Here’s an article that ought to focus the minds of conservatives:
“WASHINGTON — The graphic was splashy by the Census Bureau’s standards and it showed an unmistakable moment in America’s future: the year 2044, when white Americans were projected to fall below half the population and lose their majority status.
The presentation of the data disturbed Kenneth Prewitt, a former Census Bureau director, who saw it while looking through a government report. The graphic made demographic change look like a zero-sum game that white Americans were losing, he thought, and could provoke a political backlash. …
It was not just white nationalists worried about losing racial dominance. Dr. Myers watched as progressives, envisioning political power, became enamored with the idea of a coming white minority. He said it was hard to interest them in his work on ways to make the change seem less threatening to fearful white Americans — for instance by emphasizing the good that could come from immigration.
“It was conquest, our day has come,” he said of their reaction. “They wanted to overpower them with numbers. It was demographic destiny.” …”
Just as inflation destroys the value of your savings, record immigration and changing racial and cultural demographics are destroying your political power. The day is coming when electoral politics will be futile because the United States will be overrun by too many immigrants.
We all know what happens then. Even today, only half of Americans have faith in liberal democracy. Far from bringing about an imagined progressive utopia, liberal democracy will simply lose its legitimacy in the United States in the eyes of the White majority, and the country will descend into the sort of chaos and corruption that we haven’t seen since the Reconstruction South.
The founding fathers views on what America’s immigration policy will be is rock solid:
Here is just one example of many.
Europe, and not England, is the parent country of America. This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty from every part of Europe. We claim brotherhood with every European Christian, and triumph in the
generosity of the sentiment.
Thomas Paine, Common Sense
“religious freedom”
Their first mistake.
‘…liberal democracy will simply lose its legitimacy in the United States, in the eyes of the White majority, and the country will descend into the sort of chaos and corruption that we haven’t seen since the Reconstruction South.’
How right you are, Sir, and how determined are The Power Elite to make sure that this is exactly what happens, as quickly as possible.
Credit to the Enemy, at least they understand that this is a war.
The same cannot be said of Trump, who desperately wants this to be politics-as-usual.
My only quibble with the write up is that the day of electoral politics is already over.
Why? Could not Trump win in 2020 and retake the House while he is at it? It is over because the Enemy knows they just have to do what they did the last two years, which is run out the clock until they win. We can never win enough seats to change that. They simply use “checks and balances” and it’s over in a decade. So unless they are going to make a series of catastrophic mistakes, the voting path is closed already.
We are the ones who have to take risks and be creative, not them. We are the ones who have to forge new paradigms, not them. The Ethnarchs of the world would have us believe in a painless “slow cleanse”. That isn’t going to happen, and frankly, it never was. At best it was a noble hope; now, waiting for the “slow cleanse” is suicide.
Time to break free.
It is the mark of all that is unholy, to desire White Christendom’s demise. Those who long for this, are no longer our friends, but God’s enemies.
Here’s an article to read, as needed corrective: http://faithful-nation.com/2018/08/27/bondage-will-triumph-will/
“He said it was hard to interest them in his work on ways to make the change seem less threatening to fearful white Americans — for instance by emphasizing the good that could come from immigration.”
He’s telling them that Diversity is a Strength, but they know it’s all BS. Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
The brown turd worlders from south of the border have long planned the “Reconquisto” on the southwestern jewnited states.
The suicidal white kumbaya progressives welcome the invaders.
As it has been written here numerous times, our fellow Whites are our worst enemy. The juden are the devi on their shoulder whispering in their ears.
You are so right Hunter.
I am a New Englander, but “…the country will descend into the sort of chaos and corruption we haven’t seen since the Reconstruction South.”
I’m looking at Inland, and Down East Maine.
The further north, and “the further away” the better.
The Fugitive/Agrarian poet, and Tennessean Donald Davidson said it best in his poem, ‘SANCTUARY’
In the end it’s all going to come down to armed resistance.
It’s inevitable.
Elections are meaningless.
In 2044, you’re going to become white South Africans! Please enjoy the enrichment.
Look on the bright side though-you will fall minority to Christian Mexicans, many of whome look European. In 2066, Great Britain will become minority white due to Paki Muslim child groomers. Australia will become minority white due to Chinese and Indian immigration-many of whome will breed with whites.
One thought comes to mind-we never asked for it.
The truly shocking thing is that government and demographers know about it, yet do nothing to stop or reverse it. Could you imagine if some useless rare African tribe who’ve contributed nothing to the world faced the same predicament??!
The only real way around it is to just start breeding-the only measure they can’t jump on.
I do demographics work at my blog at Lexic.co. Happy to take requests on any area or issue, for white-only info. The newest hell for whites, is the SJW crusade to stamp out teen pregnancy. Granted, it might not be great for a 16 year old to have kids, BUT the real goal is that by reducing teen pregnancy by mandatory sex ed, it ALSO reduces 20-24 year old pregnancy.
From the data I’ve seen, white women actually have really high fertility from age 25-34 – Sex Ed in schools is white genocide.
Essentially true. Low impulse control brown people are much less likely to heed such education.
The jews are watching that countdown clock to White demographic displacement the way a cat watches a bird in a cage or a fish in a bowl. But such an unhappy event may be the catalyst that finally forces Whitey to either fight back or secede by establishing a separate Boer Republic. Because if we/when we do become a persecuted minority there will be no god damn reason whatsoever for us to obey any more ZOG laws, pay any more ZOG taxes or fight any more ZOG wars.
I don’t think their will be anything to secede from. That is probably tne good news.
so hope it won’t come to the HAC scenario
The leftards and globalists tell us to have fewer kids as it helps the planet……then aid and abet mass immigration because we have an aging population and need third world darkies to fund our pensions!
The same do gooders who tell us to have less children on environmental grounds……want us to feed, babysit and nurture useless Africans so their ten kids don’t starve….and then go on to pollute the planet.
So does the world need high birthrates or not? Make your fucking minds up! Oh thats it-they only want high NON-WHITE birthrates.
Their BS needs to be exposed.