I went to the Traditionalist Worker’s Party rally in Pikeville, KY this weekend.
It was an 8 and 1/2 hour drive from Alabama. I wasn’t planning to travel such a long distance, especially on the heels of Auburn, but I was concerned enough to do so. I also encouraged others to go. I went simply because antifas were planning to show up and they are out of control in this country.
I’m worried about what I think of as the Nazi dike. By that I mean primarily what we have been seeing from the antifas on our television for the past year and a half now. It started during the Trump campaign. They would show up and disrupt Trump rallies, physically assault people, spit on people and chase them through the streets. In Chicago and California, they rioted during the campaign. At one point, Trump himself had to sneak into the California Republican Convention.
The antifas got even more violent after the election. They spent several days protesting, rioting, blocking traffic and beating up Trump supporters in the streets. They threatened Richard Spencer when he spoke at Texas A&M. In Washington, DC, they put on quite a show at Trump’s inauguration. They punched Richard Spencer, beat people up outside the Deploraball, rioted and smashed a McDonald’s and Starbucks and physically attacked more Trump supporters who were in town for the inauguration. Hundreds of antifas were arrested and charged with felony rioting.
The “Punch a Nazi” meme took off on the Left. There was a big public debate on “punching Nazis” which many in the “mainstream” on the Left insisted was perfectly justified. They were normalizing and sanctioning political violence. I said at the time that an important line was being crossed. A few weeks later, the antifas rioted against MILO at Berkeley, which was on the heels of someone getting shot attempting to no platform a MILO event at the University of Washington.
Since February, we have seen antifas attempt to no platform Ann Coulter at Berkeley, Jordan Peterson at McMaster University, Charles Murray at Middlebury College, Gavin McInnes at NYU, Heather MacDonald at Pomona College and Richard Spencer at Auburn. We’ve seen clashes with antifas in the streets all over the country at Trump rallies like at Huntington Beach. There had been two all out brawls between the Alt-Lite and Trump supporters at Berkeley before the peaceful rally there last week. Even then, the threat of antifa violence succeeded in deterring Ann Coulter from speaking on campus.
We’ve watched antifas riot overseas in France against Marine Le Pen and the National Front throughout the French presidential election. They are now manifesting in New Orleans and inserting themselves into the Confederate monuments controversy there. We saw them come from Atlanta to confront the Alt-Right at Auburn. This weekend we saw them raise over $6,000 online to bus 150 antifas into Eastern Kentucky. They are getting more organized, violent and determined to challenge our rights.
I’m keeping a close eye on the Nazi dike. A turning point for me was when Richard Spencer had to get an injunction in federal court to speak at Auburn University. It was a stark reminder that the absence of our voice from public spaces, our existence bottled up on the internet, was beginning to take a toll on our constitutional rights. Increasingly, we are not allowed to rent hotel rooms without harassment or hold public events without the threat of violent opposition. Sooner or later, we are going to begin to lose our First Amendment and Second Amendment rights like our European counterparts.
Nazis are the scapegoat. In the name of “anti-fascism,” crimes like physical assault, tortious interference with contracts and vandalism are becoming normalized and celebrated on the Left. It is becoming okay now for righteous leftists to wield pepper spray, bike locks and crowbars against their political opponents. We are seeing a major attempt to criminalize and stigmatize “hate speech” to erode the First Amendment. Millions of Millennial snowflakes already believe that “hate speech” should be illegal.
That’s where the real threat to our rights and liberties is coming from. It is coming from antifas who are opposed to “Nazism” who show up at our events with sticks, brass knuckles, rocks, pepper spray, chains, etc. Of course, in their eyes, everyone from Donald Trump to MILO to Ann Coulter is a “Nazi,” so they are justified in engaging in criminal behavior. What would happen if the actual Nazis like the NSM lost their constitutional right to free speech and free assembly in this hysterical political climate? It would set a precedent which would be swiftly used to criminalize the rest of us.
