Pat Catney, a recently elected member of the Northern Ireland Assembly from Lisburn, is celebrating his successful push to have a Confederate flag taken down in his city. Earlier today he tweeted that there is “No place in the community of Lisburn for symbols of racism.” Catney has called the flying of the flag of Dixie a “hate crime” and demanded that the police take it down. He also used the opportunity to call for open borders and the flooding of Northern Ireland with Third World immigrants. Belfast Live quotes Catney as virtue-signaling with anti-White, shitlib messages:
“What kind of message does this send to people from around the world who have chosen to make Lisburn their home? This is a direct insult to those who have come here to live and work as part of our local community.
“Are we to say that the politics of racism and slavery are acceptable in Lisburn in 2017? Every right thinking person in our community will reject this. Every political representative should be explicit in their condemnation of this racist act.
“I will be contacting the PSNI to ask them to remove these flags immediately. This is clearly a hate crime and should be treated as such.
“My door will always be open to those of the many diverse backgrounds who make up our local community in Lisburn. They should not be intimidated by the erection of these flags.”
Catney is an official of the Social Democratic and Labour Party, a Left-wing, anti-British party that lost all its three seats in the UK Parliament in the 2017 election.
From under what manhole cover are all these creepy, kiddie-diddling liberal faggots coming from? You just know that old perv is a customer at Comet Ping-Pong.
I think Europe is lost. This whole thing about open borders and diversity defies logic. And anything that defies logic is either magick or lunacy. There is something in the water, folks. And, the food. And, the air. I won’t even mention vaccines. The epitome of a triple threat.
It’s fascinating because I’d say the flag is more directed against whites.
You have to give totalitarianism, intolerance, and scapegracedness credit : they have figured how to market themselves as democracy, libertarianism, & virtue.
But, then, in an era when wrong is right and evil is good, it stands to reason, don’t it?
Peddo grin.
Ireland a vassal state of London. This is why Hitler never alliance with. Her goal was allies occupation.
Too bad, in a way the Confederate flag is a symbol of Ulster Scot identity, which might be why it was flying there. I’ll still wear orange on the 12th (of July, in celebration of King William’s victory at the Battle of the Boyne), as my Ulster Scot grandmother taught me to.
im a proud ulsterscot too!im very proud of ulsters connection with the confederate states of america!no surrender!