albany, scattered around New Jersey and settled in some parts of far northern Pennsylvania. New York had the Dutch, Pennsylvania and Delaware had Yankees, Quakers, Germans, Scandinavians, Jews, Scots-Irish, etc, basically Pennsylvania and Delaware were America. This culture of Pennsylvania took over Central/West Maryland over time as well but its influence stopped at the Potomac River. New Jersey had this Yankee culture overlaid with a Southern-style Plantation culture with lots of slavery. New Jersey had slavery until 1846 but because their law only freed those born 1804 and after, they still had sixteen slaves in 1865 when the 13th Amendment came into law. New Jersey and Delaware were the last two slave states and they were NORTHERN.
The Founders, most notedly Thomas Jefferson thought the mixture of cultures in NY, NJ, PENNA, DE and western MD was the future of the USA, what I call the Pennsylvania model. Thus the Old Northwest ie OH IN IL WIS MI never had one dominant culture and neither did Iowa Kansas or Nebraska, Only Minnesota and the Dakotas ended up with a dominant culture ie Scandinavian but that was after 1870. All of the rest of the Mountain States,Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado ended up without a distinctive dominant culture, however Mormonism was big in these states. Utah’s culture was entirely Mormon.
From the Bay Area in California to British Columbia is Western New England, settled by Yankee ship jumpers during the Whaling and Hide trade. To this day Hollywood will often film New England backdrops in the Pacific Northwest. The buildings and stuff are similar enough.
What we call an American Culture came about in the North and West because no one really had anything in common, No single heritage or anything else. So they developed one based around the Stars and Stripes and later Mama Apple Pie and Chevrolet. A civic culture with no real depth.