I’ve been very critical of President Trump.
In terms of policy, we expected a lot more out of the Trump presidency than a DREAM Act amnesty. He deserves credit though for saving us from the Hillary Clinton presidency.
This video is more cringe than anything Trump has done in office. In spite of everything that has happened, the public still prefers Trump over Hillary Clinton.
Hillary should never post or make videos when she’s drunk.
It was a choice between bad, and really really insane and horrid.
Whenever Hillary attempts to be funny it’s embarrassing to watch.
Whatever it is that occupies the earth suit of the former Hillary Clinton is not from around here. My guess is – some form of Black Goo brought through an interdimensional portal at CERN.
That would mean that CERN is more than just a tax scam though.
Good Lord, Have Mercy! I swear, looking at that picture, I can totally see her head spinning around 360 degrees and her projectile vomiting split pea soup! Possessed, Much?
She will never spend as much as a minute behind bars. She could kill someone on TV, in front of millions of witnesses and get away with it. Deep State takes care of its own.
Hi there More of the Same. I was wondering where Deep State is? Do you mean Arkansas?
I know that Bonnie and Clyde, (Bill and Hillary) practiced chicanery there for many years. I believe that Bill might have been born there, not sure. However, Hillary is a New York Yankee.
True, we are in a sad state of Affairs. The last election was between a real female heathen and a Yankee Carpet Bagger running on the Party of Lincoln. Semper Fi. Good Night Chesty Puller Where Ever You Are.
How does a relative nobody from a small, politically marginable state get to be nominated for President in ’92? How does an unknown junior senator from IL get to be nominated for President in 08? IMO “Deep State” is a networking system amongst globalists, Jews, and other anti-Whites. It’s simply used to keep themselves in power and has $$$billions at its disposal to do so.