In The New York Times, a cultural Marxist is complaining about being labeled a cultural Marxist by people who oppose the poison they keep injecting into our culture:
In Opinion
Samuel Moyn writes, "The legend of cultural Marxism recycles old anti-Semitic tropes to give those who feel threatened a scapegoat" https://t.co/yKA8t8SK6K
— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 13, 2018
Yeah, we’re just imagining these cultural termites:
Since its first show in 1995, no plus-size, out transgender or gender nonconforming people have walked the @VictoriasSecret runway — ever. https://t.co/ekQjGUkg5g
— Mic (@mic) November 12, 2018
"Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should," @VictoriasSecret's Edward Razek said in an interview Thursday. "We attempted to do a television special for plus-sizes [in 2000]. No one had any interest in it, still don’t." https://t.co/t4twndygIe pic.twitter.com/YVBsDxAEds
— Mic (@mic) November 12, 2018
Mic's @evanrosskatz spoke to dozens of plus-size, transgender and gender nonconforming models and non-models about their reaction to Razek’s statement — and the message they hope people take away from this. https://t.co/t4twndygIe
— Mic (@mic) November 12, 2018
Check out what @Peppermint247, @GiaGunn, @ItsMeBillieLee, @FelicityHayward and more plus-size, transgender and gender nonconforming models and non-models have to say about @VictoriasSecret CMO Edward Razek's recent comments: https://t.co/t4twndPRzM pic.twitter.com/TD4qTYYll3
— Mic (@mic) November 12, 2018
Google “Evan Ross Katz.” You won’t be surprised.
>been doing it since two
with no external influence whatsoever pic.twitter.com/izju0ZHzBJ
— Orwell & Goode ???? (@OrwellNGoode) November 13, 2018
Wat pic.twitter.com/69Gu8fRDrS
— Orwell & Goode ???? (@OrwellNGoode) November 13, 2018
Unacceptable. https://t.co/CC3NS1n62E pic.twitter.com/bfh92pKqHb
— Southern Poverty Law Center (@splcenter) November 13, 2018
Comes at a time when:
-Macron’s ratings are through the floor
-Marine Le Pen was referred to a shrink for posting ISIS barbarities
-Anti-EU sentiment is on the riseYeah, this totally has nothing to do with politics pic.twitter.com/XtAafCioI5
— Orwell & Goode ???? (@OrwellNGoode) November 13, 2018
To hell with it, just call them communists.
Didn’t Jew know once you saw the name (((Katz)))
The Marxist revolution is antichrist elevated to a global principle.
David Horowitz, Human Events.
…. and they demand jewstice
“The legend of Cultural Marxism”… as if it’s a damned fairy-tale. Then, “antisemitic tropes“…
Definition of trope
1 a : a word or expression used in a figurative sense : FIGURE OF SPEECH
b : a common or overused theme or device : CLICHÉ
No, Yids, noticing your destructive and parasitical behaviors is not simply a case of “cliches” or “figures of speech”, assholes. They’re REACTIONS to your destructive behaviors and parasitism! How in the hell can you walking cancers believe your little games will last forever??? THEY WON’T. And when the day of international wrath comes down upon your collective heads in earnest, your own people will despise those of you who pushed the world into the proverbial corner, I assure you of that!
I dont even know how these crazy Jew elites manage to twist everything into an attack on them specifically. Fuckin marxists are mostly white people (brainwashed by ZOG) it seems these days. But Jews are so scared of the.madness being unveiled they just insinuate EVERHTHING that is anti liberal is inherently ANTI SEMITIC. Fuckin Jews