Tucker Carlson: Trump Has Failed

Apparently, Tucker Carlson is a blackpiller now:

“Q: Do you think he has kept his promises? Has he achieved his goals?

A: No.

Q: He hasn’t?

A: No. His chief promises were that he would build the wall, de-fund planned parenthood, and repeal Obamacare, and he hasn’t done any of those things. There are a lot of reasons for that, but since I finished writing the book, I’ve come to believe that Trump’s role is not as a conventional president who promises to get certain things achieved to the Congress and then does. I don’t think he’s capable. I don’t think he’s capable of sustained focus. I don’t think he understands the system. I don’t think the Congress is on his side. I don’t think his own agencies support him. He’s not going to do that.

I think Trump’s role is to begin the conversation about what actually matters. We were not having any conversation about immigration before Trump arrived in Washington. People were bothered about it in different places in the country. It’s a huge country, but that was not a staple of political debate at all. Trump asked basic questions like’ “Why don’t our borders work?” “Why should we sign a trade agreement and let the other side cheat?” Or my favorite of all, “What’s the point of NATO?” The point of NATO was to keep the Soviets from invading western Europe but they haven’t existed in 27 years, so what is the point? These are obvious questions that no one could answer.

Q: Apart from asking these very important questions has he really achieved nothing?

A: Not much. Not much. Much less than he should have. I’ve come to believe he’s not capable of it.

Q: Why should he be not capable?

A: Because the legislative process in this country by design is highly complex, and it’s designed to be complex as a way of diffusing power, of course, because the people who framed our Constitution, founded our country, were worried about concentrations of power. They balanced it among the three branches as you know and they made it very hard to make legislation. In order to do it you really have to understand how it works and you have to be very focused on getting it done, and he knows very little about the legislative process, hasn’t learned anything, hasn’t and surrounded himself with people that can get it done, hasn’t done all the things you need to do so. It’s mostly his fault that he hasn’t achieved those things. I’m not in charge of Trump. …”


Like Cernovich, Tucker sees which way the wind is blowing and it is against the Trump cheerleading squad with their retarded 4D Chess arguments. The realization that Trump has failed undoubtedly dawned many months ago, but it is only now on the verge of two years of gridlock that the disappointment is surfacing.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, Scump probably succeeded in whatever HE, personally, was trying to achieve. Lowering taxes, making Israel a safe refuge for his family when this place goes south, whatever.

    It’s just that all the things he said were his goals were lies, intended to win votes. Which they most certainly did.

  2. I’m pretty much over this whole jewish construct called Modern Democracy where the vote of a 70 IQ landscaper is just as valuable as that of a mechanical engineer or jet pilot. The Republic was originally based on the concept of White landowners making educated choices for the good of nation and family but we are 180° from that now.

    • The jewnited states has been in a death spiral even since 1861.

      For all means add purposes, the Republic our Founding Fathers established is deceased, and is only an abomination kept alive by Dr. Zogengstein.

    • If you think the IQ of a voter matters or owning a farm ever mattered, you still don’t understand democracy.

      Democacy means the politicians listen to the people before a vote. After that the will of the voters are IGNORED, and the olygarchy gets whatever it wants. Only when the voters and the olygarchy agree, do voters get what they want.

      If you aren’t a billionaire, you don’t get squat.


  3. I know! Let’s waste the next two years too!

    (actually, we can start “the conversation” about breaking up the United States; the TRS network has failed – they took the leadership of the movement supercharged by Bob Whitaker’s Mantra, and drove it in the ditch – it’s time for the Partitionists to be heard!)

  4. Trump is out there now claiming that it is up to Pelosi and Schumer to fix our borders and build the wall.

    That means it is over.

    He will now go into 2020 with no wall, an invasion that has gotten worse, a new cold war/arms race with Russia, horrible trade deals that do not benefit the White working class in the slightest and only benefit Big AG GOP lobbyists who want unlimited markets for their products at the expense of a high wage high tech economy and censorship off the charts everywhere.

    Unless Trump runs a traditional GOP campaign (which means guaranteed loss) I have no clue what he can run on in 2020 and be credible.

  5. To believe that Trump failed, one has to believe that he is actually NOT doing the jew’s bidding. That he is/was real and not just the obvious conman he is. OBVIOUS!

    You Hopesters just won’t give it up, will you?

    When I write “Hopesters” what I really mean is “Drumpfters”.

    • They will be telling us next election to vote Republican yet again because:

      1) The Repubs are EVIL, but they are better than Hillary
      2) It will be the ENDOFTHEWORLD! if we don’t.
      3) We need more time to “prepare”.
      4) Repubs have a chance, while our guy does not.

      They need to find better talking points to repeat on behalf of the Republican Party, because the four they have aren’t convincing.

    • I agree, Colonel. Drimp represents ZOG’s last gasp of “liberal democracy” as well as the beginning of a new post-globalist order, where the USSA is broken up into smaller republics.

      • “Drimp.” Got to admit, that’s got a pretty funny ring to it. I might prefer it even to my own “Scump.”