Everyone on the Right ought to shore up “the Nazi dike” because that is where the communist flood will breach our defenses and overwhelm us. If groups like the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, NSM and the Nationalist Front retain the right to speak in public, to assemble in public and to go about their business without the threat of violence, then the constitutional rights of everyone else are more secure. Everyone who is pro-White actually isn’t a Nazi, but to our avowed enemies who want to kill us these distinctions really aren’t of much importance. In their eyes, we’re all Nazis no matter what we say or believe, and somehow that justifies them acting much worse than the people they are opposing.
Pikeville was an important clash in this emerging culture war. 150 antifas were bused into town from out of state. They spent hours screaming “Punch a Nazi.” By the end of the day, the Traditionalist Worker’s Party had successfully held their event, their rights to free speech and free assembly were asserted and upheld, and there was no violence. Zero Nazis were punched in Pikeville. Open carry laws deter violence. It was a victory for the First Amendment and Second Amendment and a defeat for violent communist gangs bent on “no platforming.” We’ve taken away violence and anonymity from them.
The real story of Pikeville, which was also the case in Auburn, is that groups and individuals who don’t have a history of working together perceive a common threat now. The movement has always been divided over National Socialism, religion and countless other wedge issues. Now we are dealing with an extremely violent communist gang which is organizing to spill our blood in the streets. This gang doesn’t care about these various divisions within our ranks. The only way to neutralize this menace is to organize a larger and even meaner gang. That’s what we are starting to see all over the place.
The antifas have ignited a reaction against them. A few years ago, these street rallies would have been about appealing to the public, but that has become a secondary consideration due to all the recent violence. Now, they are rapidly becoming anti-antifa events. They are anti-communist and anti-anarchist rallies. Every single time one of our people is jumped and assaulted by a coward with a bike lock we begin to care less about our various divisions and more about destroying antifas.
I know this has certainly had an effect on me. I used to be highly critical of militias and militancy in the movement. Now, I firmly believe that a Southern Defense Force is justified. A White Bloc is justified to neutralize the Black Bloc. Similarly, I used to worry more about the optics of our street demonstrations, but now I place greater value on our security in public places. When 100 heavily armed Nazis showed up after 150 antifas had been screaming at me for the past two hours, I didn’t care about the optics. I had never been so glad to see the Traditionalist Worker’s Party and NSM!
Do you hate antifas? Are you an anti-communist? Are you an anti-anarchist? If so, you are a potential ally against our common enemy. We’re at war with these people. Their goal is to use violence to deny us our constitutional rights to speak and assemble in public spaces. We can argue about all this other shit later. That’s the way I am starting to think now. It isn’t the way I thought about these things even a year ago. As long as communism and anarchism are getting smashed, I don’t care who is doing it.
Where does this go from here? I assumed that it might have peaked at Berkeley. The antifas didn’t show up and there was no violence. Pikeville seems to indicate an escalation.
Why hold mass rallies though? Meet up and talk and read books… mass rallies don’t do jack shit.
Very simple.
We don’t want to lose the right to speak and assemble in public. That’s what has already happened in Europe. We don’t want that to happen here.
Also, if we are reduced to meeting in private and in secret, and our enemies continue to dominate public spaces, we are guaranteed to become even more persecuted than we are now as public opinion continues to shift. I saw that clearly at the Q&A session at Auburn.
@Mr. Griffin…
I agree with you. Those of us who are not inclined to National Socialism MUST stand with our Nazi brethren.
We must support their courage and NOT allow them to be left to twist in the breeze.
All of us – Tea Party, KKK, SCV, Christian Advocacy Groups, UDC, Aryan Nation Groups, Southern Secessionists, and various assorted what-nots, must support the Nazis.
Unfortunately, The Jew-England Government leaves us no choice.
We cannot continue to cede the publick space to our enemies.
