Our coverage of the French presidential election was mostly positive despite the eventual loss that nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen suffered to globalist banker Emmanuel Macron. And with good reason. The Local France reports:
Marine Le Pen might have had little chance of winning this year’s French election, but that might not be the case in 2022. Her far-right party, like the new president, is “on the move”.
…Le Pen pulled in 10.6 million votes, double the number her father Jean-Marie gained in the second round of the 2002 presidential election.
That number represented a new record, beating the 7.6 million the far-right leader picked up in the first round on April 23rd.
All the charts tell the same story: The National Front are on an upward trajectory, and who knows where it will take them in five year’s time.
There is a possiblity that the National Front will undergo a name change after this summer’s parliamentary election, in which Le Pen’s party hopes to win up to 20 seats (they currently hold just 2 seats due to the country’s election rules which are designed to marginalize non-establishment parties). The party may also move away rhetorically from its unpopular anti-EU position.
Unfortunately, Marion Marechal-Le Pen, Marine’s popular young niece, has stepped away from politics. Hopefully she will return to the struggle after some time away as nationalists prepare to make an all-out struggle for power and the survival of the French nation in the early 2020s.
I’m glad that Mrs Le Pen lost. Women shouldn’t be encouraged into public life in that manner. And I’m glad that Marion has moved herself into a more godly occupation.
While France has a huge amount of papist heretics, that the country is part of the Atlantic seaboard means that it may influence countries, and areas, and populations that I care more about.
You are glad she lost because she is a woman even though she would have shut down immigration into France, called for a referendum on the EU, begun deporting large numbers of non-Whites and encouraged nationalists in other Western countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, the UK, etc.? I too am in general against women being involved in politics in an ideal system. But right now if a woman is leading a nationalist movement that is threatening the system I will happily support her. After we overthrow the system we can correct other problems.
And Mrs Palin did well to resign from her position as Governor of Alaska.
lol At least you are consistent.
“You are glad she lost because she is a woman even though she would have shut down immigration into France, called for a referendum on the EU, begun deporting large numbers of non-Whites and encouraged nationalists in other Western countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, the UK, etc.?”
The answer, in plain english, is yes…
That should tell you everything you need know.
The purpose of these clown is simple, cultural-marxism is failing and hence (((they))) need something else to keep White women away from nationalism. A legit misogynistic version of this.
“Le Pen pulled in 10.6 million votes, double the number her father Jean-Marie gained in the second round of the 2002 presidential election.”
“National Front will undergo a name change”
“The party may also move away rhetorically from its unpopular anti-EU position.”
All she has to do to win, is leave the National Front, abandon her nationalist positions and become a Kosher Conservative. I understand why Marion has thrown in the towel. It wouldn’t surprise me if she follows Nick Griffin to Eastern Europe.
Unlike you I don’t hold out much hope for France. They have been ruled by anti-White leftists for hundreds of years and are only fit for conquering – which is happening.
It is definitely not about the issues when it comes to women in politics. It is about women in politics.
@Alan, if France becomes Islamic in thirty years, and adopts Sharia law, it will be a disaster for French women who have the most to lose. They will be second class citizens with no rights. They’ll be exposed to forced marriages, genital mutilation, full face coverings, prison or death for the ‘crime’ of being raped….a good incentive for women to flock to the Right, step up and try to prevent it. Le Pen had every right to rule if it was for the greater good.
America has never had a female president….is it in any less of a mess as a result?
Get some perspective and move with the times.
We are not the Middle East yet. Women have rights, including the right to be heard.
John, I don’t think it’s a matter of rights but what will advance civilization intact. As a woman, I am quite sick & tired of the women’s movement which has been a disaster. Most women are worse off and even more don’t know it.
The nationalist right are the coming party in France.
@Snowhitey, I have no time for most womens movements either. Most are overwhelmingly leftwing and only ever pounce on petty, trivial issues. But when women come along who actually want to do something positive for their nation or civilization, they deserve our backing.
Our people, Snowhitey, have had women rulers – monarchs, some of the greatest in our history – well before the jews decided to dictate our mores for us a la 1950’s misogyny and its planned backlash, feminism.
@Michael Cushman…
You said this before, and I echoed it : La Fronte Nationale ain’t goin’ nowhere, no how.
Give Macron time to screw things up, and give our Saracen friend time to blow up some more city centres in France.
The tick of the clock is on Miss Marine’s side…
@Junius, I agree. LePen only needs to sit still and bide her time. Macron and the next koranimal bombers will do her job for her. In the meantime she can act mainstream and reasonable and model herself as the sensible alternative.
Its hard to say, but every round of bombings and truck attacks will further wake people up and help her cause. Its a shame that that is what it takes.
Thank you for your confirmation.
Though the bourgeois world has not figured it out yet, the nationalist world is going to tether the globalists to a tree and whip the everlovin’ stuffin’ out of ’em.
@JuniusDaniel, that le Front national did not win is an alarming fact, as France is already screwed and there will be many more Muslim voters in 2022.
even if the jews allowed le pen to win she would have done a 180 like trump and increased the muslim invasion and given them more money. trump signed a budget that increased money for the refugee settlement program and money for sanctuary cities. I have seen stats where purple lips deported more by the month then trump