Matthew Heimbach and Tony Hovater are joined by Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent for the seventh episode of Action!
Many Skype-based audio issues insue.
We discuss:
The need for IRL activism. The only way to break the taboo of nationalism is to do it with demonstrations.
Neo-Boomer comfort blanket nationalism.
The many many ways the Trump admin is not as B A S E D as “””right wing””” twitter/gab personalities would lead you to believe.
We war in Syria now?…again (part 7) redux.
It’s been perverse fun telling lefties that you can either have the wall with Mexico or a war in Syria and Iran.
How do the Lefties respond?
It varies.
Stunned silence, ”but Koch Koch Koch”, “Jeebus”, “Trump is a conman”, “Russia Russia Russia”…” in this political climate a group of women will beat you up if you say that again.” That was rather a funny one.
Familiarize yourself with this list:
Change a few Proper Nouns and shave off one or two rules here n there and see how much a leftie will assent to these proposals. Then close the trap telling them where it originates.
“The many many ways the Trump admin is not as B A S E D as “””right wing””” twitter/gab personalities would lead you to believe.”
Is “””right wing””” here meant to explicitly refer to Jewish “right-wingers” or is this meant as a jab at those in the Alt Right who don’t buy into the narrative that Trump is a malevolent Jew puppet?
Hopefully it’s the former, but if the latter, isn’t that a bit of a stretch?
There’s a good case to be made that you can either build a wall with Mexico or be driven into war with Iran.
Make the left own that dilemma.
1.) Trump is a Jewish puppet. He is the most Zionist president who has ever been in the White House. He sold out to the RJC after the election. He self financed his campaign by loaning himself money and cutting in the donor class after he won the nomination.
2.) The “rightwing” in America is synonymous with conservatism and libertarianism which are throwbacks to classical liberalism.