H/T Tyrone
Mark this down on the list of things that don’t happen in homogeneous nations:
“A woman in Indiana was arrested after leaving a racist note on the door of her new neighbor’s home targeting their black son — with an ominous warning about the “all white neighborhood” they were moving into, police said.
Deborah Cantwell, 63, of Greentown, was arrested Thursday after a man told deputies in Howard County that he found the hateful note filled with racial slurs attached to the door of his new home. The family had not yet moved into the residence — which was also covered in toilet paper — but had been at the home just five hours prior to the incident on Oct. 13, the Kokomo Tribune reports.
“NO N—–S wanted in this neighborhood,” the letter read in part. “THIS IS A WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD – some people find N—–S stressful due to 33 years of NEGATIVE experience [sic] and it causes serious health issues.” …”
The media is snark posting about how this woman is an evil racist monster. Does anyone doubt though that proximity to diversity is causing acute stress among lots of White people? Is Deborah Cantwell just the canary in the coal mine about White people becoming more authoritarian?
Here’s the thing: previously lily White states like Indiana, Iowa, Maine and Minnesota are becoming more diverse. The diversity effect is changing their politics:
White voters in these states are becoming less like Rob “Muh Tacos” Tibbetts and more like Deborah Cantwell. Maybe they are more reserved about their changing views, but it is happening. They had no idea that diversity was this bad because they believed what they saw on television.
In a few decades, the cumulative impact of mass immigration, miscegenation, multiculturalism, crime and corruption is going to turn the US into Brazil, and we know what happens then:
Note: I should add these things can ALSO happen in homogeneous nations like Poland and Hungary. Eastern Europeans have been radicalized by seeing what “diversity” has done to Western Europe.
“They had no idea that diversity was this bad because they believed what they saw on television.”
Northerners are starting to get a taste of what their ostensible political leaders have been shoving down our throats since 1865. Those “leaders” are now doing to the North what used to just happen to Whites in far away Mexifornia, Texas or Alabama.
Wisconsin, Ohio and Maine aren’t far enough away from Dixie and Mexico, anymore. They’re starting to learn bitter lessons that we were taught from childhood by our parents and experience.
They’re gonna start voting like Dixie and the interior West, at least outside of the BosWash Megalopolis and Chicago.
“I will forgive you one day, but for now you have instilled in all my heart, a fear I have never had before,” the boy’s mother wrote. “You have instilled fear in my family, you have instilled fear [in] my children. This fear I have is crippling.”
Now they know what a great many Whites have been feeling for a real long time.
They should be so afraid that they pack overnight bags and fly to Kenya. Really, it’s just nigger-tattling. She is only afraid she won’t get the free money for calling White people racist.
“I will forgive you one day, but for now you have instilled in all my heart, a fear I have never had before,” the boy’s mother wrote. “You have instilled fear in my family, you have instilled fear [in] my children. This fear I have is crippling.”
As if whites don’t have emotions.We’re supposed to welcome regardless if the neighborhood goes to crap.Few blacks moved in near me,mostly are government employees.Even they escaped from their own savagery.
The very goal of the left is to change human nature, which shows that the left is anti-human.
Leftism is still based on the early 20th century view that animals have no class system, no wars and no territory. That nonsense is SHOT. In nature, groups of social animals hold territory against other groups of their own kind. Nothing is more unnatural than the Family of Man.
Wordists are enormously powerful, but their assumptions about social animals having no territory or wars or class systems are dead. In THIS century, the idea that one can manipulate the SOCIAL system to remake man into a peaceful, sharing Part of Nature is ludicrous. 30 years ago, when that crap was doctrine, we hadn’t seen pictures of chimpanzees tearing a violator of their borders, LITERALLY, limb from limb
Deborah’s an awesome woman.
No more shaming or anything – it’s straight to prison now.
If I were the pessimistic type, I’d say there is nothing more to lose.
Careful…that’s the sort of talk that gets the adl after you.
Fuck the ADL
I hope they don’t ban me on twatter.
The next phase will be them going after us for lack of emphatic endorsement of muh diversitay.
Arrested? ARRESTED? I will not…..write….comments…right now.
It’s only a matter of time before the county jail will have to bring in the Indiana National Guard to stop the white mob from springing her free themselves.
Her failed attempt at saving the neighborhood will make her a pariah among the other white neighbors.
White Americans – screwing their country, their race, and their bloodlines since 1965.
bye bye birdy.
This brave White lady probably knew that her life was going to be ruined one way or the other once the niggers showed up in her neighborhood. But instead of quietly submitting or running away she decided to make a statement. The fact that she’s been condemned and abandoned by other Whites shows how cowardly and wretched many of our kind really are. They deserve the machete-wielding rape gangs that will soon be coming for them in the dead of night.
@spahnranch1969– Comment of the YEAR.
Lets take a look at what the word NEIGHBOR means:
The word neighbor even in mainstream dictionary’s like Merriam Webster has listed in definition #2 biblical context Matthew 19:19 (Fellow Man)”thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” Click on Fellow Man and it says “a kindred human being” Now lookup kindred and it says in definition #2 “of the same ancestry” (kindred tribes)
My, how are NEIGHBORHOODS are becoming Tower of Babels and the Judeo-Christian establishment ignores the two greatest commandments to LOVE YOUR GOD and LOVE YOUR RACE.