      • Oh, yes, and additionally, the USA has proven that it was a mistake from the start. It was too large, too powerful, too unassailable by normal means thanks to the surrounding oceans. Combine that with a money-based culture, and you practically had an ideal recipe for a (((tribal))) tyranny that could afflict the rest of the world with relative impunity. All it took was the jews, and the cycle was complete.

        It should have been multiple countries from the start. At least 4-5, by my reckoning.

  6. Are we finally ready to admit that we aren’t going to be able to vote our way out of this mess, or are we just going to keep on talking about how important the next election will be?

    • Everybody here has admitted this, Dear Spahn.

      The problem is that 95%+ of The American Populace have not, and when you mention such a thing their eyes roll over or they show signs of panick!

      Of course, you knew that, didn’t you?:)

  7. Intentionally or unintentionally Trump has failed us. He hasn’t failed his globalist, anti-White puppet masters.

  8. Hopefully Trump will retire. There will be no more elections to look toward, as the experiment has failed.
    I will plan for dissolution. I look forward to the end of Empire.

  9. I think it strange that no one mentioned the fraud in the voting system. Many states allow illegals to vote, and even worse, some cast votes for deceased people. Until these things are elimated, Trump nor anyone else can fix the problem and have support for Trumps agenda. He was elected to fix these problems but not given the ability to accomplish it.

  10. Trump is/was a ‘snake oil salesman ‘ from the beginning. His narcissism is relentless, and his neediness to be adored is sickening. He is incompetent, and the fact that he allowed himself to be surrounded with people who are working against him shows a lack of intelligence. Trump compounded all his errors in judgment by using Ivanka a d (((jared))) as de facto Secretaries of State. How’s that foreign policy working out?

    Trump is in way over his head. His campaign promises were on target, but he wasn’t the instrument to get the job done.

    The only winners with Trump’s election are the (((usual suspects))). In other words, business as usual.

  11. The Vietnam war was designed to take the wind out of the American people’s sails, to divide this country between the patriots and the hippies, and to prove to the American people that America can’t win a war against communism. The American people lost a lot of heart when they began continuously seeing thousands of their sons coming home in body-bags.

    Likewise, I believe the “Trump Train” was also designed to take the wind out of our sails, to divide and subdivide this country even more, and to prove to the right-leaning, traditional WHITES that they no longer have any say whatsoever. Watching Trump “TRY” to get things done and failing miserably, watching the Antifa scum-bags assault and destroy with impunity, hearing “people of color” and Jews mock and scorn us, suffering mass censorship of our opinions, even going to PRISON for made-up “crimes” (James Fields, etc.) is most definitely taking upon us the toll that the Trump Train was designed to take upon us.

    Now what? Here we are, frustrated and burning with a dull, white-hot anger. We need to get out there on those streets just like the folks in France are doing… and SHOW that we mean fucking business.

  12. I saw this on posted on Free Republic. The Freepers are hysterically attacking Tucker and defending Trump. It shows those boomers have learned nothing.

    “Trump is/was a ‘snake oil salesman ‘ from the beginning. His narcissism is relentless, and his neediness to be adored is sickening. He is incompetent, and the fact that he allowed himself to be surrounded with people who are working against him shows a lack of intelligence. Trump compounded all his errors in judgment by using Ivanka a d (((jared))) as de facto Secretaries of State. How’s that foreign policy working out?

    Trump is in way over his head. His campaign promises were on target, but he wasn’t the instrument to get the job done.

    The only winners with Trump’s election are the (((usual suspects))). In other words, business as usual.”


    In the future, we should only support leaders and candidates who come out of the nationalist movement. We should never give our support to opportunist mainstream figures no matter how good what they say sounds. Only people who are part of our movement will ever act.

    We all know that after Trump is gone, some other GOP Israel First clown will try to pull the same phony act. I can only hope that this time, nationalists in America choose to give our time, money, votes and attention only to our own.

    I think the nationalist movement in America needs to break up into several parts that don’t work together. The most important thing is to build our own party and organizations. The people who want to play footsie with the GOP should have a separate movement. They can call themselves something other than “nationalists.” Ultra-cons or something.

    I’d rather see a real nationalist party get 1% of the vote or even 0.1% in 2020 than see Trump get reelected. Time to build our own party from scratch like nationalists in every single European country did. Entryism into the GOP will never work.

  13. The president is being opposed on all sides. Asking one man to fix the ills of America for the last 50-60 years is not right.

    Without our support no one will fix this mess alone.

    • It has been pointed out on a more normie blog I read that congress hasn’t been helping Trump. That’s an excuse I don’t find valid. Trump has been taking after Obama, in that he has a phone and a pen, and he’ll use them to conjure up executive orders he needs to accomplish his goals. So I think Tucker is wrong. Trump gets the process, he just isn’t doing what he has the power to do. Which tells me he doesn’t want to do what he told us he would. That makes him just another member of the “controlled opposition;” just another globalist flunky in nationalist garb.

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