‘Everyone who is pro-White actually isn’t a Nazi, but to our avowed enemies who want to kill us these distinctions really aren’t of much importance. In their eyes, we’re all Nazis no matter what we say or believe,’
That is absolutely the truth. Because of my views I have long had the word ‘Nazi’ thrown my way.
At first, many years ago, it confused me – particularly when those throwing ‘Nazi’ at me had no Jewish blood, nor any connection with the Jewish community, whereas I did!
After a while, I began to realize that throwing this word at someone is not about blood – but, is a code for ‘we feel free to do anything to you because we regard you a threat’.
Let s also cross train
The NAZis can improve their dress and improve their image
Invite some to church
I volunteer to teach some NAZIs dancing
Well, I said I’d take them seriously when they left their safe spaces and went after working class people in the real world. However, I note that their attacks here in Dixie, have failed.
They weren’t defeated by any conscious organisation. They were beaten by Southrons being Southern. Using and obeying the law. The culture defeated them, the law defeated them.
I guess crazy ‘ole Ed Sebesta was right. There is a fortress Dixie.
I don’t care for Nazi’s, but I absolutely hate and despise the Antifa’s. A friend of mine was injured by these stinking Reds in Tinley Park. That makes it personal to me. I don’t like violence, but since pillows don’t do a good job in stopping violence, you have to fight back to enforce your right to free speech. The weak sisters may whine that we shouldn’t be violent, but when the other side is already preproposed to commit violent acts as a matter of policy, you really have only two choices. You can meekly submit to being trampled on, or you can fight back. If the next Pikeville comes up soon, if possible, I’ll be there. If I can’t make it, I’ll send some money to aid those who are there.
Let’s stop dignifying these commie thugs by calling them by the name they use for themselves. What about “commifa.”
@James Owen…
‘Well, I said I’d take them seriously when they left their safe spaces and went after working class people in the real world. However, I note that their attacks here in Dixie, have failed.
They weren’t defeated by any conscious organisation. They were beaten by Southrons being Southern. Using and obeying the law. The culture defeated them, the law defeated them.’
Yes, Mr. Owen, they have railed – for now, but, it does not mean that they will give up or fail in the future.
You see, their acts, in and of themselves, are not the issue, nor is the success or failure of such, but, rather, they are looking to normalize their totalitarianism.
We not only have to opposee them, we must use them against themselves.
First, I dislike anti-whites no matter who they are.
Second, I do not believe that it is wise to give the Nazi salute or yell “1488.” This makes us look stupid and dangerous in the eyes of our people–and we are trying to get our people on our side, not against us. Besides, the National Socialist Party ended in 1945 and people who claim to be Nazis are just playing Nazi and are of no use to our cause.
Third, it is my belief that most of them are informants and agents, anyway. You don’t want to be bothered with that kind.
Lily, it’s not about liking the Nazis. It’s about standing up for your rights. If you don’t eventually pick a hill to fight on, you’ll have no hills at all.
Tell people like Lech Walesa that rallies don’t matter. He brought (((them))) to heel in Poland with rallies and strikes. We need a labor movement for white people in the same vein as Solidarity.
“Punch a Nazi” is a spiritual warfare technique created to apply social pressure against those of our people who would racially awaken to fight for the existence of our people and a future for White children.
Billions of dollars were directed into mass media and mass educational systems over half a century to inculcate that mind weapon into our people.
Anyone who publicly countersignals against our warriors fighting for the 14 words is either an infiltrator or a weak-ass cuck who deserves their place in no-man’s land once this all goes hot.
Armchair-quarterbacking excuses of “muh optics,” “muh conservative respectability,” and “winning muh eternal normie,” are just that—excuses.
If you don’t like the strategies and tactics used by a faction fighting for White interests, then:
1) start or join your preferred faction, and do it yourself,
2) stfu about it, at least publicly,
3) continue alienating yourself from your people.
The “conservative middle class” will not be won by ideas or philosophies or arguments.
They will be won by biology.
Biology is won by strength.
Human biology is an expression of racial memory.
