GOP Trainwreck Kills Garbageman Near Charlottesville

Congressional Republicans were taking a privately chartered Amtrak train to a retreat at their luxury Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, WV this morning when it crashed into a white garbage truck near Charlottesville and killed a man:

“Just over an hour into the train ride from Washington to West Virginia, Republican lawmakers traveling to their annual retreat were settling in for the long excursion, chatting with colleagues or family or simply stretching their legs.

Without warning, the train slammed into a white garbage truck.

“It was quite a jolt,” said Rep. Tom Cole (Okla.). “It was just ‘bam.’?”

“You could feel we had hit something,” said Sen. Mike Lee (Utah). “It took us maybe a quarter-mile to stop.”

The force from the chartered 10-car Amtrak train sliced into the truck on the tracks Wednesday, killing one person and injuring at least five, a deadly start for a GOP gathering focused on party unity and election-year strategy.

Shortly after impact, the doctors among the Republican rank-and-file ignored security officials’ warning not to leave the train and rushed to help. Sen. Bill Cassidy (La.), a physician, along with Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Rep. Brad Wenstrup (Ohio) helped carry one truck passenger several hundred yards to an ambulance. …”

Is this just an unfortunate accident?

We don’t have the time to wait for an investigation. It is better to jump to conclusions now. Occidental Dissent is officially condemning the domestic terrorists on board this train who killed an innocent garbageman near Charlottesville in their rush to complete a DACA amnesty.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, no.

    There was no train wreck that killed this idiot.

    The train was on a normal path on the tracks.

    The train was a charter service, which means it was not a regular train. The idiot in the garbage truck decided that because he’s crossed the tracks many times without stopping and looking he could safely cross the tracks.

    He was fatally wrong. Stupid can be fatal.

    • You might want to look up “analogy” in the dictionary, and maybe “satirical” while you are at it.

      HW was writing political commentary on the hypocrisy and traitorous behaviour of the UniParty RePubs.

      Quite clever, actually.

      Think C’ville, Hayer, Fields, Dodge, 300 lbs. on a slab, etc.

  2. Or was a garbage truck remote-controlled to hit the tracks in time to derail a train full of ‘evil Republicans’?

    Seriously now, as was said of — for instance — Jörg Haider’s car crash, which otherwise makes little if any sense. We here understand that Repubs are simply the other Dems, but the System regards them as evil fascists even as they’re uniting to destroy Trump.

  3. What did that garbageman know? Was he on his way to meet with a reporter from the Washington Post? Was this a professional hit made to look like an accident?

  4. Definitely a Congressional terrorist attack — I’ll be waiting for their unanimous Resolution condemning themselves !

  5. That would have been a good lick for the Democrats. U know they will have u killed if ur in their way or feel u are a threat to them. They miscalculated this time.;)

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