The 2019 Illegal Immigration Crisis, Continued

Illegal immigration is now expected to triple this year over 2017:

I voted for a border wall and all I got was Jeb!’s tax cuts and foreign policy:

And yet, Kirstjen Nielsen still has this job:

Maybe a MILLION illegal aliens are coming this year:

There has been a 97% increase over last year:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Is the military at the border to do some sightseeing? “Death Throes of a Multicultural Empire” must be the theme of the tour. Barbarians are not only at the gates, they’re coming through, and…nothing happens to any of them.

    • You see that bridge crossing from Guatemala to Mexico with thousands lined up? Cuidad Hidalgo? I been there many times, a favorite crossing to renew ones passport. Pan to the left of the bridge and you’ll find thousands crossing in rubber rafts in clear view of the guards.

      MS-13 controls the people and goods smuggling there. Guatemalans import TP, trinkets, and tons of other crap all day long from there. Nobody wants to pay the 30%+ import duties bringing stuff into Guatemala. Thousands of people float across from Guatemala to Mexico…. every day. You sissy faggots don’t have a chance!

  2. Look if you faggots are not going to defend your nation from these low IQ peasant hordes than you get what you deserve. Me? I left your cesspool country last year.

    Why stay, and defend what, and for who? A land of pussies and soy boy faggots. I hope you all eat each other.

    America is a White Country. Founded by White Men for White People. Guess you soy boys forgot about that. Stop with the whining and poll taking. You want your nation back you’re going to have to TAKE IT. No vote required.

    Or, you could just write another article or create another podcast, I’m sure that will fix things. NOT!

    • You left, so you already decided to not fight and not defend the nation. You’re a pussy and soy boy faggot, by your own definition. Talk about projection!

      • A tough guy, behind the safety of the keyboard and a different country. If writing does so little, why are you bothering to write a response here? Why whine at us about your angry disappointment? Your hypocrisy and cog dis is showing.

        • LOL

          Your whole country is an embarrassment. You stand by while your children are are molested, faggotry is normalized and glorified, You elect a gay nigger monkey who is not even a citizen be your President, married to a ex-football player transsexual and all you do is whine and moan.

          You got a Congress overflowing with Communists, faggots,and Niiggers that think islands float and the glories of sodomy be taught to 5 year olds! A Puerto Rican prostitute with a 65 IQ in charge of your House of Representative, and a basement full of JEWS laughing and pulling all the levers. And you stand by and do nothing. It’s pathetic.

          There is nothing to save, and for what? To preserve infanticide and pedophilia for the next generation? America is a cesspool and the sooner it fails and is consumed in it’s own filth the sooner the survivors can begin again.

          You’ll probably get eaten by your neighbors. I’m going to enjoying watching it happen. All of you deserve what you get, and may God have mercy on your soul!

          • You came out of this society and culture. You care enough to rant and sneer about the descent of the US, and obviously hold a tremendous amount of anger over it. Removing yourself from the situation doesn’t make you morally superior or absolve you. All that means is, you have washed your hands of the terrible situation. Which is understandable, but let’s be honest.

            I understand that anger, disappointment and despair over our fallen society and world. I’m strongly considering leaving the US myself. Not just for cultural reasons, though. Fiat currency is just paper with value given to it by (((central bankers))), like the rectangles are now imbued with magic power. Once belief in that magic power goes away, the paper can be given lower and lower values. It’s not based on anything in reality, after all. For self-preservation, I might have to go to where the magic behind another currency is even weaker. But leaving here wouldn’t make me braver or a moral paragon. I’m just noticing trends and rationally contemplating my reactions.

            Perhaps you can relate to the following, Stephen. As my country long ago abandoned any pretense of preservation of the civilization that made it once great, I can say that I won’t feel like a traitor if I leave. The only sadness will be for the few friends left behind. My choice now is whether I will stay on here as part of a small remnant of what should be, or if I will go on to what could be. How is your life where you currently are better than the one you had here?

  3. Shillary Would’ve Been Better; Are You Tired of Winning Yet? BWAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA

    Drumpf is letting in more shitskins that Nigger Jew Obongo. So, how is Drumpf better than Shillary or a nigger? What benefit are we getting from this ZIO-clown Drumpf?

    Worse is better. No more fucking “whigger males.” The ones ZOG gives us are nothing but mamzer garbage. From now on, I shit on whigger males. Fuck them. You should probably try to fuck over whigger males every chance you get, especially old whiggers. I’m only voting for womyn, fags and shitskins, if I vote. FUCK WHITEY. The fucking kikes are giving us crypto-jew prez-o-dintial assholes, who are perceived to be whigger males, who let in more shitskin trash than Demonrats could ever dream of.