The White genome holds everything we need to win.
There is one thing and one thing only that matters in this struggle, and that is this:
That’s why the vast majority of enemy resources are committed to suppressing our genetic expression.
Accomplish that task, and you win it all. Fail, and you lose it all. It’s that simple.
Hunter Wallace is a boss.
They are marching through the streets right now for May Day.
Here are some chants we should practice:
“Good Communists dead Communists”
“Pinochet ! Pinochet ! Pinochet!”
Again, I will just say you ought to have been there. If you saw that mob of communists and anarchists and all the shit they were saying in person, you wouldn’t care who marched in with guns to confront them. I know I certainly didn’t.
I wish you would all stop calling them Nazis. It sounds so ignorant. No real National Socialist ever called themselves”Nazi”. It was a slur word created by the Ashke-nazis.
Thank you for this. I’m very glad you attended this event. You’ve beautifully delineated the precise reason I always defend “the Knaazzeeez”.
I write loads of “imflammatory” things, out of boredom/frustration/100% sincerity.
Anti-Fascist/Anti NS MEANS “exterminate Whitey.”. That’s what it means. There are a mere handful of folks in this country that actually consider ourselves to be gen-yoo-wine KNAAAZEEZ. But it doesn’t matter. Do you recall the articles in all kinds of “psych-sociology” sites and forums, re: ” Are babies racist”, always accompanied by a picture of a White BABY? It doesn’t matter if you are 9 months, or 90 years old, ALL Whites are demonized as Nazis – and thus appropriate and desirable object for extermination. The moment snookered Whites fought to exterminate actual German NS, during WWII, who were DEFENDING THEMSELVES FROM EXTERMINATION, we “fought for” our own genocide.
It’s not North/South, or European/American, or any other White Division. It’s about our very existence.
The Hitler Enthusiasts deserve our protection, loyalty, and ADMIRATION, as much as or even more than any other faction of Whites, because they defied vile jew social engineering, and the planned obliteration of the White Race all along.
Thank you, again.
Shut the fuck UP, “Loony”. YOU are the infiltrating subversive, or a truly dumb as a box of SHIT coward.
The Roman Salute is an ancient form of greeting. The swastika an ancient Aryan symbol of good fortune. The 14 Words is the PERFECT philosophy, and “1488” simply nods to the Last White Man Who Tried. Adolf Hitler GAVE Aryan “Twelve Years NOT a Slave”. Why are you accepting the Tone Policing of the DEVILS FROM THE BOWELS of HELL, you idiot SLAG? My Whites can, should and MUST be able to say anything we want. Life will be sane and healthy again when we see 1488 Greeting Cards in every store in the world.
Ryan – Hunter saw the NS in ACTION, didn’t he? THEY fended off the commie freak hordes. Perhaps YOU ought to learn from THEM. They can teach you how to dress.
Hitler made 2 mistakes. 1) He entered Russia as a conqueror, and not a liberator. 2) He didn’t oven every kike on earth. Jews cannot be NS. It’s a Blood Thing. We need to correct those mistakes.
There are pro-Whites and there are anti-Whites. I support White people who support White people. Pro-Whites who are rough around the edges or maybe need a little refinement and direction is an obstacle that can be overcome with the right leadership cadre in place. You don’t take anger, angst and a fighting spirit and just snuff it out for the sake of being political correct and trying to appeal to a legion of couch potatoes who crap their pants when someone calls them a racist. That’s what Conservatives have done for decades, and precisely why White America and the White Western world is in such decline.
Anti-Whites are poison. They are a disease. Their threats and violent actions should be met with an equally threatening and violent reaction. The only time I care if “Nazis” are threatening or attacking others is when they are targeting truly innocent people. Antifa terrorists who make it a point to physically attack pro-White advocates or anyone not buying into the Marxist dogmas are NOT innocent people.
Brad, I’m sure your old buddy Alex Linder is thrilled to hear about your epiphany. :)))
We need to contact those worthless idiots in Congress and make them impose a national unmasking law. NO one should be able to demonstrate in a mask. The police should be required to get correct identification from every single demonstrator. I noticed in one place where the police forced the so-called “Antifa” cowards to unmask, several of them left rather than demonstrate with their faces showing.
As a genuine NAZI I’m annoyed at the NSM for having removed the swazi from their flag and replacing it with some innocuous rune. We should be constantantly offending, provoking and antagonizing the enemy. Too damn bad if anyone is offended, this is war.
They were saying exterminate White people. I got that on video.
‘We need to contact those worthless idiots in Congress and make them impose a national unmasking law.’
No, m’am, no turning to the Jew-England Government for more new rules. Let’s leave open the issue of wearing masks.
Our side has a long history of putting them to good use.
@Celestial Time…
‘Anti-Whites are poison. They are a disease. Their threats and violent actions should be met with an equally threatening and violent reaction.’
It was found that the only way to deal with Scalawags, after The War of Northern Aggression, was meet them in such a way as that they were terrified to be out of the closet.
Excellent analysis.
National Socialism is the only logical way
James Owen
MAY 1, 2017 AT 3:50 PM
Well, I said I’d take them seriously when they left their safe spaces and went after working class people in the real world. However, I note that their attacks here in Dixie, have failed.They weren’t defeated by any conscious organisation. They were beaten by Southrons being Southern. Using and obeying the law. The culture defeated them, the law defeated them. I guess crazy ‘ole Ed Sebesta was right. There is a fortress Dixie.
I wouldn’t speak too soon, we will still someday have to take on the hard urban areas. The question is do you think we would have the same results in Atlanta, Richmond, Charlotte Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis and dont forget the sewer that is Florida? This is a great start, but until you can walk 10 abreast in front of the University of Texas in Austin open carrying waving Confederate Flags, this isn’t a total victory yet, its a victory in one battle in a long war.
This will be a generational war, that was shown at Stone Mountain a couple years ago when ANTIFA showed up there.
A well reasoned, well written analysis. Absolutely right about defending our rights to maintain a public presence and the potential loss of 1st and 2d Amendment rights if we don’t. It’s all a question of continuing to get our numbers up and to achieve enough political influence to represent our interests and to punish politicians who don’t recognize us. The Mexican mayor of Berkeley is an example. This MUD used the power of his office to order a police stand down and to deny WHITE people the protection of the law. I think Berkeley is lost as is most of California, but much of Dixie is still politically viable for us.
Matt Heimbach’s approach to working from the grass roots up is spot on. Get some of our supporters on City Councils, County Commissions and Mayor’s office.
Pikeville was a success because we had the protection of the law and we have to continue to fight for that at every level possible.
Well said,Hunter Wallace.Those who weren’t in Pikeville have no idea of the behavior exhibited by the antifa.
Like it or not,this will not be resolved behind keyboards.
I am glad that the rally in Pikeville went well. I am not a Nazi, but I support the Nazi’s right to speech in public. I did read George Lincoln Rockwell’s “White Power” about a year and a half ago, and liked most of it. It was too centralized on government authority for my Greater Appalachian constitutional roots. that being said, fifty years ago, Rockwell stated that WN types would be called Nazi whether they were or not; looks like he was right about that.
May 1, 2017 at 5:44 pm
“Shut the fuck UP, “Loony”. YOU are the infiltrating subversive, or a truly dumb as a box of SHIT coward.
You talk to Pro Whites like with that filthy mouth? You are the most (((New York))) person here. You spend so much time around nasty Jews on social media, that you have become one.
Again, the only people that used “Nazi” in the 1930s and 1940s were Jews, because they created it to demonize NS. And of course Hollywood movies written by Jews and the Left use it all the time to demonize Whites. If you are using Jewish “Nazi” label you are the ignorant one, because the only thing you know of NS is what you saw in Hollywood movies. Hence the “Hollywood Nazis”.