    I’m starting to believe this is Yahweh’s punishment of whiggers for not having faith in His Son Jesus Christ, and turning their backs on Yahweh. You have pieces of lowlife shit like GRIDS Grindr Greggy, Dickie Spenther and Fatass Obese Dead Mamzer Harold Coonvington extolling the virtues of SATANIST Aleister Crowley. BTW, all three are faggots. That’s pretty much where we’re at. Whiggers are hopeless and allowing Satanic homos to spread their shit.

    Jewmurican whiggers gave up on Yahweh a long time ago, and now we have to live through this. Yahweh abandoned ancient Israel for sinning by worshiping other gods, not following the rules, and mixing with the Canaanites. So then He gave the promised land to critters. As King Solomon said, there’s nothing new under the sun.

    Jewmurica is the new Israel, and the same thing is happening here. Whiggers are like Israelites, they are stiff-necked losers who think they are little gods and don’t need to listen to Yahweh, be thankful or even think of Him. Their feet rush into sin. They are greedy materialists. They lie, lie, lie. They follow the gods of the Canaanite kikes. They do the same shit as Canaanite kikes like kill children, eat them, drink blood and have perverted fag and chomo sex.

    It’s deja vu all over again. Jewmurica has a horrible history ahead of it. Just read the Bible. Whiggers NEVER improve.

    • I could almost feel the angry spittle fly off the rant as I read it. But your last three paragraphs are essentially right. America was often talked about (by Americans) as being the New Zion, and not just by Mormons. That’s plain blasphemy. Another blasphemous truth is that the American god was Mammon almost from the start. Economics replaced freedom as the main reason for people to come here early on.

      The elites DO engage in child sex and sacrifice, and many of the richest believe that young people’s blood keeps them younger. (Look into adrenochrome.) There are businesses charging high prices for young blood, and not just the one recently in the news. The elites are using turd worlders to replace us, to impoverish us, to wipe the memory of European, Christian civilization. Why is that? Even if you’re not Christian or of European descent, you would benefit by asking why so much effort has been put to perverting every aspect of morality, and into the denigration of White men. In film, music, news, education, and so on, the onslaught on the family unit and traditional beliefs is nonstop. The murder of children after birth now gets standing ovations and a special lighting of the Empire State Building. (Paging Moloch! Please answer the black courtesy phone, Moloch!) Luciferianism is the religion of the elites, whether they acknowledge it or not, whether they understand it or not.

      • Mr. Lamoureux, The thing I despise the most about the U.S. are the people. The sheer cowardice, apathy, and narcissism of the population brings me to revulsion just thinking about having to live among them. Anyone who believes that a bunch of barefoot sand niggers with the IQ of Camels flew 747’s into the twin towers and brought down THREE buildings is either too stupid to live or is in self-denial so that they don’t have to admit the truth. The truth that 50,000 or so multi-generational governmental SES (Senior Executive Service) employees in partnership with MI6 and the Mossad, directed by The Trilateral Commission, representing the two dozen TRILLIONAIRES that own this planet, engineered the whole event for profit and the sheer satanic pleasure of worldwide slaughter.

        I’m not angry with the deceivers; they are just doing what global Satanists do when unrestrained by the apathetic masses. Hell, Dick Chaney had advance bids from oil companies on different petroleum tracts even before the IRAQ invasion even started. And who is this faggot Navy Seal that keeps blabbering on TV about how he killed OSAMA, and why haven’t his fellow SEALS hung him from the lampposts in front of his house for his quisling lies? Another narcissist that only cares about himself and his. These are not the kind of people I want to live among or fight to save. The America I would fight to save died a long time ago.

        Let’s remember, ALL of the Democratic Party are communists/satanic pedophiles, some knowingly, some unwittingly, and 70-80% of the Republican Party is the same same. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell should be hanged on the White House lawn for treason and sedition. And yet my anger is not with them, they are just doing what comes natural to the fallen.

        My anger is with those that stand by and do nothing, that wake up each morning knowing what is, yet dress and go to work like nothing is going on. These satanic communists, newscasters from the Mossad and the CIA, corporate executives collaborating by selling your information, promoting the destruction of family cohesion, all the while glorifying homosexuality and normalizing pedophilia. The few voices of opposition silenced by degenerate social media moguls while the populace just moans and whines.

        Tens of thousands of these people need to be put to the sword, with extreme prejudice. I can’t live in a society that is vacant of such men of selfless virtue, willing to do what must be done, sin the personal consequences. America is a hollow shell of what once was, left with a population of narcissistic cowards and stupidity. It’s pathetic.

        Right, if the power went out or the banks closed tomorrow, 90% of you would be dead within 6 months. Here in the highlands of southern Mexico and Central America no one has air conditioning or heating. We are at 5000-7000 ft. It gets into the high 40’s at night and 72-75 during the day. Most average less than 5kw of electric usage a day. If the power went out tomorrow the food that travels 5 miles to market would still arrive by handcart or horse. If not, the growing season here is 365 and you can live on the fruits and vegetables laying on the side of the road. We might run out of TP and Razor Blades, but other than that life would go on. No need for a bunker or a cellar full of food. Everyday is Spring here and the people that are invading your country demanding free stuff are the same ones here that are subdued and cordial, knowing demanding anything will just get you a swift kick in the arse.

        The best part is there are NO (or very few) AMERICANS in the regions I travel and live. This is not Costa Rica or Panama, flooded by expats and do-gooder virtue signalers. I’m in the highlands; I travel between 3-4 countries and live in small to medium towns for a few months here and a few months there. Maybe after another year or so I’ll pick a favorite spot, but for now I like to keep moving, kind of like a 9/11 whistle blower I met in Chiapas. You’ve heard of him, he knows the truth, and yea I’m sure the JEWS will find him soon enough, but for now he just keeps moving.

        Money? I have a small pension that comes in every month, enough to keep me in gas and comfortable surroundings. If your country collapses and the checks stop coming, I brought some silver 1 oz rounds for backup. I hear in Venezuela a 1 oz silver round can feed a family for a month. That’s REAL money, accepted anywhere, anytime, and if things collapse and the JEWS on the London Exchange lose control of their price fixing and Silver floats on the free market, it’s likely to increase 100 fold in value.

        America no longer exists. If you’re not going to hang the traitors that have corrupted your children and debased what once was a great nation, then you might as well leave. America is a corpse; let it rest in peace while the maggots crawl thru its bones. Elvis has left the building!

        • I’ll wrap up my comments by saying that I’ve thought about CA/Mex highlands for milder weather and food access myself. (I’ve just bought a Spanish language instruction course.) Your mentioning silver (libertads?) coins as a hedge against problems with pensions is a good idea. I hadn’t thought about moving around, but as the area isn’t the most stable that might be wise. Until you find a place where you feel secure and have good relationships with the locals, of course. You’ve given me some food for thought, Stephen, and I appreciate it.

          • Right, no GMO’s down here. I’ve lost 30 lbs in the last year and haven’t changed anything about eating habits. Your own country is poisoning you, ON PURPOSE, NO 5G scrambling your DNA. They want you fat and stupid, easy to manipulate.

            Most of my Silver came from Secure and easy. Some I bought from my local Gold and Silver shop, usually 4.5% over spot is considered a fair price.

            I bought the 1 oz Sunshine Mint Silver Rounds. Rounds are Bullion, not currency like Silver Eagles are. I also have a few Canadian Gold Maple Leafs, again Bullion, not currency like Gold American Eagles.

            TIP, if you travel by car don’t tell anyone you plan to visit CA. Just get a 180 day Mexican Vehicle & Tourist permit. Tex/Mex to Tampico Holiday Inn. Tampico to Veracruz Holiday Inn. Veracruz to wherever… When you get to the Belize or Guatemalan border you turn in your veh permit, get your deposit back and do the same same in the next country.

            Keeping your status as “Tourist” keeps your vehicle and personal authority simple, as long as you transit in and out of another country every 90 days.

            Get a Charles Schwab combination Brokerage and Checking account. It’s free, has no balance requirements, and the debit card can be used at any local ATM’s free of international credit card fee’s. They give you an exchange rate close to the daily market rate and any fee’s charged by the ATM provider are rebated in bulk to your account once per month.

            SELL EVERYTHING. You can buy anything you need down here. And watch your ass. This is not for scardy cats or temblors.

  4. If hordes of NON jews were pouring into Jew Israel and Trump announced a National Emergency over it and Trump said us Americans must do everything we can to stop NON jews from pouring into Jew Israel, NO ONE in Congress would say it’s UnConstitutional for a president to announce a National Emergency and everyone in Washington would agree that Yes, we must stop NON jews from entering into Jew Israel. But somehow that’s not religious discrimination, to stop NON jews from entering Jew Israel.

  5. and bear in mind that the 66,000 illegal shitskins for last month

    is only the caught-and-released #.

    what about the thousands who simply walked in undetected?

    true # is c. 100,000-150,000.

    TY, Trump.


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