When I hear Whites calling themselves Nazi, I think of ghetto Blacks call themselves nigger. They internalized the enemy’s dehumanizing label.
Nazi is Jewish.
RB – get OVER yourself. This Loony IDIOT shows up, and starts tone policing. Cuz that strategy has been sooooooooo successful for White existence, right? Amirite?
I know all about the orgins of the word “Nazi” so DON’T lecture me. Tell it to Loony. Tell Loony all about it.
Were you in Pikeville, Princess? Have you dealt with the Anti fa crowd? You’d better snap out of it, and learn what YOU are dealing with.
I am not impressed with your (((New York))) way of talking Denise.
And you are tone policing right now.
I should say Thought Policing.
I am educating, while Denise is (((Thought Policing))).
“Again, I will just say you ought to have been there. If you saw that mob of communists and anarchists and all the shit they were saying in person, you wouldn’t care who marched in with guns to confront them. I know I certainly didn’t.”
I respond:
Well this one came off good. But things can certainly go bad when there are open National Socialist Movement and Klan groups. These do tend to be heavy infiltrated. The SPLC is loaded with $ millions they can pay some low life to say or do something stupid like “Kill the Nig****: or put the word out to shoot a gun in the air and cause a fire fight.
I think there should be more discipline in the future – with strict rules about who carries guns. League of the South protests were good, though we weren’t facing Antifa.
I’m not impresses with anything you write, RB, You are the (((tone police))) and you (((mentality))) is precisely why Whites have been buffaloed and displaced.
Were you in Pikeville?
Can you answer a straight question, (((RB)))? Or not?
Jack – re: infiltrators – it’s important to know who you are dealing with. FYI.
Pikeville may have been an escalation but New Orleans is a massive escalation against a softer target: the “Heritage not hate” cuckfederate crowd. I always have hoped that this crowd would eventually get red-pilled. Now that the scalawag commie traitor Landrieu has unleashed antifa thugs against them, they will either slink home with their tails between their legs or jump back up ready to fight. NOLA might be a better use of our resources.
@ Sumsum
“”””…….Tell people like Lech Walesa that rallies don’t matter. He brought (((them))) to heel in Poland with rallies and strikes. We need a labor movement for white people in the same vein as Solidarity……””
Lech build up his movement in Gdansk shipyard. Gdansk is big industrial city so Lech could bring 30 000 non college educated males together within 30 minutes.
Lech didn,t had a paypal problem. He,s supporters were so close, so they attended physically and paid cash. Most of East European nazi movements still do.
Lech prepared he,s rallys carefully. He understood that average normie does not have time and money to drive 8 and half hours.
Lech prepared the safe space for resistance in shipyard and support network in Gdansk city so he always had lot of supporters very close. He was relative safe and also the attendees from elsewhere.
Lech did he,s homework. He mapped the law enforcement. Some police and judges are very pro regime, some not so much so in their resposibility area resistance is much safer.
Basically Lech build the basement first and then moved on. Thing what western patriots don,t do.
I’m from New York but none of its jewishness has poisoned my way of thinking. I have a National Socialist weltanshauung and that will never change no matter where I reside.
Why is it that no one else, from President on down, will protect our right to free speech except Nazis?
Hunter, denying us the right to speak and assemble in public spaces is only the antifa’s intermediate goal. Their ultimate goal – their real goal – is to physically destroy us.
As you say, we’re in a war. And sooner or later, it will be a war of annihilation, them or us.
When they came for the National Socialists……….
The more I think about it, the less I’m opposed to the alt-lite. They are really where a lot of us were just a couple years ago. Sort of Vdare-tier level. And a lot of them are standing up for free speech. By alt-lite I’m not really referring to people like the “oath keepers”, more like McCinnes, Cernovich, rebel media and so on. Thanks to antifa, we’re all Nazis now.
RB sounds like a tongue-clucking pseudo-con like the effeminates at MPC.